The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 16, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    f THURSDAY, NovKMnEit id, 191.
The Week With Ontario Citizens
Attorney w. h Brooks
Villi- nil btl lillPMfl Til
WU in
Mrs, ji m
ppi'iit Wedm Miiv !i.
MIhm Mix- Plat! nn.l Mr
II ! I
III flT U ihOII ViHlt. MlM frill I.'
..mi mm, mux, turned turnip Hliliilny .vrtHnir l,l.. are.! hh ,,..,, ha i.inrrlml MIR. Vlr-
' Mn. Forbes pr led i California find Carllie, .r Indiana, irba wlti
MM II ur II vi', il'; ;lK(i wltll Ills
fiimlly Ml.-., nnlii. Monl . wliei.
lie wii" Imni. II'1 cri'n up hOTO IB
M ii- 'I III IiiikIiii'mh witli hi lirotli
I'M or in in. Crank Keller He retired
morn from i - r mui en
in rniiriiiiiK nm Cord
d:strict attorney
BOlN VI: Hi. I I
during the t'r- ii
sin' w ill epoad the winter,
A. , Wilkin .mi ,,r Portland
old wiHi'iinsiii Maad ol Mr ud Mrs
f) i.i" re tin w
their K" i Mr. i.i i on loot bli
Kr!. Ml 0( the I'nril gangl '"" ' "" ll ! rii In ('run.'
MinilM.v Inn un their urrlml there
llM i. 'iin. I that M . 1 1 1 1 1 1 r lake liml
frni'ti nvir M Hull It mi ImftHBlhll
u twn wi-i'kn '" K'"' "I un1 duck uml neese which
onulil lie seen In UiouhiiihIh Hitting; Of,
tlip Ire Mr Wllklnonn. Iki i . r.
d better luck ilurliiK tin- week when
ii Ih mother, brother! (it'orge w
Thompeon of California and i Hintrr
mtk. Kriink Keller, rarvtve mm.
Attorney p. .i Qeilagher won
Oaldwi ii r iiui mi latoeday.
wuh a Vale visitor un Miitnlay.
Mr. anil Mth. (t
MM tn I 'ort I.ukI
stiiiiiiii'fii.iii hare
Mr. end Mrs J. I). lllllitiKNlcy rn
l,i lain, .I Hi.' Carnatlnn Huh Tui-h
day vniiliiK
Mi i i. KoaMl uml Maliii Veri
er (if Wi'Iiht vUili',1 frli'iiils In On
i. n ! Friday.
MIhm Saruli rainier
In In r Iiiiiiii' tlin flrnt
wnii bad cold,
Mrn. I.. It. Fry nf Itlvcrlip Ih rla
itinK her ii.u.-iit , Mr. and Mrn T. It.
.luilim Mnrtnii (I Cllffiinl nf linker A. McWIIIhiiik wim tlin auctiim-T
pawed tliru Ontarlii Mniiilay cnnnitc at the banket nodal lipid at MbIIpi
for Vale. I last Satunlav nlirlit niul hihup of the
prominent voiihk men of that reginn
are well aware of the fact while the
ItlrlH are prmiil of Mr. MrWIIIIaniH
Ah the rennlt of bin expert ahllltlen
thirty-three basket were mild for
JiihI $B, one of them rniliK for
IB 25 all of whlrh wbh Koine mime.
I Having aurvlved hln flrnt noclnl en
wan online,! 'eTaeMMMH Mr MiWIIIIaniH Ih now op-
nf the niN'k Pn 'or further nppnrt unities to dle-
play bin ability as a mielal lion.
Mm. Tniinltigsmi wan the linntenn
for the Wednesday bridge riuii at
thin areeki meeting,
I. M Karhart who liven mi his
li,iin,"ieiiil nil,, v,' .il, ataa In iinturln
on hunlnesH Monday.
Diirlnp the past week WIlBOfl Urns
ti.,1, ,, ilii.illr incriiuunil ll...
lie bagMd a f.w along the river near ' ,. ,lf ,,..,. rrncnrv .,. rnm ...
' I til It IlllU ,'....' ll ...I .1 i I. I l.f , u , . . 1 . I. I.I. i.
iniike It tin' largest grncery slur,' in
Malheur eonntjr, ami aaooojd in none
In the Hnake rler valley.
