The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 09, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 8

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NfTVKMHEH 9, mir,
jin Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns
akes the Rub Out of
For the first time you'll wonder how you ever
did without it.
They do the rubbing and the wringing
daho Power Co
lassified Advertising
column uuu k'im rtMuitn mi wir uu'l as well as
those who have goods for sale.
Five cents per line per insert inn
Phone 49 J
tOll H.H.I
lull I M Conkllu
MIK4 hl.l.VNlVOl 8
Itrltig In two old tlrei and w will
make one Hint will run from 2000
to fiOOO mile more for you. Kr
i n Harnett Co.
ill- IV. J. PINNKI, -
, tmit.oN. n.if pun). IN in 'i"11 lbs, wind'
I. in'. 1.4 in In kit Mini ltK Itcwurd
will In- paid for iiilnriiiiilliiii uit to
whereabout hy JiiIiii Wood, Iliil.iriii,
( plume 42-N.
lid i..u like In Know liow .to
liOUil improved fin in for (1011
HI Cumier Ihi 4 I L'. Ontui lo,
WANTtB Competent Klrl tor
general gOBaework, Mr. Hurry
Coekram. plume II J. on
. . ! .. i "in i. nil of the Mimiiiut bid.
I, A Mis
Notice Ih BOfOtjf given that the
Slate Ijiiiil llniiril of Hi" Stat" of Ore
gon w receive BOOM Mils until
10:00 o'clock a. m , December 19,
1916. for the following described
land", tn-wlt:
All (if xeetions 1G and 31. T. 19 S
n. ss
All of sections 1C and 86, T. 21 B.
R 44 E.
All of section,. 16 and 3, T. 22 S
" SI E.
All of section 16 and 36, T. 22 8.
R. 40 ft
All of section 16 and .16, T. 22 8.
ft, 43 E.
All of section 16 and 36, T. 22 8
n. 44 l
All of sections 16 and 36, T. 23 8.
R 39 ft
All of section 16 and 36. T. 23 8
R. 43 1
All of section 16 and 36, T. 24 8.
R. t: n
All of sections 16 and 36, T. 24 8.
R. 43 E.
All of section 16 and 36, T. 23 8
R. 41 E
All of -. u, f anil 36. T. 21 S.
It 42 K
All df Mictions ! and 36. T. 21 8
It 4:i K
All of M6tl04U 16 and 36, T. 26 8
It 40 K.
All of section! 16 and 36, T. 26 S
It 4 1 K
All of recllons 16 and 36, T. 26 8
It. 4 2 E
All of section 16 and 36, T. 27 8
It 41 K
All of section 16 and 36, T. 27 B.
ft 44 K
All of section 16 and 31, T. 21 8.
R. 43 K
All of section 1 and 3. T. 21 8.
It 42 K
All of sectiou 16 and 31, T. 32 8.
It 4.".
All of lOOttOBO 16 and'36, T. 33 8.
It 4 2 I
All nl 16 anil 36, T. 35 8.
It 4 2 K.
All or section II and 36, T. 36 8.
It II ft
All of sections 16 and 36, T. 36 8.
It 44 ft
All bli's must he accompanied by
u ri'jculurl) i riiiiil application to
ffirnhtUt mill cluck or draft for at
M l.i I trim-ling Irclght
iik.-r ugent of tin' 'ircgoii huh iii Ontario 8iilurdn
siiik Incul shippers mi his re-
cm trip lulu tin' iiitcriiir
I f Klm.le .. traveling liasscng
t nf too 0 S I. arrived In
Saturday lo loow after the
r details of the excursion
!.. l. Noil, is
Indies aid society of the Con
I' church will hold a hand
tl and guest towel haiiar in
lurin Furniture company's
lie. -ember 1 and 2. He
work at The Argus OfflOO.
