THE ONTARIO ARflTTfl PAQB SEVEN Get in Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns thphhday, octohf.r r, mifi Classified Advertising A column that tfots results for the buyer as well M those who have goods for sale. Five cents per line per insertion Phone 49 J lull HAI.I FOR BAUD HoiuhI Oak hciititii: ! IlllUOrtl tW. RV. W. Hi Brows. "'" FOR BALK -Registered Shrup shin- rams, thirty lambs and ality flve yearlings In prime condition. II. J. Cortur. Payette, Ida. poll SA1.K Team geldings, 1IB0 lbs each, Reed worker, harness end buggy. Inquire Oregon Packing Co., Onurlo, Or. " APPLES FOIt 8ALE Jonathan Htayman Wlnesap and Orlmes Oold n. Two cent a lh . orchard run. Coleman, llrogan, ore :i-40c FOR BALE OR TRADE Lota 4 nd 43. block I .Villa Park. Eo partlculara write boi 614, Bakei Oregon. 3m FOR HAI.K I have few choice Dunic Jersey Hoar for mile, eligible to registry. I'rlcea right. ( . B. Be coy, Ontario, Ore 2-30p FOR BALE One wagon bed, near lr new, 1 net buggy harness, 1 act of work balnea. W. A. Crooks. Bjwg 12 M. 'tf I.e. l KNOW THAT It Ih dangerous to put anything Into i tn- nioiiili except Inoil iiinl ilrlnk Stinlliiry liiHtruciloii Ih even BON Important (hail hiiiiiIui Icgislnt ' The 0 I public 1 1 1 li wn free bulletin-, on tuberculosis? The toiiliniioiiH liberal tine of al coliolir hen ragW Io . . din ii B and menucea longe. Moderate exerclae In the open air prolongs life' Mouth breathing" mukes children stupid? FImIi cannot live In foul water nor man In foul alrT Smallpox Ik wholly preventable? UL I !!! AMI HARK PREVENT PFE.NDICITIH Tho almple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known aa Ad- ler I ku. UHlonlHlies Ontario people Because Adler-l-ka actx on both low er and upper bowel, one spoonful re Ilavea almoHt any cuso con .tipaimii. Hour stomach or lias It removes hiii li surprising matter that few doses often relieve or prevent A short treatment help chronic stomach trouhle The In Htunt, easy action of Adler-l-ka 1 hint!- The F.verhart Drug Co. I'lMC KK.NT Nicely f uruili-il rooms in inoilern home, close III l- iiuir.- in loom , 1st National Hank building. 40 Business PHVSICIANM DR8. PHINZINU & WEI t'nlario, Oregon Office in New WiUon Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Hurriet Seara Dr. Pauline Seara Graduates American School of Oateo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk Dnrtun DR. W. Q. HOWE - -- DENTIST Phones. Office 117 Wilson Bldg. Rea. 1171 DR. D. C BRETT DENTIST Office 2uc door East of Ontarlj Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, Near R. R. Depot. UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEY Funeral directo; and embalmer. Ladv assistant. Phone 132-W. Ontario, Oregon. MIHCEI.LANKOt'M Hrlng in two old tires and wo will make one Hint will run from 2000 io "iCCO ujilcA BIOTA f,-,r yzz. KT"" s!n Harness Co. nCRANOI FOR AUTO Two fine reladence lota, each 25x100 In Ontario Park addition. Qtve partl culara of your auto. Ontario Argua. I.ONT Friday morning 2 child rena aweatera, one brown, one, red. Finder pleaao leave at Carlo achool. Mra. J. J. Dlllard. S7tf Nuralng wanteil by eiperleneed nurae Reference given. Addreaa box 686, Ontario, Oregon.. Prices reaaonable. 6-41 Itoan pony, 00 or 900 lha . white face, lame In left hind lag Reward will he paid for Information aa to whereabouts by John Wood, Ontario, phono 4 2-N. WANTED WOHK Of any kind by young man commencing the first of November. Reference furntiihed. In quire of Argua. MONaTl TO MIAN mhm:y IO loan on improved RANCH EM. VI. J. PINNEY. ON TAIIIO, OSUSOOSL 16tf WITH PULPIT AND PEW HAPTIM Last Snnil.iy Ml an i!iiiisiiall good day with uh. Large crowds atteiul i ,i hot i I ' eri ee each Siindav ami gl o ,i r e midweek prayer meeting will be conducted u'long the evangellHtlc Hue leading up tho revival meeting which begin the r November. Toplca for next Sunday : 1 1 in In the Upper Room " 7 30 p . "The Mlaalon of the Church ' Let every ChrlHllau arrange to hear theae addreaaea. A hearty Invitation Ik extended to the public to attend all our services l) K, Paator. Cooper llros Shows are