TIIK ONTARIO AHC.UH PAOW FIVB n mmanAY, OCTOHRR I, 11 fhe Week With Ontario Citizens BUY AND GIRLS WIN STATE FAIR HONORS II. II. W I ictiirned thin from n two weeks' visit In Portland Mrs. v. s. Papa returned Monday from n welt end visit nt Poltin. ((.iiiily Ctafl W. II. Iloollttlc was In Ontario Hunday on liunlnnsa. M I llnin wnt lei I'n rtn n on Wed y-ll ThnnifHum of Ontario; Mnrlon REV. KOENIG ACCEPTS BOISE CHURCH CALL lieavc Ontario fl'r a Ministry ofj Throw Veart. Orowth of (Inirrli Hat Itown Marked. Ixiwe of 0yhc nnil Helen Pork of Kingman I'olonr. nrmdny for n short buslne-is trip. J II Renwenrri w.-ih :i paaaMSaf M thn Jtintiirn triiln Mond.-i) hound for Ilurns. First place. In In- contest for boys ,,. r..., o, ..,. .,.,.- Rncon() n ip pof)t8M f(r down from his homo on Monday to ... . trnnsnrt buslnoas here. L,, W(,r W()n ky MpflliaUttTa Attorney W W Wood left Monday rroin Malheur county In tlio coun Doon for lliiriiw to attend the to salon ty eonte-.t the general county exhibit of tho circuit court. iwik awarded ununu !".. , ..nI., n r Monitor rcnuhllcnn candidate P"1"'" np,lla' l,, ' "n(l ,,",r for county treasurer paved tliru the hppn n fruit crop HiIh year thorn In rlty on HNM enroot- tfl the WWW ,nBl """ n'"1" "1"'1 ,mvP end of tba aoaaty to hrtarrtaw voter-, ,,t",r bppn ""' "" r m baball of Mi , LBdkUer l,,,,Ml r"Bl,y r,,,lu'""1 Tho first place in tnp gin a con test, Minn Marlon Lowe of Owyhee who entered sewing and canning ex- w. M. i iinny worn 10 uoim- jiiMi- j day noon to offlrlntp nt the fistic engageim nt I" ! " " Itarrleu and (iPorRe at the arenn there. Mr. Tiiiiiiv In the n'Rtilnr referei In all tho noise mitt slinging contests. Mr nnd Mra I, I Olson or I'r. w aoy came to Ontario Hunday In or.li r thnt Mrs OMM aslfbl hine medical attention. On Monday she was m. eniied upon for appendicitis anil la reported to lie dolnR well. Mr. and Mr. 0 -I I.uohra are ie joicinc over tba an ral af i bakf MM nl their lionie Mon. lav lip-hrs hlhltN took first plaro for the state, while second plare went to Helen I'eck of KlnRtnan Kolony whoaa ex cellent exhibit of HowlnR won her first place In Hip county content here two weeks rro. Cecil ThompKon of Ontario who has won so many find placea that he has to atop to count them, waa the hlue ribbon winner In the boya con teat with hl agricultural exhibit. The wlnnlnR of flrat place by Ilss Lowe, Mpcond by Miss I'eck and flrat declares that the ivoung man shows ,y (rl Thompson rIvph Malheur the ynry Indication of makliiR a Rreal rhnmplnnNlilp of Hip state In the .-.In duck bvatOT I ft "v' jraan haat catlonal aihlb'.te and la the aubject Thomas Kiiliout of Jordan Valley of no slight Rratlflcntlon on the part waa In town Wednesday enroute to of Miss Kay t'lark and V. V Hlckox Vale to tell the board of equalization who delected thn exhlblta to lo to the Hev I'hllllp KOMtfi who for the pi t Ihrcn years linn been paator of the Ontario t'onRrPRntlonnl rlnirch for Hip paat three yearn, announced at thP sprvtce lant Hunday morning1 that hla ronlRnatlon waa In the hiuiim of the board of truateea, and thnt he; had accepted a call from the WrlRht I I'liiiRrpRational church of llolne, lda- ho. TIM meaaaRe of the paator waa I received wiiii pioioumi !,. u i'.' , mrt of the membership wlinae nuin-j her hna been Krenlly enlarRod during hla residence here Not only hna the meinhershlp been IncreBHcd bill. hp financial HtniidliiR of the aocloty j Iiiih been greatly bettered All the. IndnhtednoHB on the church and par-1 aonagn hua been lifted duiiiiR llev. .onlR'a paatoratn and the actlvitifit have been extended I lie iiieinlirH xprenaed their approval of llei Keen. Ig'a work and wlah for