The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 02, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TIII'ltSllAY, NOVKMIlKIt t, 1910
Pendleton Blankets Blankets!
For Oregon Really Dry
315 X NO
316 X YES
This advertisement is paid for by the W. C. T. U. Campaign Committee
The Week With Ontario Citizens
Tin- Tuesday iftNUN curd Huh
met with Kn, ('. W. Kmlsnn'a thin
Attorney Charles M ( 'r.nilu 1 1 wax
In iliiliino iii tm -un i Mon. 1. 1. 1 1 1 - -1
tin. .ii.
Minn JUNtlii" chirk returned l.r i
week Inmi a vlHlt with relatlvcx In
m (irundc
iiil mimmi Mall and Mm i i 1 1 1
In IIiiImp Hiitur.ln i.-tuii.
Similar nlaiil.
V. II MM down flout In"
uli i it. OI ;,imi .hi 1 1., i iwylico In
PH till lhl U inter
II i liuw-r Nil Tin il.n i nlni i
for ii bajauMaa trip In Un' liili'tior II
will Mo M far went un llurnx
Mi nml Mrx r w.-nl in
.ili- SiiimI.i in rtoll Mr .mm I Mr.
HroKiin, ri'liirnltiK M Mm'
MIhn lliiyili'll of Nyxxu m DM ol
the BU)ntH of the Ori'icon i iuli .ii '
Hallo ecu purty Tueaday evenltm .
J.ii k High of Vuh' mux numbered
iiiniiiiK tin- out of town dancerx hi
the Ort'Kon rlilli party Tin ItJM I
The bridge club imi Wediieariuy
aflernon ut the home of Mrn M. K.
Newton where the uaual k I time
wea enjoyed
At the 1'reabyterian rhurrh aext
Monda) afternoon ut 2 3U tin- ludlex
of the church will hold u rally. A
prog ruin will be Klten and
will he aerved. The women of the
community are Invited to be present
i. un. ii . I ulin hum operated
upon hi 'I- un plial lust week IB ro
pni it'll In lit' making xatlxfuctory pro
gri'Ms toward n rj
Mrs V M llrnwn went In '
Oils morniiiK to nil. ml tin'
confer, in i i i in aotni d'a
tin' Inilfil I'll- In ii nan ehur
dies of tlllll BJTBOd
l.i n I. I'.aker B ill tin atii nl
Un traaga hall oa the Boa
Sunilm iiinri u nl 2 10, Tin' rex
Identi of iiiui IclDlt) .Hi- un' in u iii
N lied til In- H. lilt
II I' I'.in. I 1. li iilcxilav ninl'll me
Tor un iMi'iiiliil trip thru the iBl I
for lib iniiip.iin 1 1
0 hh far iik Muriix. ri'tiirniiiK in lima,
howovor, in ba mil' of H"
111. I. II
Mi I .1 I'.u hex. who Inix jiiMt re
I u r I iiiiiii Ikt In .ii.i- in HoiiiluriiM.
i iiittnl America, Ik rtattlaa. Mf OM
hIiim. Iliii Miaaea I'latl Mrn Korhea
will ri'lurn on the next boat
Utotney J V McColloch wa
compelled in remain away from lilit
.un.- during the flrxt oi the week on
..i i mint of a xevere aore throat. The
ullmeut, however, yielded Iii treat
ineni and he la out again.
V II. Staplex Ih xpeuiliiiK IM wind
up of the campaign calling on the
Ontario oterx In the Interext of hla
candidacy for county clerk. The re
ception he la receiving ugura well
for hla xuccexx at the pollx next Tuex
Mr and Mr C It Kmlann nccoiu
pinned Bf Mrx K M QfOM and Mrn
Lucy Fin motoreil to Cow Valley
Hunilny The trip nml dinner prov
eil u ilclljchtful mat r in wlileh in
celebrate Mr Kllilxoll'a hlrthday
t of the direct)
Um Mnl'ii'iir drilBOIO dlHtrli'l on
I'm- .I. .mil !
pprovod and Um reoord
.1 ill li ! In the county
eoiiri vita roqooal ior Uia aopolal
tlient iii ,
I m. ot I he xtl i" III the reilllel lull
iii iim poatal art lea la t hU
Ida knowa this week with th
iiiiiii Ihiiion ..I mall I'liiii- on ll.i
pollli I..I M . IB Bol i' ami I I III! I III K
ton i'i ..I. -i iii i ba ii oiuiiier
...I . lull I. iih . I Iii hold I In' ii h e
Col ' word
from i the art It
l ho home of Mr ami Mrx I I: llm
Kim of a ilaiu'litif making "" third
BTMdahltd lor Col and Mrx T.n l.u .
for all ol arliieh the Colonel was dill)
elated "Since Hie young hull riillii
oil II. ill. i ei'ii. -.ay the Colonel. "I
am going to call her llallle no mat
ter what the chrlaten her."
