(Ihtfajruv m. Jafitt0. r -" ONTARIO, lAi.nii u nirNT, o KM JON, Till kniiu . cm r. in. mm M Mill- I! 41 HO BUSINESS Ml ( JO CAR AND MOTORCYCLE BETTER CONNECTION REPORT SETS FORTH MANY nncd cniruno m unnii-w iulliul m iwiuuni iu duuin lu uimu UfXLLI IIULIVIO 111 llruWI iwTKIt riniii'; hHiiiniiii HtuM OlCTAHlO TO Ml r NTI ItHHl I'OIMiil 10 HAKE IIIIP NOV. 5 IUt"- Offered In ViNirs lor ,,!,. Tourist iHiunn iri. n k.1 lliil r-MKl lK crown i ttnlMl flUFQ DFPIDT FOP UIILO IILUII I I ull I HANK I M.(ii: OV I ItllTLWD i im.i itit. BMTWRRN I. II : m death 0u tuun i.i. ( OMMKR4 I . I I.I II KNDORHE ACTION taken u ,i, it. BLACKAB1 INJUSTICES IN VALUATIONS ralcbralc the ip-nlii(t if 1 1 - Ills Into I ratio and Ihe interior, It thi' bond of friendship ex- i.mii this city nnd ItK nelgh- to tlr westward the Ontario lal 'lull I to hold big to Juntura. Riverside, train Sirna uii Hunday. November 6 Hound Trip for $.IM). at ih- trip will be tin- biggest Ukes by a delegation or on MUM! la assured from the fart Uni-r, In recent yaara at leant. i rllruil rate been made no at- It will coat but 11.00 for Mid trip from Ontario to Crane tarn Aa P. J. Oallegher pot i meeting of the Commercial day nt lining. "That la cheep- i Healing It." Osllagher's sentiment found boui approval with all the busl- pre -ni and arrangeiuantn made to oara for fully 200 oiliin to leave Ontario on booster special Will Tako the Hand. enliven the day. and to aalt intartalnmanl of the people In towna, aa wall aa the ex- iWi themaalvaa, the Ontario will be on of the features tota will be made at Juotura. tad t'rane where concerts held and the boosters will ex h food wlahea of Ontario to ople I nred to Make Trip i ticuralon Ih not to be a Joy I for the men of Ontario, only, i aumen are Invited, especially vVWhier I. i Tolls I in ii, ii ,,i , on tin- lli.nlrr- Tl ks Thtin for Continuing I'm thnk. VICTIMS SKULL FRACTURED IMPROVEDRAILSERVICESOUGKT .' ZSSST, I riml. Mearr's fur l Hiii.t-licd I, ill foiiiintttcfs Nuniixl i.. I rui Hutliling li-i iiimnl- NMagai Stilus lni. irl. v lli'iMlllKlit.-. Ml tint. of Ituuil I (i Huccor reek .mil for lU-ller I lain Sen lie to II , 1 1 -. 1 . I . Lingering hotwi-en life and death If hiiv Onlnrlo Ih.v want , of what It means to he a aolilni aa, the border these day. he ran secure, unconscious from a fractured skull a fine Idea by packing r.O pound on Hag Kr,nk Taylor at the home of la run rises anil atari running up and , n. Kiel, on l-ennavlvanla avenue a la Emphasizing the fact that Ontario! hatidli'iippi'd by lt present con-i e 0t.KI..SS.M AN N. J. NINNllT TO ADDRESS ONTAHIANH I liiilriiimi 10 (!. Ilullcy of I ho r oommlttea nsterday thul riiiiitri'HHiiinii N J Hlnnott would be In Ontario for nn addreaii on Saturday, November 4. Arrange nient are being perfected to run special trnlnH to the city for th. rally which will be the blggeat held In the county during the campaign. TAXPAl I IIS CIIMMIfTI . I M M- ;;:;:; ::: : v: w til Mil i IS I ill NTV CAN MAKE NO CHANCES NOW nectlonn. both railroad and by wagon road, to Jordan Valley and all that estlng Informallon conveyed to lhe(llrh home alKiut eight o'clock Hun member of the Ontario Plre lie-1 day evening between the motorcycle partment by Wllmer Bnyer, a mem her of the department who la now Number Id, t'o. I National Ouard of Idaho stationed at Nogalea, Arizona he was riding and the automobile driven by Krank Weaver of the lloule-vard. According to the veralon of the ac me lener waa written 10 rnn me cljnl vwn by Mr Weaver he waa member of tbe danartraent for a cheek aent him for hla aarvlcea, tho he ha been on the border for aome time. The department voted to con tinue the pay of any member who en Hated la the army aervlre and Mr. Iloyer voice hi appreciation In no uncertain worda. The letter waa raid at the meeting of the department Tueaday evening. Ilealde hearing tha latter the firemen added two new amber: Major Moore and Loul Hirtle In hla let ter Mr. Hoyer eatd. "You ran Imagine how aurpiiaed I waa to get the Mg ll'i 0 money order and how I appreciate what you boya are doing for ma. I cant find worda to thank yon boy for aome thlng I Im.en't dea and aure wont vou to know how I appreciate your klndnee toward I poor un burned aoldler boy dowa on the border, where It le only a few feel from h when It come to halt, but the night are alwaya pretty cool. "We Juat got back from another hike of nine day up and around old Kort t'rlllenden. We fought a two .