The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 02, 1916, Image 1

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    PACK T,,,,r""
je 'tihtfamuv
ii'iv 1 ;(
vol.. a
mm vhio. ;i.m.iii i it COUNTY, OHKOON, Till ici.i. Nov. 4, linn
M Mill I: 48
M. hi ssma '" Mli I r
Miguel I' Meeting Rvat lli'll
iii OataHo I'liuiiirii ii iti'iniMii iuiv
In I Imil MrUc.
Preparing fur tba blgga i polltl
.il rally of the ciiinptiigulug tlm re
IMibllriin r. i'i.i I i. hi, in ii I !" in u! won
on tin- reception In In .i ,. i II mi
N J Siiiuotl. representative limn
tlllH lliHtriCt who Will ip.'.lk nil UM
Ml of UN (la) at lln .
iatnrilay evening
"ding tin' address tin
n rial irea will ii.' Introduced
I ikI ' m liiiHlaxm III Iii' mi la
.mil, 1'i'it of nil. I lir voter will li.iv
hi opportunity lo loan thi trmii
In ill roiiilllinn . ailing up t" UM
MN Klluutlon In whlrli tin' n .I .mi
inn been placed during the pant two
(iingrcsniniin Hlnnotl Iihn been on
l he around at M'unhlngtnn lb' i in
a position in know th" fact, and
that In what tho voter want, i,ml
dial In all. No mutter what limy be
the opinion held by any voter In
Malheur county liepreaentatlvc Bln
nott'a addreua will be both Inutruc
tlve and lllumluatlni.
With the cloning week of the cam
paign the confidence of toe M.tlheur
count republican hai iteadlly In
creuHrnl According to MbVMNFI M
the committee a well an the cundl-'
datse; "It In all over but tin nliout
ln." In nplte of the itrenuoun af-l
fortit cf the democratb Ij dmrupt tin
republican rank the few former i
publlcann who "hare l.ilh u" for tin
"Me I apt in out of wui." aopblntry,
are n. few that they .lomonntralc tin
ponltlve ntrength of the party runkn
To evary ri'inihllcnn denerter to the
i.tiiku of the enemy, the repuhlicuu
leader can pnlni a rorraer democrat , n,ey had the power to noore at the county for the neit four year,
who placi- Hie nuiionn welfare ulnvc wlM )(1 laVltiK aecurad a comfortable. In the Intern! of ecurlng a real da
party advautuge and will vote for margin In the flmt period they loafed cUlon on tlila queatlon the Argu
Hughe In preference to the preaeut I n the aacoud and third elon In ak it reader o conalder the mer
Incumbent of the White Houaa. the aaoond period, taking advantage j It of the candidate on the Itepuhll
Heiimirat Mone) ( otertxl. , 0f t. oeti tleeane n,H visitor can ticket, with one eiceptlon.
The local democrata were tMMe ' captured a forward pa ou the local l-W nunt lerk V. II. Huple.
what elated early In the week t the 20 ard line and Forch then dropped, To uUn wm, ,,, ArfU(1 hMReNM , profealon and ha aerved a deputy
report that $1000 of their money waa, ne kick over the bar for Nam-, mt , v. B Staple, the republican I Proecutlni attorney and thu famll
i.i.i being covered by any of the local , pB'B only acore. vo(Br ,t tha pr,m,rle, ref latered , larlied hlmaelf with the work of that
rapublicana. They are no longer, in t,e laat quarter Coach Culbert- ,hetr clu)icv for , moni cp.ble man. I official. Following a liberal MTmi
houtlng alxiut It now for the wager on teDt Capuln Maddux Into IMiajUM UM writer ban been In the'"n prepared for the law and
waa taken aud offer were out for , ,ame ,,i wl,, ,lm Art Moore who !, , . ,,., ,,, ,,,,,, ,,. ,, I thru aeveral yearn of nractlce he haa
more, but no more democratic nion
ey appeared.