colling There Ih always something about a leuii.l exhibition In the way of miiuw inent that Is attractive and tills show is well Hpoken of uh being fur above the average In pleaHlng ita patrons No Other HllOW has such perfectly 1 1, 1 1 1 wild animals and they are well worth seeing Two perform hilly at iintai io, Fridny, o. The lailles of the Kpihcopal guild will nerve waffles ami coffee In the Commercial club rooms on election day from II a 111 to 1 1 p m. 39-40 Directory ATTORNEYS. W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law WiUou Bldg. Ontario Ore C BIcGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postoffice LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. McCLLLOCH ft WOOD LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nut'l Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. R. W. Wwajiler Attorney at Law. Rooms 13-14-16 Wilson Bldg Ontario Oregon. P. J. GALLAGHER LAWYER Rooms in Wilton Bldg. Ontario, Oregon TR.NHKER TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meets all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM j.;.f-H-l-l"l-l-l-H-l-l"l-l"l-l-l-t-l-I-H-M- I Political Jottings i. ......... ...iiiiiit TTrrrTTTTT I I ill 1 I I III I I I I The Houston NSI rcnon that It was enilor for It own beloveil letnoi' rniy t Inilorno the irrHldenla Mexican policy III, 111 tO ilelllie It. While ho wn nhout It Senator Jntncs Ilninllton Lewis nlno itilt'lit have ex lihilneil that Hie Koine Hint was "too proiul to llht" illeil a rnther dlnnatrotw death. .' "In nil fnlineis," nsk the Huston Trnnsi rlpt, "sliouhlnt the gtpsjBJM of llnnm Iiir OlfnUBM be borne th. DctBOgrgtlg rt"iiitio rnmiTilllee?" lemoernts renlly hnvon't any nhjec Hon to blc niiroprlntloii for nrmy and navy and Internnl Iniprovpinetit. Thrv epe. I (ho Repilbllcnnn to runtlo the revenue to foot the bills for tho next four yeara. HllgbM MJTI he would like lx mntitlm t" Investlcnte the ndmlnlntra Hmi. but the ndmlnbitratlon figures ho'a doltiK very well na It I. Ye, and the MOM polhie Hint have filled Judge Uuehes nnd other with "a deep ene of hnme" have ent many other Americans to their grave The ireldent linn changed hi mind about .eliding more troop to the bor der, thna running true to form When Tom Taggart talk economy to them It la time the Democrat alopjied their extraviicnnce. The Hughes mlle I beginning to at tract favorable attention. I'levlilrnt l.nlirlulns live I'iolii" alvea. Headline. Othera he simply amuse. I. Miocratic fiapers chide Hugbes be cause he says he I "100 per cent I ciiiiilldiite." The Vilnn papera natur ally prefer a fifty fifty candidate. I in- pi, viib-iit xnv he tins no Interest In any pollihnl pnrty "enepl n an In strument of achievement." If that It then how did he biip'ii to Mlect such a poor Instrument as the Demo cratlc paityT Cntiiinxn ln'I a candidate for presl-ili-i.t of the I'nlleil Stales but tic did III lor Aiueilcaii pici'iireiliiess III time vv.el.s Ihaii WihmIiovv Wllmui did In thict- years. Another thing you nover hear of sin..- the lieiuisints reilined Hie Cot of living la the 'baker's docn." Mr. Hughes Is criticised for his fre quent use of the word "now." Evi dently his I mined Isle lies Is worrying the watchful waiters,' who put thing off until tomorrow. Families IMnu In the rural dUtrlcU where mall sen he has been curtailed will he Inten -led III knowing that Postmaster Hen. -nil Ituilcson has sent Secretin v MeAdoa a . he. k for 1 ."). MM. n-iui-si-htlni: surplus postal nvi ones. .Mr Hardiici should not ipiole what Mr. Wilson snlil while piesldeiit of Princeton Ills olicrnuces sic outlaw ed by himself In seven dav That man Hughes Is causing the lieiiiociullc newspHpers sn endless summit of vvotiy. Apiaieutl.v thaj' will never be satisfied until he tuui the management of hi cuuipulgu over to them. Mr. Hughes' speeches are giving poor satisfaction 10 tin- Dcinoi -iiilb- ue-s vvlilih proves they aiu very good speeches Indeed. Secretary linker Is developing an agility In changing his mind that must endeur him to Idi discoverer. Mr. Wilsons udniiiilstrstloii must s Itself tniompiienl In one re -pe. t or the oilier It either has ap- propria taxi ttr ta aaaotMsJ navy or it has nagfacted a Beaded aavy, it tu si-lei t Its fault to suit itself III "He "J pot t 01 the other It must be wrong. 