The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 16, 1916, Image 1

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L,issin ok pvncHAama m
,I,PS T w u i-iik M MID
h,v, ..... .-.,.
U hi. in Statute I'rmMmi
PnihlMlltm In, re, f More TIihii
k. i'. i 'iii ta Hui rin'ii" i'ii
At..r wrt 1 1 ii k mi ""'. "
I, il.. i.n.lili'lii or compiling i in-
inrhil'! for " ' "'" "U
n,-, l It li ting Wodn, A I)
I,,,, ,,in,ili'l.'il ii tent .1.'-' hodnlo
Lj ill ,il ill". li II ' ""' reg.iiur
In December Tli.- fl
i .-I I to llio v.
kru I" M h"l rvoveniner .1 ....
I, .deration
Aowrdlim '-' II'" '""I"-1 l-r-l.'.r.'.l
mil oontOmplOtW I ln
70 npxt yoor Mt yoor tlm
M ,. il lor lifi.ooti Tho Iii
. tin iii t ii'nr In inaiU' nwi's
i i. . on of thi fart that a pur
... . . . i.. i
t-u nl III" In. " inn I i." loniK-. ..
It at war prlcoa la an llni of no
lall proportion, an additional $500
. . .l Ml --
Ml( (illli'.l lo till' liri' iipproi" mi, "ii
irovpr It Alao fo provide for d-
tlonil fire louruiiiM 10 iinnin pio-
. m a in . .-.l I
rty an inrreaae 01 iiu w
th. water department. The third
rreaie made waa that of at reel Im
ee.uent the flRiire being placed at
1.000 Inatoad of 11.600. Thla waa
a reduotlon of MOO for the po or from 12400 to
An Increuae of $r.O for the
kiiurer'a aiilury, from $100 lo $l'.0
m iiffaet by a decreaae In lhe Item
lirlntlnK. that being pinren at iiuu
trail of $lf.O recorder'a,
Ity Kllorney'k and health department
ttii MN left ua III 111 I U
Altrr a detailed comparlaon of the
M t.inlKot with tin' atatemeiit of
ln,l Mpeni during the year It waa
idem that Hie 1 11 1 ti expeiidlluiea
I r. .nlii'il rOM bollnin bo far iih
lout of the Ileum wen- ci erneil
lhe inn- feature which Ravi- promise
If mivIiir wiih that of atreet light-.
I'ouiicllnnin Ward t'iinflot.1 mi
irnlng that the feetooned I
Nt the city approximately IT I P
pout ! HUgge.sted that they be dla-
tltlnued. i , iiniiliiiun A I. Cock
ni furtln-ri-.l hi auggeation while
tumcilmen II I. 1'eteraou. A It
mt Mini i, (i n t'uiitti
belief Hml thla should not be
.. t..., .. . .iu i,... i uiiiii Idanha prum-
"'"' ..."-"
lil-d that Mr Canfleld us chair
n of the liRhl cotninlttw canvaHs
huslnes dislrlcl to determine the
.... . .
uiiiueui or tlie iiuhiiiowh men
,d. the
a ,
to the foot QOl lights
To raise the required fu
un.-il tans the necessity
III levy. Thla on o valuation of
llOO.UOU will aecuru $15,000, the re
.000. the re-
ed from .1-
lilnder must be secured
Oases, fines und the rel
V for lmnr,iiiiii.iulu nnu. pl.arirui. I,
l...... . .. . .
t'.'.'-i.. owners i ins u is esiimai-
will r,.r list
The follow,., Is .he detail ol the
imposed hudaet und that which ob-
iiie,t fur the past year:
$ uno
leinrder's office .... $ 800
rt-a Mirer's office . .
I ' ii
II, n
i, in,
ittornoy'i office . .