Jury IMIIwratOk Hut Short Inn
No I in, ,ii. ,ii l t nlt-ii. .-ii at i'i
, dirt or s-iiienie
Speedy Juntice wa meted out to
I). C lirichoux, the aelf coufensed
jUyer of H. C. Goodwin. The Jury
which heard the evidence waa given i
the eaae lant Friday noon and in a
ahort time after but one ballot, tu it
J reported, returned a verdict of
"guilty a charged." No emotional
scene attended the return of the
Jury' finding lirichoux never ev
eu registered surprise.
Ou Monday Judge Malton Uiggs,
before whom the case was tried pass
ed tinti'iic. -i niliiig the condemned
m, ii. to prison for life. Sher
iff Hen llrowu took Mini lo
Salem Monday evening. Thus
closed one of the moat tragic episodea
iu recent Malheur county history.
Goodwill's brother who came from
Tennessee lo assist lu prosecuting
the case returned to his home Mon
day Dlgbt declaring that Oregon jus
hit is swift aud sin,
William Jonea of Juntura arrived
in Ontario HTadaladay wi(h two car
loads of cutt in winch lie sold to Bak
er Ball who left with them M'edues
day evening for Omaha This Is the
last of the Ml cattle shipments to go
from the Jones Land aud Livestock
company ranches tliis fall. Accord
ing to Mr. June the country about
Juntura in enjoying its share of prosperity.
(HI George Harvey, editor nf
lln North AiiH't n-.i ii Ui'liw.
w hoM polltlM I prlll . inns have
established lilni iim the most tic
peinluhlo prtiginiiitiriitnr HiiyH
Hbartai Evans Hasbai trill hi
.:,. ,. pre idem TM ""
illrtlon will appear In bin puhll
i.ilinn IM-Xt Monday, advance no
tices nf whlrli have l. I riven
lln- pn sn.
I in yenm nun Cnl I In
mliaad i in i v out Htntr in bR ton
In' pri'Miged tlii- f nit . all
I . nr.iti'I ,
This year In- . ft llngliPH Is
riTtaln nf 2flll electoral nt.
iiml U'lhiiii In Hiiri' nf 141 I "I
llurvcv assigns HO votes to the
diMilitfnl riilninii i anil :nld . llml
lie lil'lli'M'H Hughes "ill ii'llli'
lie II vote nnl in Timnli'il fur
In the nliove figures. Thin ac
urnling to Ml will
ba th" filial vote of tin' . : t..i .i
OOltafl Hughe W2: U !
in scohk M To I i.ocw.s
Million! vrilii nl Maddux I.oimK
I'M.- t'i HIk s. - Opeedng
i .'ii i Come Iim k si 1 1, on at
Completely outclassed In every de
partment nf the came the Nampu
high mcIii.iiI football team fell before
Ontario .it the Kulr ground last 8at-
urday bv a S3 to S aonre. Not once
did the vlaltora come clone to a j
nan a tne Hcnre wa u migiii nave,
i.n wrM.
The local deinonntrat-i
I. .! ln-.'it ,t, (ml i '! ii. , i .if i urn '
theae two Injected enough pep Into
tba team to lucreaae the core from
30 to S3 before the final whiatle
W Ii in the iiiii came Hie ball wa In
iim.iiio's poaaeion on the one yard
The game Marled with Ontario re
CI'IVIIIK the kuk off Holland Mill
prised the Nam pa team with nix yard ermore (hat experience cover a wide! ''or M"e "' ' aerved aa de
thru center which wa followed by ' field. Murlna hln elehleen vearn In puti mm no In familiar with raui-
a d yarn run oy . iin.ieu.en arounu ,hB ,, ,le ,. Deen bui((neBll ,,
the end, the flr.t of many long gain rHIlc,ier and a governmental offulal
by him lo eatabllah hi right to the , Mell cpi,c),y he haB nl,e . uo
ntellar honora of the day. Mia run I ce, , record to,rther wltll hiB
made the flrat touchdown which c,mrat.ter aml HU11UIC , ,,. ,,
Hunted quickly converted Into a goal ,
making the acore, Ontario 7. Nampat,at In hi election Malheur county i
I Huns by Hunted. Holland and ,
Chrlatennen added three more touch-1
downs during the quarter; Holland
made one and chritsensen the others.