IK.AI, Mini i s
I"" is hereby given that the
turd administrator of the es
tate of Dld 8. ! t. deceased, lias
(lied bis final account in the OoOaMj
Court nl tin- Unit Ol OfBfOOi tin
Malheur iiiunlv, uf his udininlstru
(imi of Hie estate of aald deceased
All persons Interest , I therein, at.
r i u it fit In appear .mil present oh
lections thereto, If any al ttM hour 0l
11 i dork a. m. Saturday, Um LtU
day of November, 1916, at the Couu
ty Court Itnoin of the Count) Court
lluiisr. kj ItM City of Vale ONfJM
This notice is published ill porsuance
f an order of the llmi (Mo. W BM
Ktllght, Count) Judge f Malheur
Counly, Oregon, dated Oct. 14th,
Administrator of the etdate of Dav
id 6. iJiniiH'. deceased.
Date ul 'trot publication. Oct. 19,
Dale of lust publication, Nov. It).
The Hoard reserve the right to re
ject ant .oui .ill bid.
Applications and bids should be ad
l in li ti Itruuii, clerk Stale
LaguJ llo.inl. Salem, nr'igon, and
marked ' Applicitnoi .unl lud tn pin
I state lands."
t: c BROWN,
i lerk Slale Uiml Hoard.
Ii.ii.a ,i S.ilein, OftfMi October 11,
Hj i inil.lii.itinn. (hi 19. 1916.
publication, Dec. 14, 1916.
Business Directory
Cnlario, Oregon
e in New Wilson Block.
IV. II. Brooke,
Wilson BWlg
Attorney at Law
Ontario Or
Wathic physicians
Dr. Harriet Sear
Dr. Pauline Sear
Ft American School of Oiteo-
Pstiiy, Kirkaville. Mo.
Block. Telephone 164 Blk
f henes:
Offlc 117
Res. 1171
line door East of OaUrW Phar
os Nevada Aveuue, Near
R. R. Depot.
Will Practice in All Court
Notary Public. Office Over Poetuffic
Room 9, Firt National Bank Bldg.
OnUrio, Oregon.
Room 1-2-3 Pir.t Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
K W swagl' Attonaey at lw.
Room 11-116 Wilson Bldg Oregon.
i, JAIjLAUtir.n
Room in Wilron Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
PARLEY-KuaersJ director
Imer. Lady assisUnt. Phoae j
Ontari, Oregoa. j
Meet all train.
KOnm oi IAMI 0 I'ltoi'Kltll
ORHOON, Hl( Dll.ivvi I I
N'olice i hereby given, that, I, II
C. Knrmer, City Marshal of Hie City
of Ontario, Oregon, by order of the
cm I'liuneil of said City, have lev
ied upon and lll sell the prnpiilv
hen -mutter ilesi-riliel, situated In
the City nf Ontario. Oregon, for de
llniiieiit M uHIlt against said
pruperlr. us made by the suld City,
fur street and Seer linpiov.oni ills
a. lureinulter staled Suid prop
erty, or so much 1 hereof as may be
iiy, will lie sold al the liuiil
laof of the City Hall in Ontario,
Oregon, U ilaturday, the 11th day
of Noveinlier, 1916, at the hour of
ten o'clock in the forenoon, to s:it
Ufy said a-ses-ineiits and accrued
The following is a description of
ih.- property to h k44 together
with the name of the ptjTfM against
whom said assessment was made,
the amount due on each tract, the
rate of i.crumg inu-ieM and the cost
of ailverlihiiiR.
Being a lint of delinquent second
Installment payment on Lateral
District Sewer No. -', due July Ittfci
1910, Ilaucroft Ilond applicatiens:
A A Hiowu Estate, l.len ."i block 148
lots I to 10 inc. Installment
$11.47, accrued interest $6.19.
Accruing interest: To each of the
foregoing installment payments, add
iiiiinst at the rate of six per cent
per annum from July 12th. 1916
until the date of sale, tewlt: Novem
ber 11th, 1916 Advertising: Add
to the amount of each item t lie cost
of aiUerCsing computed at the rate
of cents per line.
iieing s Ml uf delinquent second
Installment payments on Lateral Ills
trlct S'w.r No. I! due July 12th,
1916. Ilancroft Ilond Applicatiens:
tDt laic Land lainn Co , Urn S
blot 1. I, Int. 1 nnd 2 Vllln I'.irk
Installment $2 97, accrued Inter
Ml $1.60.
