The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 02, 1916, Image 10

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Bulk Came from llu Ordinary
Business Channels, Declares
Charles M. Schwab 2 1-2
Billion Trade Balance.
in ;in m r to the erp ol Republican
politicians. thl tin" Unprecedented
.t ,, ,i i ,1 i ll il Im li'llli' tu A II !
iiiiiIit tin' iiiln B '! l'i' uleiil
M IkMM I" due to tl I BfOP IP war
unlit-, i nun' a .t.iliiiiiiit Irntn
t'hiirb M Si'liwah. head nl till'
Hot 1'li'ln in BtOOl iiiniaii . linn '
Ki'liiilillriiti. Hint unites the charge
"It Ih ii mistake tn Imagine Hull "i''
llllljiil linrlliill nl mil lillilll" ih Ik war
order hlUlOBoa." MJTI Mr Schwab. In
.i signed article In tin' October num
ber iii System "Kviti ii ruHiml In-
.. . t I tin- gnat volutin- nl M
ports w t II id' istrate that tin' hulk
Im ilmwn ir i in' ordinary course nl
IiiihIiiihh II Ih iiIhii IiiiiiiiI Hint, at
present prices, domestic business Ik uk
profltHlilr iii iiiiiiKii iininliiiiii I'll i
I'm iliilliiiiH uri' niiiili' llml tin truili'
balance lor Hie entire Miir will ex
ri'i-il I hi' unprecedented figure of 12.
,1111111111,111111 Tin- Willi.' nl llM H
erti (of Hi'- I'lKiit iniiiiiii" $.V
11,11..' I J. .in llll MOM "I $ 1 .205.-
ssi'.liin m.-i tkfl '"' I" I '
till' I Jll I .1 KlllllH)' Hi "'H ' 'II'
ll I I ' . -I IH l-M II I ll I I . .Ill
Hull prove what llu' Wilson Ailnum
triilliui li.i ilnnr lur I he I I'l''
llu cease III llllllk dcpi. ll II I' I
,iii . n,i.ii. in cir iiliiiiiin .'.' i" i
i i in i, ii I, ul Kill. I in I nil.'. I Si
14.1 por i -'ii eommoroo, tl t
i,. i . .nl doJmi ol trade in favor
nl lulled Si il - nl.
.!.- ii . iuii ..III pel cent ;
in. null, ii 'ii I export til I" i ' Ml
i.ulw ai i ti t UUOO, I .' I p I; I .ilii"
ul general i ini an. I t .. It. 1 ' i
pi . .hi , t ul w boa! ti t'ii.
poi oenl oulpul iii lut; nun i. i
nut . product imi hi nit oli I"!
cent . in in lands I I 7 n l ceiil llli'li
. .1 iii -luring. -' I I" i
i ni was (Id '" ' u tin ' uniiK.
i i . por .i.i i apltal tin pittv ,-ti in
ml. irlill il.i i I'M kluo
uf iniiimi.i. i in .i product -. 11.3 i" i
i .ni
1 1 1 1 ii.t- MiiiiniiiiiiK bualBOoa eom
prtaoi mil DM I'fr cent ul tin total
Ontario. Ore, Nov. 2. 1918.
To Hon. N. .1. Slnnett:
The Wilson League of Ontario coBapoood of ir Democrats and BO Republicane, wisli
to commend you foi eervice to your district rtndersd by essting your vote for practically every
one of the Wilson laws; V BSSUme thai as a Strong minded congressman you voted conscien
tiously for the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Adameon 8 hour law, being In no sense under
duress, nor catering to the fanner vote in one instance nor to the railroad division towns in
your district in the other.
r have checked up your vote on important measures and it was generally on the
right side. i. e.. fur I he people and progress; as soon as the election is over and you prepare to
erve again a public again led by our present President, you will DS fair and honest minded
enough to defend him against all comers. Now why is it. that during this campaign you are
urging the election of Hughes, when you know that Hughes has said that the Wilson legisla
tion must he wied off the slate? Were your votes all wrong or are you weak and vacillating?
Hues not your support of Hughes condemn every vote you cast in support of a Wilson measure?
Former High-Interest Agencies
Rush to Reduce Rates to
Farmers Effects Already
Being Felt Strongly.
A Warning
to America
from Europe
There are u niillitm maim
nl ami lilimlril Ikivs today
in Kurope. There are
millioiiHof hnmt'dto which
Ins nl ones v, ill neer return.
