TH NTARIO 4RiW "'"fOBUr, pac;k six THiritHDAY i It. in. Classified Advertising A column that pets results for the buyer as well as those who have fOOfJl for sale. Five cents per line per insertion PhoM 49 I HR BALE Foil IALI Rogdatored Ihrop nhlrv rums, thirty lornlm and mity flte yearling In prlmo condition II j i.rtur. I'eyette, Ida. pi-rnnl Tho plat tMOd uuh diml"i! ii,Im tlTO initial portion" ntnl tho hoe; pastured a I tarn a i I) for Mi ,1 i . at a tlnio mi Ml li pari Tlilx tllowa for sort uniform growth Bad BaaVWtOaOO In IrrlgntiiiK III addi tlon to MM piiturt. On' BOga itc IftYM a mippli'iuriitiiry ration Of two pound- Of com pOf da pot 100 poiiniN livo WOlfht "(III April 24 rivi high gM4M Dnriir Jorwiy linns wi'ltchlng fll ' . . . ., Ipoaoda iron plaood oo tho alfalfa Brian lu two old tire and wo will plal Oa .May 14 II araa fouad BOM mak one that will run from 2000 tOT) M roiuova nn lion, an tho BVPPl) will PUIPIT JUD PEW j Mist KLLANfOOt to 5000 mllwt nioro for yon n'n llarnoaa Co. FOR SAI.K- Team geldlnifK, I III It OMOu cooil workers, baxnotta and buggy. Iii'iuirw Oregoa Pat t Ontario, or tf FOB BALI OR TRAD! LtU 4 .,i,i i .Villa Par I'd i irtlcnlara wrtM boa .r,04, Hnkw 'II al BOB rafoa bo I . l s-i homy harnoKK. l M, W. A. Crook. phOM 162 M. 3tf Nursing wanted ty eiporn'nr(l RofOfoaooa gtvaa Iddrooi Krooe- ,,r food araa UfctdoqUOM The ro m .i i m in K four nor WOW tal,. D Jul) II. iiinl nn t l.i' BBBsO,- I purw-brod i mrm j.r i shoati were placod nn Ilii' pint I In ,, liuvinK B tnlal v., mill Ol III pound . n ii. .inn 'i on tho po ii oro an til September "Durtn i tho two porlod hlte pounds ol ii-rk r. prodaood. Tho to amounted la i 141 pounds i tlmat Oi hik tho roluo ol ka porl ol ti.r 9 41 n pony, III or '. ico, lomo in i,-rt IhihI log Reward ,.,,t,, ,., dirtni I po pold for Information m to whereabouts f J.-ini Wood, Ontorl phono - N iiitist. pi,., fundamental work of church is tn htnld BOB Intn foul Tim paramount thoaghl la a rolal I ' ,,,,,1, ,i MmplM for thO iBdnrelllBg f tin' spirit Of Hod 'II'" hi , ,,!, i to ijimrry BOP fTOB ii,,, , ,. i in, i balld IhoB Into I,,,,,,,!,, fof lo. llilvnl li 'mi,' am arraagOd for this very thin The ehurctt thai I aol mraagollt tie Ii rata tag tho Btoatoa laa Lsard tatealod for it ,'oini' to i'"' BapUali eharoh aad ,t araraod up Tap I " " v' gaadaj 1 1 Tho B Itaa B Ith ia : g p in "The Well Nprlng i , ., BOOtlBga wfiirli , l.ilinll Is Mil ldl 'I" , ,, to ill ad i! li k BAKI , , ni . p i pound kii, - .i mill i "' urn ii,, in the pi. i' of St.: Tho ralao tantkii u'iihk or in kind iiv "' the corn rod. eefmoteil as M,ill x, ,.,i hutd 'd '" r' . I'm,' paBptag pi. mi MMOi ireaard frail Brtoa IIHI ' i ii Nj "i. i hm mom:v to LOAD MORI i unv in iMi-i!i t t BAN! in - W. J. P1RRI r, OS TARJO, ORBOOR. I Iff poaag Baa ooaiaioaelBg tho first ,,r Movoa '" r H iforoaeos furnished la lOlro "i Vrgus. B NTKU i Rlrl to i or! Mi lluny . if ., TRAYRD oil htoi.i n nn- blaoh :' poaf old Port iiuiiinii w.-isiit .iiinii! i III poand , ire i in mi ifiii tool on -in. ill roptura oa aaval Ooatlo Ko brand -' ird for r, ". It II ,w . I .1 A, ! BAMTI III lltKK. Ilin l.ll.l Willi HUGH a, D I Bj i alfalfa putil i i i , reporl irl of tint! t.iriu lor I by the 1 - depart : ' I V I I i l . lid O i ' i .ri.ui. l : v ,.. i ioo poaAd . a III. S Tills leaves i not roaara from the .