The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 09, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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k Four :tul One
flK Shunt by
- ibtm vV
I J m' " Jeff
-half Days From California
the Floating I'ulacc
S;u r.i'iii la n Ion i
)i 1 let KB 1 'M llUfM.
Via I. on Angrlr
1' I !" ' . 1 I. 1 1. i.-X , I
Mi . c II
at Iiit homo
Kl llnlli nf Hiikemfleld cnrotito
to Lansing, Midi, stopped for it visit
nllh hi- brother, f M Hath lie
ikiimiiiiiiiiiI W F HiiriHT to Haiti
brln. Iilaho, Friday.
Utile Marie Powell n pnjaj
row day with her grandparent. 0
c Powell'a in I'.i.M'ttr
Mr mill Mm Hay Alters ami ,.,,
limine returned to their home at
ft. i it few is visit with Mr
AlUn parents. M I. I.ockhnrt
l(ov iiml Mm F t; Albert, of llols,
were dinner guests at the Henry Sol
terhaek home Friday. '
Mr ntiil Mm. It M Muti-lilHon ami
John UtttChlaoa .m.i Mis III f
Dee. 16; .Tan 4. 23; Feb. 13:
March 6, 33
man of Payette were dinner Riimta
I attraction of tin- Hiw.iii.i-
in vv luUUi, i ... I li.i ili-lii
dckt t oScaa, aaaa aril ra
Trip fM) and up,
1 t.ilKIVO.
(rum Km
Apply m railway afrnu. or k.1
M I! II DM M A..I (Sen I'
I1. illn.l Urr
11 Jfk.n. Tr.r Mnr.
.'. Maik.i M Mn IrmciHu.
at tin- John Hands homo Friday.
II Solterhcck .it companled by par-
tiM from Knimctt iiml KulkH went up
In llii' hills Monday fur tlinhpr. for
a ham which he tlfJMM to bullil on
hla place The itlmenHiona of the
ham will he MlM fur stock ami hay
TIik farmpm ilitdi near the Mc-
I'uniiull homo is being enlarged It
. will be n fprt ilppppr ami otherwise
' Improve.!
A .1 Smith and Miss Aniiii Smith
visited their hrothpm, Win ami Phll
llp In N'aiiipa IbmI week The Smith
llr.ithem have piiriha-n d a lot lu(
Niimpii ami mil Imilil a cottage on it
Mr an. I Mm I. M Caff rl
their daughter. Mm MeCurty. mi On-
the I iiprnii house last week
ttlBdaj lifter hi hi Mi.r C II
Bowmaa of Paratta ami s a c.r
The h.i.ii i people have Installed ilium were rumltiK down IVtinMylvanla
.i pump .it the church tu Hiipply water aemie .it the Minn.- otu mem
fur baaitaiaal U fur the ner th.-v Miii with ., i,,.,, ,, eon)
rhnrdi kitchen. Sunda araajlag "l,,n ',r, PkllHfja wus rumiiiK in-
the "Five Ually" one applicant tu town frum the nindi iiipI in turn
waa huptlHl'il Ins II iril.T til to the left Nellh
t the llrethim church fiUfl '',r remenihere.l to u. iiidr whlMlea
mornlna a eflaM temp.r.iiu-. pr.. " '"' PWIMf cur wu-. .leuiollsheii nnil
Kram .- ci.ii. Ml l'i-her mnl ""' ll"111"11 'ruck ho lunllv hurt
Illicit hoth spok. on the constitution- ,,"', " ,""1 '" ,l" Mnn4 into I'uxetto
ul prohlhltloii ametiilmeut The ear-
II II lllack to I.. ih, i thin week to school piano laxt week
put in the pliimhliiK in the hou
iiik hunt h MaOaaa torMr Battoa, ol t li Bole I'.iMtii' l.utn
her company.
Mlaa Viiiiie i otwatl I-- I'l.ikiiik' in
Mn - M.rc lompmiy store el I'hmii.
