(Btdwna me m VOL. J" ONTARIO. IIAMIM'lt OOUNTY, oHiiuoN, I III lt.s.v. NOV u:, 1UIM si miii i: 111 SEES GREAT FUTURE FOR FEEDING MARKET ICOUNCIL STUDYING STRAHORN HAS Rival BUSINESS MEN TAUT FRANCISCO VILLA lAi IIIL 6ENERAL PERSHING LIGHTING PROGRAM IN BURNS TOR ROAD ACTION GN ROAD dLW ' TKKRITOHi si ICIlol SHINH ON T.llllo MAI lll l NOItill . .. ; . ;.:;.::;:." r.OOX HAY CROP ASSURED MARKET .nit- lor liniiiif llnlc Incifusf In Ntnii bar of hi in- miii sin'. in i Hulsc.l lii Intel ioc Must Ik' liil I "fir Market. I lull llif lower Mallu ttr valley In i' 1 1 ii ii i 1 1 .1 1 vicinity of Ontario will I tin- near future rival die North Pintle region of Nebraska Hi. a feed Iiik m.irki'l fur cut! It- ami nheep Is the belief of W. I'. Iiavldaoli, preal ili'iii of ilo Otiron Wc.tern t'olonlza Hon . mnpany, who tM In Hi" city thla week nn bulnenn The attainnienl of Hits possibility dependa nnllrely upon the ability of Hie people to gel water on the land, and Ihla directly mean the early con-' atrurtlon of the Warmaprlnga Irrlgn nun dlalrlcl That la the only "In men! lacking to Inaure permanent proaperlty for thla region "Thla la the logleal place lo pre pare Hie Immenae niiniher of eatlle and aheep that will be rained In the Interior." ald Mr. Havldaon "Klght here la where they aluiuld b I finlahed off for the market The lark of feed or rather the high price thla year haa reunited In a loaa lo the cattle men fur many ban- heen compelled to ael' early In Hie NMN "There Is going to be 11 large In crease In Hie nninher of i.itil" mid si""i nilai'il in 1 intrnl Oi-iun I'hle in maalfaatad ) lha laaraaalag de iiimnl for riiuge land litis In my I trip to this section Hiia year ..ud on ararj trip 1 bare old frooi lour in t. 1 ""11011- In nil lln-re 1 s-l.i .mi .- 1. 1st hVliriiurt II7-' holdlnga went ppi '" differ) n( bit) In Isolated 1 uses ot rnlsllnf teeil oil ... In ikIis mnl nl hern 011 the high I.1111I nt ll,. interior. It In hut nulural . i.ittli to In- rOjaOd Hiere Im pi. pm.nl 101 Hie .uurkel aa near to thf p.. llll ol olimu ol the nlocV ponnihie Thla nieit is the poaalMII tv lor lha lower Malheur valley It ..in he Ho- ureal feeding market II11.1 Price tssui.-.i '80 gnu! will he the deielupliient of the caltl" iu.luntri that Hie cattle men ..." looklni forward lo tha Ml llll of fend We I. el 111 view ol their .1. hi-. I development thai we can of fer our lan.l lot -.,!, t n. -n who will develop" run. Ins mnl agree to take li.ivmeuis in lia .,1 siv.'ti da Ihin ler ton until tha parch PI -n paid Ufa do this on the nlrength of the faith that Ihe cuttle men hale in their Indusiri lllgl.t now all the baj fl I from Nyaaa to the Maker county line would . VV N. Hrown auggealed the not winter the stock that will come I entahliahiiient of a coinhiliatlon in here to he ted There in lint be more dutrlal and levreatliinul work where acreage den -loped Of coume (hi hy the boy could be Induced to de- . 