-i falfa crop or i s 7 for tho plat, srhlah is ut tin' rat of TI ss p mparod it' a net return of ITti .SS from ii sliull.u i iporlBOBl eonduetod in 1 1 I oared in Ittl ami IIU i ito ni .iii ,ii.i w it li Iioks hIioiiI I IdoratMM bj the on tho Huntlej pinji'ii i,,iir of the . "i Iho ni po ' I ; traUKforri',1 tn the cora plal mi Od I, till tt this tl ' I T nt I' lt tills . tin. iiol- lund i .t iion The leld i , r .". j t i V'aluln HOB mi I RH WH HW i I" W B1 ttllxtvs I BH Sim : Into ilea eonlrol i lh blndlni I rjr of the world i ,i i , ibobI again I Ihi nnt adminl hlagtoa n demon ir ita - again I - r.iii.',' of ' eoBbol ,ii, m also i l luii i i ra ulted froa iho n , ... .in,! it , , am i oi thai ii"' iiK'-nt oi the Ira i ...Mil. Ill I I.. I, II i i, i in, i. the r.uir...!.i attorne) Mini arho wai aanl bj ilt. .ii to tlirow I ., Tn ire ban inner thin . tag tiro ihoir friends i i , ; . , i I , eiplali tini . i , I of i ' nod lad ' . asoi ii l In el. .1 in 1114 eorn foi rain " I i Pen n N al School Prowi Necessity in i Mi i ill ixtr.i , I, ill ni i on platform I pupila ..I iho ' ndlg the . ir .1 ! b , .ni' tharOBffwl) int t liit'd km In Orcfji u I.-.' i" .t on lite 'nillni ... .liiiK Witi , .rnor of Oregen: i. Road i ei nil flectien: By J ii i in auti By J A jpsrintendrnt of Pu Us Instructien: r , ,4,r ., . aill in .. Iioola l, . siabluhlng ion P l. Campbell, President of ths University of Oregen: . Hi liu,il i ui il li ' 'i . W. J. Kerr. President of ths Oregon Agricultural Cellege: .1 Pendleton sre Initialing t msneiirs 1,1 tin., eelabushnisiil "' . N'urmal s.houi ..t iii.ii ulere, ,i go, in, .pott ii. , Dieaaurs By J. H. Acksrman, President Oregon Normal School, at Monmouth a .,.!,. i a, ui .,r ii.. ii, urn. ,u iii , olivine any ni i i i muii , nt . ., .... i i iii hSaati , i, oi t .,, and l'fiil isii rills a.i Ihi guvernmeni . ..,,nri.m,nie " By ths County School Superintendents of Oregen: Heosrrsd. Inal H Is Ihi avnaa uf Ike County Hrhoei riunerlntendenle of II Hale i Un-guii, in . ,,i,vantin teaenibled. tlut il..- ' ' u " itir a, i,..u of n, .stslr .lailmlill llicir.. .1 I live '..I ll,' I f . 1 lllliaj Of leaibers, and uiat It "' n.itlative iiicmmoi to establish Normal Uchoul ai I'endleton- By Mrs. Charles H Caetner, President of ths Orsgon Federation of Wcnen's Clubs: "1 most bsartlll anaams m IsrntlSO t eeid Normal nl i'. adlston Prof Robert C. French, Former President of the Normal School Located at Weston tn in, tttillahmeiil uf , i. a i, hool at some , entrnl point sui'h a I'ndtstmi aouki pio ., great aeu,-l lu the lisle ,.r Orsgan ' U F. Mjlkey. Em Premdent Southern Oregon Normal Schoel: I hall supporl ii"' location o( an tuHtiein Difgoii Nuriaal Orhool at Psndlsteo." Slutf Btaaltj il RBgMlll taf OwiUB Normal School tJecliuvs Unit 'llic iicrcssily Im .iilditional Normal achottl facilitiea iu Oregon is gppareul " PurUand CluililUCr ul Commerw iniiorsis measure ;U)H uiti sa l'i udlrlon mogl tofklad eOCatitlB for Nor mal Mhool in l.isiini Otragoa. 308 X YES is a vote for your children . M hmil ' onimlltas. rvn.lltlon. llm r.i.i ,t ,, . g,,,i Slalf N., I Hj J II i.winn. s. :.l -I lit HUN IN' , I I WIHI I I t H' v ,a ' - '' o! M II ll.Olll t plul od dr i 1 : .ii. ph-iiM'd to nolo in our talk : Ml I .' Home) fount) Trlbu i I, I oil aohool I ."'I.