There wuiilil lie a million
mourning howm In Amor
let bodaj bed tin United
Slates entereil the KltrOB
ean war.
Vnu rutvo boon iperod this
misery. You are still sur
roundod by thooa you love.
I u nut tfitlllhle M ith TOUT
gTOtvl k'ikh! future.
Keep Wilson in Washing- jT
MiO OOMOOO HOT '' " "it
PaX -3fcfclW
pi jfrfflrOrfc Ik
4'"" gg
H . . ' . g
L ggk
w fk ool
!2P ft US
v I' a "t t - - . , ,1 ' Mwiyi
Respect of
whole World
I Prom letter f Thomas
Jofforoon toC W. V. Du
mas. March 24. 17!K.
" The scene iii KiinM is
boooraing rory interest
in";. Amidst the confus
ion of a general ar,
hick seems tu he threat -
eninfl that qaorter of the
Rluhe. we hopt tO DO er
mitteil lu iiiesii'w the line
ul neutrality. I'eaee with
all nations and the rirht
which that wives us with
respect to all nations are
our object. "
WoodrOW Wilon has lived
1 luser to these words of
Jofforoon Mid tinder more
trying circumstances than
any other President of the
Tl fli'i'l nf On' MO runil rn'ilit
IllW, i.lh 11I Ii) tin- I li'liiurlilllr Ail
11 iii I Kt ni 1 1 1 ti . w botal fi'll In
luwir IiiIiti'hI riili-H, ullliiiiixli tin'
IiiihI luinUrt luivr nut i'l Imi'n ur
Knnl.i'il Ti'Hlliniiny tu tills tffoot Ih
Iii'Iiiic Khi'ii ut tin- lii'iirliiKK ln'lil l
I In- Ki'ihtiiI Karin 1 ,111111 lluiiril In .
null orootora MUoa,
At tin- lii'iirlims In N'i'lirMHku, 11 ll ill -
'inns fiirnnTs stuti'il llml liiliri'nl
riltl'K III till' lllllllI'Mtt'Hllllia Mt'l'tlllll llf
Hull siiiir alii'iiilv him liriMi ri'ilur
i'il fruin mil' lu tu piT ri'lil liy lilt
pruHpfi'ilvr 1 uiiiiM'tltlun of llin llilrty
In furty your Iiiuiih that tlm lunil
lumks Hinin will Im iimklnit
Tin- nvi-riiKi lonn tlmt an mini
uiiPH runipBiiy or ollipr limn iikpiipv
wnulil muki on n 40-ncrr "Klnkulil"
rl.iliu hum 1 1.000 TIip riiniiiilssliiii
ili'ilui'ti'd Hits pft Hip furnirr e,n
Hi' iiiiiil inliTPNt at from II to 10 pri
cwnt. fur flvp ypurs on f 1,000, nmk-
lllR IllH HVITHKI' lll'l lllli-U- I mil'
from I I in 1 :i pi-r i-piii
TIiIm now In Htopppil liy Hip rum Inn
iiiiii iut li Imi of llu- iikw rural aytOM
l.iu I .minis arp riiNliiiiK Into
Nplirimkii lo iiiukr fUii-yi'iir loiuii ut
Iuuit r .ili-s. to lori'stull llic iipiriillun
of till' lll'H 1.1 u
TIip funiHTH of the WphI, wlm
Iiiivh iiiii-riil I'XorliUiint latOOOOt
rail's for ypiirn, ri' not niirriiiik'
aboil tin- linns iiiiii u iiiiimiu in
PHI Hip l.iriu luiiii liu. ii. I ikOOrod Unit
tlii' ari' mil lnisliibtir out tin- MO
l.i anil ri'iuly lo hnlp pill It In m
IPSsllll lipiTlltion.
Tl,' inn loan arl prorMO
liiiHiis oj hIiU'Ii fariui'rs i hii furiu M
uppratlM' or Joint uliick BOOOOioUoU
.nut liorrou froiu tin' UKional fi'ilcrul
I'iirni l.uiiii li.iiik mi tin' siTiirity ul
llielr laiul TpII fiirmers can form
iiiiii of theao oaaoclatloim. Tliey
liorrou up lo '.ll pi i i in ul tin' value
of llii-lr l.uul. lor u pi-noil riiniiini;
up to forty yearn
The loan In ri.i uMf in small un
liual piiyiiii'iils. ur run In' palil In
full at any linn' The eatliualpd In
tereiit rate Ih f pi i i-enl The farnii'r
who horrowH will nhare In the prufltH
Rdilroad Chiefs for Wilson. Great Educators for Wilson. Labor Tide Toward Wilson, farmers Declare for Wilson.