S I' Mean lias r.-nte, a place ne.u
I'.im I', .li. I i- luitiinK III a larice acre
HKe ol wheat The place wan renieil
In II.-u I'atheal la I
Mm Hurry l-ewl and children ac-
companieil hv five children from ,",,il '" "" ami Mat
ai law . . aaraata ara la Hagatoa ' aM OfcHatlaa attl
An,.,,... lafl aarl) Moaaaj noralaa -- mrnan
for the I'onler Mrs l.ewis MM I n Crowr MroH Khippeil two cura of
Nai tu haw- lor the p.isi week us h"Ks from Ontario ami Vale last Krl-
hoiiii us Mujor Lewis ,,oul, til, trap' Aaj ami MM MM (nun Nssa iiml
rur MW la sturl Ctarll will remain '"' IMyinuulh tins Tilesil.n
with his iraadaaraau M i Mai M It mwj balla ami
Mr ami Mrs ..iui. W.-ll MOVad BlBMlai Horn .me i,. i ,m, ears ,,f hay
to Km met I this week fur the winter l"'r BBJ
Win Thonpaoo who is m-i raaoi
erliiK from the chicken pel was tall
en sick Sunday with pm uumuia
Tin- Win llollinliei k ami Chan
were landaj Km- I
the t; I lloll. oh. rh Inline
I'liuk rajrlof w ho was hurt wi
lia.ll in the auto mnl motor c de
I' K
Mr .Hoi Mrs How mini were .linm-r
aitests nt the I'linliiiin home and Mr
How mini and Mrs I'unliiiin hud MMM
to the llosseii lioiii.-
Mr ami lr A Stcicner and
chllilren dnne to l.ethu Sumlu to
wsit r All.. n .,.w,.
II II Itoollur sol, I I,. ,,. , ( ,,
I nine thK week on Winch were
the house, horse I. am uml ,al( shell
to Oli.-ll i oclirun Mr Hoomer will
ball a iihmLtii house on hla land
John baaaaacal (Ivaaan near im Biaraoa alaaa
'oil litertHllied the
He.- iiuii I.. -i MTaataaa
U ii ..ii.i Mia
John Boaab eelabrated their lltb
One of the best 160 acres of land on
Dead Ox Flat.
Eighty acres fenced, part plowed
and more cleared.
Good one-room house with lean-to,
small barn and horse lot. One mile
from water.
Located in good dry land section,
This is the best buy on the fiat and
For information call at Argus office
i. i iiifMe ii-ti for i ' Oraada
Orefeli We. Im re he baa
purchase. I an union, ilille aui
l, N. .v ..I k
arrive. I I'ri.l . la " m-nii
Mrs I'aul .in Her
..I potatoes hi-re I at I'ayetti and
is shippina to Bolaa, waatrall and
Knersiil. in,.. ,.,r o( l.luho Kuruls
houahi from llaarj Haakaa, Mr
Johnson paid l II pei hunilre.l t,,r
Mra. ('has CoOBI Kim1 the Mutual
II. in -III dull a hallow.-en part at
collision several weeka ago Is muili Bf home Inst Tuesilay evening The
laprorad aad beaai '" ba aala la ' aaahaadi were laaata Tka I
up next week Ills hroth.-r II. f UH prettily .le.orule.l III Hallowe.i,
W.i. 1. 1 Itiv.-i N.-hr is here with him "ymlmls and the refreshments were
Horn to Mi ami Mrs Henn Mwrs in keeping with the occasion
at Kiniiiet! Friday NuM-mh. r :rd a lr mid Mrs II It Flack ami I'rof
flva poaad baby hoy Mrs Meyers Cotton were l.etlia visitors Saturdav
Willi Ills Sis'
Rev ' I e Walk.-r pastor
Mi Hi- i ii i unfilled
to bis room the past Week with la
arlppe. hut (ill.. I the pulpit Sunday
moralai Oalj lhaC K tarvlaa u
weililtna a In mi v it iiik the held III He en ulna
tiuriuen laniilv. Mr ami Mrs John I artwrtgbl 1.11m .l.iwn Iroui
-Mr and Mrs J l!u hanl-on uml IreaaWa last w.-.-k reral daa
David uml Kreil Hryuiii ami Mr ami
Mi i I Meeker was the week .-ml
auest ..1 ih. 11 Taylor I .e
Mr and Mm A A,.r and
ll-l.ii and Miss Hupp ware N. w l',
mouth visitors Friday
Itev Frank Cook of Caldwell .