Musted made all the goal save one.
Karly in the third period Art Moore
waa laid out and Pinney took his
place in adequate style. In Mil per
iod, too, 1'ronin took McCulloch's
Save for the brace taken by Nain
pa In the thud period aud Forch's
drop kick the remainder of the game
w Procession for Ontario.
Nampu 'II. n ii. -i,- to I ... Field.
In the third period, too, Nainpa
threatened to leave the field when
Keferee Gnagey penalized them 4 .'.
yards for "sassing" Mini. The mat
ter, however, was adjusted and the
game proceeded
Shortly Iniure the close of the
game Forch who was doing good
work for Xanipa run into Mad
dux aud was taken out of the game
He came to about an hour after the
game ended.
(iettiuK Heady for Welser.
To get a line ont the local team
a number of Weiaer player with
(Continued on page eight)
" "SHLmM1 rMF V
& r MM!
1 wT4gA VMRR A JjMRv
cLrJB t nvPna HtC W
0 rS
Vote Your Convictions on Tuesday
Consider the Candidates Carefully
Read Initiative Measures Thoroly
Next Tuenday the voter of Mai-1 aateem In which he I held by UMM
heur county will aettle a number, of
Important queatloua Alde from re:
glKierlng their declalon on uatlonal
uueaiioii the will determine In whoe
haiiil they will place the buine of
, .......-....-... vv..
long enough to secure the eteem In ;
which hln neighbor hold Mr. Slap
lee, aud no man could ank for a high
er recommendation than that which
Mr Staples' nelghhom gle him
We believe that Mr Staple la emi
nently capable of filling Hie office lo
which he aipire Me haa had the
huhlnenn experience neceanary: furth-,
lnunlt are nufflcient to guarantee
wl ,mve a efficient officer in the
counly clerk' office.
Countv Trtu.r V. V Mueller.
n i,..-ii..r ii.m nmin- f, !
county treasurer, like Mr Staples la
a man of wide business experience
and high personal standing In the
community Prior to hi residence in
the county lie wa engaged In the
banking business and since comiiiK
to the county has been an abstractor
and real estate man He la conver-!of
nam with the need of the countv and
In bin business training ban secured
the kind of experience necessary to
mill conduct the duties of the
1 1 .mmi er's office superintendent Kstella Con
kliu. With six eur of active work in
Oil "I this state and many
year of close association with the
growth of education in Malheur enmi
ty, all founded on excellent preparu
tlou for the teacher' profession, Mrs.
Kslella Coukliu. w lu Is ekinu the
Office of school superintcndeiit i
eminently qualified to fill the place.
The manner in which her friend are
coming to her assistance, while the
ha quietly attended to the duties of
her school la a fitting mark of the
alio knew her and are In a poaltion
to Judge her ability Her election
will aaaure the people of Malheur
county that the achool will keep
ahreanl of the time and nerve the
need of the community.
For MUlrlct AtUirne) It. M. Mum an
For the office of dUtrlct attorney
the Kepubllcan nominee I practi
cally a native eon. Hlnce coming to
the county Mr. It. M. Duncan, the
nominee haa met with lucceaa In hi
attained the experience neceaaary to
meet Hie rciUII ellli'lit.i of the piisl
For Sheriff Kmory I'ole.
Kinory Cole the republican candi
date for sheriff 1 an old timer lu the
For year be baa been a
in the upper valley ami in
we" acquainted thruout the county
Iflcation of the dlntrlct he denlren
to aerve.
The Iteprenentatlvee.
It may he needlean to conunent mi
the merit of Julieu Hurley and
i hail. -n M. Crandall the caudidaten
fr nator and
representative re-
speclively. Neither of theae men
oppilllon Their anured elec-
,lon wlU "lve Mull"-ur MRRtt recog-
"lo" '" "ie ntate lawmaking bodies
for they each combine
with discretion.
