; r.:K mm 1H ONTARIO (Established 1896) '.1 O, K. M KI . Published Thundss 1 Ontario, Oregon nnd entered ai the Ontario poi I or ditrib itii n si 2nd class matin- SUBSCRI1 ONS: - 00 Three Months ,60 Single o pies One year Si Months NOTICE TO All copy for display advertising should be at this office hy vveunesuay noon. I insure position copy this office on Tuesday. Tin: i:i,k Tinv All doubt a lo who will lie presi dent of llMM lulled State durltiK l lie next four tear HHH to da u.,1 -,l TIip people. Iiyt lii-lr ballot lia ii.iiu.mI Woo.lmw ttil , the democratic nominee a ilielr chief M ..nine lie In therefore the prcsi dent of Ikt whole people. Not In the memory of tin- present Reiteration haw their been u cainpalKii wherein the result was M Inns: In doubt While Um ArffU no I'-h re great the defeat of Cliurlc Kan IIURhex, who It hellcvc Is the most able candldatex the party lias BVOf preBented to the voter for MUMW atlon nine Lincoln, vet It Imw grow fully to defeat. hopInK that future CM'tlt ma) IBOW It In l;m I n in rror concerning President IrllOM Thla la no time for the siiliuilsslnii of alibis TIM vnl.rH npparciitl) de- termned to accept the doctrine .,f peace at any price with Wilson, in evperlnii'iillim with Mr lAghM It la a strnimc commentory ur A uiei :. .hi pooojg tu ililuk that In the eaat where both men were known beat, that the defeated candidate abould have received ko xtrotiK a pie i. i. in.- Stranger Mill Ik it that the defeated candidate should have mil i.nh won In his uatUe slat.- hut In that of his rival as well There are. however, xevi'inl fea ture of Hie election from which .1 westerner ma) druw some i, nut,, it Kroin this nine forth Ihl elloii of tin- lull, I Stales will rOCOlVS -nine coiihlderutioii from tbe polnieal no tfiils itl the t-'.iisl Then li.tt the "- i.. ..... i i... i .. ..r .I... i..... i "on,. .- ..,,.,. .,,,..,...,. vote should dixanear for eo-r fmui Ainericali poln iin t. lie vi i.vmi ,.rl.l's series 111, i , nine and go. Oroal lialfbucks may hang their 11., nie s iii the foot bull hall of fame with sensational much duwii, but alter all once each lour vears their luatre Is , 1 1 111 in .-, I hy the great Osi American game of poln n,r all, the right rr i,,hu,iil llnnnrs i,,r part) perlenueiit and pu xltlous uf power at the hands of the people has all other games nl chance and skill -. 1 1 1 -.-. t i,,i aorta wrecking evct.iueiit and intense thrills of ex ultation at vicIiim and depressing de- hpnlldt-lic) ill dele.it However, thank to the saving sens., of portions possessed by the Ainericuii people these h.it ties end with Hie counting of the ballot I'n like our more mercurial neighbors, the 1 eject Inn nl ,1 t.nured part), or the return Of one to power is ijinei ly accepted No thots of 1. -01111111111 or effort at reprisal are entertained ! ieinrv or defeat Is Just, "a part of the game " If this were not the case popular gn et unit-lit, as we know It here 111 the lulled States w.iul.l not long ex 11 Thl would he another Mexico, torn h) anarchy and internecine tott II.- Till. Dh HIT VI III HIIX. in the defeat nl Coin- C Hill a.s Mil) aaaoaaol lha rotors ol Malbaor Mill) vin.llcaleil themselves Ih.) eiuph.iiically placed then Stamp of aUaaaproval on ins ojotbod ol dealing out personal IrORgMOa 00 thus,, who incline, I his ,hsta,,r The) establish,-, I, as it should he. the principal thai all men shall I il.il before the court of Justice. The defeat ol Mr. Hill, for w I10111 the Argils has no personal dil I. 1 .11. . but with whose UlOthods , could Hot agree, will 1 vslablish ihe credit Of the county with th. im 11 lrnin whom Its people 11. 