The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 16, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ,'M'I I 'f'K
KnvnMnrcn 10, 191 d
tabltehed L8961
.i o. K. aim , Edltt d i i.i llehvr
Hiuii cl : ' entered a1
r diftribotl" n b 2nd clasi matter
I ubl hed
(1 ( ( ntario
One year - $1.00 Months -
Six Months - .60 Single copies
All copy for display advertising should be at this office bj
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in
this office on Tuesday.
to be opt in'. I ;ii eight o'ctook
iH.mi .mil to remaia opea
until ten o'clot k p, laaBt oai
. ! I 0'( look DOOI OBI
ml 111 nil llilii:
lo be held m bj law proi Id
I I'lpulnr
. Sum . ..,
M held at till Illy Hall at eight i
in uf Friday, Novambar 24th, 111 . .
tot the Dl ihhiiIiihi inn ran
did .! for tha aforaaald "ft li
Dona and dated thla imn da)
November, nun. thermometer
is hunt ii in.. r;tv Cniin.ii ?" ""'I
(SBAL) City KecimliT.
-11 1' it 1 ia
prevloui aala tha bid tor 1 ,
im a t..o in- Tin- biddi
ha! 1 leal ad n il mora favor
mill in- made II all 11-0
bondi 1 -.1 in 1 tha mat 1
UadM ..f (Marti Man. I BB ,,, ,.,, , ,,, , , , ,
KKIh'l 1 III I- III Mill i.nilo II. .1111.1
Itui'iim i 111 Watlier.
If Mill 1 n't (el hark In Hi" (ill)
.111 1 beat 1. 1 all da a, Chrlat-
, ..1 . 11 paw photograph will a at
I our place 11 a 111
in 1 he home folka. Tali
phone Mini appointment Tha iiur-
ri'll siiiilin ii.iv tr,-4d ehg
in have tha ri arvo r ilte oondemned
I ho tiiai in. iiii.iv. epfll be . iprtenoed
Mlii'ti I In- inum fur imiiU i: i.i.nii
The 1 1. Mi- A Niiv Miiln-r .- iii ,,,
if 20 rear tin Ontario lata weak, Tha
almoal in
clll- -aDBBaaBaBBBBeBBBBaaBi
.' : I al Til ' Ifflco.
ron hai.k tin aiv
Para brad raarliag Jaree ball
11 Coaklla.
mi it faUM BDBtfOB.
There hi nothing to i gained
In wt-opltiK out tin- 1. ult ' "f Hi" hit"
i-li'iti.-n Tli" HlrmiKlli which the
i.-l.iililira parly itemonntratPil should
aaaoarafi aver) pat U aa That
any uart. n.ul.l in four yuara
nflcr 11 hi'IiIhiii Kuril kh
took plate In 1912. roma
within a few m.Ii-. of electing a art
blast, im ampi" evideaaa nf iih faada
iiii'Mlal BOBBdBeaa nml the (iiltlnti
ll pnlu . ii'liiin in I In' inn
The rapnblloaa puny in in
tii . -iiniiiuiiit" party
hi tin-
in tIM naliim l"
TIiIh l ili- n I rated hj Hi"
fi 1 thai 11 iini th" litrgeal nut
in tin- hoi "i ! I"' 1 ntatlt -. tin
iimti thai ale 1 ' to tha 1 phi Mot
imiy that hut la ih" largeei tati
Hi-- union tin- ndiniiilstral al I '
lifl.ilrH I- In Hi.- h.ui'l "I ri.piililu .11
hut 11 .IM mil . '
1 ,, th preeldt na) doe aol al
1. 1 . . ,. 1 thai thi 1. pahl
la the etroagaat party, ai aaah it
raaral 1 dleati 1 1 al w oodro wii
..iik'i-i- Ulan in- part) al
iiit- time w ' 1 1 1
I it.-'v 1 1 That
11 v reeeona which might ha given,
, prat tiled la oa
11. while othei
re all ' ei 1 1 ol
thi- broad lead
I ln. . i'i 1 1. 1111
nation iii be redleell) sham id Mi
1 mi will bai a oompleti d
oinl 111111111111.1111111111 Th" il"i 1. in.