For Assessor Morgan
Ill view of the manifest dissatis
faction ou the part of citizens from
I"" "",,n "' " -". " "' '
tne """'"", "'1l'tle, many of
whU'h cu","" '" ""P'"""-' '"' '''
'"" "" "" P""""" ""
nor either in incapable of filling the
office, or is determined in wii! Ml
spite on individuals aud promote so
cialistlc Ideas The Argun cannot
support the candidacy of lln' pari.
nominee, and therefore It believes
that the be is of the I0UBI
will he aerved by tha election of
MorgU Carllle the d'-mncralu ran
County tiugineer.
The AiKU' has baa no opportunity
to form an npln'iorf a to the relative
merits of the contestants for thin of
fice. They may both be eminently
fitted for the position, and the Argun
hope they are for the duties of the
office need the abilities of a well
in MtxiiATH I on iii c;iii:s
'i'hi National Hughta Alllaaci
which i ciiinpn -I'd of i
tom nil purtli w In i In h
t In' pollcie ii'lvocali'il hy ( III
K IIiikIh' . inak" the tollOWtni
ri'pmi a hi Detobw i; . : r i . of thi
liniiihi'i.i of such alllaliii' who
;..... . ,
bOWB by tin' tnhnlalion nf that
ilnln. nl I In, .' v In v i it i I l..i M .1
snn In 1 1 1 :', .mil w h an' ihik
rr iin followlni
how tbi followlni parwatMM
Ciilifnriila II pir MBt, WIhcoii
'"iii II, Mirylaiiil :.
(Hi'Koii , (ikhihnnia is. Mln
Bl Otl l. KfH .li'isi'y 111, Con
in I nnl 1 1, Nabraaki i '. md
mi tlirmu'li i'I'T; tat'' of lln'
nni'iii. all nf which iinliialiN
lln- iinTican p.'iipli' am waknu:
mi ami i.iklni; lln-ir sliind for
latlonal polled thai bavi
made u rliclii fully proippfQUI,
mnl evi-r ready to uphold the
honor or county m boaM and
.'lilniil. by prnlei-tlni; III.' Inr
and llbort) of our clll-ellK
iioitHF. Ill V Kits UTROVMOa
Miller A Oliken of Caldwell e
in I Inner in Herureil by Mnnauei
M beeioii Conduct Male.
lieiuonslrutlng the fart that, tho
but two months old, Ontario Trad
er' Ma My ha already established it
self In the business world come the
.iiinounceiuent that repreentatlve
of Home of the large! home buying
firm of the went have inslrm ii-.l
their agents to attend thene nalen
regularly. Their presence here In
the future depends upon but one
conditien: namely, the ability of the
local home men to produre the claa
nf animal theae cum panics desire
At the second monthly nalen day,
held lant Saturday J M Bllanhy, of
llollla a I'latl of Meuver, wan prevent
and be ald that be would attend ev
ery ale In the future and wa In
the market for marketable homes
Mr Iin, i. In made hln announcement
after witnessing the successful sale
bene Saturday. Miller & Dickens,
who have been secured to cry the
sales In the future made their flmt
appearance here at a Traders' Day
and justified tha reputation lh.
have secured a:, the best auctioneers
in the went
Tim feuluro of the n.iI. Satuiilay.
I which brought to Ontario the Urgent
Saturday cinwd in ears, was the
'quality of Hie ntock offered for sale
The price- ,i HI 1. 1 elicited many t.u
in-able comments both from buyers
ami sellers. As in the case of lln-
flmt Hale many of those present ex
preaaed their determination lo r. -turn
to the next sale
Another demonstration that Hie
ale I attracting people from a dis
tance lo Ontario was the presence
here of John Cope of John May who
came to view the character of the
Ntock offered There were, also, a
. number of buyemi an well us unu
win. had slock to sell from Idaho
One party of line came from u .'
tance ftboVI New l'l mouth N
Vain ami iniirior points were r pr. III the Crowd
i in- r - - u 1 1 el 1 1 1 sale Manager
Wheelon Is coin meed that the sale
is a "real go, " and that each sn.
sive sale will increase both the mini
her of buyers us well Q tin. who
have slock and farm eiiuipiuen! for
traloed ami effleleut man aba will,
while building mads mid brtdgea keep
in mind the length of lln taxpayers
poi kit hooka.
