The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 16, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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IB, 191 ft
TOX. WaHhlnKlim. Nov 1 . t Hpi-clal
orrpupond'-iup) Tin- IiIrI) cost of
living Is prulinhly BffMtlBt tlif proplp
Of tin- iiiitn mil :i ( 1 1 a I us iierlously iih
the NBMMta of any MOttOO of IhO
t'nll"il Htaton Prlrt'M of cominodltlos
rlanscil as nrcosHitr I'm of life linvr In
rrHiil from (wpnly-flvi- to fifty OM
rnnit. lint wuki-h niniiiti pnictlcall)
iinrliiiniri'.l TIm A'-siulati'il Cliarl
tie UM1MM TMl npprHii'ii ion .1
to tin' Midi i'i MM poor iliiiint' tin
OomltiK v. 1 11 1 1 I . ami tin- (li 1
Ion, whirl) oparatM a rln.ii 1. 1.1111
int. It ha novrr ton lui'l
aurli a run as nl pi nt from th
ppoplfi who nri' roiTiprlli'd in Inn
their food ill plan- w here liny 1,111
el It at OBI -iit per illnh It Is
very evident imn mbita mmi. ..(.l.
bave profile, 1 i:ri.ill 1.1.111 BBI mil. 1
properit , I hi ID) tliin
ho do not find their I1101111
UK par I th Hie inrle.l .1 . 04 of
li"" llnston lleliel.
All the ninmherH of the WIIhoi
cahlnet, except Secretary of Agricul
ture Houston, were out on the stuui,
. duriiiK the cnnipalKn. If the truth
were known. It Is probabl that llous
ton diil as much as any inemher o
the cahlnet in the way of net results
for W Isoti
Itefii-lnu Io Hi li .' ,irr I l.ilim.
freut di I of I n 'lii in i . i lia
de ii ' n t ol laboi ' i
euipioi mi nt for i lit' m t'liHi and
I BOB ti oT uiihI.
.. unien: tl
B) the hill. BB 'it I llmi The
rapon bo uai i v. . ., bc!) toa of
Hie per on . a B ' Hied OBUpIO) llielll
I'I Illl".''l in the Sunt1
'n tut . OBI I ' If, . I I ,
'or in . pi I ..ii I I 'J.s wen appln d
for In all the Southern In! I .
department has acktiowh dKed I hat It
. i.n.erat. ! In "eciirlnr i n pla
Northern tiles for Soul L.tii i olnred
iii.orerK Itut. Mhortlv baton
MM) a i ' H ii dart lopi ! thai aunt
her of Southern coin rod nun weri
cttliiK iiorlh to Hcrute iuii,, ,n
Ho Koveriiment Its .
to dlHcoiitlini ciirlntt northern em
ploymont for these pi.- In ui'
Of ItH oriliial report i- ! . i i UK thai out
f M.Ttl persons applied r,,i ,nil
12K were applied for In Hi u than
1atf.. piupli are I.i hk how the
deparlliii nl can po . Mi Justify Ilk
nril.n for Hi.' ilaeiintlnu.iuce ol it
lortn to find norther ipl.twni'iil
for the men w ho an- in. mil. 1 1) nm
wanted In the South
Will It.Mv.-.l Huunr IihIii.iii.
A pretty Kood e iil.-ue.. of tin' e
feel ol II, . lis, ,n I BtfarWOOd I Hlfl
' oil bOW nUKIII lido llv pl.ol
to I he I.r. .il, of I
la shown in our linpoits or suxar
proilui I
io davaiop la t Bltad
HI it'.-, and for which w.- hae ,1..
i n mi I hi., p. !.,
'I o I e.n , in ,, mill, i , IoIiik
ell, an, I tin prodaOM the
to- '.: n i tadad
them in, h.iim I I, ,i ,, .,, i
"on poaad or taiar bt
impiot.d I which to raise tl
1 1. ioh. , dam
aaral : a on the r pronlaa, tha
iut on Mu.H aroj radaaad pai
aaatt, Bad alatad for the fraa list
shortly after, beet Hunur production!