will he renieiiihered us Miss I'uiilinc Mrs I'
Harsh Suliirduv
lieu Kaatl o( Kninult was a visit- Mr uml Mrs II Ficken .-ntirlain
or ut the Muilar and Judv In m lust ad Mrs J (idsler and Anna and Mrs
TaaiMMJ 'Cary TusHlna and Sunday
BJ () Marhir went to Kuiett Thurs- The Hnuley twins are huving the
day returulUK Suturday with a load scarlet lever
of wood 11 Alaaa i aalMlai a hum on the
Ml Kovsion spent the week.-lul U.-v IVI.-rs place which he
lo villi with relatives uml fronds
Cartwrlaht haa been visittig
frlenda around Fruit land the past
week, mnl is now in I'av.tie
Mra II W. tirover ami clnhlren re
turned (rum her trip cast Thursday
Mlaa Applliu Kohiiison 1- vlaltlng
the F. A Qralp iioniii uml ean 1
Willi her tadier in I'uv.Me Mr Katon
remains unite poOfl
I. C Knowllon ami hi. depulv Mr
Snell ill luhlwell were III town one
day lust week
m,'iiK 11 ..- BOlai on I he 8M HI
Haa t" crane. OragOB, Baadajt vara
returneil home " day 1al week with Ins cousin, Mrs
M A Sm llh
urw u .1 ui '" among Ikt frt'
Mrs Sia.l e ShuuL iImIi...! ...r .I........ .
" 'iiimhii- t
t.-r. Mrs ll.-ntv Itruhuker in I'uy.tte Mr ""', Nl'"- 'I" BallM vi 11. I
Friilay '" NfBaa uml ale last wn-k Mr
I I Shuiiiherger nil Numpa vis- 'z11"' wl" ,,,MW' "lis week lot Seul
lior from w . 1,.. ,Uy to Friday last " h,'r, '" rk In the t,av
week. yardf
- Klsle Sihinid. Irene Cotton D Nv i r ....... , was 11, Holae lust
ami Ksiher Hussel atte111t.1l th.. ciru-' week DOBBBltlBI I Mpecinlisl regard
tiun KnJeavor convention 111 Hoisu InK aoine throat liouhh
H II ltus-,.11 tok them hv auto lo Ml nid Mrs Hen I'uthuel l.uv.
Nainpa ahan Ihey were Visitors at W'eilneedav lor SI Murle, Idaho,
In!' Kohiiison hotil" a few hours'where Mr Hatha, I has pur. ha . ,1 ,,
waa a Mr. and Mr J It Wells ami
V liriuies has piirchuseil the llv
iv I, ,.rii 111 Fruitlaml lioin ti Smith
of Ontario and will Mail a garage,
Mr tirimes iraile.l in. Hum of lug
mules in on the hum
l.a-t Thuis, lav Mi- i.e., Frank In- 0lK and coining
vile, I a iiumher of fri.-mls ami neigh- Mls" Florence McCorinick
Koswell ov.-r l.einia, uii, I Ml Co Han, .-II ami
Heiiiice. rlaltOd Saiunlay ami Sunday
ul Hie (il. 1111 liaiuell home ut I'ur
saiiii.iav Mlaa S' Hi,- MoCoaaail m-
lertalneil is of bar friends to a lawn
purty in honor m hr . I.venih hirth-
day. Nellie l.-ceived several preltv
Hie KohliiMin lannlv. Win Melch.i . Iht- in for the ulternooii and very visitor at her home ut
i' k Johnson, T J Bryant, Qao nieel) tarprtaad Mra I'.rdue. who MUBdaj
Hav.r. Itoss Kenniily, M I. I.eik .xpeits 1,1 l.-uv.- this week for her -,r '""I Mrs A I. Klngshurv ,n,,l
Bail .laughter's lioin.- at Long Heuch. Cal , Mr iad Mrs I Klngshurv and
Mr and Mis llnmi-- and Mr The luiln- .i. .i,i.i h.-r with a pr.t Nlr Bd Mr- A Hishop autoed to
ami Mrs M Chunnei autoed to tv liuud hug Hoise Saturdav lo attend Ho- lug re
the Win Chaiiner home on Head (H Fleunor I' Darker o(Iinliaiiupolls. rallv there that evening
Flat Sunday Ind . spoke i,,i 1 h.- National Women's 0 Svm.s drove thru from Itnh
Name.s have h. .11 lelaeted for the party at Joiiiisou' hall Monday even- field last week Mr Svines has lieen B'fta
flue twin hoys at the Ho) Taylor 1 11 K to a large mid appreciative crowd on hla ranch there several months " D llolliug.-r was called to Fargo
Inline. Orllui Heiijaiiini ami Orliu She was assisted h Miss Anna John- Mrs (i.-o riioiupson returneil from IB raal heiau-e ol the s.i i.nis III-
Frunklin MM rBBBBI uml ihe I'aveii,. Ia,ln BOUM Saturdav where aha had lieeu to I BMBJ Of his mother who hud xuii'ei e,
Miss (iav lowers was on tl,,. snk iiiartet lon.siilt )r Muxey Mr Thompson stroke of parulyalg.