I'.ie Muford of the Outarlo Auto
company has renewed Ins couliai!
for the agency of the Overland car
and on a trip to Boise last week ar
lauged for an early shipment of that
popular pleasure vehicle.
WITH 0TltlANH ON i'llll'
... ;.; :: I
Iliirns toiiii'ieirlnl I'luli S'niN M'.ril
Tliul iiIiin Mill lake cnwil from
Crane I nine la Serve Urn k IHn
ner. I'or Junl I- Oniiillo ritliaai lit
hoaiil lh" hie i '.I .'Xiiirsinn Sun-
day mi, ruing lit 7 n in will gel a
rail trip of III mile , an auto ride
of mile. I linn -h ill i l II .1 llllll-
i at Burns mid a dm k dinner at
Crane In II Miilng In Ihese day
,1 the I HI. thin I the hlggent bar-
gain ever offered. lu fad It la
i-lii'ipcr lo go than to ntay at home
Thin especially true when ihe
lime, the fine Irlp and the music I
all thrown In According '" advance
mini mnl .mi at least Hiin people will
he mi board the train
Just In demonstrate what Bolae
think of (he Irlp, the ne etary of
the (iiinmercliil cluh I here ha ask
ed hln organization he invited lo
Join and Inform Ontario thai llnlea
wa planning such a trip for n-elf
The local committee told IIoIhk to
add a delegation hut not to send loo
many for the Burn people were not
prepared to entertain all of Idaho aa
well a Ontario.
P J Gallagher, chairman of the
committee In charge received word
from Burn thi week that the Com
mercial club there would have autoa
at Crane to take the excurlonlt ov
er the Harney valley to Burn ami
back lo Crane He also outlined a
trip over the valley a part of the
program and a banquet thrown in
On lop of t I.I-. came advises inim
Crane that Ihe booater there would
provide a lunch when Ihe train ar
rived ami would have a duck dinner
ready for Hie hungry guenl on the re
turn from Hums Thin maken three
meals, a rail trip and an auto ride
ull for two Imnea.
Thone who want tickets for the
trip should get huny Immediately.
Provision will be ininle for at leaat
3U0 and lnce a number are coming
from I'ayette and Frultland It be
hoove Ontario to make a real nhow
Ing by having a big crowd on baud.
The train will leave Ontario at 7 a.
in. and will leave Crane for the re
turn trip at 7 o'clock It will be
some day
Committee Mails on ourl and lilabo
Highway I ommlssloiier Give
ssiirance of o-npei allon.
J. It Blackaby, representing the
imi, urn ( i.i.-i i lul club and J I'
Mood of Homedali repreneiiling the
peiiph' nl thai region culled mi the
uieinhi'i.N of Ihe counly colli I M' ad
denda)' and presented a reiue..l ihat
a road be built up Succor creek HO
that direct counectlou can lie secured
by Moinedale, Nyssa and (tularin
Willi I he toad Itoiii Jordan S'.ilhy
The court met Hie ieiiiest of the
, cniiiimi no favorably and suid that It
wniild i.nlei a survey, plan nnl e;
inn lie, inr Ihe road prepared so Ihat
work could slart in thi sj.nng Mi
M ood I'.lil Ihe colll'l l,i thi I'lni.
of the Idaho stale hlgbwa) loliimls
-mini. a bridge thi Snake IhiT at
lloineilale II the Oi.'koii u ul hunt If s
Would lake Up Ihe rtnlk ,lt Ilia! poilll.
Tin- idaiin official bad tot
roiiiiii'iHi' witii tha local author
io oompleti plan i tin i he road
( out l uctoi I Ian ) M Mil. in,- ami
K J llagiu stalled work tilt"
Haling down the brick work mnl re
BMVtBI Ihe limits on the building
ou Oregon street belonging to Dave
Wiliiiii of Spokane After complet
ing that port lag of the work they
will stuit building new brick nouu
and renin. h ling ihe entrances to the
various store room