'I la-lhne In etlhli-ncv In polltlca Jill s iiiiii li s in iiu.tthlng else." says Mr. Hughes Klli.liucy Is an ixcellint watch .ion! and Its use In the cam paign Is merely a forerunner of Its use In the White House when begets IktWI First they said that Hughea was an leoberg; now Ihey Hre saying that la Is a mud slinger. lie cannot possibly be boih and. as a matter of fact Is n, iihei Tin In-inoerats must feel In a mighty had way when Ihey cry nut "mud aud treason." It strikes one that Instead of wildly bustling for the state of Maine Vaaoe ItcConalch Bight Aa belter Wink by taking his wreiklug crew to the w. si to repair the Democratic bridges that are being dvnumlted by Jusii e Hughes The Impression I growing at the While Housu that .Mr. Hughes Is dc llberately uufiUudly. Look out for notes. If those Democratic uotlflt-rs (iut off their notifying much longer they may dud Mr. Wilson lu no mood to accept. .p WIL80N KISSED THE HAND RED WITH AMERICAN BLOOD. President Wilson explicitly show thg-l the i 'a rra ii7.lsl n, not once, hut repeatedly, inaile at- lacks on Vuiciic'in town and killed Vnieihiin cltl.etis nnd mil- Halted them In September. IBlft, Vci on iot pi. 1015, less Hum a month later, Hi's Hiunc President ' Wilson, through Ids slime sccrc tun or state, fonaattf iaaotaie ed to Oarraoaa'i ggeot iimt it ! whs his "pleasore" to take the OpportUnlt) "I evleiiding rec- lion to the ih- facto aoren- J- Uli'llt of e'.-o ot v;icn I, I'll- -I- tral ViMiosti mo cnrranaa is tha r Menillve " President wn- : . ht ern- ! ii em a b.i h I etar el : state oVdarea, had baaa h-s y thin a iiioi-lh prev lously i-ngnged ' In ic;.c; lid h -- , ill: -i unua Aiuerl- ; of iiicr- ; li.-iu sul the gioi-iiimi-nt at r- w b . I mi Hem-rill Cnr- v r.i i. w 'io. less ill, iii two mouths pcihu'v. on An I, 191ft, had ci utempliioiisly ri-rueil to psy any llecl to .my ieneseiitnlloiis of rioahlunl Wilson on behalf of nieilhition, saying Hint "under no consldenitlon would I iennlt In- ti-rfen ice In the Internnl affairs of Mexico" President Wilson lid not merely kiss the hand that slapped him In the face. He kissed Hint llilild when It was ! f id with the blood of Aiiierlciin men. women nnd clilhlieii vvho ii id Is-en murdensl and unit lint- e.l with, ns President Wilsou, through his secretary of stale. s:iv "ruthless brutnlltv "-From tin- Speech ef Cotoael Theaian Roosevelt. Delivered at Ijiwlston. Me. In U-hiilf of Charles K. Hughes I.RHAL NOTICES. NOTICi: TO RFDITORM. In the Count.v Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. lu the mutter ol Thomas Crothers. deceased. N'oiii heiel.v kio'Ii Unit the un dersigned, Andrew M Lackey, has i ecu duly appelated eseeatot ol the estate of Thomas Crothers, deiensfd. and all persons having claims against aald estate will present them to the undersigned, duly verified as by law provided, at Ills n -id. nee in the CHj oi niii.ino. fJiajH, within six months trom the gate of the first publication of this notice I 'He of first publication, Oct 1911 Dl f last liiibl CHlion, Nov 1 ttlt, ANDRKW M LAOM1 . Kxeculor NOTICE OF HI lilt Ml NT Ol FINAL ACCOl NTH. Notice Ih hereby given by the duly appointed, qualified and acting exe cutor ot that part of the estate of F.llu Fleming, deceased, situated in the Slate of Oregon, that he has fil ed lu the County Court ol MelbOUr County, ilreKon, Ills duly wiilicd Final Account in su d -the said court has set Friday, I In nth day of November, 19lli, at the hour of II ini o'clock a. in. of said day, at the court room ot said Court ill the Courthouse in the Town of Vale, said county and stale, as Ou tline and place for hearing Obli to aald final accouui. .mil settling the aunii- and tor the distribut on ot Lite J C FI.KMINi;. Executor of laid Rotate First publicum!! Oil , 1 ! I '. publication, Nov I, mi AD KMT1MI Ml I RELATING i' UMPI POLK It - To Wlioln It May i'ihhtiii Notice la harehj glvea ih-i' Hre