I'rospiiii) ua mi ii u.iv lii'ii llu- Curupi'.ui
u.ii 1'iuki' mil iiiul I Iii' .u I-- inn llu i'.iiim' ul Hit'
Kii'iil Im. in. - in the I iiiiiil Slates, hut only
l veil lu I.. I il il ' i V't'l lo M'i' llu' lui. Ill
keep up. even il.ini.ii llu- war si, null I'lul tiiluur
iu " k: i- e. , .u i praaidom ul tho Wohoalt
This Is mil I luJ .sliileiiient ul i .lailihiin politl-
lan Nor ii partisan newspaper No.' ;, stiii.'p
luakei Nor a man hu wants lu got 1'iln uline
k ii Undorwoodi proaldool ut tho Orio, u
Prooidonl Wll mi i'.i iiriuei ni tin- loooilnpl)
llllpusslhle .1 nil I. WOrth) nl a Inline lil.ll 1 .tin
mil i.irri. il away l Hie stateiuents anil promise
Dial ail) pnliticiil purl) nn the mils n
Ml llulei wiiuil. like Ml Ki'.illie), IH the heiul
oi a tuiai railroad iatoni Thoj know thai the
iniinlry is sale uinler I'resiilenl Wilsnn. ami Inink
he nllghl tO he re eleiteil I'ussihl) tuey are
,11, nil ul the HughOI i'.iiiii.HKii shiKiui. "we wan!
ih eils nut wniils Anyw.u. 01 a matter nt Iium
iii'sh, hO) llnnk il Potior lu .ni' ii il ,iu than
try an expeiuiieiil
Mi I Intel imi ml in hu iiilerwvw iiuiuiseil v, hat
.imine i.uu ii. proaidoDl ol tho I'nloo Pacific, ro
I'.nll) saul Whit JtnlKe l.uieti sanl was lliis
"Mi firm i'iiiii ii'tinn is thai Wilson has in,. re
ureal aOhlOVOmeBU to his ereiln than iiiohi presi
ileiils wlm h.ue preieileil him PtlOOO settled t lie
eiirreiii) iUOOtiOD anil Mttlod II U el leil uallv ami
wlsel) tlial Ins mnsi reckless orltlca ale sileu' on
thO suhjeii His maiiamiueiit m mil relatimis to
Kill 'upeaii liar slUlalluli Is Hie -i. ill rill
nit list iiriiii.uii pac ni our diplomatic Plato
llu vol! ask Oil) these rallre.ul prOOidOOtJ a i e
oouilnt "in for Proaldool Wilson?
ii is bocauao tho) roollto thai nil oonitritctl)
i ii.ii'ir.ieiiis .in n,.ikiiiK mi a laatmi proaporit In
tins countr) luii ui iii in (peak i ol '
iiii'iiii'iil I'hey realize (lull I'lisiiliiu Wilson i
a Innlilei . ami mil a do Itfoyer
! i.uii oppos. ,1 the il .i in.-, i ii I -hour law.
inn patriotic !! rocognlio Wllaon groat conatrut
tivo work im the w iiule nation
"I'llllsi ill us wlm III OM I'llOUKll tO U'lliellllli 1
the election ol 1114 anil tlie lempl'Ht nl villllu.i
Iiiiii anil accusal lull which liurnl upon the heuil ol
Aliraliam Lincoln during the eauipalgn precuding
hih seeoiul elecliuii. know what lo look for at a
lime like this " W 'asliingtiiu (llailiien, lilatlliguUh
eil clerg) mail ami aillliui
Dr. Williain Triitani Kusler, prealilenl of Iteeil
BoUoflO, wan ankeil to tell why lie wan for Woml
row Wilson
"1 am for Wilson hecauae 1 care more for hu
man heiugs than 1 can lur tilings," naiil Ur Kus
ler "No administration has ever done ho much
as ih is une tor humanil), both within and without
the honliTs ol this nation "
AiniuiK the well known women who have re
inn 1 1 mined llu- Wiiodrow Wilson Independent
Lea Kile is Mrs Kannie Kei li Viulrews. seiretai) nf
the American School I'e.ut League, of which Mr.
