The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 19, 1916, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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paof. KlUHT
Absolutely Pui-0
No Alum No Phosphate
nd with
II Km 1. 1
. a
A' Mlt. a. G. WML30H
Ik 1 1 I
city 1 1
" '
Mutiln1 llll itimil to W i
or ntxl -( 1 1 1 lh .1 g etl I Mi
ford Katehi who proved hi i
most royal BOI I
Ml- i H mi'l M.irv ShiiliW -
ninl jinn'- Mel iBre i ti-i Wendell
Hi-own kite I to w ' i-'t Bvada) to
spend lh'' SB) "t Hie H Shank BOMB
Mr. ami Mfl J E Wilson ami Mrs
Katekln of llolse autoed In I'
Monday Mlai lea WImm who
lhen vimniiK BBf ataaiaialllat fur
wpek will r-t urn home Willi her pur
ents. O rami in ii WIlBM MM iowa from
New Il month fur u few week visit
at her son's home, J K Wilson
Mr. anil Mm Chan Mat ami Mr
and Mr Ira Dalxrll anil Paul an I
to Uolse'Frlday.
Mr. ami Mrs F. Harper spent Sun
day with Mr. lUrper'a pareuts at
Emtuetl. They alao attended the
Lyons-HlRRins meetings.
Mr ami Mra Erensl Meyers of
Portland. cousins of II I Wllfong.
who are motoring thru Montana and
Wyoming, where he hen been buying
-iroi-p apent few hours Monduy at
the Wllfong home on their way we it
A. 8. Worth. H. E. Wllfong. Oeo.
Daxnelland. Leo Clayton went up
above Hank' where they will hunt
for big game
Mr. ami Mra W. A Colwell enter
tained at dinner Hunduy Ufa, Sarah
nrocklehurat of Clinton, III , Mr. and
Mra Q T Stout of Payette. Mr. and
Mra. Arthur Colwell of New Plymouth
Mra. II J Puchert and MIhh Irene
and Mra Zylpha Puchurt.
The program an carried out by the
W II. M A , of the Methodist church
Friday evening gave an Innight Into
the work done by this organization
with the help of the Queen Eathera.
Tl auxiliary society here are support
in I little four year old girl in the
Portland In. I nit rial school lit Port
land The guneu Eathera are carry
ing k l l.olarshlp In the Methodist
school at Olive Hill. Kentucky. The
fund nrri will be uaed for thia
Hal all IMJ nr-,1 fire drill laat week
the achool houae waa empled of the
SOO children and over In 41 seconds
AnnouueemeutH Lutheran l-adies
aid at Mra. Alex Johnaon thia Friday.
Francea Willi.. I W. C T. U. will
meet with Mra. J II Hoor Oct 2th
In Whitley Bottom
The H. W. Richardson family were
gueata at the Frank A hers houu- In
Onturio. Sunday.
Itov KoeniK BM ' l '"1 " tall to
Roiae Wright OMgraajalMMl rliurrli
and gave Ins farewell address Sunday.
I It llryant went to Kiiiilurly
laat Thurday and returned the first
of the week.
Mra J J Ticknor of La Urande
arrived laat week .it her son's home
Kev Ticknor came down Monday for
few days visit.
Sunday from their trip to PoOBtello
gad Ball Ukko,
' I
i on Brat hern church al w
, rental Md wa .i gae t or
daughter. Mf H Sli.tnl; mid
1 family.
Mr iiml Mrs Henry BoltOrMMB
iaited tin1 Aatoo Watriokaaa hone
.it Payi-itf hi-i WMtaasdaj
P N Vim lerkar In mth.ii l III
lit hie BOMB wllh pneumonia Nur-e
,.i ructte Is with him Drs
llrysdute of Kwa I'lynioiilli and Paine
of Onturm ludd consultation Sunday
Mr uml Mr- Stciilcr. Miss Hupp
;iud Fred llodger autoed In Arrow
Root diim lust Thursday They BtOf
ped at the Maaraagaa oal Boot Ufa
camp and enjoyed the fishing and
lurk luintlnR They returned home
.1 II. Bkers and family went to
Welaer Friday to attend the lovcieast
In the Drethern church at that place
They returned home Sunday.
Mian. Smith drove to Nam pa with
ii i.ii. 1 for hi brothers. Wm. ami
Philip, last week returning Thurd
Mr and Mrs Harry Powell MM
Mr mil Mr S. M Thomas to Welaer
in their csr Suuday whera they visit
ed Mr Thomaa' uelce and husband.
Prol ami Mra. Unagey.
Elsie Wsyne of Payette is helping
at lli-i I. II Hlgby home
Mra. J. C. Ulesler and John, Mrs
Carry Tusslng and children drovn to
lllg Willow Sunday to visit Messrs
Ulesler aad Tuaalog.