A T Borer returned Hum week from
un extended trip thru the lower
Snake ami Coluinlila river valley a. go
Ina aa far weat aa North Yakima.
WaMhlugton Mr lloyi.r wax on a
xlrange trip for liim, he wax oul to
buy apples n.,ti -i, of helug out to aell .
them, nml he lound hlx task a hard
one for the demand lm applea In
l.ewisioii, Kreewater and North Yak
ima wax unprecedented, Ha also
hoiiglit several rarhiuilx of polatoea
and beaux, and thexe products too he
found "aky high."
All Wmil. extra bigh grade, pink
and white, fancy border, ribboned,
fall weight, site 66x80, do rrt
the vi tv beti nude, price. OoOU
All wool Pendleton bed robes,, In
iliiin patterns, edren Pell bound, col
nrs, mixturei of brown, green, red,
black and white, One for auto robes,
?Zm" $7.50 to $8.25
All wool red and black plaid, omul
heavy, serviceable blankets, the mum
mother used to have full dry ryr
size 06x80, price P I O
-All wool, brown, with fancy border
edge nicely ribboned, roll weight and
full size (iSxHo ami extra
bargain at ,
All wool, blue and white or pink
ami white plaid, fancy borders, rib
boned, full weight full size 68x81 . n
I;;"""" $4.98
Woolknop, blue and white jiliiid.
pink and white plaid, grej . white and
brown with fancy bonders, ribboned
Cotton blankets, good heavy full
size 68x89, well at I QO - (onv
ishe.i. all colors W lU ,b3
Tn nil the fancy colon with Birdie
and ornaments, CI AA Co it
size 70x80, price. UM."v, JO.fO
- Fancy woolen middies, blue trim
nieil with red and white, irrceil trim
Girls and boys all n I fancy mix mod with white, red trimmed with
eel plaids in lnuwus. greens and red RVen and black, plain while with
Sfe. $3.25 to $9.00 SB-. $3.40 to $5.00
W. A. Fulkerson's Cash Store
lleKlllllllH' lli'M Slltlil.l I mill lo de
voteex or the dlsal drsBia iu aaa
the III in : 1 l.ilnolls Metro
pn i in.- i M .ill I In- pi. . .lm tint: BOBS'
panlex aoa arvtai Um paiblla arttk
IHitut" plaH the Metro ,K I lit- BftM
..-i li ior I In' hirKln
..I i uli rl. i in Manaaer S l iMir-
iiiau lia-i aildeil Hie Metro lo hlx oilier
.1 i hi- ami i 1 1. ii 'iiiippei i.
i . ii.ilroiix of hlx hoiixe nil MOaS
tlonnll elenn, hiali elaxx enlertiiin
ii t ewr i whina
Hnuth lnellinli It n elouue.
I.axl Wedneaday nlallt, in conljBBC
lion with Ihe xtudy i'Iiixx of the o
men x I'lllh MllllllKer I lot 111, in lieKllll
the South American Iraveloitue xer
lea. The flrat pirturea save an Idea
of the educationally value of tbla
aerlea. It la certain that before the
laid of lliexe plcluri'x In xIiowii next
April that Ontario cttlzena will have
a reul conception of what Soul I
America ix In Mew of the grca
Kiii...i ..ii Bf .'ml ' lo- ii. it urnl In
he in Iibbi "i i ha i tnti ii tat
tunc III ilevelopiBI Irnde with OBltl
-I 'oiitim'iii thaaa ploturaa
Hun lv li-l the
p t mi. .it- both lilhl Intiii tint
ami of real aduoaloBal ralna
( omlllK Mills lied M.o
On Momlii i .einiiK. Noii'iiilier I
"Crooked iii tin Knd" la Un 11
Ka Saa pioiiu. i on a hlah will en-
lerlillll llre.ilnl. Hoi The
atOTJ Ix one ol the I. rl 1 1 1 IIK aihen
lure ln with holi" I iintl the vie
lllllx ol lie. el l...n V IIK UM
I. mixing eplxoili'- i 'in lull of a
xlreel ear over n i lltr. il-ell a xturtl
I ii k revelation ol what the mm ie xu
lieriniin Inix lo do lo BjaJ UM thrlllx
i oi it. lo..- I ..ii.i In ' reoiilMtloli "
Sinie xhe hax 1 1 in pot .1 li 1 1 lorexak
en tlie opera xlaae tor the xrreen Her
ahliiii' Karrar ban aclilevetl iinuxmil
honor The rlxe in Ihe drama ot MM
loininii Inix lii-i-n even uion ileorll '
th. hi it iix in tho 1 .oi .1 1 ii- world
She Ih on., of tin- li 1 1 1 iim 1 .otreaaex
of the .lm .