"hi" und SI Hep.
fbi depart nun.
leui.ii doporl iii
g) Hull
r. i 4ig iti,,,,
I Il.iprveiin
1 .Uld lull
In Hon i
I Wall
111 170 Hi 170
'"Il s HiKii, I'KIN, ;i
HHH1UNI l-oslilos lltllt
Q whu
I'uai of ti.,- high oobo 1 for till
Do, nonthi tenderod 1,1
"i, to tin school board Friday, in
oith du,- m aorvouonooi was Iho
uen Uptt, a ,e.ula,- ,,,v
III Ol lhe pnrtition can bi seciii-.l
C C Dodatt la Uklug charge of
P classes formerly taught by Mr
Cllv O.mxll l l.fcrf ... t. .
lamllng lv.mii oj , ,
Tlml thn linnilH of the rlly i.f On
fteBtrnnti nrUv wan cvi-
I ;:
liM request
hphIoii if ilu cnum II i ill
enllig Hoeklng tl rpfundlng ol the
,,.,(11, ,rol n 1)(nw,r frm
iii, i ,i !(,, mi. i si.Miiih i. .iii tiir
council III. it Hirco or four similar n
-'' Mil III'
(in tin' gfMltoi of i "inn iini.iii
A I. loekriitn III,' n,iiiii-i ileierinit,
"' "' ,":'k " """"''1 '" "'" l"""1
I.IIMTH I I, .11 II nil') Wnlllll RIV" II
pr iini uf nix nonthi lutcrpal char
I expensn Hi" missile
aiiiiIiI he considered All III.' flrnih
rill receive Hit Minn proportion.
Two NT Nllllui -ni.r
. I in ii..- i,.unrll T II User up
poorml ti. ,r..i.-t Mllil lh( i
Hon for n .rr , . ,, ....t..,i i.v A
.-v,....,,,..,. ...,
" - "" " --- - - "
wr nrdfriMl In In hud m.iilt a ran-
iii-rlinii wltli Hi" I.iIimiiI arronM Hip
atr.'i't aid not In Hi" ull.'y Thla Iip
oxplalnwt wan done l.y Hip plutnlipr
mid that hn had no knowledfo of the
White the counrll recoxnlxed that
an appirently tippilleaa expi'iiae nil
to be farced on Mr Finer In view of
the fun that lie will havp no n.-eil
fo. ) (.ou,( no, ukrl
.. ,. . M .
dent for future action The oowor.
,r(lf WM ordered
eounrii .u,, ,iM-UKped. wlth-
oui uk)njf acl(on lhe qtt,,U()n of ,,.
provlBg ,UeM leodlnR to tho
' br.-Uo. and alao dlacuaa-
t lio proli.-i.. of having the bridge
r,. Il-l uk ,.,,
Tin iiiembera proaent at the meet
iiir oui" Mayor W K Human
I'ounrlli :' l oi'kruiii, lanfleld. I'et
erm, Mn n and Kraaer.
MhooliiiR of Mi MMk Ireilale
Ml hat unlay Morning I-
Hal.." s Mlii mall,
John C
Conaelmo. aclon of
.. . . 111. .,.!., . ,la
----- - -
merchant w
Hill n III V niiih.
orchard seven !
i. i,i. i,pi,i
miw houiii " ". "V - ---" '
.. il.u uimur r i.nirt
for appearaiie. ... .... --t,
charged with aaun wi... ...
..atiiBm uts pntti iifii vu iiriiii'i i iii i r i
ii,. n Us il... result of all esiaua.n- ....
h Hn- n-siilt of an escapade on
H ""l"eiV; '' ," KxTlrUtri?-
during which M,ss Ireda.e auf
lered a gun V jn.
ArcordlliK to lhe best .ivdllut.n m
iWWI "IIM"1 "'"',. .,
.. ........ .....-,l, at
forma.,,.,. .,.,.. . . -
I 8 u J l.o.l UUw
rJTw- r li : e , ,
men ....
lrijllle VVSS rldll.R
.... iir whv home in .vy
" -
(unselmo car was seen io m
l4 '""' "'" '" " " ''"'
.. u .. ..... .-...., I t,. i.i-rin (
l'" l" '"""' l"" '"
,.,elin In pass. This, now.-..-..