Inte. .t.iie i,i ijOBn Co , lien 9
hli ck 2, lots and 4 Villa I'ark
Installment $2 97, accrued inter
i t $1.60.
Interstate Lnnd A Ixian Co., lien 10
block 2, lots :, and 6 Villa I'ark.
l--sll..-i .. H,m , ,
"' "' - ? mws lvm HivCi
est 11.60.
Interstate lattl ti Loan Co, lien 11
block 2, lots 7 and 8 Villa Park.
Installment $2 97, accrued Inter
est $1.60.
Interstate Land Lonn Co , lien 1 2
block 3, lot 3 and 4 Villa Park
Installment $3.16, accrued Inter
eat $1.70.
Interstate Land AV laian Co.. lien II
block 3, lot I, block 4 lota 26 to
28, Inc, Villa I'ark. Installment
$3 20. trcrued Interest $1.78.
tni. r (uis .and Y Lonn Co, lien 14
block 5, Iota 33 and 34, Vllln
Park. Installment $2.97, accrued
Intereit $1.60.
IntersUle Land Ixnn Co., lien II
toft I, lot II and 36. Villa
I'ark Installment $2 97. ucerin.l
Inlerent $1 60.
Interest LM4l Loan Co., ten I
hlock I, lols 37 snd 38 Villa I'uik
Installment $2 97, accrued Inter
eat $1 60.
Interstate Land t Loan Co , Hen 17,
block i. lot 39 to 41 Inc. Villa
I'ark Installment $4.46, accrued
Interest $2 40
Internum Land t Loan Co., lien 18
block 6. lot 22 nnd 23, Villa Park.
Installment $2 97, accrued Inter
em II 60.
Interstate I -and t Loan Co., lien 19
Mntk 6. lots 24 and II, Villa Park
Installment $2 97, accrued Inter
est $l 60.
Interstate Land t Loan Co., Hen 20
block 6. lots 26 and 27, Villa Park
Insullinent $2.97, accrued Inter
est $1.60.
Interstate Land t I. nun Co., 1
left 6, lots 2 nnd 29, V II.- I'.uk
Installment .7, m i ued inter,
Inlei.l.ile I. mid & Loan Co., Inn
lil,s-k 6, lots 10 and II, Vlllu I'ark
lnatallment $2 97, accrued Idler
llltertlale l.ulnl A Co, Men 23
hlock 6, lot 2, block 6, h
Villa I'u ik Installment $.' 97, C
ciued mteiest $1.60.
luterstute Land A I. nun Co. lien :'4
hknk tl. lols and 40. ill., Pari
listalluieni $2 97, accrued Inter
ill $1 60.
lulfrslate l.uinl A Loan Co, lien 1.
block 7, lots 3 to 12 inc . Villa
Park Installment .ll, urn in-, I
llteresl $1 t
Inttrstute Lund & Loan Co., lien 2k
block 7, lots 13 to 2 2 Inc . Villa
I'ark Installment $2 kit, accrued
llteresl $ I i
Intsratalc Lund K Loan Co lien I'll,
nlmk 7. Inis to :v, inc., V il lit
I'ark. Installment $ s:i, accrued
interest ( I
Inttrstute Lund A Loan Co , lien
block 7. bus to inc . Villa
I'ark. Iiisiuilmeiit $: I .:, MOTMd
inleresl $1
Interstate Lund A- l.ouii Co. Inn ". 1 .
hlock 7. lots 4:i to , inc, Villa
I'ark Installment $2 I I, ,i I 1 asj
inleresl J I
Interstate Laud A I. nun in. Inn : '
lilnck 7. lots VI lo i2 Inc , Villa
I'ark Installment si. act 1111 d
nil ere? t $ I
Iniersiate Land A Loan Co . lien :;:;,
block T, lot! II to 72 inc . Villa
I'ark. Installment, accrue, 1
interest $1.63.