Mr uml Mrs Hugh of Ontario and returned Wednesday llev (i.o MlakUa ,....1 .. i,.
! "lie 1 I I V
Mr and Mi NokM niri' Suinla Mr .kmI MrH J F Smith Mru j ...I HHliinl.iv md ill4n.. i-
' -!" iiii-t-Liiif;n in
The BolaerPayette Lumber com. guests .,1 tin-1. Flock borne. u J Qarmoa ami w i Hollanheab lha Bratbara eharah Sumiav ,
Kauiev fainily were m, uutued t Hoise Saturday in the II,, I Hev and Mis Mishler an- .tonping
ll.11 Alexunder home in letihuck cur al the Kaufman home
Lev l-oiil Ullrich's mother of The C Fs will i,,.-..i u. .1...
visited the I. II lligliev Inline sun- Mrs i.uxsnu mid children ol lain Hridges, Montana, hut who hus lionie Saturday
day uiiiario visited several days wilh lie.-n spending the year in
list ami out oi school the ft rat ut the
w ee k
pan) baa added to the coal house an The A II
addition lor cement itors at the
ih.- f 11 cnii 1 a in 1 1 v of Ontario
tBaaaeia; " v J
See ihem. at ihe 1
Besl The&ires
caxiTvoi make
1H.O iior
II l
Mrs While ami Miss Smion visit
ed their parents in Deud Ox flat Fri
day to Sunday
Mr Dalai oi Baker timed iha high
Mis A S Worth last week
Miss.--, Ha.el and lum; Kolaml
Wallace. Ida spent several days
the Hear) Bolterbaek home.
Vale Hot Springs
Board, Rooms and Baths.
Massage, Diet, Rest
DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent
evening for then
Saniu monthly social and business iiieelmu
Clara, CaUfnmla, aad Portlaad, On Mlh" Maria Taaai aaa Hois.- vim
"i gun arrived Tuesday for an extended tor frotu Fridav to Sumiav
visit with her son and family C II uulii.gtoi. returned home
The Fruitlund W C T V met Sunday
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs It The Mothers' (Tre ! i regular
(i Wilson A splendid report of the MMMN I the high MBOOl assemly
stale convention was given by Mrs room Fn.luy aiiern.,01, ut It o'clock
Oraal rtaaar, waa was delegate. The fifth grad. pHrju VHry olcely
Tburadal tftaraooa UM ladies aid sung u Halloween song Miss Nick
of the Mataodla! church met wKli nlay gave a piam, -,,lo and Miss Moy-
Mra 1. I Mackimson for a work Of aug a solo uccoinpanied hv Mrs
MMMIat Mm ill were present A J. Hansel The Idaho laws on the
The MIOBM WTninfred Hoaaen ami -sale of tohucco n, minors and ita uae
Josephine I'ardiinn gaveu Halloween thereof was discussed h Mrs W. A.
party at the Hossen home Friday ev- Moreolaiid The I'rnhlhition law by
aalai Taa rooau art aaaaruM la Mrs u v. wimob, tba marriage law
Halloween features Twenty-nine by Mm 11 K Itobiuson, Kepreaeuta-
youug people were present aud all tive I) 1. Inward av uniu..,na rf.
thoroughly enjoyed the evening of dress da ho laws and the uropsed
gams and lun.
Buick & Dodge
4 and 6 Cylinder
H. E. Young, Vale, Ore.
Agent for Malheur County
The Argus for Commercial Prints