- ...., .m ..uii., ,ur a roup r ,,. H(llltll of Krultland The young region In the atiuth end of the co u-7 ..... ..,.-.. mu.mi, wo,, an ..peri milI, , . ony aerlnualy Injured the ('oinerclul club at It meeting "l'lnl"M victim of a head-on oolllalon which Monday evening took alepa to bring Thl wa one of the bit of Inter-. occurred In the dark In front of the I about a change. Two distinct, tho vitally connected, step were declared neceaaary to change the preeent mean of getting to and from Jordan Valley to On tario and Vale. Theae were first brought to the attention of the club hy A. R. Prater of the club'a railroad committee when he auggeated thai the club take up the matter of getting better and more regular aervlce from Onarlo to llomedale. "At the preaent time," aald Mr. Praaer, "tho train for llomedale runa three tlmea per weak any old time of day Some tlmea It leave ahortly after noon and aometlmea It leavea after dark. Aa tha reeult of the un certainty of arrival and departure no one use the train who can avoid do ing no. and of course It doea not pay the company for keeping It running. "The railroad committee ha been working on a plan which It would propose to the railroad company. It would have the Rrogan train leave Brogan In the morning and run thru to llomedale and back to Ilrogao each day. By that arrangement one crew could do the work. By a dif ferent arrangemant of the achodulea of the Juntura train, also, better aer vlce could be given on the main line." Meaara. A. K. Praaer, H. C. Boyer and J. It Hlackaby were appointed to take I his matter up with tbe railroad company. J. H. Hlackaby further supplement- :::'! FULTON ARRAINGS THE flraaof ihe eicuraloulata Ti.elday aham battle with the I'lah bat- oatara who entertain, "hope" iKrmllted to bring the phytl- Hly nf thoae hope along anil hud time will be the order of Hhudea, traveling paaenger ( Die Oregou Short Line will rge of the exnuraiou and the Biuuiitlee which has the ar- la in charge Include. P. J. Mr, chairmau, W. K Human. frtaraoii. B, ti llalley ami U. K. ... . .,.... "ry. Hie flglil was ibiu'ii u.-w hut we claim the victory (naturally I ruunlng slowly toward Pruilland to secure a new headlight, hla having gone out, hut the oil head llghta were burning, when auddenly hla car wa hit by tbe motor cycle and Tay lor hurled over the car. There were no llghta at all on the motor cyele which also waa running on the left hand aide of the road. Ho violent waa the impact with which the car eame together that the motorcycle waa demolished and the radiator, one mud guard and tbe windshield of the auto were crumpled or amaahed entirely, m In the car with Mr. Weaver waa hla wife and two children. Jack Weaver. Mr. and Mr B. Reynolda and daughter, Carol. Carol Reynold waa the only occupant of the oar In jured, ahe being slightly cut by fly ing glaae from the wind ahield. Aa son a the car alopped Meaara. Weaver and Keynolda carried Taylor to the Itlch home. In front of which the accident occurred. Ooctora Prin ting of thl city and Dr. Dryadale of New Ptymuth were aummoned to caret for the Injured man. They found! luiu aufferlng from a fractured sk ull. I cut about the head and It la bellev ed from Internal injuriee ADMINISTRATION'S POLICY In Able Aildrewi K-Hnator 1te Broken riedgn and Wabblta. I'rartiree of Regime. THt; rtuiMs AT Hll. KOSARY HtlSPITAI. II Ihe patient Iu the Holy hospital during the ftrat If October were the follewing: ' K. Olaon, Drewaey, and llum Church of Welaer, oper- I (or appendlcltla. rranciaca Hoffman of Pay- Carrln ia Buffering from Ron of Portland and John (Boring, Oregon, O. W. R. N. Weat, Harper, Oregon, fated upon for gall-atom- o Zgah. la Buffering from la Ki Ml Hoffman of Ontario la " patients. 