The Improvement wan nOOOM pitch
eil by setting hack the partitlnn In
the more ronni nearly 2H fept on Hip
pant end nf the I, nil, ling An inter
sole was erected thru the ntoek room
so that Hi storage spare wan tint re
duced by the change Aiming other
cbatigen Ik the addition of a rained
platform for It. W. Wlleon'e office,
near the center of 1 1 ant side nf
thr .tnre rnllillliimllllK a full view nf
the enlarged sale. r,,m imin H,e
renter lias lieen erected a number of
ilisplnv plntfiirms In pyramid form
on which viirlnus clannn of goodn are
From the hanement tn the main flnm
a t.Min p, mini eleMitor Is to be In
Htiilled In the iie.r future which will
W. Ouy Thompnon, aged 30 eurs UMNOM the use in whlrli th' large
ooke i
being congratulated by his friend on
btl llhllily tn Inial,. r in,
w I, ,111 he Issues complaini II
1 i viitiire in th ml,
ilnrk Hnlmi's bU ll I"
turn fur the hunted panon can,'
rigifi to Mr. Brooke boaM aad lit-
rati v.. like, I latO the HIIliM nf le
ia Tha atori raw oottetnlng like
Several months ago a young 11 ,1
lamiiT frnii! tha lowaf ' mi nf the
county appt ai ' 'i in Mr Brool
flee necking a warrant for the mat
of hln wife, ami a neighbor whom he
alleged hail stolen hM arfei'tlmin, and
with whom she hail elnped Tbe
warrant wai Innucd but BO return was
made. The man and woman ctmhl
not be found.
I.nnt week n woman appeared nt
the llrooke home necking work as a
lOtMOtfg and was emplnyeil She
nald that her" nit cane would be
brnugbt up In the evening On hln
return borne that evening Mr Brooke
Absolutely Pure
No Alum No Phosphate
and In :i few n iniit, ., BU
anii ed erlth tht mil eaaa, and be In
troduced himself.
Inntnntly Mr
t. ,1 thl iri'ii", given
"-'""' tueil montlia ago
ami phired the rniiple under ami,
ill , mn , there Is a Jnh fnr a rlnnientlr
at the ltnmke hntiie now. Hut there
is liapplness in the h below Nvh
na for on the advise nf tbe district
attorney the Irate husband took hln
wife back and the ntranger went his
Skaten hollow ground and nbarpen
d for good skating for 35 renin per
pair ut Marnden'n nhop. 45-47C
.Inh work at The Argue Office
a . '
in ii n "i ii:-i-mi mil
Whether a man In a rep'ii.llcaii nr
B deiiinernt. whether he Mil -ven In B
high prntectlve tariff nr In i" e Had, .
bo can help the "Aiuer,,
niiiviuent by Insisting upnn hininc
gnndn that bear the brand Made-in-Ainerlca
" Of conrne, the i . u who, ad
vocntea n protective tar, it doubl
l in tht "Mado-ln-Amerlca" policy
becnune lie not only propnnea to buy
American goods for hlmnelf but pro
ponen tn compel bin neighbor to do
likewise. ,
If the Adamnon bill were to be vot
ed upon again with tbe election paM
Instead nf coming, the renult would
probably be considerably different.
Ralph Kkbari, fnrinerly with Mc- Is tbe first and only victim no far basement can In- put and at the name!
Cullnch 4 Wood, w.i in (tularin thin , claimed by the dread typhus which time expedlate the handling of heary
-, k fnr a short vlnlt. I hen been so prevalent in the city goods
(luring; the past Iwn months Mi -
A bad cold kepi Mt.uii.v l W Thompnon died Saturday morning at If you can't et back M the old
M. rutin. I. away from hln office dur- the home of hln mother. Mm I'mula home for that best of all i
lug tbe lorepart of the week.
Slierili Ken lliowu nt Tata wan In
town Mn n, l.ij 111 cnliliectlnn wltll the
i,,i,,, in.,, esc baton Jadga King.
The Tucndsy Bridge club met this
Week w.lh Ml I' l'i'-.i. Mi-
Thompson. The funeral was held da) froni tha Bapttal eharah,
BM D I Hiker officiating. Inter
iiieni was made at the tlutario cine
Mr. Thompson took alck while he
was hrliiKinr a bum l, ,,i sheen imn
man, a new photograph will MM
nearest to taking your place li will
bring cheer to the I, onie folks Tele
phone your appointment.. The Bur
r.ll Studio a. Iv 4'itl! chg
Skates hollow grnun.l and harimli
1 M ,: "n"1- '" l"ttl1 kMMta. NaVada to Ontario tor Boh Btaaftald ad f..r good skattai tor II ooau par
Ma a i in tin ten ton baton began pair al Maradaat'i nhop. adv :.-47c
up and came tn tutor n (binber
17 and the dlseae b.,, such a bold
.imiK" naii, ,u iiiggs left Bandar I
111, ,1111111' fOI ( .111.1, 'II 1 It) he he
Will I, III, I the Qranl count term III
cniirt tins iiniutb.
Ontario boys are envying nee skat
ing mi il,,. loagl ' I ll "' ,l"' track
this week and are making tl.e must
nt thi .1 bpportunl
Cliarles Wall, a kheepinaii
dan Valley, who visited HI, lids in
the city for new-rat days last week,
iirned to Ills Inline on Mninlay.
I I Thompson, one of tbe engl
ligaged on the work of Hie
.Malheur Drainage district spent dun
day wltll tlin family at Mid, Met. in.