Wlllluin Howard lull is Honorary I'resiilenl . gflog
A Kii'hn Newinan. head ol 'he Studio clllh nf
New York. WidOl) kiinwn in suffrage and peace
work, is anutiier iiieiuiiii ol the organisation
In Kllint. the grmnl old man ul edinaliuii lu
America. Iiuvid Stall Jordan of Lelaiul Slanlurd.
I'm! Tauaatg ol Harvard, ICIla Kiagg Yotiai ol
rhicitKO. iiinl .lane Ailil.niis il Hull House have all
ileclared for Wilson
After All, Who m Ihe Real Cowards?
ThOOO Who I'luoi'i llu brava man in the White with cowaniii'i are then iclvat the must nm
tomptiblo of cravoi loo cowardly to Aght fair Wil-
siin will continue I" preserve American honor h
fill mctln'ils i u siiile. hy lur if thai PTOVO
the necessary It
The cliiei i.ppui i ,ils ol the S-hour da) toil one
liuiir a week Clipping COUP
KnlliUHiaHtic offerh of support continue to pour
into National lieiuoii atic lieudiHiartern from work
ing nun and union leaders from every nectlon of
the Inited StateH and from every trade and indua
Iry. Not only will Trealilent Wllaon get hundreds
of iliiiuaands of votes trom working men hitherto
iiieinherH ol the ltepuhluaii liart), hill thousands of
wane earners who have voted the Socialist ticket
will this time mark their hallots for him
The latest indorsement of President Wllaon by
a labor leader comes from John H. Walker, presi
dent nl the Illinois State Kederatlon of Lahor
"A working man who would vote for Hughes,
in the face of Ills acts and declarations against
lahor, and In the face ol the great accomplishments
if Mr Wilson for lahor." said Mr Walker, "must
In- uninformed, misinformed. Iiliiided hy prejudice,
i larried away by party sentiment"
No word said for President Wilson will have
greater effect than a statement by Andrew Kuru
seth, president of the Seamen's union, declaring
"1 am for the election of Woodrow Wilson and
i democratic emigres hecause of the enactment of
the Boamoa'a loo ami of tha Clajrtoa act, recog
nizing and enforcing the etiialuy helore the law
Ol wurkingmeii with other citUens."
Asking, "Are Ye lor Ood or Mammon' Presi
dent A H Oarretson of the Order of Kailwa) ion
dUCton urges President Wilson's re-election, in
the Octuher nuuiher of "ThO Kailwa) t'onduclor "
Mr OarrOtaOB is a Ufa long republican
The Critics Had and Missed their Chance.
the liipul'liiaii critics of this administration
it-ally know bow to run the countr) better than it is
I mug- run. whv didn't the) ilii it when thev had full
pewer: The Wilson administration will lie returned
to oltice by a sane public, because it has been conduct
ed un a safe ami sane baaia.
Advertisement by the Woodrow Wilson League, Ontario; W. F. Homan, President
Indiiuiapolis, I mt . Oct 17 Indorsing in the
iiiiint emphatic language I'resiilenl Wilson's for
eign policy and applauding Ills courage and pat
Holism, the Karmers National CougresH of the
I nited States in Its thirty-sixth annual aesHlou, to
day telegraphed heart) congratulations lo I lie
president, expressing the profoMd gratitude and
appreciation of this Important body for the suc
eessiul efforts of the president in keeping "Hie
nation honorahly at peace during one of the most
trying periods of Us history "
The organisation also BgyraaaOt apprecialion
of the administration's "constructive, aad effeciue
legislation enacted for ihe heneril of the tarn
nf America."
In a lew mouths time the farmers of this n in
Ity and all over the 1' S will be able to secuie
loans on their larins at a rate not exceeding ail
per cent, which Is hetter than the ti ', per cent
average In Ihe Northwest
We may he living tn a "Kiiol's Paradise," as
Hughes says, Inn cash in band is t ery eumforlinir
and present conditions ale more nearly "Paradise
than this counli) has eier expeiiiined. and Mi
Hughes will not he allowed to disiurh our pro
What Mr. Hughes Thought of Himself.
In 1011 when Justue Hughes was a nuuiher
Of the supreme court and was aakod to hecuuie a
candidate for president, he sal. I ,
"The man wlm mi the highoot judicial tribunal
would consider anollie; offlOt ll in neither for the
one he holds nor for the one to which he aspires "
Dire Effect of the Adamson 8-Hour Law.
titer ail the complaints ,,t Candidate Hughoa
and the railroad companies about confiscation ol
property," Hie highest price gf the year in railroad
slocks was during the til following the pot
of the s-hour law.