him In hla new field. The rcalg nation took affect Oct her l inn lic Koenlg will remain In Ontar o for two week and will aaa tlnuo to fill the pulpit for the next two Sunday. ' what be think of the l!lfl tax roll. He will he present at the maai meet ing Friday to further ex pre hi v 1 1 Fred J Palmer of Jordan Valla) arrived .n Hie city Wednesday ecn Inir en route lo Vale to attend the aeslnns of the hoard of evaluation, lie will aba remain In the county seal lo be prewlll lit Hie mil III' ''I Ihk rtidaj attaraooa state fair. ul-l s I.M I l l ml Ki with t:i r DaUMA "Tlie Midllng I'ot" Walker Wlilte- viib's Oaaaaaai VahWa i" !! Keil Here Oatafetf ' I'repani'didi lime I n Mfliplat I for the aaaaiai number of the On tario Lceum course for the 1916-17 aeaon. Superintnndenl K 0 bHII my who la .n charpeof Hie c.ie ha 1 n busily enraged In plac u the ticket for :'i courne mid a'oiu InK InternMt. The result manlfeaia VAI.I.KY VKIW ITKMM Ml rlara Kleilng of Arcadia was culling nil Ml Ida II Krasler last Sunday. Friday Ml Helen Randall went to Arllng. Idaho, where she will leach this year. Mr W H ajrmtriing wn on the sick list lust week Mr and Mr- W S Tees and faun lly, Mr and Mr H II llrown. Mlaaes M ii n tin U ami Until IlKiun mid Mr. W. ivim were Suiidiiy visitor ut the W II Sherwood home. Mrs c Ratal MM visiting her mother. Mr ilurrl, Krlday. Sunday Mr and Mi I M n son entertulned Itev IV Koenlg and runiily This waa their last Hunday with u. We are very sorry la MtM them leave Ontar n and will greatly mis Brother Koeulg's excellent aer mona and able assistance In our Bi ble atudy. W 8. Kees and wife and Miss KI- (if Mr Wilson It may lie said he nieiuil well bet he imw find himself I tiinlid under the evidence of InonY clemy that Mr Hughes has brought forth. ft w A ( 1 THE NEW COATS ARE GORGEOUS Full flowing line with big eolltn nnd unique patch porki'is, Featuree in Bli viai Velfur, wood Veloura, OabertliiiM, Ni,vrit Clothi Mini variety of New( Pile Pabricathai are rematfkablj bean tifuL 1 There ii an abundance of pretty shade. In greens, browna, burgundys ami of oourae Miirs and blaoka. Tour in. H n bt It 4, . . l wit tllllvl have i big sweep t in otner words must c very mil around the boitont We can fearlessly recommend our garment! to vim as being absolutely eorred in Hvylr and right in price, and the makea guarantees saUafactory wear, 'lu take no ehances when yen buy here. Good Coats for $12.50 Better Ones $20 and Up M i an n Fulkerson's Cash Store VILLA AID0 IV WILSON'a FAVOR AND BACKING. There are those who assert inai I f V tt t t t t -r tt t Wiindrow Wilson la a clever tiolltlclan Hut bow d" they account fer bis re innrlf in M I -lllll III 1 1 t CC (if W'dllell. II 1 I I.I a.. ll. nr...'t ll.nl If IllfiV I llll. IIJii'Il nun, I" ii',T -!- ii. nde suffisire "the iarani"iiiit Issue of this cuniialgn." he would "loet all rel'cct for tbeniT" The women of the enfranchised Htutc assert thai this threat will cost WINon Iba irel doncy Becretury Hanlela. however, has the dlstliictl.'ii of l.elni: one of tho great est arguments the lteiubllcans hare ever had. The -a'Hiv part nf the rural credit system bus already beisuii I- -:- e i- : : : itKelf In a aatlsfactory advance a!e Thla la due to the excellence of the ale ware Kmmett rlsltors Tursday. numbers lo be offered. TtMV were accompanied liome by To open the oourae the directors ; Mlaa Stella, who has been visiting have secured what In all probability I there the paat weak. la the beat number. "The Melting Mrs. Harry Gray and children of lot ' This will he shown mi octn Vale spent last Saturday night and her ! at the Dreamland theatre Sunday at W (J. Armstrong', the where all