1 Kroeasln of Ontario, suffer- typhoid fever, also MIbb Eva Slutery returned to the if the winter. 'Tin Hopkins has returned "Be iu Juntura. I" II .t.kltt.U.... !......(.. U.AB ..ii..iti, , i.i., ,ii it. nan 'on fur appendicitis. lellla Ruppert from Hurna Kva Stirling have both re 1'foiu aerlous attacks of ty- rMnd have left the honultal I "Willi Pc returned tu hiu liuuiu In !"e firBt of the week. Fom Harrlg has returned to In Krultland after a long illness of three months ed Mr. Kraaer's remarka by urging While he 'that while urging the Improved train If you peopl. think ita a dreg lm(1 no, rB)l.ined conaclousnea on j a-rvleee Ontario could make that Im pull off one of these two day VVedneday he appeared to be gain- provement real by assisting In bring ing strength and they entertain hopea for his recovery. to pull fight Just put futy pound on your back and take year old shot gun and double lime up sad down Malheur l.uit.. for two asys then you will ajajajjraj (gjj b To STl'RY know what It la to be a aoioier ouy mRI('K,I MtH'TH AMKRK A The Ontario Woman club ha be- in blue down Is Ariaona wiin i.. heat about 110 .. wh.l nromlses to be a vory pro- It is darn ood i,retlng year, their course of ludy being based upon Bryce's "South America ." They meet the flrat and third Thuradays of each month at Hie public library "But even at that eiperlence for I fellow. "All the reglmant here in Nogalea have been ordered home but Idaho ami it will sura be JoyoiiH day In Iduho camp wh we get orders to 1, nOH, xceneut muterlal rela- move a we cams down here to shoot greasers and not run over the hills for there are liHIaat home. "Nearly time for drill so I roust clean my gun or eaten h - Tell all the K of P bof hello for roe. also the fire boys. All of you write to me." Trow went to Vale on busl-My. HKAI.TH QCWTIONH WILL KNGACM WWfomnM At the regular meeting of the On tario Parent-TsacliTB association to be held at the high -chol auditorium Prlday afternoOO pr'cPl (ue" Hon to be dts will be that of health. Among thos. who will take part In the program will he Miss Mame Ben- ge who will present a vocal wswaaawwi Mrs 8. D. Dormsn will discuss the subject: "How to Prevent Colds" L L Culberuon whose subject will be "The Value ot IMiyslcal Culture," O. K. Aiken will discuss "The I om mon Work of the Press and Schools Miss Leona Rdr will discuss ' the Advantages of the School Lunch, a... a i.nuish will give a vocal Ullll . sr -a-- solo. An earnest Invitation Is ex tended by the 1-areut-Teachers asso ciation to all who are interested to attend the nieetrog W R Swagler was a Nyssa visitor on Saturday and on Weduesday left fur the Willow creek region iu the interests of bis candidacy fr the dis trict attorneyship. Otto Miller of Dead Ox Flat was In Ontario Wednesday. live to their work Is available not only from the home library but also from the state library. Mr. Dorman. loo. Is making arrangements for special South American reels to be produced weekly at Dreamland, add ing much to Ihe pleasure and Inter est of the club. ( ..mention leaeat Rrlum. Mrs. W W. Letson and Mrs. M. K. Newton returned the end of the end of the week from Seaside where the went as delegates from the On tario Woman club to the State Fed eration of Woman's clubs in session there They report a very enjoyable time. HHTKIIN STAR VW1T WITH PAYKTTK CHAPTKR As guests of honor t Ihe session of I'ayelte chapter Order of the Eastern Star, a large delegation of members from Ontarla'g chapter at tended the session at Payette Tuea day evening Followif the exem plification of the work of Initiation which was ellicieuny ? ) lodge women a; miiuuei tl. Idaho lodge women m. w,a served and Informal tdresse wen- made by numbers of the visit ors Among those who went from Ontario were: Messrs. and Mesdamea: W. F. Ho man " ,lleJ Dve Dunbar. J. W Mcculloch, W. W Letson. Emory ..,.. .... Lackey. 