111110I I." .lone until water la placed 001 MaM to work for will, h material ou the laud " -1.011 an the Warm- '" would be an active Iticentiie apring ayntem In available there will Other ineinhern dtneunned variou pro be a great increaae In the cultivated Poal and none denied the need of holdings Many of the rancher ou noli lug the problem in some adequate Hie ground now would double their manner. production, and Iht-ii It will be poaal- Preceding thin dlacuaaoiu the aa- , hie to bring other aettlera." -... tatlon llatened to an liitereating ! Iu apeakiug of the condition of the program which Included a talk by , farmer of the Middle Went Mr Hav- Mayor Human, a paper by Mr. K O 1 Idtion aald: ' Bailey, a vocal nolo by Ml Ituth Mc- 1 At the preaeut time they are en- . ('u"oc1'" Uno ", b InM erroot I joying immense proaperlty. They"0'1 P''? lven r r have made big money and have aaved rd,',, a great deal of It Of courae many have investcil 111 automobile and are PAVKTTK UA.MK IN LAST uot looking for new new land other OK HIM tHTKOlH tiKAMO.N' have been following the general treud Showing form similar to that dia aad have luiented III hliicka How- played In the W'einer game the week ever there i u tendency to look to previou the Ontario high acbool foot laud for Ini estiueut and that will ball team went down to defeat lat prOW nirouger after the war KOOTHAI.I. K I HSION Kor the W'einer in luntweii looi- hall Kame at W ei-.r ! tnlay . Novell! har -'i well ut lal train leaving fald- 11 a , will take on pan i.-ngcr:: ut OataHa about 12 o'clock. The return trip will start immediate- l tollowing tba eutitf Special fare Of 70 cents will be made for. Uie round trip from Ontario. O. 8. L H, adv ' r ?y JpyyyP$H Ife The American and Mexican counuin - ",on 'M deadlocked on the term which '" ul" '""hlng and hla army out u' H10 DISCUSS NEED EOR RECREATION CENTER l'arent-Teu her AwmmUUiiu IHsruse IDO while Ontario' budget calla for 1M)lhOl A l"le!riiph Cc Mi U"". Ilfiy and t.lrl ITol.lem ami Plan but 12.700 and the admlnlatraHoit ,,, ,, , ,.,, ., , ,,,,siiin la llM 1 oiiiiei Consideration. Il.fore a large atlenduiice f I he . ..1.0 so memlierahlp of the Parent-Teacher a-1 aoclatlou at the high mIhkiI la.t Kr. day aflettiu il for 11 re. ren nonui enter m Ontario wan foinuiii diacuaaed No h flnln- plan waa " hul 1 uiT" wun 1111 iiinir"iil l nn. mi iu - opinion expreaaed I hul such an institution la ue.-.i.-.l Aa II' in.iitir u.i. f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hit 1 1 in in 1 1 1 . " w.i- appointed, h"iui"ii ii tlorne I W .Ml I'lllliicll to in III: 1I1 II." until"! tillil cull lor ,1 bill 11 111 determine whether or not a leunlhle pluii Call be del eloped Tl"- "'"'""i" n brnughl up nn the rOBOgl of a previous cmiii-i em aj nilli-il ' Superlnl.inl.-ui Kulley a( which ll"" pf imlou- nrguli pj I loll I "'r ""'" wora prenent, hjolodht Pantor. of the churches, heads of the women" orgunlaitons. . hurcl, elies, etc. Iteprenentiittien ol thest- hoilles reported to the meeting hint rr,uu " "'"" Opirotlon in ''"""' ""'"' f"r "' heifnuei.t ol tin, ...ml, ,.f tl Ii.. ''"" '" ' "' J W Mcrulloch wun culled upon OJ lha president Mrs Iriun TrWOOU, 10 PTOatOa durlni; the dincuanioii of "'" 'liii-ntion and told of the luck of WiOmhapjphl provided in the city for ''oi n and girl outalde of nchool bourn "'l of the apparent luck of Interi-i "" ""' Uttrt "' nomc of the parent f,,r """" '" ",-'r ""'r-" Friday at Payette The ncore wa to 0 Tbe game wan the last ot a disastrous aeaaou The local team with an apparent wealth of material wa unable to gel together in an ade- u"," '""'""' e.,. ...e w.r. w Nampa, Hoiae and Caldwell ........ ............ ........ i i... . ........ ...1.1. W 'bile the foot ball season was not a u. cens the high school is loukiua lorward to a brighter sehslon with banket ball ami thru this sport hopes to wipe out the stain occasioned by the gridiron defeat. MIMIII AMI MKMIlHtH or I li.ll I (VHWRM UW1H myh TaiM Iff I'.WKTTK. UCHTCOHPANV SUBMIFS PLAN ; No n. 1 niii- imbiui tins lusm n. ' ifl . 1 M Hill (In lu.ili H.-lreJfTi.. Hfl llll' lulollll.il l-o. lor Hi" purpose of securing nil In Ifortnutlun available Mayor W K. Hu man and Count Him 11 II I. I'mrmnn .ami Ward rantleld nmde a Hip to Payette Tueaday to tnepfjct I ha pay atreel lighting nyatV.n recently Inula II ed there Manager .1 K Orr of Ihe Idaho 1 ,. , , . f'c,,u ,,,Bl t'"' '',," ytni la aa -it m ear - 1 m nn n v 111 inr ni ' inaa r 1 w ni I. than that (n uae here After aeelng the Illumination afforded Payette t' offlclala agreed wlib him. U la a queatlon with litem, however, wbeth er or not wltn the funda availahb Ontario could aerve the neceaaary ter ritory alnen the I'ayette ayatem rep reaenta an annual expenditure of 13.- idealrea to place the figure aomewhai lower than that. If poanlble, without dacraaetng the quality of aervlos. -Mm "atalaWpli conference with Hie Onlurlo offlclala Manager Orr " agreed lo auhmlt plana and apm-in , ,,,., ,,.rWn(( ,, ,,, ( hi,,M,. ayatem .ts that In uae In Pay eite 1 hisii-i I.IkIiIs HIsi iismsiI Willi- tli-ri In a illilileil opinion iituoiiK illl"lis coii'eriiliiK Hi" I"- loon UkIiIk. than h men who do nol until lh" IlKhllng of ' TlnT" tin- -eM r.il who lielii'ie thai I I..- I In Ii I 111: ! i t l"tn Holllil Iii liiiliilsiiliHT utnl 1 ii r n 1 -1 1 1 ore i II u III in ti I inn mill this I. its l"il lo soni" ill. 11 nlnli III favor ol liiivlug Hint ssl"tn 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 . 1 1 llo III" ill, llll!" olllil I" 1111. nn ".I. Iu."ii. fj 11 nutlion thai haa not In . 11 ...n nl-r-il The illy coiiucil will prnhuhly Itaie the lighting prolileiu hilore it for si. in.- ilni" itinl will luveatigat" U " .ill lis tletulls Sunt Motheraheud, regiater of the ,. s ,,, ,,.,. , V1, wlol , 0n ,arlu , ,,,,, llke a renlllellls of llurnel valley Mr Moth ..rsh.-ud la , ,v,l that there In no pH.e like It in the iioihl II- Is ul ,, .nniiiieed thul llurnn ivlll h- raldroad tertulnua within u year. --g t;;v F I'.iulilir I cr.leil. k iu "llie Spliirl ' -Sfa"- SF Tr aB jj'9H. A 4 Iki x If 'x W aaaaTawf W4 M m -7y ' '"'idjMBwBBL I mfmJB Hi 1 BMHfl. 6n. '$BK 1 m tolNtll. 01 HARMKV'M itii Ml MMT is 01 1 OMttl i Ml 1; PkoposIi.on. WOULD BtJ.LD FROM CRANE Ml I luil Is Souullt I lot' (In- u la l'.i NUN BOJ T'u'ii ! I vpcml lllO.IHIII 1, ,1 Wider System. 1 I Hurtm Ik thf center of rall ronil ronatruotlon pluus fur "tin ill 'Oregon r.in mil h" doubted tL.-iiL llii iititiiii I I I . .11. 1 ' Irmi , -" i-"i ' i" . - "ii ii . . llh ,.,,,, ,,,,. ,-11,0-, tehemi added detail of some previously an nounred propuaal. Til" tent 11 re of thf last week' In-' Ml" ol Hi" Time -Herald In thi" Intro durtlon nf a rival for Itobert K. Stra horn, lor the honor of putting Huron on R rarollIi And wn(l, (lt mr,. lander, hut u citizen of Hunts .lumen WWtMi IMMMl iniinnger of the In- ler-Miiutiliiln Tel-phune .v Telegraph inmpuny Thla la lint tin 'I inn Hertild litis to siiy ronrernlnK the troionul llniiiM haa a Ml riillrimd luuld-i In Hi" ieraon of Jamea Weaton. gen eral iii.iiuiger of the Inter Mountain city to lit I If 1 the "Mini lull ill III" rullroinl it ( tan" in Hum. under certain cotiillHoun which he aeta forth In bin atuleii.til to thl tit) ifiuti.il Thai 11 in worthy of aaa l.l.i lull in nettled mnl It Is heltii: collnliliriil. nit ln.lll.