1(. ,,, ni do, hut in'.M'l Uippod
u,l slart.'il I fuMlade at tin- ,u-i
00, shootnis so he iUlBU at ill I UW
,r tho in,, "' NtlM ll"' (lriw
. .... ..... .... ....... .-.
ii it ami ,,v I"" i'""""-
Vs It turned out his roftf '
,,-,.,1 and loatoN ol hltUU
rear I, re mi" bIW lONd lodfi
li Hn ' '" ""' "" ''
trlkieg M
thl- ond Nttlo Tho -ound-
o, medli
Harry ft
. . ... ....I......
,r of Mi- inilah' MOM '" "
Honda) andNNfN ' '"'"' '
..i I, ..itli
Ing Conooimo win, as.-....,.
. kin Bota Uw CoNolmi '""rt
,trralNM Nto$w JN (1 '"
Kill Honda) altarNN
i wrttta earrylni ONOoaUd
B ami paid a I""' ":
,,, appear in lb,
iiuportor court
MtN to lb. N-- ..-- ,
"s lurisneu ... ,.e gUU
U- '"0Ke opp --
while Judge ueorgo -
lloitMis AND CATttM TO M
ti in-; en i kmnu i iu;i;ht
Mst KVKH oil KKKD.
lice Here of llliycr I rom Out
Iii Kliite n QtfN IiiiM'Iiis to
' I ln-llliiil.,11
oiiiurii.' third iimiiiiiiy wit
, . h,., Matiinlav. November IS
Ml -..-Mr -,,,1 of II., Km. I,
li..iiitnil..H In bviuwiIaiI I'm
,hlH "I NUN, f buypr fron.
without the tate will lit' here III
K - .irrti of good horse, anil a largo
t,llM,.r ,,r ,,,, ,.lnHH r all1nmli. Iiav
In III lllll'll
A I, I I. til I I 111
tl"1 (BfOMN liaa lii-pn mini.' hy tho
mnna.Pn.ant of tho mil.- to l.rliiK In
., , , . .. ., ,
til Oil I KliWU, nUUIIU It"! mr mn i ! w
- r---. -,ni u- .iti..i i. an
I'lllllRIII MIIV "III w w wm,mW
inarkiM In the V
N"t In Importance to the long
lis, of horaea to he offered will bo
the number of milch ro. Koch of
the preceding aalea tun. mp.-ii mi im
provement In the cloaa of Block of
fered. Thla aole will be featured by
the presence of on unaual number of
i fine milk cow
In regard to the uaual oaoortmont
of farm machinery ami mlcplaneoua
goodi the management of aole aayo
that there will be an unusual lorgo
Hat placed before the buyer.
Miller and Dlckena of Caldwell will
again cry the aole and a big crowd
of buyera la expected In tho city.
The OnUrlo Hale Co.. la
youngeat hut faateat growing hualneaa
.niiTprliie Iii t)ntnrio utul hhawa ev-
ri liulir.itinii of I..H-oiiiiiig one of
tlie foremoat horae market In the
Judge Will It King, chief counatl.
for the I'nlted Stale reclamation ae'
vlce addressed u ineetlne ul the city
hall on Monday aflenioou A small
crowd wa present lo hear the ol
dres Judge King told of the pro-
Igres bring mude in tln vurioua
...i.-,,. - ,-
clared that the government would
, i,
III u posllll.n lo aid wo rtiy
He also ,.-.l,.r...l .hut ft .
. . ..
nr.. ,-i-ls
uld be no exaggeration to say Hut
-- - -
lhe Warms
n..- .- ,- .
UN I" the west ... w.i JZ fur-
ion In
., , J all) J, .,. .ud U
.".. ,
" truv, , ,:ii.00U and 75-
has traveled between till, IIUU uno in.-
M ...
th. poll fo- yoon uewing diff.r,-.,,
,.,,- - -
At Dreamland Saturday
,'' uNNm WW ' 'B:
NaHHi b
' aBBBBBBtgaaafl 111 X ljk
ft1' fci lr JoNaHaf
aOHOs flOjOaia
M &
-'.' ao ' ' ' ' '..-. WkmWmEmr ..aaoaoa. "x.-
I JJlaaB Wm , . (h
- ra.' J eK v w
. ffioHfegeiar 9 I a Wt. 9aaf w-
Hozel Down io the U.tetive
MUlllt 9. V. HOMAN M I ol -CII.MtN
I,. I'lllliltlM ahi:
Tin: om,v in ii.ih ins.