pat t wiiii baa be pa II
he repablloei 1. 11 11 I." .1 oa
- .-iii n .11 1 I odiire linn .1 'It It i
a iii 1 in laade aal raa
gth in th" unmix ni Hi" people w lilt
nut a arorklag majority in tha
un.i .1 ban urn i"i 't in the nata rot
ih.- in .1 ii.iii i.t tin. praaldeal al larm,
mill uilh hill a mill. niii part) in nil
ni 1 he .il -I, mi inn. ahould 1 1
piil.llcaii itulnn nullum., tun
hi'iii". iii" iii in 11-1 .11 u- part) "iii i"
hpin I.) iii ii-nt mi ami lateraal atrife,
for Hi" hariiunii ul intii.-l l..-teen
the Northern democrat and loathara ii in-ill in. 1 marked al aa)
1 in tin. other hand the paai aam
p. nun baa demon t rated thai there II
ni niniiniiii iin.lii laliillllK
among repabllean iMaplta tha el
i,,i 1 ,,1 i'n- ideal W 'i "'. i" taal tin
I... 11 .,i iii,in ,.1 ii.. repabllean part)
it I- at nii-iit thai ii" paopla did aol
pi 1 si damooral It 00 ill Ion In 1 be
eaaiaalgn riterefore tha tariff aad piiluii mil be Hi" inn. la
in. ni.. 1 .1 1 t.-i 1 n. . - in ii. campalga
four roara inn. .in.i .ni ground
Ih" halll" Will be li'iiKhl
nil a aea leader tor 1 lie damu
erotic part) with tin- repabllean pel
t more firtul) united, with the ui.-m
my ni 1 a 1 : miii farther la ic pa it,
Hun tin- . .inii..u 11 win in- a real taal
ni 1 in- 11 1 part) Then,
ion. there III be little doahl ol the
practice Tli" haw been coinpil"il
In ilirm't projer-tH In varloul M
of th" Mi-it ami havlat im ilroat in-
ti tin- davetopmaal al the ktad
have priKiriin'ii ralei ami ragaiattoaa
lili Ii inU.lit aiih 11. ni hut
I ntlr.'h iiiapprnpriat" for Other
eoctloni in ii ni iins" fiuiH it
win ha wall fur thoaa who aaah tha
Immediate davetopmaal t ar
Hon tn ilipiinl mi tin ir own Initl.i-
tiva ami pro eeed aa tha known abtlit)
.it ini'ii latere ted la thi development
of Hi region than to wall BBOa ball
pi ' i 1 ' ..
lie able to deliver the good , een
if they iliii ho in packagea thai aoald
11. it I.. I a- II." rial Hiiiik
Mllll I ni I ll IIMV.
Nolle. 1 bt rah) KiM'ii Thai the
1 ui i iMiniil ul the I'lly ol I ii t .. i m.
Maiiiein 1 nniii. Ofenjoa, did al n
regalar adjouraed meeting bald Wo
ember Tttt ia ilder aad pan
a reeolatloa daaaariag "'at n Qoaer
III l'lt Kl. -III. Ill shall he liehl in llie
1 nv ni dm.. 1 in mi in 1 Moada)
inher in iii, to wit 1 Deeember
4th, mi '.. tor tin- pui po a ni eleetlag
throe oouncllmt n iur 1 ha term
,111.1 two eouncllmi a 1
term ol
n i'
Ileal !." 11 m.i 'i .
- 1. and 1
' ii.- Hill
-.11 he
III. I II II, II ill
Ontario, mi thi ite tn
lly. eiiil.i-l III,, l Itfg, Hie
Went llliwll
nuinher of leiullni;
Ufhl With 11 Himill - p
ply ol il mi hunil There were ul
ho a nuinher of uutoiuohile in. n who
falleil In Kunne the weather arlaht
and will have to pay for frnen rinll-
MiTIt I. in HI list KlltKHH AMI atorH iiml broken water Jiu-Uein
AllVKItTIHKIlH. n,, Kteellon llct.
Duritig the current year the price "ul "' WOtai uhciI indivlilunl In
of thi r on which the ArgUH In ,,,wh wh Mryon Turner, the poaahU
print ' each week ha Incruaaed ov- loader of the hand Mr. Turner
er NO per ent Tho price of ink mado a wager with A. K. Kiddle, of
lined hi- Inrreaacd Otraf aO per cent, "10 Democrat, that lie would wear n1
and iiiiuiy uf the n'hi r iiialiriiilM Hiich atraw hat for a week after election
an pres'i rollera have Hliown propor- It Wllnon won and It wan IiIh lot to
timiale riHi'H. There I- therefore but l,rnw ""' "IdeHl week of the year fori
OBI thine fur the BMUUHtaaaoal of the "'e Hlnnl Hut llryon ban heen BBJM
Artaa to do; Bamely, to Increase the llravlnn both the eaMaaWta and the
price al Hie paper to Hie ulrcrlber JuhIiIiir of frlemlH he hie appeareil on i
and thi aoai of ailvertinlng npiice to the atreeta dally with the r little
Ih" advertiser. at raw piece perched Jauntily on hla
In taking Ibis step the Argun real crown much to the laaBBOmBBl of ball
. .-ri merchiint rrteniia
In this field It muat absorb a porllnn
of the Cnhanoed cont ami therefore
below will h" I
tha proportionate rlea in the
producing Ih s paper each
SiiIihi 1 Iptlnii Itiile-:
On ami after lieieuiher I the gh
aaripttoa rates will be
-r !.:.()
si utiiH 1 N
inuntbH r,n
lilteiilsing It. 11.