Mrs A J Hansel of llolse Is visit
Ing relathea and friends In Psyette
this week.
Miss Selms Johnson went to Boise
laat wi-ek to Islt Mlaa Esther, who
Is teaching out of Hoise some ma
lanee. sh returned home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs Dane Jones visited
the Henry Martin home near I'
Sunday Mrs. Jones remained for a
loug visit.
T. Urown of linker City stopped for
s short visit at the John Hands home
Friday on his return trip from Nevs
da. Mr. snd Mra. John Hands spent
Suuday at the P. Enberg home.
Mra. I U Davis has rented rooms
of Mrs Moore at Payette and will
keep house for her son. ('has. Mr.
Davis expects to be away from home
this winter
II J. Puchert received the aad
news Friday of the death of hia fulh
ar at Wood Ituer, Nebr , Mr. Puchert
left Friday noon.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Parsons from
near Payette spent Sunday at the W
A Mnreland home
W O Marlar received word Friday
.if the death of his father at Chetopa.
Kansas. Mr. Marlar wua at Kini.i.-ii
and did not get the word until Sat
urday, too lute to reach hia fathers'
home for the funeral. He waa 100
yeara of age.
Mr and Mrs. A. Colwell of New
Plyaoath spiiii the weeB
the W A Colwell and II
miii fatnlllai
.1 tin Cob way i wmj la itopplni al
the .damnum linmi', flatted Ins home
it 1 1 ad ' v i lal Baste)
Mary I'rlt.el is at BrogBB, Or.i:on.
pack i
Pr II Itort ol N"w Plyimiulli and
I M Hour aiitoo.l to BroiaO Sun
,i,n . hi iiriiinu Monday
.. Klfflr name lioni'' from l.:i
(Iraii.le riuirsd.i
.i Edith J
w eh i
l,oi John -on. an
Mrs .1 W lk.oi 'ii""'
ii . n , ii
Wm Mali !' md Ml
Melcher art .' llpn ilda
Obi Walata ..r Vairflalil
Um h i: ''I'i'k
homoa Mr W .'Mi on hi waj to
Weiaer. Ha tells of a er BarrO l
BBMMI !'' had one da
wi..M the iiialliiial drovo Into In
yard for shelter ffur .i torm. and
u,. Inatanlli klllej le I
well as a horse that stood neat Mr
Welch was knocked uneonsclone
Mr W ihbi New- I'lMi.o'i. hi hot
Inner was In our town MoBdB)
MISS llene Kldredge spent K
ggj . last week wllh her si-ter. Mrs ,
HltiRaman at Arrudla, Oregon
Prof T H N'ellsun Is slek ami nil
able to be In achool thin week
Kineil Schmld left Bandar for Moa-
Mrs P N Vorkey neni to llolse i
the middle of the week to Wsit friends
She will also visit her parents at
Ratal MarhliiMin goes to Pnrmn
tilts week
M -s Ethel Macklnaon. Iluth and
Kachel Haney and Art and Tom El
dredRH and Kenneth Orelp autord to
Caldwell Sunday
The I. D Carpenter family and
Mr and Mrs Melvln Carpenter visit
ad friends at Crystal Bottom Sunday
Marion and Helen Stettler stayed
Bt the Madsen home while their par were on their trip to Arrowrock
Mrs J. L. Davla la having the la
Mrs. Amanda Cook of Vale visited
her nelce, Mrs M. A Smith and her
nephew. P I Sllkelt and families,
smeral days laet week Hey. 8 L.
Cook of Caldwell came Sunday and
his mother accompanied him home
Miss Phot Hlnger of New Ply
mouth was a wek nd visitor of her.
sister. Mrs E Sllk.n
Frank Joiner of Nampa visited his
friends the Messrs Fuller, Saturday. ,
Uu aud Till Harney were home,
visitors Sunday I.ou was not well
enough to return to Ms work Monday
Mrs. Sadie Shank spent Thursday Friday with her daughter
llenrv llruli.iker in Payette.
Mrs 0 I.. Smith and children of
Ontario were at the M. A. Smith home
P E . E E and C E Sllkett and
F Harnard autoed to l.etha Suuday
E W Blrge of Hood Klver, Ore
gon, who la manager of the Apple
Growers association was la town
Thursday looking for packers.
Mra. Clarence Kaufman aad chil
dren returned to New Plymouth
Miss Kaufman accompanied them
retiirnliiR home Saturday
TtM N B Felthouse family spent
Sunday at the A. B. Kldredge hoin.