Call fur l "11111 u iMMi Hiin
I'r-ged to Alti'iiil Meeting
her 21 I.. Of Nihil Inillll).
Onlarlo volrrn will Iiiivp tin- op
I) ol naiiiliiK .ilmii.l n ii. in
pl'te i-ity tlrkrt at tho I'lwtion I
''i-mhi'r 4 Tli ii.. howi'vi-r, Iiiim not
iiroaioil a Rn-al dmil of Inl.-n ,t, tin
iih yt. lli.'r.' k no umil runli lo rim
any of tho Join
At Ita lnl miT'tlnR tho city OOSB
oil Ihkui'iI Hip offlrlnl coll for Hip
.I'lwtlon. It oIko nnmr Nmntnhor
. .. . .. . . . ,
. iH hip n.iy n tl,.' raiipua la;
to bn IipIiI to nomlnatp Ihp randldiitPH
TIni plttca to Iip f Hod an- II.i.m- vu
eotnt l.y tlM expiration of Hip fol
lowing coum-llmen A. K. Kraaer. II
I. I'eteraon. K K Kverhart. I. O
McCoy and Ward Canfleld
So alight li the Intereal manlfeat
M no far In tlie city election that no
Nooppeor to know who will be the;"1" H,,,n" "" "", T"Ht Kolaer de
otucua nominee Effort! to get oil mon.troted thot he la not only one
Of the preaent body to accept ro-,,r "' beHt l,ne Plunger In the vol
otectlon hove been made but aome at '"y hut h ' lolly good ot run
teoit have no del re to run They nlng In o broken field. Time ond
Ight. however, accept If nominated ogoln It took a half doxen Ontarlan
u I Toggort from the aouth endi"1 "toP lllm nd u0"' ,l w, Md"
of the city ond E C Von I'etten ',u who turned tr1ok The ploy
from the north end have been aue-1 'ni of the local captain with that of
footed oa poaalble eouncllmanlc tlm
ker, but they have not given their
eon en l, oa yet
In apeaklng of the approaching
olectlon Mayor W. K. Homau on
tl"iroedar aeld
p wlab tlml the voter wmilil
get tntereated In the clty'i affair to .
i greater degree than Ih evidenced
at preaent I here are alway o
Bumher of important iUeatlona to lie
tettled by the council during a year.
anil It la of Importance lo every clti
zen that tin- counrll nieuiberahlp he
innipns.-.l of men who are not Me l
inleresti'd ii tlie material w.-llare
of the city but who ore exporlencd
in buHlnia affair
"The only way In which the cltl- f
zen ran be sure of having audi a
council la to he preaent nt the cou
cui to aee that men of that character
are nominated "
11 V Canlin-r. manager of the 1J..... 't'ului.lionn I'tilll lilt II V
-viaiiitni. .',,, iMipni. .
I carrying hi right arm in splints
thl week
Saturday night Mr Oar-
...,nie.l to crank has cor while
! .. - - -
heur Mercttnt.le company's store Hi
HN ho hard lha, the handle struck
wrlat and
the small bone near the wriat and
me s,....
fraCur-d ,- W
pote.fl M Nl
- -
. .. ......... ,l, (lrv is
While the Injury la
keeping him from
Comody - Uroaia, "My Udy Incog
mmm m
bwonio inn n Mmi tiiiaiiii' ftoueao
Ullllo Wel-er Shows M..H' I ln-
TIiiiii ii) Team In alley.