Hie numbers will no doubt guest of Mrs J H Huiin I'reuch ng Sunday, October Mh by Kei H I Maker. be given. The other uttructlon will be given a rollews: Mount ennui I'luyers, .,, ember 26; Kulrchllds. March 10; Bavrlnoffa' April 12 und M Ainlni'-t on. April !. The Melting Pot" which opens the course wu written by Ureal Baaiwtll aad i a traau of alien torsay and sheriff m.d thaj ahould American life. enforce the same Tespect for (! it ,, the e'saraaalan of the aata la aU at taa alttaa trf taa aaaaM bined yearnings of millions of alien , there can be no object,..,. COUNCIL TO DEMAND 1 1 'uiillnued from page old Mr II r Min thlnki Mr Hughes tin tilted for the bench because of the prej udlced frame of mind evluced by Ma . aaaacaaa, Wake up. BW, be ain't ruu . mug ror no ji,,iifciiii , lor liberty of 1 Ie mid thought Tl pM I : "Id" i " Haa s"r The c.iiiimiiv i.l seine of He- laadtaa atajran la aJMrMa wm l h Mr Walkn Wlilleaide. The pl.iy in idle Vaiker W famous, aad iilfoided all of the play ers great opportunities. In this shape, then, the matter was left. i .in neb i aMaaaaaxi spennr. ('.Hinciiiiiiin s .i sp gaaf a i". v ed from Ontar tendered his resigiiutinii ahlah was accepted ill the up. n BtaatlBI aad when the routine matters wen- ih- Mr Wilson underestimated the auf fraglsts. but It apearB tbey hare biro icd up properly. Ill farea the laud where public office Is bought and Hie people are aold. The high fragmentation of tboee Hug bes bombs Is causing consterna ib. ii In the Wilson treucbee. Ilaliibrldge Colby la almost as rlo nil In bit crlllclsm of Mr Hughes M he was In condeuinstlon of Mr. Wilson's Mialtlon on Panama tolls ... icara ago Of course President Wilson bat a perfect right to change Ms mind aa often as be pleHses but that Is quite different from repudiating distinct .i..iui-c made to get votes If the . on which be rode into the While lloii-e luiie proved worthless becanaa be ebaaaad bi uilini. araal nnil. is to ba pal la t He- pMdsai at ai tom inaUing In bis upja-al for re-alet tluuJ In March last Villa made a raid Inl" Vinetl' a" tet'iilei "" waa a bandit leader whote aaraar of auoeessful Infamy had bssn greatly aided by Mr. Wil ton's ftvor tnd backing. Ho was nt I he head M Meh an M dlers. hese arms and munitiont bad bosn supplitd to them In eaaaaqa af Mr wu 'a re- raralaa Ur. Taft'a pulfcy "'"i llftlliK Iheemliatgo nunliist nuns un.i nun. hi.. us i MaUce i'ld'y iiltn. k.'l I'oluuibiis, Ni'a Uaifco, nnd killed n iininler of I Irlllana ml a iiumlier "f Inlled Stales li.H.ps in Hie next day tbe president Issued an aiiliomee iiient thai adeipinte for. e would lie sent In pursuit of Villa "with the single object of captmlng him" i'n prll MS 1'ie an- I, .ceiiieiit whs made fioin Hie White House that tbe troope would r.ni.ilii In Mebo until Villa was captured It waa riirihci inure anuoiuiced In Hie press .ll-pab be from Washing- ! .k ion ibst he eat to lie taken "dead or sllve" fine woros; Only- tbey meant noililng. Ua Is riot dead. He has not been taken sllie. -From Siee, h of Colone' Tlieodore Koosevelt. Ie llvered nt Ij-wlston. Me In He half of Cbartea I Hughes. A Sale on Cut Glass Gheuuine cut, fim'st crystal gUuM nd equal In appearai to the lineal grades Idarge bowls, nappy vases, flower baaketa, celery traj s, dishes, etc., only $1.00 your choice. They are uwni bargains a1 the price ssman of the pieces would ordinarily sell at double the price now askocL Salt- lii'",iii.s SATURDAY, OCT. 7th Ami continues through the following week. The Variety Store -i- NATIONAL ONTARIO OREGON I.HCTl'KKK niMlM. TO NTHIO. Hon. Kdward F. Hums, of Brook Mr Wll du.lnB the past few day. 1". N V. n... ...ml lecture, .,, the bat become such s life Ion opKneiit M W A v.. I In.liess the public ut ..f the pari barrel that he It almott an open meeting at Hie I f V sorry now be dldn t leto tome of tboae ml( Tuesday cwiiiiik. Octol..' m. on bllla. the subject of "Fruternullin us Kx " ' I . .... I l,v . I... l. ,.,.