111 advartlatBg 2n . . m pi 1
Bolami tieh
fontraeti fur leaa thaa MO laebea
. .iniiii -h.
re t linn .mi inch.",,
1 - ..liiiiin Inch.
al mure thaa toar
ly.f. Cell I-
per Inch
tins Detrrnilne lo Make llel of
TentatUe Offer fur I'
plele I- in-
At a recent n tlaf al the board
il .1 recto ri of t in- Warn Ii
rigatlon dlatrtet II wan dotormiaad to
offer th mplote Issue of IioiiiIh forj
nrPgqmhnH Thptrp
' v v jt m m m iivuii v
Showing Pictures that Please
Saturday, November 18,
Daniel Frohmnn, presents
Hazel Dawn
in an Original Detective Comcny-Drama
4 My Lady Incog"
Monday, November 20,
William S. Hart and
House Peters
A Thomas I . I nee, production
"Between Men"
Tuesday, November 21,
Tlat Master Spectacle of the Aire.
,r to Watch Fer:
November 29, Sktivgaard, The Violinist
Decei r 18, The Welsh SinRers
our lupplj nf -,-1111111 I, nuks and
tablet our
- it and
,lirl In iiia!lly Kverhart
Drui; i o adv
There a in. r
ion 01 -I I. I . , po
: Il lull Ullglll I "'Il
oi Oregon uightll) 'u II Itua
.ni ii ei. pa i Hut I thai t he peo
tile have d leriu ued thai tha) -i'- to
in, ...-., i mi i .i n wu Initial .- uu)
thing which aould lend to retard
then- i i fori ! mid Im II uura
The results iiiiii liava followed In
lll.Ul 111 111" . i i.n.
rojeoti i inn -I (lattering thai the)
; eiiii tin- . ffori ol priva a Irrl
.Hiuu iiisiiui- Si ul is uudet man)
of the government r ad them-
-ell . i nine .lied Ii 0 1-111111-111 red
lap.- to in i .hi vieiii thai the) .n.
unable to proceed with tin
Improvement without conaultiag of
i .11 w 1 ihlnglon, D. C, aad thla
naocoa Itataa delaya thai ronder the
offorl ii-"'
The coal ol rei lamatibn under
eome of the goveramaal projecta
hai haaa w much blghar than la .
1 . 1 1 located prlt ate effort! thai ,
ih,. liava iie.n ni doubtful I
alue tn the I.n inei - I l.ei .
Mm for thla Too ofti u the "'
mini projecta have been aupert
Tuesday, Nov. 21
Thomas Ince's Million Dollar
Spectacle in Eleven Reels
and a Thousand
Ontario's Livcst and Pastes Growing Institution
Ontario's Third Monthly
Traders' Day Sales
will be held at
aaaV -
aBiaBBB '.eaaal MM WF mft
BPafaaafl H iBBBBBBBaCeBBBBaHiaBaJiaBBB! t fcaae BSKkaaV- '-
ii; imiiiii: iiiiii
urn urn iiiiii in z
Mi III n
tllll.UII II z
November 25,
Beginning at 1 p. m.
The two sales already held have proven extremely
successful and the sale this month promises to be
bigger than ever. Owing to the fact that the list of
sales has become so great it is impossible to enumer
ate the separate items.
Horses, Milch Cows, Farm Machinery,
Household Goods, Miscellaneous Articles
The .Most Daring and Stupendous 1'roduction of
.Modern Times.
SPEt J 1 1. AY 1 1 UK M I sic
This marvelous Pla ran
I weeks at llelijr Theatre, Portland -1
I weeks at American Theatre, Seattle I
The Event of the Season
0 Farmers Attentien:
market price for marketable horses.
By arrangement with some of the larg
est horse Inning firms in the west horse
owners are assured of the highest
The seller gets the cash and the buyer gets time,
under $20 cash. Over $20, six months time on
All sums
Bring In What You Have For Sale and Get Cash
ivli tl l'.i U I I I I ' I b 4 aJ ati-efaiaaroBBw,.,..., . .
DK'KKNS & MILLER, Auctioneers
lizioi -jqc
Ol 111 wwJ
by men atrong in theory hui weak nijl