fell off ah, ml II p, i aril
prospect ol further I i.llli'l lull and'
liiriltK the first elKhl months ot PHI
we imp,, ii, , nm 7 mi J,,,,,
ol seed The Hup,. , ;.,l i,, ,, foJI i,,
ai. pounda in' ' fhi
months ot I hi ,, ,n. i . ,, ihe it I in
'no of the amu.'iiiK official pro
clamations Issued on the eve of the
recent election was a warning from
Hie .I, partmani or jaatica at Waahini
ton, that there would he VtgOTOBI
i nt on ot mi; iersotis who Used
Intimidation or threats in order to
prevent oters from SOfcUIng Ihe
eleeilve franehlHe I lint proiiama
' in N'orlliern
Tin- atioiney Keneral haili rrniu l'e
aa. If he want" oppm in,.,,.,
exerc se of his powers as a plll.ll,
pi D i illnr, he i an liml Plant nl ll
in all the ntutes south of Ma on and
DIxoii'm line, where prnetic all) lialf of
the MiiitiK popatatloB ! i ntcii by
Intlmldatloa from outing tha rota or
,, i-
in V IT -xi Mii:-iN. IMKRII v
,i demmrat, w helln-r he I"
tradi ,
mormanl b i
1 ihe brand Madt i
Xmerlca " or course, the man w ho. ad
Iff doolil,
in- not onl) prop,
ni t.r ' pro
pal hor to ,n
gram which the audience will 1.m,c
to with a great deal of Interem s ..
address ot Mr Williams, one of the
artivora of the l.usitanl disaster
ihreo inemberM of the W'.-hdi choir
ran drowned with the Kinking or
that ship by a Oerman suhniiiriiie
Mr W'llllanin wan In the aecond aa
loon of the boat when the ciah
(ami and ho likened It to the
rail; or doom Ilia d"ncrlption Ol
the fight of two thousand pimiengein
the graiiiiHi sinking of the fhlp nnd
the HtrilKgle to HiiV" theinr -lvea from
IrounltiK was pathetic
"I ni'-heil down Into the denerted
rooms helow the waters edge to get
a life preserver," Mr William nm
dud' 'I. "I liroiiKht up three or four,
buckled one around my body, Hcal-
leied tie others amoiiK Home of the
.Hid a waited w leit I rmi-
' - I ' Hen inevitable. Mfe
tnii'l on the il'ik of the gradually
'.nikini; ra I In n few MBoadl
the walir on tin d ek wa-i hoi'loi
ml I had Io do "Iiii'IIih
dn ,t IJBlekl) I Jlllllpe.l into the
' hi. I'loundereil around amoiiK the
dead liinl.. . ,.i n. . M "men ind Ohll
It that hat I lt tills
I ivpi 1 1 1 hi water
i ilghod a roughl)
io ,i "
Nnliil I'dlul-t Is I mollis.
n niartalBmaal "i axoal
niitaiid on
i II n w !i Irli Axel Skov
guard Is the cut ml figure. Thin
roUBg man lias guile i. pn
mtion an u i ioIiii .ii, own I I 0.1
i.i si mil v ii .I, ,i in
..hull he pa.d u sin." me ot
$ i
I Ikovgaard, the I iolin
Ht. a u titet l,ng pla.. ei ist of
no tugboat lank, li,, Itatlj
- mi, ml over bis Inst, and a
ie, hnlttie which w.ns t .ration
of Ihe moHt Bkilled I In
the past Skmpaal'd iiiti. "d Will
ie. iiainroHCh and liii is New
York Symphony Orches. M milolst
, viobnlHt appenring In t i kit ct-
les of the United Stntes ml I'anada
in Wagner's gre.r I I'm i
was born in II I ml A
a child of lour Itu fash i, ,i. ,1 bll
"l-lnlln" ,,, rf i nlflc I . nml ,,
it.- aga of seven h" m i i h Id prod
Igy astonishing nil by bis musical m
I in. t and h s rapid da 0 ppmi -it Bl
a mu ci IB Ills teach it imind 111
bi'ii tha i ad i I papll li nabla for
It WttH olilv in . . ,,i tit oxelnpl I
a dirf'cuii p ii tor tl i lad to
H with an kOCOraOy v. iin h
i:r- only t,t,,ni-i
i"in ol priiellce Winn niti" years
old a laadlBi Imprei .no took this
wolldelllll liov on tl cnll'ert tour In-
I'ng t lie i irgaal oil la la Rni
. a mature nrtl t S!.o gard hai
rev i Itud the scenes of Ills bnvlsli
f n tint dis appiirlng In l.otitbin i'u
la .nut llerlln, w lii re be r.
lerliig recogn tloti Hi. violin it. u
famous Strrtdlvurlus and bl
himself mid tha Instrument than
ftoem to be an almost living s.wupn
tkj mi partorniar Mr Ikovgaard
,111.1 . v .11
Bklll en I
perforin the mom difficult MOM
n IUCIi surprising eaae th.
un tiitia.1,1 do not always appre
b.l groat ulent.