Interstate Land A- Loan t'o . lien 114.
block 7, lots 73 to 76 inc. hlock
g, lots 1 to ii inc , Villa I'ark In
sullment $2 83, accrued inleresl
I til,
tin. i-iate Laud & Loan ( n , lieu ''
plOtk I, lols 7 to II inc . illa
I'.irk. Installment .Hi a,, nod
interest $1 ." I
Inler.-iute Land k l.nui 1 o Inn :; i
black I, lots 17 to t, inc., Villa
Park Installment 11.18, aniued
Interest $1 -"::
Interstate Land Loan Co. lien 17
hlu.-k 8. lots 27 to It inc . V ilia
I'ark. Installment $2. IS, 'IWrued
interest $1
Interstate Land Loan Co . In
block S, lots I to 4 inc , ( Ilia
I'ark. Installment $2 8$, aoprued
interest $
Interstate Lund k Loan Co , lien 39
block 8. lots 47 to 56 inc, Villu
Pari. Installment $2.83, uccrued
interest $1 II,
Interstate Land Loan Co., lien 40.
block 8, lots 57 to 66 inc., Villa
Hark Installment $2 83, accrued
MN3AI, ivimrm
Interstate Lnnd ft Loan Oo . lien 41
block I, lots 67 to 76 inc, Vllln
Pnrk. Initnllment $2.83, Accrued
lntrret $1.53.
Interstate Land S. Loan Co., lion 42
block 9. lota 1 to 9 inc. Villa
Park. Installment $3 03, accrued
Interest $1 II,
Interstate Iand ft Lonn Co , lien 43,
block 9. lots 10 to 19 Inc., Villa
Park. Installment $3.03, accruod
interest $1.63.
Interstate Land ft Lonn Co., Hen 44
block 9. lot 20 to 29. inc . Villa
Park. Installment $3.03, accrued
Interest 11.18.
Interstate Land A Loan Co , Hen 45,
block I, lots 30 to 39 Inc., Villa
Park. Installment 13.03. accrued
Interest $1.63.
Interstate Land A Loan Co , Hen 46
block 9, lots 40 to 49 inc., Villa
Pnrk. Instamment $3.03, accrued
Interest $1.63.
Interstate Land A Ixan Co., Hen 47
hlock 9. lot 60 to 59, inc, Villa
Park. Installment $3.03, accrued
interest $1.63.
Interstate Ijind A Loan Co., Hen 48
block I, lota 60 tn 69 Inc.. Villa
Park. Installment. $3.03, accrued
Interest $1
Interstate Land A Loan Co, lien 49
block 9, lots 70 to 76 Inc. block
10. lot 1 to 3 Inc.. Villa I'ark
Installment $3 03, accrued Inter
est $1.6.1.
Interstate Ijind A Loan Co , Hen 10
him k 10, lot 4 to inc , Vill
Psrk. Installment S : (I. I, sccrued
Interest $1.63.
Interstate Lund A Lonn Co. Hen 51
block lu, bits 14 to II inc., Villa
I'ark. liiMulliiient ( accrued
Interest $1 63.
Interstate Laud A laian Co , lien 62
block 10, lots 24 to Inc.. Villa
I'ark. Installment $3 03, accrued
interest $1 63.
Interstate Laud A Loan Co, lien u.l
Mock 10, lots to Inc, block
11. lots 1 to :, Inc , Villa Park.
Installment $: II, m . 1 ,1, d Inter
est $1 II,
Interstate Lund A Loan Co . lien 14
block II, lols 6 to 14 DM . I'll" I
11. lots II. lo UM , Villa I'ark
Installment it, .mined luier
est $2 II
Inii 1 late Lund A I in. I
block I 1, lui -- :u to :'."., in,- , Vlllu
Park. Installment $.7I, an nod
Interest $1.47.
Interstate Lund A Loan Co., Ilea 61
hlock 1 I. lot 26 to UM . Villa
Park Installment 1 1 . acciueii
nn. rest $1.47.
ile Land A Loan 1 11 , lien 57
block I I, lols to .IH UM . Vlllu
PaVk, Installment C4, anllied
interest $1.96.
Interstate Land A Loan Co, l.n l
block 12. lots I lo Ik inc . Villa
I'ark Installment, a, lined
B en --t
K. II. Hall, lien ill, bio. k
to 42 inc. Villa I'urk
III. lit I 1 II ,, u. . I lied
.'. 97.