I" li . . -nl I ..
.1 r.'t tot one ol 1 in' ft timet
in In 1 m .1 moil. 1 1
with tlo-1 .'lit die ilrainatlc thome
ii. lm ol 1 ba alej oonoai
trlalx ami h.irdxhlp- lured hi
vouiiif Aineru .111 Kir I to ohtalli a h.-iil
B lieioi.- n .mil ..n 1 .1 . i.h.-i,.
. .mill it will not I., eaxy In
elillrelv dlaa iule Ihe xlar and lli-
lidentx of ' Temptation" troiii xoine
I Ho- prima .Ion un - BTB perxoual
.i... .11.1111 ex in Li . Iinl. lo the lop
of the operatic profexxion A Klimpx
ix had of life hack of the xcenea in a
hlx opera company.
I 'iiiptallon " will be xhown In
Dreamland WedDexday, November x
AmoiiK thuxe who apiear In Mippori
of the atar are, Then Itohi-n- I'edio
deCordoba, Kayiuond IIhUoii and Kl
xte Jane WIIhoo. '
An Invitation to
Particular Housewives
Of all the business with which we are favored
that which eoinea to us thru the mails or bj wire
or phone is the most appreciated.
We have never taken a correspondence course
in ''salesmanship." The best form of "solicita
tion" with which we arc familiar, If tn u 8X6
cute aii order thai we shall merit a coutiuuanoe.
V7e have as many ''particular" customer! aa we
have leavea in our ledgers. If your name is mi
our books you are In the ''particular" clai a with
us. Wars of experience in catering to the wants
of the people has taught us many lessons, not
Onlj iii how to sell, hut hitter still in Imw to huy.
This fall we have keep in mind that Quality
is the first consideration.
ict your name on our List of "par
ticular" customers and try out our
service during November.
Oltlt.ON t I.I It Ml.l,Oi I N
I One of the pn tu llallo'een purtlex
Tn.- .In ewnniK ai- that -m-ii 1..1
iluh meiulierx and their ladlex by the
Oraajoa alak al itx qaafMn TIm
hall wax taxtily il.-roraleil, nh.
com rliuiiietl with puuipklnx aaaaVM
Bd Ihe wliilo a friexe of wllchea
ami Jnik o in honl.-red the
.l.iii.i- hall.
in the billiard room faatooai ol
ralloa and lil.iek iilihed the tahh' on
B inch t he 11 1 1 . n enta, "nil hota,"
.iiih dOUCbBBtl ami riili-r; were
an ad b) fharli .h r, ho would
have drawn u hot nui from
Cotton M.ith.'i- had he .ippi'.ueil in
i his aervlni ooatuma Ib old li ith,
On the billiard table rexted "Clem
aotli .ton eoabroud
.1 B 'lid ill I he kIooIII w Iii II the
party np.-n.-il to hear the xtory of
"her life" told In' pn (Ideal A I'
Hi. I. Ih- Ol II club.
Follow iiiK thla optninK liumher L' I
coii. .1 .1 ilnme ami dinner
ami a NMBl MM bT Junif- F. Sinith
The parly -.1.1 m opening
for tin- iinl- in tea on
latckei nttaaaa tii.i. her.
J.unex Lackey is reKiiitniK tlnxe
thai he inuxt foreKo tlie plea
aure of ! ul eharlea s Thatcher,
the fuinous BjOOd roads hooxter The
Colonel a(l UM Bf I liound for On
1.11111 to vixit with hla old Tiliicuin,
Mr key hut owinK to had rouda
got Iiuuk up in Wyoinina In a MM
ter to Mr Lackey thlx week the Col
onel fitluiKly expressed liia regret at
not im-iiik able to n-.u I. 1 tularin to
visit with Mr. Lackey and call on
Superintendent F. U. Hailey and B.
C. Vail Cell en
Cille Ineil yealililK .lelhev hull K
II 1 oiiklin
0m of the best 160 acres of land on
Dead Ox Flat.
Eighty acres fenced,, part plowed
and more cleared.
Good one-room house with lean-to,
small barn and horse lot ( me mile
from water.
Located in good dry land section,
This is the best buy on the flat and
For information call at Argus office
FIKMSUKI) KoOM- U private
family. Mrictly modern convenience,
:t blocks north of pout office, Cope,
tailor 43