0. R- Segulne, E. w 'van Petten, Dan Purcell, Mrs. Rett Payne. Mrs J. H. Farley. Mrs Ed Test and Mlu Margaret Dunbar Ing about betttr connections by road between Jordan Valley and Home dale, and on dowu Into Ontario and Vale. "If the county court will view fav orably the proposed road up Sue cor creek." aald Mr. Blackaby, "it will provide a means whereby Un people of the Interior, around Jur dan Valley will be able to get lo Hie county seat and to Ontario without leaving tha county. This they can not do now, but are compelled to go thru Idaho to Caldwell and Hume to Ontario and lo Vale. "The propined road will nol be hard to build and will serve many people. The entire cost, according o the estimate furnished by engi neer will be 12,000 and the grade will be greatly reduced. Instead of climbing an 1H0O foot mouutaln the road will rise but 600 feet In three miles It will be practically a water grade road. "By building thl road and by fur nishing regular train service to llomedale the entire lower end of the valley will be materially benefited That section of the county i M "' the richest area! In the county. It nays a great deal In taxes and is en titled to consideration and I believe that the Commercial club of Ontario do itself no better service than to en dorse that road project and send a committee to the county court to urge Is early completion H. C. Boyer, M E. Bain and Thos. Kohout. the latter of Jordan Valley, vn In detail their views of Just what ;he building of such a road and the securing of suitable train ser vice would mean not only to Ontario and Vale but to Jordan Valley and the interior as well. In order that the matter be pre sented to the county court by all the communities interested a committee consisting of J- R Blackaby, H. C Boyer and M E Main was appointed and Secretary 0. M. Stearns was In irnpt.i to communicate with the (Continued on page two) Before a big crowd In the Rex the atre at Vale Wednesday night ex-Sena tor Charles W. Pulton riddled tbe preaent administration In Washing ton, D. C. Nearly 100 Ontarlana were numbered In tbe crowd which applauded tbe telling thrusts of the speaker. The only regreat the Ontario dele gation had wa that It could not re main to hear tbe end of th address Warning whistlas forced tha arowd to leave to catch the train home. Tho he talked for mora than an hour Senator Pulton used vtt min ute dissecting the record of broken promise on tbe part of the demo cratic administration. Among the things which the administration bas done he said waa to Increase the cot of government 1 150. 000, 000 per year It ha Increaaed the number of fed eral official by 44.000. it haa fall ad to reduce the high coat of living, but during the 10 montha of the democratic tariff, before tha war the balance of trade In our favor waa wiped away, builne waa at a stsnd till and 346,000 freight cara atood Idle In June 1114. before tha war alerted. In 114 there were 11,400 firm that went Into bankruptcy and 0 per cent of the railroads of Amer ica were In the hands of receivers. The only thing that prevented a more horrible panic waa the war During these ten montha the bank clearing dropped twenty billions of dollars and 3, 000, 000 men were out of work. In those ten months the Importation of woolen goods from Ivuc l.iii.l alone Increased from 1,900,- imiii yards to vino, mm yards, inus flaking from the wool grower, the i woolen mill worker of America his market and glvlug it to English wool growers and English mill workers. The present prosperity, declared the speaker comes to America fright ed with tin- blood of millions, the an guish and tears of helpless widows ami orphans uf Europe and not by reason of Hie present I'nderwood tar Iff. Different Valuation Has Himmi Made for Each District Trail Nolil for nilMI.IMMI Assessed IW Hut $11,-HHI. DANGER OE INCREASE 01 TYPHOID CASES PASSING Total Cases Number K.T Proprietor Held Itlauieleas for Condition of His Well Water. While the total number of typhoid cases Increased during the past week City Health Officer Dr H H Whit ney believes that the danger of fur ther apread of the disease is over. He qualifies this statement, however. with the advise that every ciuxeu use all means possible to maintain sanitary gMdttlOM and "kill all files for these are carriers of Hie typhoid germ." iL.lwu.i.n IImI.I llluoieless. . . I . . 