-. i. M'.iii.l 1. .-,. of T-m.i,i,.,. .'.- i at M '' i' i a til hold u ci. ok ed food sule al Wll-on Itrnther rtat- iiim.iv attaraooa only taa baa) "f .tl.llIK Will he i.llile.l UelnelU- ber the place mill ,bilc tury McAdoo warns Treasury einpioMcs aaalaM taa mu.li iioiitlcai cttrlty and if ihaj 'l""'1 eMabal '" order they are likely to be bounced Aiiierieu," Hie l.iu- I DOfMy or a kind in cm t.ii.e under ' ol the local . ..nip at I Mili.no I body Invited Free Ihere will be taoatal meeting of i he i C T U ut the lluptlsl church on Fn. i.i aroalai Oataaat kl To aatlai Iba nun ol imturio are la II) vnllted Tlta araaaal Ma lus i.l the ,.rk,l the P T. I' ,11 he ib. ut,,. , i foi .ii-. itaaiOS. I pluy witli great drutnatic posed of the council went Into exe- Mlmaxaa o! lataaaa bumaa amotion, cuttve 8esu.n mm uumeo vrara - Bo ot humor and t.i.ue.lv. It la in lour field to succeed him. Mr. t'anfield acta and the setting Is in New York ba" bad previous asaartaaoa M Hie City' Not when it was produced, council and Is thus equipped to serve. ,.',, . tl rabaaa wh-th.-,- at not he arUI aaaaal taa . ,,A uh.n tl,i.s drun.a was ho tune poalUoa for the next few months Is y M now It '" !"' pre -lite, I as It was in New York City. local wivvFit HAvnra Kit; TIMF ON Tltll' WON Miss Helen I'eck who won the holl ar ,.f irln in the State Fair by tak- to- Iu .. taa arajaat asalMti a raaar. ' " MoCojr, r. i a. a . .... i It I li.,i . .., .u.l I ' I of girls at the county fair is having nan am. n. , not known Tbe usual routine hills were allow ed and an ordinance paaaad l"1 UK gruieiing of wasiiingi.t, araaa , , Taa namhan pre i at at tba meetlo Mayor w f Homaa aad (' .l colif . .. ..ii. .... ii... U..U. sllearns. H.-citi iler. a most enjoyuoi'" rin uh w. ...... side aaaordlaf to a. ivi.es raaarrid by Atnog the ; Ml.. Peek who ll one f tl a a, left OaUrio no,, ..lis.! -ed mualelana of tho oouaty atr while baatloi duel nap- following Ua aiata ball aad Howard Mallatt. Tliaj weal fair , bring her riollB deWS on tho Owyh. and wUh , .,,,1 and many warded with the limit I ;i,,i, p .i tjg niveu in bar honor and -he It laving the oppor- VOM UMHT NlaMj lOM ,,. ring musical programs rooms in modern ho,,,.-, ch.e ,n lu- We Are Prepared for a Busy Month The greatest line of Dress Goods ever shown in this section woolens from 50c the yard up silks 50c the yard and up nowhere will you find as large an assortment to select from. The desired shades, the qualities and the low prices you will find in our Dress Goods Dapart ment. Try us this month. Make us prove the above statement. Smart Saye and Satin DresHen $17.50, $15, $12.50, $10 Tl,. absolute lea.b-i lbl Full lor .-tied and , pi rilv tailored, , , !i trot ba. iii aaaaal ": aanrlaal i,l line ittij Mlorad wool embro l "'" :""' aasBtkU" ly dl I n sh Out of Their Hum - Smart New Fink and (,'age Millinery I . . ! . .M-ek we re. .lie Hew IIIO- SaM nolo the a baa) maki i l.a.iie, Mlluaary, ii w.ii aay yea to rl II oat buin- ..i,i Ml Hal II o) ba forO selr. i From 'f Fall Suit $10, $13, $20 $23 and $:U) d ilia I'm. I ii la lylo, . ....in l. Ina. lol .'I that they at.- altC I'plioiial llroa.l chill' .abal.l . I ID tall B0 wet, BOYER BROS. & CO. DEPARTMENT STORE Tin bent atore to shop in thin fall, to find just uhat fou want ulun fjou want it at tin rifltt price ' ' .- of high order rolf aaJoylBI uire ut room 1st National Hank building. 40