tub Ontario AROUf PAOH FIVE THIIRBnAY, OCTOIIKIt 19, 1916 I ill Corset Announcement To the Women of Ontario Wo hnvp just received the new 1916-17 fall and winter cornets. The linea of theHC handsome J. C. C. corsets are not only hcnutifully styliph hut Rive comfort and elasticity for walking, working, motoring as well as evening wear. We gnurantee fit and comfort. An examination of our line will con vince you. An Added Supply of Hats and Toques has been Received as well as the most exquisite line of fancy work just suitahle for Christmas gift. Millinery Art Store HULL & HARRELL TOM W. IIALLIDAY After Short llln.-. Prominent and Itexpci lel I'lmiew ONI to .loin the Urvt MnJnrM The Week With Ontario Citizens KriiNtii- rtley apent Sunday with friends In Welaer. V. II Slaplcx came clown from Vale "ii 'I ii'- !. Born to Mr. and Mm. Kay Tar aona Tueaday, a hoy. Bob Cavln Iftft on Monday for the Interior on bulnea. Mr and Mr Krecl I'latt ware down from I'armn Tuesday II I, I'oorman visited with rela tlew In Welaer Sunday. c K. Kenyon of Welaer wati In On tario on bualnes Tuesday. Dlatrlrt Attorney V II. Ilrnokc waa a llolae visitor on Wednesday. Ml Mary I'lnney la home attain from an extended aojourn In Port land. 0, C WIIhoii, UM Nkhii attorney Wbh In Ontario everul day ihU week. W A Kiilkcrxon wax a W.'Imt vlallor on Sunday, returning M DM I'ony Mond.n Mr. V H Hrookmor In nunibetid amoiiK Ho' rr-"'iiil reported lixt of typhoid rletli w q Uam I'-" ihD week '"' "' extended vllt with relative In hla old home In Ohio It K farmer of Vule, county en glueer waa In Ontario the lam of Hi" week on hualuvaa. Mra. tl. '. Hoyer waa numbered anion a the Indlapoaed of Ontario thla week. She la better now. Adam Murray, the well known i I in of Ho- Intel lor wc ill On- turlo last week mi bualiieaa. W. A Kulkersou waa compelled IIiIh week to leave hla dutlea at IM alore on account of lllneaa. II V. Jenne, who has Iiv.-iI west of the city for aeveral year, left thla week for North Yitkliuu, Waah. Athur Moody left on Tueaday for Willow river I" locate voters inl"r eated In hix canvaaa for the clerkship of the county Sheriff lien lirowu wax In town n Monday on bustnex and incidentally to ini"iM' roUfi ftetlti to hla candidacy for re-election. C C Mueller of Vule wan in On tario Tueaday etirouic It distant parta of the county In hla canva for the county treaxurerahlp ,1 I) Milling -h-v went l" Juutiira WMMft4ftJ on huxine.i." II" expeclx. to hrlnts down a lux band of aheep to feed during- the winter here. Frank Mcliuvern of John lu spent several day.-, this week in Ontario, th" gin- t ti Ueorge Klchaon. Mr. McUovcrn has Juxl returned from an exten.l"l tUU 1" Ml "ll1 lli""' '" South DakeU wlilch be "uy lb aafe for Hughes. Kplscopal service will he held In Masonic hall next Sunday at II II a. m. by the general mlaalnniiry, lt-v iv II Powell Everybody welcome. Mra. W. It. Shlnn of tirandilew, Waah., accompanied by her daughter, Margaret, arrived thla week for a vis it with Mra Hhinn'a parenta, Mr and Mra. J. O. Staple-. Mr. and Mra. Thuma Kahoul, and daughter, who were the gueat laat week of Mra Kahout'a alater, Mlaa i.u ine Smith, returned to their home in Ionian Valley Tuesday. Smith Crane the Hum borne Inn er was In Ontario over the week end on business. He I shipping a big hunch of horaea to Caldwell thlx week and left on Monday for Junlura. Mra. M. K Newton returned Sun duy from Portland where she spent Koine time recuperutiiiR from the re hiiIih of Hie u ill ii iiccldi'iit of which In- wa the victim a month .no Idv l K