11 -I secure the nee, le, I muds lor Ihe ,1,-velnpiueut of 1 In- unused land It I now up tu Morgan lai'lile. wlui has MM goloctod in suce, ,1 Mr Hill to delimllsl I. lie that the VOtOI wt ra wlaa 10 1 h, ir selction a, trovolitig uini 1 1 ug.iit of tin- OrogM Short I.luu was m Ontario Saturday Interview ing looal shippers .,11 Ins rW turn from trip into the latOtior. ARGUS Editor ami Pabllshtr .35 06 ADVERTISERS should be in BATTLE OF BALLOTS GRIP ALL ONTARIO I'lmtltiinil from page one) It was a Jolly, but Intensely ser ious crowd, wnlu ill, that uui In-red at the city hall IhkI Tuesday evening to read the bulletin secured by the Ore Hon club M they appeared N tfci board Ax the result became more doubtful and each aide felt Mm cham pion slipping there win but little hniitorlim back and forth Hot h jrfpiililliiiiis .in.! democrat felt too deeply to jolly about It. and tin. gag corn wa bravely banlnhed, or better wax apparently illsposril of. deep , , - .. . ,...,,.,. ,..,. of all HOWOVOf tills did llol prevent Ihnsc present from enJoyliiR a pleasant o -enliiK with their neighbor and the waits between meHaaRes were lille.l with brave attempt at wit and ban ter During the CM-niim, ion, the women of the Kplscopul guild serve. I waffle- an. I coffee ami this latter ele iiieni stlniiil.iied the jaded neros nl the audience, if the) needed all) slim illation, so that the rrow.l held on un til 3 a m While there was a gle.it ,,., n III teres! in the olllcnllie ,,t the leitnin .,r as Hie e.nmlv ..ff'r.il- uefe ouocor I it whs so overshadowed In tl,.. i,r..sl.l.. I .. I p..i..r.. . l. - ' ' "' S ,,,,,, I,,.' ,- ,. ,.. . . ,.i si,,, meain s,, si,,w in cnmllig that no tabulation of the ,;,n l,,.-i in. elnct wax mu.le, however, most of the Clllll ,.l k, pt ,, lliclltul lit a mental tab nil the result. WEATHER FAVORS VOTERS Hsavy Vote is Cast Throughout the Country. New Vork. Nov K Kslr weather. Scleral throughout the cuuli, ex cept in the upper Mixlipil valle) and in wesiein Colorado, in oiiipanlrd h agreeghl,- lemperatiire. brought nut the oiling hoxlx earl) todav lie ports from practlcall) all sections In di. ated that a beav) ote had been cast, and sum. ir.nls reported ihat the bulk ol the (lite was III before Iu a in All Hie New Kiigland statea Iu their earl) reporls of the oiling dwell 011 the he) earl) hallotlliR Prov nl.-iice It I . reported that tbrougli.iiit the stale it was the lieu, lest eer known New Vork state and other nil, 1,11, Atlaiilic state reported an iiiiuauall) large earl) ode, and similar reports came from the weat and south. COUNT IN IDAHO IS SLOW Rsturni Art Widsly St Vininci But Trend Towards Wilson. Ilulse idall.i Not X The . DUB I 11. Idaho 1 ex. eptiuiial ilU slow Scatter i.leiv ..I variant lug return are wi but Ihe rota 111 the stale capital trends towards Hughes lloweo-r, iiuomplele returns Irom the slate at large show President W'll aun leading In a substantial pluralil) I'nr tile goo-lll.irsllip, Wevallncr. deiuo.ral. leads In a narrow ui.iigiii o n Da is. Hie r. puhl , .1: , id ,1.1 )u exceplionall) laiii,- rota was ,si all o,r Hie state iii aouthwaalara Idaho Woaart N Dunn is Klrongl) in tin lead 111 the 111.11 pariisan race tor latlM Of th. supreme court C A HlOsOf, It ' tar l.u Ih,- 1 . publican slate leulral c littee claims 1,1,1,., for both Hughs and Davta. Rsprntativs Mann Re lctd. Chi, ago. Nin X .lames It Maun. minuiii, Ira, lei of Ihe house at W'ah iiiglou. 