1...1...1 il.ui n Ions. From the samples of water seul to ami nae ai - - .... .i.iu i.ui.iurioloirist one definite other weleru report has been received, namely that declaring the water from the Griffin dairy bad. Prior to the receipt of this report, however, Mr. Griffin had discontinued distributing milk, volun- The reprt of the committee ap pointed at the meeting of the taxpay ers held at Vale two weeks ago to examine the tax rolls and report any caaea of rank injustice Is self eg planatory. To the Taxpayer of Malheur County Your committee appointed at tha nieotlug of Ihe Malheur county tax payers at the meeting of the Malheur county taxpayera to report on the In equalities of the aaseaament roll and classifies lou of land throughout tha county, beg leave to state as follews: The limited time given us for ax aintnellon of Ibo roll and Impossibil ity of doing anything to relieve tha kltuatloa, believed to exJat. on ac count of closing up the affair of tha Equalisation Hoard at an early data. prevent our report from being aa full aa II ahould be In order to do Justice to mttry one concerned. There certainly exists a very large number of inequitable aaaeeamenla. few of wkleh. Illuatratlve of the general cendltlun, wa will make note herein. Laying the foundation for a brief resume of the roll, we wlah to flrat call your attention to the varied claas- Iflcatlon of laud within the ceunty: Owyhee lands are classified at 140.00 per acre making the auppoaed value on a forty par cent valuation, 1100 Sluii-itring ditch lauds are classified at 115 per acre, making a cash valu ation of $37 50 per acre. Dead Ox lands, under the Payette-Oregon slope system, are classified at $16 per acre, making a cash valuation of J.:; .ii per acre. Lower Malheur lands under the Nevada ditch, are classified at $30 per acre, making a cash valuation of $76 per acre. Lands under the Mill ditch and on the Upper Malheur, between Vale and the can yon are classified at $20, making a cash valuation of $60 per acre. Lands on Willow river. In and around llro gsu sud Jaitilesou, are claalfled at $20 per acre, making a cash valua tion of $50. Cultivated and uncultivated lands are supposed to be assessed at the same rate, similarly situated. Dry farming lauds geuerally are suppos ed to be assessed at $3.00. Non tillable laud In all localities at a , II per acre. While your com mittee cannut coucur In a classifi cation which make lands that will readily change hands for $100 per acre ami upward pay taxes on a val uation of $15 per acre or about It per cent of the acknowledged cash value, tho Inequality thereby estab lished would not be so glaringly ap parent should all land similarly alt- . . i - . .UuulfUJ uateu ne asseseu eaaciiy as uimiiim. Again, real estate In lowus and cities, as analust a sixteen per cent valuation elsewhere would not be so glaringly uuequal. were property aim llarly situated under similar classi fication being equally assessed, which Is not Hie case aa may be seen by some few comparisons herein. Also persoiiul property, stocks of goods, etc., assessed at 2 r. per cent of their supposed value, as against a sixteen per cent valuation of lands. seem to be over valued, but If Owy hee lands are taken as a basis, ara fairly valued The question of mortgage taxation, arising before your meetluK the ... ----- K.. ..iiiilr. committee uiifMismm '" (Continued on page five) slates fail lo ahses mortgsges the result In Oregon would be certain to drive capital elsewhere ami compel borrowers lo puy double taxes. Of the Board of Equalisation two members object to mortgage tax- (Continued ou page eight! I ' r