TIIITR8DAY. OCTOBER 2, 1116 THB ONTARIO AUOl!8 PAOR FIVH Experienced officials are worth money to Mai heur County Taxpayers VOTE FOR VIRGIL B. STAPLES Republican Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Eighten Tears Business Experience in Malheur County appeal for more men to buck the firm team line met with a lnMirly response and over twenty turn have been turn Inn out for practice thin week glvlnn Iho first string men some much need id I iill:ietltlon. The name with Caldwell was call ed off bocauhe Caldwell lined an In eligible player The. name will he plmc.l over again, this tlllir lit (III tarlo and the' date ha been net for Thanksgh inn Day tli" firm league name will he the Nampa imm mm Betaa li not in the h ii'-ii'' Tht (iiilnriii team has games hen- with I. wile. Wei MT, N'anipa and Caldwell, one other name, that with I'jnmitt. In scheduled away from the home riotinds. SEWER IHPiiOViHJTS ORDERED DV COUNCIL "'eliil Meetings Held Tills WMfe 10 to I ion t Ordinance eiiiirlng Sewer Connections. Two Hpeclal meetings of the city Council were held during the week One on Monday, the second on Wi d iii"''liM At the latter meeting an ordinance wiih passed giving the inllliill power to compel the (Mill II !( lion with sewers when within a Riven li lUN from such The mi .1 111 I also define sewer districts, and pro vides for means of enforcing thin regulation. Ta LtfJ Discussed. The COtl-Cll :. Informally, dla meri: i imoi n piai 1 it nCVCTUi KM! niiviMi.vvn For Saturday eveiin.K nnd for next i runWi tlm question of tax levies for Wednesday evening Manager 8. II , next year. n 1 li" present valuntlon Dorman has listed two more extra returned by t lie assessor and pass- flne productions by the Kainnus 1 Players company. These on top of the productions during the past week, which included Macklyn In "The He- form Candidate," lin In 'Hue a. M The Week With Ontario Citizens MIhn Emma Clark la the h-istess today for the Woman's tiulld of the Episcopal society. Mis I.avlna Smith entertained at cards at her home nn Richardson street Wednesday afternoon. The Cngregatlonal ladles aid will hold a hankerchief and both towel bazaar the latter part of m ember. Mr and Mrs Roy M. Cox snd daughter of Klttannlng, Pa., are the guests of Mrs. fox's uncle aud aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schall of this city. Mr. Schall and Mr. Cox are spending a portion of the time hunt I ONTARIO iAIHKH OA.MK IIV NARROW MA IK. IN The Ontario high football squad traveled to Rolse last Saturday and receipted for a two to nothing beat ing at the hands of the fast capital city warriors. The gsme was close ly contested throughout with Ontario on the defense most of the time. The Boise backs when In the center of the field made yardage time and again but whn near the goal lacked the nec essary punch to buck the bull acroaa the line for a touchdown. The ball was kicked off to Ontario who failed to return. After a cou- ed by the board of equalization, to raise the funds needed for next year the council expressed the belif that It will be neccssarv to raise the levy and Charlie Chap-' from 44 mills to 60 mills Definite ' continue to draw action on this matter will he taken patrons to the popular amusement ; at the next meeting. place Kor Saturday evening the sttnic "Tnder our school hook contract tlon will be that old favorite, "The we must sell school books for cash Ing big game In the Blue mountains , plu plays a fumble gave the hall to Mr and Mrs. Willis Westhrook of ;""' """ ,""1' "'"" ''",""'1 " !..,. i. , 1. ii.. ....... ..r fumbling competition Ontario man ............ ..... i,i tin- r."' -i ti Mrs. Wi thruuk's brother, II A. Fos- almaa Mr Wm tbrook is pre idenl aged in iiniii nn tor 1 eoupbi ol downs ami 1 tii 11 dropped ii.H k tof I pun I of the Klrst National Hunk In his 'n'" hIk"u!k w,',v ""x,M ""' ""' l"'U hnme clt and Is on an extensive tour " ' '' l,,'' ""' ,,ry "v"r ",0 Beal' Of the West. Krom Ontario Mr and Mrs Westhrook will continue to Portland and other coast cities. Jl'fXJK SMITH Of HAM It Maddux in recovering was tackled back of the line, a safety being regis tered on the play giving iloise the mi ly points t the game. Later Dun can hid out near the sideline and run i . .1 ..I I !... I... II I. ....I, Tit KI'K IK lilt III MS 'i'1 iuiaini iniinii-ii i in n.in -.n Judge William Smith of Maker has c,f ,,,e oal P0"1" for '"" ,""""'1 " been secured by the local democratic 'out"""" ""' - P"- s-- conimlttae for s number of addresses1 ha" ,0 BoU " "'" ""r,y ur'1 llne in the coui.lv Tli first of 1,1- ..I. , usi-l s excencn, pun. in- s.pi LO OM Homestead I'll .1 After more than thirty years of continuous snd unparalleled popti Isrlty as a play, during which period It circled the globe three times slid was presented to twenty million pen pie, Denmsn Thompson's Immortal rural classic. "The Old Homestead.'' has been converted into a "Para mount Picture" by the Famous Pla era film company, thus truly linmni talizlng what may Justly be termed the greatest single triumph of the American stage. It was the Irre sistible simplicity of the human plsy and lis tender storv which bases Its appeal upon real heat mi, nit ami upon its depletion of everyday char acters that everyone recognizes, that have made Its populsrlty endure for more than three decades. It was this fundamental wealth of universal ' 11 it , .,ll-e. "The old Home stead" In become the fiiremnsl dram atlc classic of our time and make- the photo plav adaptation nl 1 able plav ,,ii,. ol the most Important screen events In all the annals of notion pictures with an efficient only. Everhart Drug fo. Olve us your msgatlne subscrlp t mis We meet ny club or cata logue rate P (I News Stan. I dresses will be dsfjverml at Vale. November S On Moveinhr 4 he will speak at Nysaa and on November, "'"'' bull out of Ontario territory. Sever al times he got the bsll beyond the 6 he will address a meeting here In Ontario The work of the Ontario team as whole showed vast Improvement Last week J P. Rusk delivered over the game st tsldwoll, the de an address here and on Saturday he! '' being due to much strouger corn spoke at Vale. At Vale also Judge patltlon. Dalton Biggs and Mrs. M R Osborn Naiupa will arrive for s game Sat- of this city addressed the meetings urdsy snd on comparative sources Ontario has the edge. However KOR RENT 4 furnished rooms, there is no overconfldence In camp close to business district. sdv 4! and s hard battle Is expected. An Dreamland Theater Saturday, October 28. Daniel Frohman presents a faithful picturization of DENMAV THOMPSON'S "The Old Homestead Directed by James Kirkwood and presented by the FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM CO. Wednesday, November 1 Pauline Frederick with VINCENT SERRANO will appear in "Lydia Gilmore" a Paramount Picture. Dreamland Theater Pauline Frederick Wednesday. Henry Arthur Jones, the hrillunt English satirist never wrote anything more convincingly powerful than his new play, "1. villa (lllmore" in which the faclnatlng star, Pauline Freder ick will be seen ou Wednesday even ing. Pauline Frederick, the distinguish ed emotional actress who has won In ii i ii. in,, li fame by her sdniirsble screen Interpretations of "Zsia" and "Bella Donna," adds another re markable characterisation to her Hat of successes In the Famous Players Film company's thrilling plcturlia tlon of Henry Arthur Jonea' powar ful drama, "I.ydls Ollmore." In this famous