S.'biii.l ooka an , ,i
mlv ndv
i. the ' '
i if, ClirlNt-
.-11 CO
e It w
s Tele
I ! i "lit The llur
II Studio. : ti ,chg
1,,1. work at The Argue Office
The Male tinil.i
v ' ' ' : s the
' " ' I M ' ' ne
r can Mtirvlvors ,,i ihe l.n.iianla
honor, will give their tuiignll
rM 'l ""I in n prigrain
1 1 nun i ' ander laeluda
inn u quartette ii." n mil
"I" llll'lllber Is a teleile.l
soloist At mi lime in. , ,,,,,
mini. led In appear baton irge
and (Ju.eii Mn nl lain I I. Bad
lleil wt It II . ' , Ihlll
thl il ii honored He -in b) " 1 1 1 it a inl
' : i partoraaaaea Thoj I
ilwi appi a ml i .... i in- Kntperor
rinani lie Klin.- ,, Si.nn
Oaa ot the iiuiiiIi'th nn tin pi,,
Electric Heaters
for the
A New Line Just Received
Pleased to Show Them
Prices Reasonable
Idaho Power Co.
Pacific Coast
(Union l .uiiif Bysti n)
Special Iom round
I rip fart" In
I' i llaiul.
Ban I'ratitisfo.
I .os AnKflrs, San Dunn.
and other pointa,
with privilt'Ke of
divt'nte routea.
Tit kfls on sale
uiu ol aat ordar tor ugar com ' Novemer -:.. .
meiittd ami Hi.- d i the Hum lh'it'lltl)er 2(1. 2:t and "t.
"''" wuw ' . i .. i. Limit, NnTafMaW fatldf- Jm. 11.
Ii-hiiiIkt salts. I'iluuar 2.
Ilimui'li the I,. , i iit.i.i i,
UUrlng the III I ell ",! , , mills tlf till
fill lent ye .1 we llli n l Ie 1 uearh 1 li,
11 "" pOUBd I beet
ini the democrat! tvet thai wiImi
put ihi-i Induairi ei
See Agents tor
i further detdis.
Can We Help ?
Can tbil kink bo Of aii lUwiiitailOV (' you .' Suit
wf raiiiint f j mi tin nut give us the opportun
ity V assiiif nii wt aiv willing; to do our
i'hat'.'s tin1 kind "i a bank we aiv condut'tint;.
Our sat i.s li ii l iMlstoilli m will ti II yotl Ho. If tbi'iv
is au wa Wf ran bti of atwiMttillCti to u, do 1 1 t
hesitatf luit mini' rilit in lllld tell Ul almut it.
Every official of uiu bank xv 1 1 1 bo .lati to moot
you lUOlti lliaii hall w;t . What givoi till UUti
tut ion a i-iulii tn live in u buinesM eoiuiuuuityf
Tin- xrviff il niiiltis to tin t uiuiiiunitv . We
Liinw that. Come iu an time aud iut us t
that tt st.
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
Registered Holstein Friesian
In order to reduce my herd of Holsteins I will sell at auction at my
farm one mile southwest of Ontario on
Tuesday, November 21
i i Beginning at 1 p. m. prompt
10 Head of Holsteins 10
Cow No. 147182,6 years old, fresh and giving 7 gallons per day.
Cow No. 123065, seven years old, will be fresh before day of sale.
When fresh gives from 80 to 85 pounds of mild a day.
Cow No. 1935G3. years old, giving four gallons of milk a day at the
present time.
0 coming yearling heifers. 2 coming yearling bulls.
Bull No. 134214, 3 years old. 1 bull calf 2 months old.
20 tons of good alfalfa hay.
1 Jersey Red Sow with 7 pigs.
TERMS Six months time on approved note at 8 per cent interest.
Four per cent off for cash.
E. 0. WALTER, of Filer, Idaho W. F. HOMAN,
Auctioneer. Clerk, f
" .-Ji