011 win, 111 a vigorous fight was made h) the .leys of the .xei oud lill iiuiH oongreasioual distn. i wa alMl ed b) an indicated pluralil) of I0.06C Michigan Goes fac Huyhe. Delr.ui, N.n X Democratic State Chairman MtaVBMM con, e,le ktichl gan 10 Hughes by "a normal icpubli can uiajoniv Michigan is noruiall) republl.au b) tun mm TIIF VOTE IS FACTOR ( tii in ui-il from paga 000) for Hltuhe and most of 01 t.int lUttT w. nl fur M i in I ) maturities n great porportlnn gtol) as llmse in the I Mtlio'.mli Hie in. IrOpotttM new I papers srhleb have support! Pn drill VYIIOOD I'llll. eh'.l hi ll ' r til" .1. iiiiiiriiMc nMMgt r Inelatof that I iitnriiH fr mi ih. w est w mil. I reveres tin' trend Which steadily seem e, t,. up the lliiihi s i olumn nmi.rrlla HH ISO Rl ni. inher gtf.M wn the predic Hon of the democratic publicity till ....I, Which n"iite. out that In that I memorable ..i.i.-i IM reied returns 1-1 - - 1 OrWTtf t'l.ncland In the whit, house. statement was issued b) the dem ocratlc national lommlttee i lalmlng that with the loss of the following state, who h it was not lielleved Hughe hsd larrled. President Wilson was still reelected h a majority of two Tote In the i lectnral college Callforiila. Indiana. North Dakota. South Dakota. West Virginia slid Wl cousin The eoinnntlce claimed that even If these states were lost. It will glvt 'reident Wilson a witc o( :8 iu tbe elertorsl college Vance M t'ormlck. chslrman of the denioiralie national lominlttee, claim- ed the eleitloii of President v ilson with L'Tii ones in the rle.toral collsie. Republicane Claim 2g4 Votss. The repiihlnan nstlonal , oinmlttes in an official statement . laimed tall forma. I'linne. tlcul. Delaware, Idaho, lllliiol. Ititliana. Iowa. Maine. Mary laud. MaMi.aibiii.eti. Mulligan. Now llatnphirc, N w Jem,, New Vork. North Dakota Oregon, I'ritiisvhanla. Itloule I s Iu ml StWth Dakols. Vermont, Washington. VoMt Virginia and Wia COIisin That made a total of :'X4 electoral votes with more than the neeeaaary 2(t for an ele, t ton. Mil wax tin orriclal indication from thl republicans that the result would , be o .lose. The republican inauuKcn- roalllOd that u sudden xwiiili In the stah s in, .I i.l, i,. nr ttahtart Irom might liicriH.1 the Wilson figur, hut Will Mile the later figure would 1 add tn H .. in were i luliuing Progrssslvss Returned to C. O. P. Political siporta are baaj bMtei h ulalnlng Hi, i. turn to pnw.r In the , nation ol (he republican purt Men iin 11.1111 panns agree lliai llie one ..j . ... ..... ,howS the prt 1, vex have r.lurn.d n. ,h. ; u fold wh.h ,i wn sou nmi hao- held some ol Ihl vote. 1 . 1, at 11,.. 0I il v ol the v 0I1 rs w bo four vears a... rallied lo the support 01 Mr linos, oil. ap arcntl) cast their ballots lor Mr Hughes Ihe vital Important,- .,1 M. .i. sie ode ma) be gained from a tud nf thn llgurex four earx l. ..huh resulted III the election of Mr Wii At that time th. ,,unhliicil vote ol ROOOOVOll ami Taft exceeded that of W llsnn In I .LI 1.444 Mr Wilson' oile was 1. .',.1,1:1. Taft 01 and Kuu.se, ell s 4 1 11,607 The big light of botli partle wax waged In what was regarded a the four iinii, , riant .Inuhtful states of New Vork Indiana. Ohio and Illinois, with a total electoral vote of 111 New York Vote for Hugh. Now York s if ele. loral vote will be cast for Hughes and Kairbank Ihe letuin Indicate that Mr Hughes carried the state by a substantial plu ralit) Karl) returns from the state were closely watched In several of ' Ihe upper counliee of the stale, par liciilarl) Krie and Monroe, voting inachlnr were used, which facilitated prompt tabulation of the return When the , omplete returns from Hut falo gavi Hughe 40 65:' and Wilson :t'.H."