Mrs Nettle Yarger from Illinois
is visit i ik her sister. Mrs Ebey
Depends upon his
pijhsical condition
Restful Sleep
At first sight it is hard to
make people understand th
wonderful qualities of a
"Scaly Mattress"
It looks different and feels
different from any other
4 a ,
.v ""
It violates ill the hoivlicatl.d mattlMI I nulitiini. Iiist.a.1 of being M i aij;bt and
dotted with tufts, it is smooth and .iipvcd. Inst, ad of being hard tn tiMtssta,!!
fields to the preasure witli the irntlenMiof fine pueumatic cushion and ),.t with
,. rf the clinging of tin .-Id reattter bea. 1 1- Besuy wuuvm iiiiiibbi pm-
iiintl. refnBhlng sleep. You gel up in tne morning rerresowj-ajaa.
-. .,...., ,,.,.!.., ,iJi..l with the elierin wlm-li makes you I live wirt'. Thfi
work. ! win. deep- on i Scaly is "always on the job." ready for the la I il
task. A Sealy mattress is not luxury, it Is aii absolute necessity h. tbemaii
who wants to make g 1. whether at the work bench or the office desk. One ha
tn aieen on it to understand why it is so naiij baring tried the Sealy Matttm
refuse to use SI1V
other kind. We are willing to lei custoiurs prore un tnat-
tress out for themselTes t.. Bend one t your borne and to take it oaca Mf om
within 80 days If is not all that you hoped it would be. We do not cure whit kind
of mattress you are now using. You are the sole judge of its merits. 'U m
in. quibble about it. It is guaranteed for lit years.
Ontario Furniture Company
Miss May llruudage was the Riie.t
of Mr. tulberlson. of 1'ayette, Sun
day. ft (-....... UM m V.mui flsllor
last week bringing home a new Dork
car for which he Is agent.
Bay Trotell left Mouday for lluut
Ingtou where he has work In the rail
road years, checking out cars.
Mr. and Mrs t'apron visited MB
Kd llerry li.iiue and Mrs ' I' Stov
er, who has lately relumed from
1'oriland st Ontario Sunday
Little Edith Haeltlne met with a
painful accident Sunday when sli
ran Into a barb wire fence cutting
her face no hadiy that Or. DtyaBBBl
was called
I 0 Fourot of t'aldwell w.i j
business visitor this week.
The t' E 's gave a recption to
the teachers Saturday evening In Ep-
(t'oallaued from page oaei
I worth hall The room was tastily
Mr and Mrs Ben LSBfBsM Bl P"r' ' furnished like a liorae. A game that
go, Idaho, accompanied l.y Mr ami , afforded a good deul of aniuHeiiieui
Mrs. Win. Mct'onnell of .loplin, Mo., ,(l ,UUH(. WMM t, BUBlM of a line
To Points East
Tickets Mld
i j, yk
Following rouudt trip fares apply
from Ontario
Denver $a8.50.
Omaha or K. ('. $54.00.
St. Louis $S. 20.
Memphis 74.00.
Chicago, ITI.fl.
Minneapolis or St. l'aul (70.44
Oct. t KV. t,
Dec. 30 aud 23.
Limit 90 days.
Ask O. S I..
Agent for
25, :v
other points.
low rates to many
"Let's go back cast to old scenes and
old friends for a good old fashioned
holiday visit."
visited the K S Hutch home Wednes
Mrs M Williams, Mrs blanche
Homan, Kay Iee uud Uiyal Troxel
returned from Home Oregon. In'
Mrs Irene Clarke of Harbor
Springs. Mich., urrived last r rlilay
for an exteuded vlait with her girl
hood frleud. Mrs. Theo. Moyer.
II It Elack, D. L. lugard. O. E.
Bossen, T O Ady and O. McOee
autoed to llolse Friday and purchased
a larger pump for the school house.
Mr. McUee returned with a Ford
i.e.- Troiei went to Huntington
where he has a position in the O. 8.
U offices.
Mrs C. M Williams and Leota
lxckhart and Mrs I' II Krost left
Tuesday for Hood Uiver to pack apples.
Mrs. thus. Zaller of I'ocatello vis
ited the Dixon home aud her sister,
Miss Drough in Payette last week
This week she is visiting the N Zal
ler home
W A Colwell went to Midvale this
week where lie hu carpenter work
Mr and Mrs. A. I.. Kingsbury aud
Mr. and Mrs. Uishop autoed to Weia
er Friday to hear Senator Koran
Representative D L Ingard and
11 It Kussel, candidates for senator
uud assessor on the democratic ticket
went to Caldwell Mouday for a cam
paign trip.
Mrs. Sadie Altlzer of Boise spent
Sunday at the L Flock home.
or mi in - of some sunt; on the hacks
ol those present and they guessing
whut It was as others hummed the
tune. In the state guessing coutest
Clyde Macklnson won showing he was
well acquainted with the ahapes of
all the gMBM Light refreshments
were served.
The II. Y P 0. held their monthly
social and business meeting at the
Human home last Tuesday evening
These young people voted to puy $30
tu support a Chinese high school stu
dent. About 25 were present aud
spent a most enjoyable evening af
ter the business session.