- fur oni rt Drai i rent i I i i HI l'im KB I.INI . . led it ill' i ctrli power ol n point two milt i Inrsev Bend There bo fouad .i iii' i round aad t rilil I lis upositlon I- I i.-.i I, : Range and Alfalfa Land at reasonable prices and on 10 year terms Stockmen should get jn while the getting is good. We have sold 98 sections during the last 1)0 days Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. l,n.V. Ar-it ONTARIO QHqom THE OSBORN MILUftB Uf tarry the wiiit-st Bttoetiotlt, neweit idt is ami pvoj prompt scrvirr at the most popular pricrs. Just raoeived a new shipment of Fisk Elate and Novelty TWrnmingt, BIDBUNB8 (-ul Flowers, Hair Goods, 1 'n l Plants i mi Bardoy corset none bet- ter perfect lit guantnteedi THFoSBOIiLLiRY THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Ban ago the ti-li'pliotiK was a luxury. Teiir, i i .i, l i 'iilfrprlne, It Iim iiwoi ,,,! BThora ones i has- i. :,- BO nli ii Hatted talking raug. lodar an i tii g ram laartora eltaaaV vafl raaah of ovorj iniHineas Is linked tt ery I,.: iiii piiouo yt oeraod il roopoaalhhl plaie and lherr BeU Mlapboaoi la taia goiatrr, over whtttat II i ilka dally. I Bell Ti'lt'iilimii' g a Loag sHttOMI Station. Malheur home Telephone Co. I I I, 1 .. II ... 1 l- ..t H..1 ..,.... ... " iiinii ,.i.,n-, .111,1, 's nre l.irKor . ilarly in nuality. Kvirlurt ouly. sdv Drug I ndv Business Directory Expert Service Reasonable Charges and I ll -li I tN. ATTOHNKYS. DM PRINSINO & WKKSK Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Soars Dr. Pauline Stars Qraduates American School of Osteo patliy, Kirkaville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk IlK.NTIHTH W. II. ItrnoLe, Wilson Bid. Attorney at Law oni ii in Ore C. McGONAGILL AlTOn.NEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postoffice DR W. O, How K ...... DENTIST Phones. Office 117 Wilson Bldg. Ren. 1172 UK. D. C. UHKTT DENTIST Office M door Kast of On'arl j Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, Near ll R. Depot. LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. M. I l.l.oi a ft WOOD LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nafl Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. B. W. Mwngler Attorney at Law. Rooms 13-14-15 Wllaon Uldg Ontario Oregon I. J. galiohajT- LAtVTEB Rooms in Wllfon Bldg. Outario, Oregon UNDERTAKING THAN s Kit J. H. FARLEY Funeral directs and embalmer. Lady assistant. Phone j 182-W. Ontario, Oregon, j TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meeta all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM ""- campaigu Tlk'kimloft,t.atiiU'ntSti.itly customori deserve II tht principal upon which w' do business. Accessories carried for kinds of cats. Gasoline, Lubricating and Supplies. till oils Ontario Auto Co. PETE 1)1 FORD, Prop. Phone 134 The Palact Meat Markei OffgatM Bfoaaaa1 I III Nil Ml tl1' BAIVf HaUTC ft IBSaO MttTS HVI SVtiK l.tltl) BottOf uiats for tits aat money Prtoog Never aiah jw Never Poor Cooaa in und see tb uiarket Telephoue 111 STEWART &VVRIGH Proprietors i Whoa it bbbboj to borrowiug epi- VVubliliiiK W'liodl'ow u piarii hia latent la "invisible guw rnun-nl " Howuser, the people know Hughes und know BOO in apt the phraae tS In OBtario Laufldry Down Town OSj Everhart's