., it wa regarded a certain that the rrpuhllcan preaideutisl candidate hail earned the state Karl) In ihe evening the leading New York dallies. Including the papers which supported Wilson during ihe campaign, conceit ed Hie election of Hughe limeriior Whitman was reelected In a large pluralil) and William M ('aider republi. .111 candidate tor I in ted Statea leualor was also elected The in called "solid South. Ala hams Arkansas. Florida. Louisiana, Mississippi. North Carolina. South Carolina ToBBOaaOO. Texas and 11 giiua. winch have .inifoi n,l cast their electoral votes for the deinocrati, presidential andldales. in still s,.lu! democratic. W ilson ami Marshall null lag the no... I Usfgl inajol ".ties. If the complete revised returns hear nut earl) imic .u,, ins the present dem niraiic inajuni, 111 the ,,,r house of coiigr. ss will he .iipe.l .nit and (ha re publican part) will bo la .outroi While the roturai nidi, ale there will he a largely r. iluccd majoril) in the xenale it is 111,1 helieo-,1 ihat the dem ... i.i 1 - w ill luse , nntrul Seth r Rhode, travollog paaaoog Of BfMl ol the () S 1.. ariiv.d in Oatarlo Jriaturduy to luuw attar the preliminary details of the excursion Sunday. ONTAHIO AKOI'S DEMOCRATS HULD Florid for Wllion by 15,000. JgCkMflVlllOi I In . NOV, I. Kelitrn I imti. aie w llson inajorlt) will bi I Mississippi Qlvl 75.000. Jackaoo, Mat., Not, miiip pi M)orlt) for wiImoii probabt win reach 75,000 VM membtri ol the ON M ,i, ;. ,ii, n were re I without opposition Arkansas Larger Than Usual. I.lt'le Mm k. rk , Nov K Iteliim lad . v.-;: Mct than lour year into by I'd per cent. North Carolina Is Wilson's by 60.000. It i eigh. N '. NOT I liemocratlc majnrltle apparently are maintained In all district, party leaders claiming 46, I to r.0.000 Alabama for Wilson by 60,000. M,.blle. Ala. Son I Itctiirn In dicate Wilson inajorlt) In thl stale Will he Hi' lion In I'M.' it waa 60,019. Qt&rgia Strong for Wilson. Atlanta, 00 No. I lleturn In dicate that or 136.000 votes caat throughout the state. 100.000 were ileniiM rath Tsnntssss In Lin foi Wilson. Meniphi. 'lenn No N Tennessee will go mrrwhrlniliiRh for Wilson for prr,(rnt hut there Is a i lose race I between John W 0erall. republican. and Tin, n. governor r Kye. ilenioi rat. for Louisiana far Prtsidsnt Wilson. Si w ml, xiix Nov N Keturn In dnxtol thst President Wllxun ha carried Louisiana b) tin, ' Demo crats elci ted eight cougremen South Oskota for Hughaa. Sloiil l-'slls, H D. Nov N Indl.a tlonx are that Hughes hss carried Bou Hi Dakota bv a plurality id H.ooo. The pridiililllnn ainetidnieiit was adopted l, .ii.Uiiii and the Riiffrage am. initio in In iniiiin p. t.-r Nord be, I- ire, I will will for .mcriiir h The la. lies alll no. ft) of the I'llll Rr. c.t i. mill . Inn, h will hold a ban, I t I -i ml .ni .i towel haaar In tb" imtaii.. I urnltiire company WlndOWS I', ember I and : Itc ERSt f Uttl rw.s;sV Jaw Il.y How to DECIDE first that your figure is individual that you njcd,a corset dtsigntd for you. Then look at the 9 Ideal Figure Types and choose yours. Next, come to us and let us show you the many Gossards we have in stock in your size, designed for your ideal figure type. Then your selection is reduced to the amount you want to pay, from 25.00 down to $2.50. This i. the Thirty-first Announcement and Proclamation of Gossard Corset Styles for Fall and Winter, 1916-17 In addition to comfort, wearing service and great value, you obtain authentic style in Gossards. Cos sards wjwaj longer because of their materials. They arc in style longer bi cause of the a.K.inccJ style information ol their de signers, which is reflected in the corsets. Selecting your Gossard here insures intelligent service. Be titled today. A model for every figure at a price any woman can well afford. An