Mr. and Mm Klmer Orcutt ai Wot
eer mine to (inl.uio Sunday to visit
Willi their paieiii Mr III, all i
turned Monday while Mm. orcutt
made a lllnle eMelllleil stay
C, w.itsnii nf the Pftarlo Pkai
inacy waa a vlaltor al St. Anthony,
Idaho, I tie Ml week While there
he htruck NgHMBN weather but had
an enovnhle mp lie retiiincd home
1'ied Iticc BMHTOd thia week to the
Dan Millibar BOOM 'U Smilli Kicbard
aou direct Prod iraa able to make
the iimve in aplte of the fad that In
got no ducks ou Inn hunting trip
Fifty head Of fine fillies will he
sold at auction at WrOtOM Salurdii).
Sown. her is by A. McWilliains
Man aaeeptlonsl horoM an la the.
"tring that limy M bad at bare.
adv al
Mr and Mi- A KOalOl Mil "'
day to! Nampa whtah ptaoa Mr.
- ,i,,ii ha-, i, i traaatomd if
the are aide , .-, are u siulable
will nioe to N.iiupa
to reside.
An BBtargod Ml is t rk erect
ing tha bHok plan oa arhtab tha Ma
.,i the Wilson iiuildingH
will rest. It will take at least two
weeks to coinphie tha work before
tha new froutx can he placed.
Mr. and Mm F. Schruni of Motit
pelier, Idalm, airiv.d liere thin week
and have gone to housekeeping in one
of tlit) Staples houses on lltcliardson
street. Mr B0BVM will have charge
of the Jiighl wire at the depot
Mrs. Harnett and tier daughter,
Mrs l.ucv Pol wm t1" ' " f,,r
a dinner party at their homo on In
diana avenue last Saturday evening
Covers were laid fnr ten Fnllnw
ing the dinner auethm bridge was
plu.d during a delightful . -veinug
The guests were: Messrs and Mes
danie i I M Qralg, C. It Fun nil. H
11 'hitwey -"ti.t (: K' ll
I. (IS I A p.i.ak, I, el we, ll Id.
nil bin that i Ileal a.d muld mil Stnr" ami i, tailing two Ml
"v alMi flannel shirts. Finder please nniif
Mr ThOMpOM .-ii." ta imiario Mi- U ll lleam, Nyssa. 45
The Trenches
Were Inspiration for
These New Overcoats
The "High Art Clothes"
manufacturers 'have
9 named this coat "The
g ,r tt j j? i
iviajur aiiu we luei
that the majority of
men will approve of it.
It is just such coat Bj is protect
ing the btiys who ;uv (loinjr the
fighting on the other side. It
military tfftct UMJ its helt stamp
it the newest thing in OVtCCOAtl
for men ami young men this
We show it in many fabrics and
varied colorings at prices to ac
commodate the average purse.
New Shipments of
arriving almost daily, for men and hoys, of the
famous "Oregon ity Make. "
Prime $6.00 to $8.50 for men
lilies $5.00 for boys
. . i . i i i . .
me Price Clothier
" r
I . It
Li v
' tta
Table Linen
The time isjhere for Thanksgiving Day. We think of the great Thanks
giving Dinners of the past, with father at one en. I of the table and mother
at the other, the children between, wondering if father would ever get
through carving the turkey, savory odors, miner and pumpkin pies and al
the memories bring the good old (Uyi back.
Thanksgiving is with us once more and
the LINENS arc as much a pari of thai day's feast as the feast itself.
C nrc inpnc'1;iv'' been !u to get, but Rpieri liave them, and
vjUUU Jjlilcllfc iota of them. We've had our linen for some time
put away awaiting this feast. We foresaw the coining condition ( the
linen market and the result is Plenty ofGood Linen at Raden for Thanks
giving and hristmas.
Beautiful Table Cloths and Damasks
72-inch Irish Linen Damask in the most beautiful and exclusive designs ever
seen. You'll appreciate their values and daintiness if you see them. They
Z!:r $2.00, $2.15 and $2.25
70-inch wide, some in plain center with fltwered borders, others with all-
OVer designs. Several pieces dM rA
to sell, at pl.O)
Other good damask in good patterns and widths, to sell at
$1.00 and $1.26
Irish Linen Damask Cloths
Of good heavy grade damask in pattern cloths in large variety of
good designs, at
8-4 cloth 72x72 $4.00
9-1 cloth 81x81 round scalloped Bilge $8.00 set
Japanese Lunch Cloths
SOx&Mnch Lunch 'Cloths, hemstitched, mbroideried in colors, Nap-
Una to match are ei '!l4i1 f
in the corner, get p4-.')'
Hound Center-I'iece.s in !, IS and 27-inch, Willi colored embroidery de igni
in the centers and hand-made lace i mething new. 'You should
get some of these. Sold by the set or piece. TheV WOUld make a most
appropriate gift.
QLr-jy, 4-c Just reeeived some new itylee in serge, epinglee, satins ete.,
DiWlI tO in plain, plaid and stripes. See them in the windows.
( h-etfon