-l: III olili-r tu Cull. Pt) wall hln pro 1 It will re- .inire n ini i" t 'nn and in lh" fin Mi in in- mnl mnl tin I1I111 or Ilia uaalgn Hun Voted .11 : I -...nun m I,,,. anil thus ll la not In 1 ti,.- money lor other nirpoht;i with. mi in n labmlttlaa tha natter to the ini.'i I Hie niiiini In. 1.1 n .i.h. .unit fur "iii.uc.li lo tniik" mi pertinent coin iiietit noon n is iieing lookad lata and ahould It be favorably received Mr wckioii win m once put sin ra iii the uetii ii. ioi.it" iii" iiii" iitnl tiuike iill iieiaralloiin In ito hla pari. The Times llil.il.l cuiinol glie anything further ,.l tuts proposition ut thin tune hut may lie uhle to give .. i oiitii.iied 011 page eight 1 at the lot-.iiol.iu.l. eiluesiluy Nov 'Hi Tliu he haii been reported dead a dozen times. Villa la again leading an arm. n eMxloo an(1 B threatening DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPRAISERS NAMED in Preliminary (steps lime Iteeu Tak en foi- 1 .inn. i.iim Work Win. 1. Will He ImIiii lkall Iannis. DOUBt) court Hun week named W .Mullen. 1 C. Hunt and Mr t'ooper an engineer of llurna up pi I .' t..i ii- I. .ml. muter Hie Mai ' trial Thla notion taken on the petition of tua dl follewlnr n re- ordi r ol 1 With tin coin ti lei I if I ha work ol prellminar) foi 1111.11 1 ..ni will liaVg I" lillalieil lha 1 he dlraatan ban B topographic d in the ,t, ..,t.,t ni ,, "I., bonua ii;n - showing the atow ""' Uwdl under the iliilrlct I I,. Nglncers luive no f.ir . ..n,,l"t"il their wort ihui the neceaaary pluta are amllaMa for the :pprataera. Thai the couiilellon of the work of the .h 11 1.1 1. lookad forward loo ay th" aotUon in. kava aailttvotod load in luiinllest hy the reitieatn recently .ned in. in owners denlritig to In- nerved 'I lie hulldiiiK ol Hie ilrnlt. Ofa nyM-tu will i"clulu, hundreds 01 hi ren 111111 ttiive in conn- umuileu oy continuous IrTtgOtMM Ud II will pro- 11 -til Other I nn I-. BOO llitealeiieil f cm. hecoiniiii; 1 ahMM and bj one of seier ul gahatanilal Improvanaoti eootani platod im lha opji haul yi al of Malhi-iii .unly. L BY HANDSOME GIFT r'rml J. Klenel ol Ogileu Surprises Hoard Willi Nlilpinent of Heveta lllili.lie.1 llook- The book shelves al the I'aruegle public library were called ou to car ry several hundred new books this week as the resull of aiu.ll.-r ui.uii lestalion of the geui-io.it) of li..l J. Klasel ol Ogdeu ("tali, win, many times in the paal has enriched Ihe li brary with donation - The lalitst gift Iroin Mi Ivte.el came a a dlslincl surprise to Hie board The first nolilicatlnu OOOV , In a letter saying that he had shipped a number of hooks This wan to low -it by a bill ..I lading culling for On pounds of books and on then ar rival II was neeii at 0111 that many valuable standard works wen- 1 mi tallied 111 the 111. :.. I the ' L- Ihamawlvaa mil" Ihe hoard delight. The iuu- siglliin'iii wan almost a library 111 11 Im It 11, ninth., fiction, history and work of ri-itnii." The bonks ni- all P8W, huvis:;; ' pari of Mr I'l valuable private library which Is known to be one ot Ihe best in Ihe west. COMMITTOR (.KIs BVH1 RAIMLNU I I NHS III IMI'HOV l: IUI.I I" SNAkK ItlVKK IIKIIMiK. LIBERAL DONATIONS