export corsetiere will be pleased to lit )ou without obligation. BOYER BROS. & CO. 111 , ,. t "i mw "IM mL1 aalggVgP' WB WSf. V A Jlas - ?1 I I a ggggaaLi gggghl I t J ,aaaoBMHosaBaMssss Bsv7sBaBB 4e ' HUGHES IN THE LEAD IN OREGON Single Tax and Boer Amend ments Appear to Have Eccn Defeated. Portland. Of., Nov K (haih'H K. Hughe probabl) ha carried Oregoa for priHlilenl b) n pluiahn ih n inuy rcaih I.. lliH'he I lending Wilsnn In Mull nnioah . .mill by a narrow margin Hui'.he h maintaining a Reed had In moHt of the up stste .untitle lie "inr to have carried RoatoB, Clackama. tTalxop, folumlila I no. Crook. Ollllam Hood Ithcr. Khimalh. I .mi' I .In. nln. Marlon. Hhcrmiin. Til lainook w mini. W'axhltiRloii and Yam hill eiiiintlei Ilia lead In CtMkMMM Is small W'IIhoii I leading In llak. r. DmiKlas. Jackaon, Jefferaon. Linn. Morrow, t'matllla, I'nloii and Wallowa BOM lies W (' Haw ley haa been reelected representative in congreas In the first dlslrht and N .1 Sllinott in the sec nnd district lloth are republicans t' N M. Vrthur. republican candl date for longr.ss from the Portland dlxtrhl. Is maintaining a . .insistent and sppsrentl) ssfe lead for re elec tlon over A W l.afferty and John A Jeffrey the democratic nominee Men W in... tt haa been reelected secretary of state Krank M.mre of Columbia oun ty. and lieorge II Murnetl, of Marlon count) hate been reelected Justices of Hie supreme i ourt by substantial pluralities Moth are rapubllcana l.,hn D Mi, klr ..f Portland, waa re sir. te.l dairv and food commlaalnner The single lai amendment was over whelinlnslv defeated BlOfJ count) repotting haa given a dei Islva vote again, t It Th n anowol under The marg'n asslnst it IS Isrge iu the nuthlng comities The absolute prohibition I, ill Is run nlllg close npxi.ii. uii, I S result on this meaxiire la ni doiiit Ciihs .Miillliomuh OOHBl) BOM heat II) against it. this hill win. I II pro hihlt Hie importation m I ., i ,r. ma) earn W W I III Compel, m ,i for general bouxework Mi II, ,1.) 1 .,, Uruiii. phone !tii J. lim.,1 .. Ititt Ihtt lar.. .raw Ltii Hiim Wtut Wtul Select Your Corset N,,VKMUR, , NEW Hughea" YORK I 0. Ltsd Is ItlW , APrll. I is.. I m. led .'"""' wm ' , 111! st ""n Din ill i .i.lilin Wn, " " i' an is ,. ' s I. ml I. N' ti, .,- i.. ' ""hr wax i, . i llm lies h ,i "' skiu . i ll'IIU "" "'' "'I. l;,, , ""' '" .M.is I ''' ,r "trteta rraglaww ""' "'""' "' tJ2S 1,1 ""rf-1"' - I nus, , Utc. which Hughe. wrW'hJJ :i:iT. slthoi.Rl, ,, wa,rirn' , I I . '' V, 1 1. a n more for Rovsmur two mn I than 19,1.1,11 ui,.k. .7 v gain also wore shows .. s ! ' Hyracnse and All,,,,,, ,hf "' Motion cities of the mt, PrOOJ relurim rsostsai 1. . psrent ont that Charles s w,,, n reelect.,! mn ,.rnor i... Besbury. his itrmr.tk- g-. William M rslder. nf Br mer representative to coirm, ""'"'l l'1' I H'stM ,, Wllllsin H M, crbs. forsat tkte msn of the drmorrstlr siUsmI aa mltlee. by a large majority lleturns show,, 1 that tkt rwpool, cans had gained tins rontrsaaiii IHXNSPDHTTIOPR0SlnB i)ur new Bunday and awtswla. rursions solve them. wr iilsati. 00. re finding out or rtua in cheaper than using thtli -xii ran Ask about them Afttl 0 1 U ' ,l Utlllj Daily Cadillac Stage Boise to Ont.irio -Ontario to 60i.se via TIIIIIJHDAY. bin likewise haa been Kaffir. Star. MiddlrloR. IaHIu KuIkH Sltirc. New Pljaouth and I t u,i:.iiiil I.rav ex liaise N o'rl.xrk a. a. irmo tint arm I o'clock p. B. I .ocx Ontario I n'clsck p. a, fJSJJfJ lloi.r N o'clock p 1 .nl 1 1 In. I : ik In PassrRtrCir l III IIKKON. Prsp. Starl from Hn.li.l Hotel laas Starts Irom Moon Hotel. Usliru lleginning Monds), Mr. t Utml CsrwJ Hmk Hid U : Jwftt fit"