Policies, Nos. SOiltr, I to elusive, of the National I ance Company of Hartford, Conn , re quiring for their validity the eoun lilsignaluie ol ,i duly nulhoned aini Uaaa ad acaat, have been losi siaee Uh policies hare not haao resutor iv DoaatereigBedi laaaad or aeoounted for, nor any prcuimius rcicned there under by this Company, they will he valueless, ami void in Hie liunds of whomsoever they ma fall and BBJ claim thereunder would be Illegal and fraudulent. If found tln-v should be returned to I'.e I'.icific department Bfttag al the Company al No 4 treat, s.m Fraaclaeo, Cal. Mo claim of any nature purporting to be babod upon them will be rCQOgBllOd by the Company The public will please take BOtlCC aeeordlagly. .NATIONAL PIRI IN." I H N' I '() ., of ll.iriloril, conn lly S7AYMAM I1KNRV. II HI ViiTKW A N KOI.ISS, (ietiernl Agents Former liual agoni nt (intarlo, Oregon. First publication Hpt IS, 1111 Last publication Oct 1 I, IUH'i. NOTICF TO CRF.DITOHH. Notice Is hereby given that the un derglgaad ha been duly appointed v. color of the Inst will and nont and estate of Sarah Ann Run hoII, deceased, by order of the Conn ly i ouri ni low mine 01 iiiegon 101 ( .Malheur county. All persons Ing claims ngnlnst the said estate . i i I I mimo, duly verified ns by law requlr I'd. tO the undersigned executor nt his reKidenee In Westfall, On con. within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice Done nnd dnled and first published this 14th day of September. 1916. J. D. FA1RMAN, Executor of the estate of Sarnh Ann Russell, deceased. First publication Sept. 14. 19111. l.nsi publication, October 12, 191 a NOTICE OF CONTEST. No. 324. Department of the Interior dnted States land office, Vale. Oregon, September 13th, 1916 To Jauea J Woody of unknown address, centestee: You are hereby notified that Wal ter O. Battel who give Mldvale, Ida ho, aa his post office address, did on September 13th, 1916. rile In this office his duly corroborated applica tion to contest and aecure the can cellation or your homestead entry aerial No HSU made June . 1910, for S SF.', Sec .10. N Vi NEVi Sec :ti T 1 S II 14 K W M, and ail dltioual homestead entry No ISI1I made March IS, 1914 for NV sec Hon III. township Hi south, range II east Willamette merbUali. and M .rounds for hi. - I he alleges that "said James J W ly has made no Improvements on said land mr more Hum tow real pa aad has not lived on said land for more than a year ami a hall aaat and bus to taly abandoned said land Vou are, therefore, further noli fled that th- said aUegatlau win he taken as confessed, mid your said entry will lie caiicen-ii wiiuoiii iiin.i , er right to he heard, either before this office or an appci! it " toll to file In this office wthlti tweuly days after the fourth pubbniion of this iKitlce, as shown below, voiir anawer. under outh. specifically re spond. ng lo these allegations oi con test, together with due proof that vou have served a copy of your un ..n the said contestant cither In person or by registered mail Vou should stale lu your aa u.-r the name of the post office to which you desire futon Botu- to be ul to you. THOS JON' r II. Ite of first pllbliculloll. Sept 14, 1916 Data ol icaoad publication , 1916. of third public, 'ion. ii. i :.. 1910. ate ot fourth puhllcatloa, Oat i -, in in. NOTICE. Nolo li i civ- ii thai the i Board of Director! "t the I I'i.u Irrigation W Irlt Board or Equall II meet in then office m nni gon, on i io ,i.i the ii, ml d.iv of i 1. ii 1S14 at IS o'clock a u, for the pnrpo a ot equ eorrectlng the and app lion nl of I i the e.,r LSI! A list and i ,,., i speciion of -'ii pet "i Inten U 4. Han, J t Ontario, Oregon, this 23rd day of August, A H 111! Sr. I' CLiaiBKT, I'n i publication xugu i 34, 1 9 1 ti. In the Circuit Court of of Oregon for Malln r i ounty. Snake lliu-r ln-.ricl lmprov i Compagy, a corporation, pl.untili, s m stout ami Semite w StOttt, defendants. To Myrtle M Sloul and simii'l W Stout, defendants: In the name of the State of Ore- gon, you an- h.-rehv required to ap - pear and answer the complaint filed i vou iii th.