einotlonsl role. Miss Frederick suggests with infinite strength snd pathos the faithful wife and devoted mother who auffera In descrlhuhle mental agony to shield her husband's name and aave his life after he has been proven to he faith less to her and the murderer of the man whose home lie had violated The intense struggle she exerts in her great mother-love to save her son from going through life with the brand of fain, Is one of the most vital snd lender dramatic episodes ever witnessed on the screen "l.vdla Uilmore" strengthens the position Miss Frederick has already establish ed as the foremost emotional artiste of the stage and screen. whim i BOTTOM. diss While returned from Salem Thursday Omer Tritt of Clayton, Kansas, is here looking for a location Mr and Mrs frank Waym Suuday at the J T. Waynes honii- Art Newburu uf New Plymouth was in the cvminmiity Saturday ami hot some stock hogs from ('has Whitc stsi ."iii.i.i ,ii (ss '(js.iu s s.vuq :musuh jiv i'ss 'A't.iiiiuii wfliij pusu. iiuu s pus jds i'lpiuiij MSlUliUll dlJhl 14 l S !MJ -01JSU.J n.vil Jl juiil.iplailii 1 p-M 'S SSU, 11 '4d.Hl (lS,JdUiV "II WI -lis in- sjod apWN aunUiJ pus siiinj ii J"; tsiu aid inisiisiiiu -pS UO.vi H 4JU ia.ipids o.s 'bj sin no nwiii i4i mm ssi suluiJ J IV isii lujpiio s 11 uii au -KlHS JJS aiuouoddo si a'v.u ji) 11 Cooked food sale for the n MM (U of the fountain fund at McN'ulty Hardware store Saturday, Oct. 2f. adv 11-52 IIIM.'N MHTI NOW UUDM 1 mid mi N iContinued from page timn tax will be about 1-3 less than last n'.ir I As to the tsx on Nyssa, prupi-rtv on the same basis counting on 21 4 mills for county, state, general school, road and high school levies, 'in, I Hie same amount of special school ami city money as raised last year and their levv should he about .10 mills, where ihev paid last year at the rate of 66 1 mills W Inn a newspaper Is depcndlng nii the public for Its support, I think It should work for the Interest of the Going Up Food Prices Are Climbing Every Day I'liis, we know, is not good news for Ontario ihoppera. We dislike to make this s;it nuiit. t lint we believe it is oni fair imt our cu-toteicii have tin- benefit of our advance Information on stii k conditions. Buy in Quantities Now Every day the prieei on one or more lines ad vances and thN is lint one way to keep down the Uij,d ('"s " fiiving. .That is to buy in quan tities. Prices fof 00dl ly the dozen or by the ease are necessarily lower than in sinule pack ages. Let Us Quote Bulk Prices Buy in hulk and buy now and we know that you will thank 111 for this tip. For It Will Save Money For You WILSON BROS., THE GROCERS. public ami not the corporation pillions. Figures do DOt lie, if pn. I.innl! f ,. : lioiild he c.uiliil iii ."ih handled, but when juggled one their siaiiuienis ami try not t ! BU I gneaa whst will I1.111 celve the public to the lajwrj ol UwU' C A. Oil. HAM. Vule, nr Cold Weather ..REMINDERS.. Men's and Boys' Mackinaw Coats Wool Mitts and Gloves, Wool Lined Mitts, Hats and Caps, High Top Shoes. Prkmfrsvfo Full-size silkaline, covered with one OmiOI lb" piece fine fluffy cotton bolt making it very soft and warm, $3.50. Wool rnmfnrt covered with silk mull top, VV001 OmiOIlb, silkaline backf making a very soft and light comfort, which will give you the best of satisfaction. If fVr.rle Baby Hoods, Toques, Sacques, IYI111 OOUk Snow Ball Sets, Sweaters, Jersey Sweaters, Gloves, Mitts, Scarf and Cap Sets, Skating Sets, etc. Come in and price them. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Our new furs are here for your inspection. The quan tity sent us this season is limited, and you should select your furs as early as possible as they won't last Iouk at the price. RADER'S A Safe Place to Trade