II. C. Wilwoilh, lieu , block ;:,
lots I to tl. inc , Villa I'ark. In
stallinenl $4 74, licit 10 I
-' 56.
Daltolt Hlggs. lieu I'.ti. hlock 4. lots
I li and 17, block I, lot Il to. I 2
IOC Vill Calk HlMalllneirt $2 S'J,
.11,1 ued intere.-l I ,
Oltlarlo Laud A- Tnwiisitr Co.( SttgtJ
77, block .. iiorlh 20 feel of lot
17, Villa I'urk, Moot -m. lOU li
to 10 and we-t , J I. el ,,l 1 In
took 1 1. bit 1
ineut :' II ... . 1
Ontario Land A ToWOllU Vllwl1''"
lols I
6 Inc . hlock ISt, Hi" - ii,, I lots
liWJ.ll, NfrTIfKR.
Installment $2.29,
est $1.5 8.
T. H. Moore, Hen 8 7, block 6, lot
I to 4 inc., and the north fir foot
of G. Installment $9.34, accrued
Interest $5.04.
T. II. Moore, Hen 88, bin k ... lot
6 nnd 7, and Ihn south 1 feet of
6. Installment $8.17, an rue, n
terest $4.41.
Wilson Investment Co., Hen 90. block
6, lot 4 and the north 20 feel of '
Installment $6.25, accrued Intel
eat $2.84.
W C Sanderson, lien 101, block
lot 1 to 6 Inc. Installment
$15.90, accrued interest $S.69.
T II. Moore, Hen 104, block 13, lot
10. Installment $3.1 S. accrued
Interest $1.72.
W V. Sanderson, Hen III, block
18, lot 11 to 16 Inc. Installment
$16.90, accrued lnteret $8.69.
O. A. Pogue, Hen 108, hlock 18, lot
18. Installment $3 18, accrued
interest $1.72.
M.11 ii... Parley, Hen 113, block 14.
lots south 16 feet of 12 and all
of 13, block 23. lot 16, block II,
lots 4 kl 10 Inc. block 40, lo'
18. Installment 123.83, accrued
Interest 112.81.
(' E lleldlng. Hen II. block 18,
lot 1 to 6 Inc. Installment $16.90
accrued Interest $8 69.
May Wilson, Hen 119. block 15. lota
16 to IS inc Installment $12.72
accrued interest $6.87.
A Zlininermsn, Hen 120, hlock II,
lot IH lnatallment $3 18, accru
ed Interest $1 72.
J J. Ilurbrldge, lieu 1,14, block 2::.
lot I to 10 inc In-.talln,. ti-
$10 44. accrued Interest $6.14.
J. ft McWhlrtcr. lien 161, block 87.
lot 1:1 to 17 inc Installment
$10 44, accrued interest $5.64.
Martha Huffman. Hen 154, block 30.
lota 14 to 80 Inc. Installment
$10 50. accrued Interest $5.67.
Louise Jones, Hen 170, block 40, lot."
to 10 inc. Installment $9
accrued interest 16.26.
Ilvrou and Ralph Turner, Hen 171,
block 40, Iota 11 and 12. Install
in. -in '.in, accrue. I interest $2 II
A .nniuerniuu, lieu 179, block 41,
lols 15 to 17 inc. Itialalliueu
, ....iii.-d interest IB. 16
J.ilin Kennedy, lieu lkli, block
239, lot 7 to 10 no- itistnllmeat
$s 43, accrued intercut 1 1 It 1 as 11
Nancy Mctiliern, lien I !i I , block 241.
Installment $11 54, accrued int. 1
e t t, V
Accrulug interest: . To .-.,, li of tl,,.