Maker, lefl SiiihI.i even iiik on No 10 tor Salem, to attend the annual scxxlonx of the Oregon llu'itlMt atale conwnllon He will return Saturday for the Sunday it vice Dr. and Mix D C I"'" "in Ikll week for Hoxwell, Idaho, where they will lxlt for Home time before leav ing for Arlxona or Sonthi-rn Califor nia to make their permanent liotne On leaving the exprexaed regret at having to aever friendship formed thru three yeara rexldence here Or. Ilreti xold hi practice to Mr Fry J It lllackaby waa the boat for a motor party which left early Sun day morning for the country above Welaer. The car xutfered from "II glne trouble In the Maun creek re gion and It waa neceaxary to call for a tow back to Ontario The party reached the city eurly Monday morn Ing. Mr. Hlackahy'x guests were Mr. and Mr. Karl lllackaby, Mla Clark, Mlaa Whit more Mlaa Margaret lilackahy ami Miss It tit It I lniii.iu Tom W tlalldrty one of the heat known Mini n p'li'd Of Malli'in county ' tkMMf cltlxenx IM Sun day morning nt big home In Vale The linnii'illat" cause of deulh wax , heart RftllVN Mr Mnlllday luivr to mourn hix departure hla wife and' two children Wilbur llallld.n "l Itaker nti'l Ml rtonot llurhrldg" of NyB.. The death of Mr llatllilay calm- ftl a-distant ahoc.k to hi many friend' for I ho he had not been well for otne time lils condition Ml not deemed aerlotix. The funeral took place Tueaday under the aup!ce of the Vale Ixxlge No 142 A K and A. M Service were held nt the Mnlllday home In Vnle where II I,. Mllllgan of Walla Walla delivered a eulogy on the life nnd work of Mr. Ilalliday The body wa brought to Ontario for Interment The eateem In which the dlxeaxeil wax li"ld by hi fellow- cltl xena waa eloquently teatlfled to by the many who cam" to thlx city to pay their repecta. Member of tin tario lodRe of Manon met the train and formed an excort for the funeral rortcge to the grnW' The pall hear er were c W Mallett, JudRe t'axltl Itrown, V II. Staple. J P Duna way, C M. Crandall of Vale ami Mr. Modflnh of Nyaaa. During hi realdence In Malheur county Mr Ilalliday waa one of the tu'-ii who hulldi'd for the future and Rave of hi time and talent to the ad vancement of every forward atep. He waa In the hlghext aenae a pro Rrexxlve and uprlRht cltlxen Id nerved the public a aherlff for one term and for two lertux wax county treaxurer He alxo deyeloped one of the flnext farm In the vall" PM mllea wext of (Intarto where he lived until four year ago when be moved tO V .' I' Tom W Ilalliday wax horn In ln 6S year ago and when but a boy moved lo Arlxonu Later he went to Si i lair, Wwula. where In 1 US t he man I'd Kinnin M I'erguxon, who . i him Soon after Ihelr mar rlage In IN82 they came lo Malheur county and took the hometead which toKi'lher th"v d"V"loi"d Mr Ilalliday wax alxo ptoiiiiii"Ui in fra ternal circle he wax made a Maxou In Accucla lodge of (initio and hit er transferred hi iiieinberhlp to the Vale Idoge He wax alao a member of the Odd Fellows lodge of Ontario the member aud offloera of which were prexent at the funeral winr. here oil Tuexday Fur Trimminja:s Just Rec i td MndiTiitily Prii'-'l 25c to $2.00 The Yard on will find our lin.