Smashing thru tin- lino or clrrllng
rininM Ho' nil .il will tin' WoimT
i.iiiii school footii.iii ii'.iiu demon tw
i.'l (lint II iim Hiinrr'or In mitv il"
. . -. .!. ..... . I
i.t I ill.'lll Ol .III- K'i.ll' " I ' !..';. i
I.imI 1'rlilny aftiTiioon at Hip I'lr
Krouniln WIhmi tln IuhI hIi! vim Inn
iiiTtiitor li'TI Um fi.l'l tin1 MN
NOOi VMM Hi tintiirl.. n
I'rom Mm wIhtI WoIfit outpliivl
II.'- lu.'.'il A' in. linn' wiih (liilnrlo
..1.1.' to in. iii iii" pisaslnfl of k Kali-
or or Hlop tho s.i-'ily riitiM of Mr
Dun ild, tin- llttl" r.-il lu-iiili'd Wi'Ihit
l.iiik Onlv tWO Out ITkUU f
""' ' l"J '
I.!.- TIipko tii '-'iiililux and
it Monro. Kor onin rcaaon Woloor
. I il... Mtlr... of 'In Imiin mil
nr,,r I"l ' run t .n.-hilowiia t will
lxl.1,1 e,i... r.i t I i .Hi.iL ll,n l. I
" " "
tH0Plf4 poor flolil juiIriiipiii
""' to try III..' Imrka l,-n
Hi" forward could open no hole In
the Idaho line
While the entire Welaer team
pla.iod with u unlaon that wa mark
ed for a high achool aggregation Hip
work of Knlner and MncDonald atood
Moore waa the one bright apot In the
local game
Will I'lay I'ayHte t . nl ...
The local team will play at I'oyette
Krlduy and It la the one opportunity
tho boy hove to oave the aooovn
,r'"" "'" uiiwawr
Uu ,.MMlls w(l(
ln.,,,-11 t.atl.erliiK ..I
..pllal I 111
proposed line of the O , C A E
Holae, thla week, woa the scene e UrpoHe f c,OB,u, llp
of a uyiterlDUi gathering of tli.a1 p,l(lln ,)eulH
miaes. mm.eri. ... ,,,, o ... v.
and Idaho territory rnere were
present, olio, a number of big iheep
I from Wuehiliglon und Montunu,
as well as a tew iron, i tun
According to the lloise papers the
shuepnien were extremely reticent In
discussing the occasion of the gath
ering. All that could lie gathered
frnm Imllv i.lual dealers wus the fact
that there wi ral ol Ilium pres-
I ent at the same lime They domed
thut the meeting hud any significance
Some went so far us to state that
most of the sheepmen were in lloi-i
for pleasure only and thut no i.n. i
lug was to be held
When asked If there were any big
sheep deals in sight the generally ex
pressed opinion that there was mil
so far uh Iduho sheep were concern
ed, but that there was at least one
big deal on for MM Or.-gnn sheep
Ileal Ileus. .a Hinted At.
Kroin si, line Leu- in Ontario, how
hit, it Is learned that the true in
oiiNW ol H," Bo Pi nUmtIm !
nothing more nor less than the m
oaalaaUoa ol dofonilvo illlaaol oa
the part ol the sli.-i p.neii of the
aorthwi ton tott to protot I lha
lelies against further of re
,,. laglalol Ivo -" I n,, d.trl
: l
, i , bollol ol In,
in thl
log ill I
ii. Im, in v ii't, ol Hi" in i'
ii'. ,1 a. I I.I
Il , . m, etlni it ei i,i ni i
will be ttlvt In eourlng tho euil
Bbumate. ol Nimpii ui
, miniate for hi HI N III" re'
nei.e, in f 'any ob county, Idaho,
laaeted 1 po Uon with Wlloon
i; i . 1 1 Mr Sluiinute is Inter
BBted in the progi'-s of Hie INONl
in Idaho for it li a possibility thai
lie may he able lo resign his preseut
MMHilt ir,
Ui:l lUI.MTIN lolloUIMi
of I-.-iiiN on
Haeartwi or TanaUMla ami
Itlulilv of U'm Miin Itiiiooro
llninl In Intriior.
lli.ii I. nl ii . r nr tWO lit Hi" moat
will aee trains cronaliiK t:. ni.-rlor
.. ni'Kon I Hip won I Unit rnniPK
rroin Hi" Interior RoilfOid l.nllil
iiir mid ruiimra th.-i.-nf have boon
peralatent during the piil few week
mid lhe.' are reielv mi more than or
dlniiry credence In well Informed dr
clea Wlnllipr or not thorp I aub
alanllal IuinIm for the report tin w
gua la not pn-parpd to alate.