torOtJOtal " lullineiit paiineuis udil
Interest ul Hie rale nl per cen
p.-t a 11 11 u in from .lull It'll,. I mil, 111
III the dale ol sale, to Mil .Smell
MO nth, ifln;
Adieu 1 gt Add In the atiii.un
,il each lieu Item tie 111 I nl adw-l
ti -oik. 1 ipin.-d at ih. rate ol I
.'iits per Ikie
.is .... 1 HiMiig n Mist of HoHftquenl ajbood
" toll toatoltaMJ payineiiisi on LATtri, I
'" ill. .um iewt .- -. iiatP48)Mt
lids It
1916, Han. t.,11 Ilond p.ll. at no,
T II Moore. Leu : I I,.. k 2 I , lot-
I I In 20 inc Installment
ai-erunil inieie 1
i,,i nine, imareai rd t m fore
gmiiK in-iuiiuii-iii payment add n
ler'l at 1 ho rat,- ,,( til pel OOl pi
aimuiti (i,nn .lull I. 'Ih. I 9 1 14, mil, I
Um toto "i sate, 10 mi November
11 HY. IMC
Advertising ,m i, the amouai
of the above lien tl,.- . ., I 01 ...her
'ltjg en input. .1 at il. rm, 1.1 I
ot. poSWV 1 ' f
BalOg I 111 ol i.-liniii.iil pa;
tueiits due ti,.- 1 in ,,1 Ontario, l.
street imptovnieni mr Ora-go
,' liw n m- uii.l Kin,
street, the same Lt-lllK III, I tided
ued llteresl i : c
rowaslte 'jt lei
dock .:ajk4,i. :;,iWnrk
I ami fMiick" 61T Kfms 4 to
i- . hlock ISt, frat ' nul lots
1 to 10 inc Itislul , tJtlJoye JJip -nui ,
accrued Interest libit. !m-, j iLiiiisXiA .,
To Bait 'o . lien
lots 1 : to $7 tin
a I
37, fruclionulcW'iIJ tok, I.
I It, lots 1
I,, 1,1- . $ I k 7H
Mayrinc I'efferle blnck
. Hrt- r,r
c K I'm. on, block i
120, lot 1,
Ontario Land
79, llloek
IdoCk 1ST, lots II in 1 1, inc. hlock j c l( Kni'-on. block I , lot
lots 11 U JU 1Uc, . Idock .Li. I . ill 7A. 1.... If... . 'J
II in H 1.1M 'liWaHAfMit 'AdM't,, UefF J'i mr.'
I, acct ued Intel. -.-t "tVW VHV'fV M ' ' ' ' ' '' "
criiniK Interest To eaelMUlie pet a,.,,! ,ei ,vf lu
I'lMgomi; pa) n.eiits add I 1, until dale ,, sale, :,, w il
in) at Hie rale ul six per cent ember lllli, 1916
paiineiits add I lt, until dale nt sale, (
six p.-i cent ember I I Hi. I '1 1 ..
inuinii from Julyaff jtT, 1916, tin j Vm party pure' JIbV- any Oyf
lie Ta, iVal. St'0-.ftrlfttf I .ly-will lie kmiJf
lth.Jfltl )t( itliic, ie of i'urela as by tin ,
,lverelhi MililSr,.- uinutAlIn ,0 t'Wlfiet0tl r4'
lafh lieu item the COSl nf udiei
IH compilled al Hie rate of 2 5
,Aspef,M,4 7
OeiliK a list of del 1 1 ii.-n t secwud
sniier redeemed, will tun tor ,u .
leal, and hear Intel'. ?l at the 111',
1,1 II asto bt 'annilti t 4,
said t'srtlfleat is not redeemed .1
intyk V"meit in Lateral l)is Mg ,-nd of inie year, by' iiTr6fla
No 4. due July 12th, (tit, the said Certificate to Toe I'll) of
tT hi,,,
$6 lOJ
acrofl liond AiinlluaUoiis
'P. II Mouie. lien IT, block- 4, lots
' 4 to J iuc. Inslttlltni-nt $11.67
1 Accrued InKtreat
H.!C. Whitworth, lien 14, block 4,
kit I Installment H:, accrued
Interest $148.
Oman 11.. OrpfOB, lb salt I'll) I
deliver in the owner thereof a And
t,, tips property tittscnpco o n--
1 in
October 12ln,
publication, November
Knioi -y
I 10
lieu 86. block 4, lot
ed Interest l 5H.
llj.R. Welch, Hen
tj '.'i. acorued
kk 1. lo.-k , lot 1
said c.-t llflcatt
Ptral publication
1 'i 1 .,
JL q. KAKMKit,
of the City of Onl