- simply Irrexlxtahle WiieiosicoA HI ONTARIO , Lafl AggMBaaavaV - J 7ME BIG DEBVRTMENT STORE MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS BEDDING Nowhere will you find the showing and so reasonably pric ed as at this store. Ilpfore you buy a wult ee the New Fall line we have lut received and our pec lal low prices. FOR Men FOR Women SHOES In thene day of high l prlcoa till More I the logical placa lo trade, heraue we have no rent. Our expene moderate and pur chaxlng power the bet. Jm ONTARIO I m tWI ob co on I m 'U Ladies' and Misses' Few Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses by Express this week. LOCALS FALL BEFORE CALDWELL WARRIORS MM I tT IIOI.lt PI.IOINO OK IDAHO M(1U i intvi' H Xl.r H1DDUX STARS FOR ONTARIO Madden Cronln i..it guard Itoblaon Overatreet I'M Lo xl. Price. Skelton Itrown I. it end llrexhear Holland Quarterback Turner Chrlatenxen Itight half. Cook Maddux riillliuck Lew ix, ft ix liurhln. I'lnney I. .-It half Heferee, Vance, umpire, Saler; heud llnexman. Ilreshear iiwt.i.H oi ttMCAD OK I llliHI P.HMKI t Continued from page one) WIIITKI.V HOTTO.M. Mr and Mix Claude Kurd of Pay ette .p.-nl Tuexday at the Clyde lluid home. W I'ltgi-ruld or llliaa vlaited the I.. J Meeker home Mrx Tom Harri returned from the Onurio i". iili.il Tueday. She la slowly improving. t) l.ooii"i is ivp.cl"d liotne iruiii tlie hoapltal thlx W""k. Chax. White, Win. Wlitle uf Nya s.i and A White of Mountain Home were called to Salem, Oregon, last week by the deulh of their mother. Mrx Italph Joii" and two children of Mldvale are visiting the John's home. Mr Shumate of Nampa republican candidate for aherlff wax a caller laat week. Why Should Oregon Vote Pendleton $125,000 and one -twenty-fifth of a mill for a normal achool only 21 utile from where the slate own a good plant at Weaton which requlrea but one-fortieth of a mill aunual maintenance to put it in aucceaa ful operation? Head page ii of the voteri' phamphlet; and if you want to avoid needloa taxation, vote 309 X No Paid advertisement- Clark Wood, Wexton. Or. tartly and in Whitney hnlda him blameleaa for the condition which ax ial. "A a matter of fact." aid the Health Officer. "It waa the very an Itary precaution which Mr tlrlffln employed that may hate cuuxed the trouble. I believe the trouble luix lome thru the wuxhiug ol the cowx uddera with the water from th" m reeled well Tlllx "ll I only 30 reel rrotu the main xewer aud being a xhallow well It may U- nnhnl the infection from the sewir Thlx i- po-nilile and I a condition over which Mr tiriffin had no control lie did not know the water wax coiilamin ated. In voluntarily cloning hix dairy he did all that a man could do to protect the cll li i potalfclt 1'iat Hi" loiilamuut lion wax - .i i-.nl Inraii." of the xaul tary uianiier in which Mr Uiiffiu MM had the udder of hix cowx wah"d helore milking, a few dropx could thu eaxlly get Into the milk, Itaplt the tact lli.it all th" hollleg .Hid milk contain"!, were constantly senlued he milk would xllll carry the germ xeciiii-d g Hie time uf milking y t M lian- liad no report Iron me city water apd oth.r -am pic M-nt tor analyxis and the .-.uppo xitiou Ui'i .1 I" accepted tliat I li-v ii" alright or " would hav.- luard liom thi'ln If ihoh" taking care ol . i tleni.- ai" careful, I believe there will be no further apread uuleaa it be among people already gffacted but eiery precaution xltould still be practiced." lluiiiiL; the we.k the doctor ha been I'll y vaccinating cMBmA to avoid trouble children rying boiled water to geueial clean up of lha - Uo. tV. C A McCreary of I .a Q ored from hi home to i 'r, his return Tiiurudxy wax ed to hix home in l.a Urana Juatine Clark, who will viat look. Ion ly of Vide, U the Ulg I actor foi' lilor ulbei Ixoii'x Men I xe I oruard Phxx. luahillty on the part of llo- i.ntir of the line to hold the plunging of I the Caldwell liackx during the flrat ' half of the game coxt the Ontario, high