A load of the B. Y. P. U. weut to
New I'lynioiilli Tuesday eveulug to
attend the revival services being held
there by Kev. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs J. Deal had as Sun
day guests Mr and Mrs Ken Kohan
non of Payette and Mr. and Mrs
tiiilen Bollinger.
Mr aud Mr, Clias. l'atheal enter
tained the A. II. McConnell family
Mr. aud Mrs A H Kamey had as
guests Sunday the Fred Hurd family
of I'ayette. the (has Duell family
and Kussel Tlioiiaoson.
M. M Hurst afflfyped last week five
cars of haled hay he had baled and
purcliancd from Ira Melcher. It was
loaded at Buckingham station.
The Brethern people hauled gravel
Mouday and built a cement walk
along the east aide of their church
Tuesday. The ladies of the church
served a big dinner for the men
atlon at present, and one member
favors such taxation
If classification la made aud than
examination and assessment made aa
to producing ability, coat of mani
pulation and cultivation, naklng the
clasalfled price the tnatlauni of a
certain district, we see ao way la
which equality cau be aesured In
the opinion of your noinaltte... if
lands of a district are to be classi
fied. Mich classification should lie ad
hered to. Cultivated land Is cultl-
V4ted Und and miculi uated Bnd sim
ilarly situated Is, in the classification
of the district, and should base the
I same ageeaead valuation. If a cer
ium BMM oi l .nd Is below these stan
dards il should he so classified on the
roll, and assessed In accordance with
the classification.
Orchards come under the classifi
cation of cult n. iie.1 land. Tkere la
no classification of orchards aa such.
Now note where this leaus us On the
roll Joseph (on -.lino, on the lit
acres constituting the iduulia orch
ards, which has changed hands at
$100,000 Is assessttd at $4.tIO, which
places a cash valuation on this great
property of fll.tioo. Thia property
changed hands at f 100,000 prior to
construction of their great dryer
which they claim to be the largest
and most complete in Oregon and
which Is assessed as Improvements
at $4000.
Compare this assessment with
Deud Ox lands at 1 10 or Owyhee al
falfa lauds al $40 per acre. I lie
famous Willis orchard at Brogau is
assessed at $560 and we find a nota
tion on the rolls of cultivated land
of this orchard of $15 per acre. Oth
er lands in the district are usstased
at $20 per acre.
Of the road lands: section 17 in
IMS. of the O W P. Co., is assess
ed at $20 per acre while that of the
K. O I. Co, two miles distant In
17-44 Is assessed at $3 per are
These lands are similar In every re
spect, one classified as dry which It
is; the other as cultivated, and irri
gated which It Is not.
with ao change la the a4l
the land In fact one saw wm I
nmuted at $40 per acre er 4oiHt U
other land In that district
In tbe Jamleson aeettei I
the celebrated Potbartefsta
ranch la nearly all asm MM it 11.
per acre being classified M leHa1
ble. while other land of alautr eki
After, but of leas talue, OmsI
saeased al $20 per gore.
We compare the W half of I
of SI quarter of section MM'.
ed by Kahout and NeUee. MM
in 1015 at $2400 or $Jf
while In 111 at $140 or $Jpw surrounding lhl $$"
aaseaaed at from $30 lo $ t
under similar classification
C. 8. Hancock In lot WW
aeaaed In 101 for $$ acm M
per acre while In 111 M
times as much. This Ii o l
river on Dead Ox.
Andrew Jenaen on secllsa V
18-44, waa classified la 1HU
the past at $3 and $1.$
total valuatlou for 320 aei'
There Is and cau be uo water
property, the classlficatloe S
lng fair. In 1 1 6 the sania
raised to a tolal valuation of
while land lower and adjoin""
Ing large cropa of bay l anM"
Dave Dunbar on the rfWS
of sMdlon 18 18-4$ to claMW
uoit -tillable and aaaesaed at U
tbe 10 acres Thto property!
ed hands some time slnee
Your committee to of tb
that the present claaal""
BtWe of unaattofactory oono't
giving nelghbora ideas of lel
and creates a difficulty
ing values by outside Invert"
Homesteaders are duaj"
against by having their luu
ed at a rate much closer to
cash value than are oth"
the county, for $3 pe-
nearly represents the cau '
dry land homesteads than
represent the cash value
lands on DeadOxanduudert
string ditch. ,
WOOD. "-
No discrimination appears between t u
section 17 and section 8 in 18-45 but
section 8 is exactly sirular to that of
the o. L Co. In 17-44, two miles
distant. Both sections 17 and 8
were raised over the 1815 aaseas from $3 in 1915 to $20 In lUlti
Cougoleum stove squares at
in ail alxes at Ontario Furaiw
Buy your second hand I
stove at Ontario Funnl"'