The lliiiHl ri'llhl.l.' report la that
..hull iiiini-h in. in Kimi.I, lulliiu no a
vlNll of Koherl Htrahorn, Hie railroad
man of myatery Mr Striihorn, It
will lie remembered H the man who
prnji'i-t.'il Hip famoua North Cooat
roinl in WiiHhlnRlnu. which later tur
ned out to be a branch line of the
llarrlmaii aytem all the
year be waa building thi-.l line Mr.
Htrahorn never derulged Ita reel
ownorohlp. Hy the moat adroit evo
aion be baffled all Interviewer un
til he wa awarded the honor a the
moat mvHtifyiiiR Individual In the
North weal
"' """ '" ei'-r-
tf lu... I.AU..... . .KK . k.A
,ii r niranorn naa cuangeu ilia tactica,
Komewbat He la right out In the
open after rlghta-of-woy and railroad
terminal He want coah aaalatanoe
to build the railroad ayotom with
which to remake the map of Ore
ton- Interior Ami he la securing
reMiilta u limy lie Judged from the
fnllowlng atory from tin- li.-ml liull.
1 1 it
II. n,l to Hell II.. n. I
"If all right ol w.i. 1,-riiiiual .. ml
aulmcrlplion reiilremeiila are met,
ronal ruction of the Htrahorn rall-
rou(l wn, ,., , , ,,prl(c .rcor,,
'" '"'-''', '"ode by Mr
nirunorii wnen nere laai wee i ne
railroad builder arrived on Krlday
ou the beginning of a tour over the
..,,,, Satllr(Uy ,f,ernoon
meeting with Mr Htrahorn, the rlty
council decided lo advertise lor sale
the bonds voted in August for the
purchase of the local terminals Aa
a result of this action it is i
thai II. i.'l Bill he the first cil in
turn nver In Mr Sl.ahnrn lhe pro
perlv Nl lied hv hlm
"Mr Stralmrii .,- greally pleased
when here lo learn of lhe action of
tin- I'm Hand ( hainhei nl riimiimrce
taken lasl week, by which it offered
In, n its support and reiU.-:-ted a
,. ...-incut Irniii hlm us to w hut he
i-xpecti .I ii. i, n I'm i land II is un
ilerslood thut us soon as he 1 1 u - ...u,
pi, ted lis present Irip. Mi Strahorn
will take the matter up with the
I'o, I lalld ' nalnher
"in addition to tho itatomonti ",,
i. rniii'.' hull rniisiriii lion, Mr Sira
liorn i. lie, I ill T 1 1 1 , 1 1 I . lor Ilu. lirst
time, thai ii waa expected lo extend
the Iini'.. nln allfomla If way of
the lurprioo Valley . i. tlie ,
an.uiy. n. ills OOUld bi 00 mp
with thi I'lople nl I hi rail.) This
line WOUld , vl, lid In I'lanig.ii,.
w In i , eiihhci ild la- II
them i', ..Hie and tba
W. D.
nneil (o
.mi is , u r. 'lo noi.ii
111 KIM si Ml sMO'.
and Ui , ujo) i i neral
good l ',' g",, "i"1' b, to bi
a ou Uiokwf Nov. n, I..-I-
II im itatlou aro out to tho m.-,,
,,i,ni. , and an intoraattol
program bm bi i " arranfad Sev-
eiai uugagomanti In bU slinging ore
nu UM lap lo he inllowed by a wenlo
...ids and story telling.
ivUj. appeared lor tuo"