- above eatltled suit, on or before the expiration of the time pn i ibed in the order of publl- i cation, to-wlt: l l i. m NOTICEB. i in or before the expiration of six weeks from tho date of first publlca- ; Hon of this summons, and If yon fall to nnnwer for want thereof, plaintiff v. ill apply to the Court for tho relief preyed for In the coniphi nt herein, to wit For a decree foreclo ng an Irri gation aement lien levied under the provision of Chapter 1T2 of the Oenernl Laws of Oregon for 1 ! I 1 . ngnlnst the Southwest Qunrter of the Soitthent Qunrter of Sec. It, Tp 1 " R. R. 47 E. W M., In Malheur COBB- ... .1 s I...I .... t si... ' aa avJ l tl. HiU '"" '"" " "" " Iienoi, nir IIIB loooiio.i .nil m $!)0 no with Interest at ten per cent pir atinuin from Ortobi-r I, 1 9 1 f, and $9 00 penalty, and .u.00 rea sonable attorney fees, and the costs and dbihursoments herein, and for other nnd further relief. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order of the Hon. Dalton Rlggs. circuit Judge, duly made and entered August 22. 1916. W. H. BROOKE, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication August 24, 1916. Last publication October 5, 1911. si MMIIVH I OR II III li MIOX IN PORECLOHt HE OF TAX I II N In the circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Malheur County. Wm. E. Lees, Plaintiff, ve. J. C. Kelaey and Emma I. Kelsey, hue hand and wife; Weatfalt Commercial Company, a corporation; J. C. Skel ton and Wm. F. Kelaey, defendants. To J. C. Kelsey, Emma L. Kelsey, Westfall Commercial Company, a cor poration, J. T Skelton and Wm. F. Kelsey the above named defendant In the name of Hie Statu of Ore Ore eon: You are hereby notified that Wm. f fees, the holder of Certificate ot lellniiirtiry numbered 38!i laaued on the 1 0th day of February, 1913, by tie Tax Collector of the County ot Malheur. State of Oregon, for tho i amount of thirty-four and 50-10U Dollars, the same be ng the amount then dm' nnd delinquent for taxes ' for the year 1911 together with peu- Interest and costs thereon upon I the reul property assessed to you, of I which you nre the owner a appeara 1 of r ird, situated In said County and ' State, and particularly bounded and nbeil as follow-, to wit: SW U of the NEU and the W 4 of the Se,i ion 19 and the NWI4 ot the Ni: Section 30 all In township 4 1 I W M and also lots 1 and 4 In block s In the Town of Westfall, and all of aald property In Malheur County, Oregon. You are further i.i.t ii u-il that aald Wm K Lees has paid tuxes on said premies for prior or subsequent years with the rale of Interest on said amounts as follews: 1911 tax paid Feb 10, 1913, tax receipt No III, amount 13 4 SO, rate of interest l ,'i par cent 1S1I lax Bald Dec , 1911, tUX p No (IS, amount T.SI rate of intcic i I , per cent. mil i.ix p.i d April ::. luifi. tax pi No I on;, amount SS.S4( rate ' " ' ' i" ' -'" I'M : tax paid April 3. 1916. tax , oniric. id- No 4, amount 16.67, I ' S pel i oni J C Kelse. nnd W m F. K.I I owner of the legal title of the above de criln-d property aa the -.i in.- appears ot record, and each of lha other paraoa hove named are irtbai aotltlad that Wm k. l . will appl) to the circuit Court " and Stall . tor 1 a decree forecloa'ng the Ilea uguin the property auovt de orlbed, ami mentioned la i i certlfloata. Ami i ire hereby summoaed ta appear ' uer the first publl- cation, "i this summons oteluatre ol ! ibllcntion. lad den -nd i on ir pay iiiouiil d - go ' '' wl"- ' ' '""' total I et'Cd u . . kllun to do he rendered fore ng the Ilea ol , d t.,. . n,i t till I.. nd and pi en above named This summon i h ord 'r "' ""' "onoiablo Dalton Blgge, lodge of tho Circuit Court ot the State Ol " "ii for l,,e County of Malheur, I'lid i id ii'ib-i made and dated this :;ist day of July, 1916 and the date of the first publication of this Ummoai is the 3rd day of August, I !( I Dale of last publication Nov. I, 1916 All process and papera In this pro ceeding may be served upon the und- I erslgnod residing within the Stale of Oregon, at t he addreaa hereafter nien- Honed. WM I USJ, Attorney for the I'l.iiuHff. 444aag OaUriA Qr;c9 I