ARE MADE mil tl, on ii-i.ii. Ill rrVMollft M forl Atunf --! I ciiiiii. lli' lake. Muller in Hand t'riiHsns IUsmJ Im- ppmMMi 1 1 1 r naa nun IN determ- ' Ini-d that tlu road batWOM the city I and the Snake rlur bridge, and that portion of tha road Mat of the atruc- I I u r. mull not be allowed 10 deterior ate into a awamp thli winter Aided by H I- T.iggart and Frank Hader the rnramlttee consisting of M K. Newton. William I. axon and 11 I'eteraon alarte.1 a auhm rlntlou " among the buaineaa men of lli 1 city to provide the neceaaary funda I for reaurfaclng tbe highway from tbe 'city limit to the bridge and digging dlli-he-. ou the eaat lde of the run The response on the part of hualoaei firm waa surprisingly liberal In fart when the work got under way It waa decided to proceed In an effort to secure aufflclent funda for tha Improvement nf the road toward Head Ox flat. To do thin work the lommlttee haa "i-nr-l in -operation on the part of the comity court Thla came In tbe donation of the county' road marhlc- ery under the direction of I. en W'ul- kar. Mr Walker will flrat acarflra the road and after rounding it up w 1 1 gimel II and roll it according lo lha 1 cat hum furninhed tba oonnilttaa in eharga ol ika oiK ,,ttfrili multlee w III lie ai.ie . .i will depend on ihi anaaaal -.1 mnl lh- ...utliinni .1., waathar, laa U lha alamanU will not Intarafara ba 1 u 1. TacgfUl i"i iaw PMl week aearehln tillable grarel banka Hutu uhlcli to sin nrt in.itfrliil lot til- rou. I S.n.r.il Midi banka were h. ttad allhla agatfaalaal flkrtaati aad ,,1 1 n,i . .1011 n . secured for the flee use of Hie gruiel so Hint one of the road prohlenih wan aolved In lliul anaan The nnnl lo Hie river linn heen .1 tkora la tha aidaa of Oolorla huai- u. 1 nun tai raan Thru nn m-g- led they liuva .11.11 11. ill i suffered great hmsen in l.ulin-.s for u-n or oilier i"i"nliil i'i..ii. to pal .,.. klttl I" roatOfOl trout. I- nave never ueen auci ul Tha lack Of I Miiluhl" highwni lo lie. ul iix flat It, is ulno worked lo the ,1-1 in, 1 1 Ontario and thin hil the 1. u 11- men eotumlttot to make Hi" "Hull Iu aOt thl lulu when cull ilitn.n. appear l.n uralil" With a baav) donation aomlai dlraatlj froai th" hualnetta men lor Hie tiuproiiiig of a eouaty 10.nl 11 la fall thai lha cutiniy COUli .1.1.1101 with good grace ut.; - in raplaah lha 1..1.1 1 arora ..11 11." road will piolia bly si.,11 -ally in t w.-.-k when Ihe uuiity crew flnlahaa Its present Job went of the city. Ill MHUIIIII IS lli:i. H 111 NSW I It .ltNH 4PIIV Atiet a prellminar) baariai before Judge St.irns lieu S-aw.ai.l waa held lui :..p-.uance hetore Hie grund Jury 1 barged with larceny of fli" he.nl ut ..nn- from the Jone.i l.aud . i.iw stock company Pha caaa la one i,r gavaral aharpoa aired at the last court sen. ton .11 lliirn-. on one oi which Mi laawaard ana aeajHlttad Tha llaraoy touat) badhttmeal charged thai lha cattle baloapad to William .Inn. s liisleail ut the .loui l-and & Ultra Stock company and be- log thus faulty the cane waa dropped there ami Malheui 1 a new attiou started la 1. nun In., nut vtloiiie W II llrnoke mid Atlnruy 9 I -1 appeared for tha state w hil- IttOI tu I W Mil llllu. W W" Wood app-aiiil lot Hi" d.iiinl am K I! M.iiilow.ll of lleail ll lint.. who ban baan away im tl,- pa 1 .. 111:1 - mer is liuuie .main and glad to ho back In the Shake river valley