xcliool fcMithall team Ho- game at Caldwell laxt Friday afternoon The final xcore wa to ti In favor of the Idahoan. Aa the MM Indicate the teamx wen- "wiily mulched In fact during the second half the local held their own liy ue of the forward paxx. In thlx departui"iit of the ga Maddux. waa the xclntlllatlng tar of tin- mi taiio team and netted a large portion of the gain made Coach Culhertxon' protege learn ed MM utter the game started that they were In a real battle with the Idahoan depinding almost iniircly upon old atyle foot hall. Thlx wa Mi!fici"iil lor xleady ganix thru the line When tli" Idaho hue held the local plungerx a cliang" "I iMllM s trod .jiccexxfully In Hie xecotnl iiiar i.r wliUdi rexiilled in a touchdown On the punt out the hall wan drop ped and Ontario lol I chain" lo Ii" . .,i. "in III" M-ioiid hall. Vltl lb" hall on Ontario s two yard lui" M '' tempted punt out ax lilocked. the hall going over lh" fence hack of tin- goal pontx wli"i" I Cald"ll play i Ml on it Owing to the ohxlruclion the referee allowed but two point New Pluyeis t inning. The locil hoys Iff mil di-' oiir.igi d by the defeat and are working hard for the game this week with lioix". lli" lui" grtll Ii" stn 'iigtlii-io'd lor tills context Joy HilMed will be li.n k in th" game and a new man, I'n i" will lie III the line to -tretlgtll'-n III" wiak xpot. TlMM i.'lilltionx lll ill i ,, ,. .1 .i ii il powil of the -.tin materially. One Hung the liui - l.-.n n"'i ftl Calil well wa that Cook, the old Vale star was the hext mall on the Caldwell team and hia plunging waa hardest lo stop The following wax the line up of lh" li-ainx: Caldwell Ontario Huelt Human Might end. tarenneinun Moore Hlglu tackle Bbovel Kerachner Klght guard k)ng ii) Mcculloch Center ItooTI.K.I.OKItH Hit V VMM t KMI lt I IM i.i-orge Hoiiuldxon ol Kiwi-hlc and M Hart of Juiiturii on pleading guilty of hoot legging in their rexpec tlve town when arraigned hefore I'o lice Judge, C M Stearns luexduy af lernoon were handled a neat Utile package In the xhupe of a linn fine tieorge McLaughlin who work"d ftf lioin.ldxon ftltg adiulltid (.-.Hill .iinl wax axxexxed $.. Tin " nun !' hroughl to On tnrlo by Sheriff Ih-n Mrown on war rant! lanued by Dlxtrlct Attorney W. II llrooke to whom nuinerou com plaint concerning Illicit Ihiuor traf fic in Klvenlde and Juntura had been made. Iloth of theae town have h i ii XOIirce of trouble 111 lh" peace offl ,.,.ri. the dry law went into effect, but owing to their xltuatlon. and lh" accural" oh. nice inform.! t Inn sent to the W"X "lid of the coun ty hy n.nf. I' i.ii' - whin tin' aherlff or hi deputle xtarnd wexlward It i,.... n alinu i ImpoaalbM to aecure .videuce uRalnat any Individual. In puHHlug entenc" on Hart and Honahlxoti on In. d.n ludK" Sl.-ani informed them that he look cogni zance of the fact that they had been Mlltf "i hieuklng the xtinutea be fore the dry law wax in iiti-cl, and ao far a hi court wax c -crned ha wlxhed not to mak" any man an ex ample hut to Mirii- ice lhat the ,iiil would not p.. ',ili hy xui h offense. I AM NOT A CANDIDATE But if you want an Auctioneer I would like to be it. For a date phone or write me at my expense. WHAT PAYS It pays to adver tise your sale well. I like to help you get out the bill. It pays to get an auctioned- that makes auctioneering .his business. It is a business by itself and not a side line. Auctioneering is My Business. It pays to be square with the pub lic on all occasions. I I B Baal J. M. SWAN80N, Auctioneer Phone 118 M or 6 W l'AYEITK, IDAHO In her old home until Tut