TMP1 ONTARIO AROTIS PAGE 8RVKN Get in Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns THURSDAY, 8KPT. 28, If 6 Classified Advertising A column that gftl results for the buyer as well M those who have goods for sale. Five cents per line per insertion Phone 49 .1 I OH KM. I Hill SALE I!. .1111. 1 (Ink houtliig tOVO, Ullliosl in" Drown. W v It! for sale Registered Bhroi Hlilri. niniH, thirty lamb and sixty five yearlings In prime condition. II J. Cortur, Payette, Ida. FOR SAI.R Tcom Holding. 1150 Hi- each, Reed workers, harness and li unity Inqulro Oregon Parking Co., Ontario, Op. tf APPI.K8 FOR SAt.F. Jonathan Stuyman Wlnesap and UrlmeN Oold n. Two rentH a Hi . orchard run P Coleman, llrogan. Or. 39-40c KOU RALE OR TRADE Lota 4 and It, block t . Villa Park. Fo particular! writ hot f.C4, Rakei Oregon. at 3ra FOR HAI.K- 1 have few choice I u roe Jersey Roars for Hale, eligible to ri'glHiry. Price right 0 K. Se coy, Ontario, Or. 29 .I0p RAMH FOR HALF. MMi AM) NOT KK4HHTKRKD Any kind of rum that sheepmen t ed for tholr (locka of the follow ing breed, llumshlr. Cotswold, Shropshire and Marino. Call and co them or addres Inquiries to Robert Odell, Ontario, Oregon 36-39 niMI'l I II LIST OF I MR FKII ISM US i Continued from puge hi C. K. Ii.iiruian, Parma; mare any age, Herman Welck, Not us, I.lalio, fir st. I'.icherons W I' Howard ii Sons. I'liriiiii, were uwiud.-d tin- fol lowlug aarOOfatakes ribi. Stalllnu, uny age, .si. ill. ..ii and two colt, mare, any age, mure and colt. Belgian- A II. McCouuell was awarded the ribbon for the mare, any fe. Kngllsh Shire Stallion, an age, Charles Ray, of Ontario. Rest mule, any age Charles Ray, Ontario. Rest Jack, any age Charles Ray, Ontario. SHEEP REIT. '. 8. D. Dormun, Superintendent K 11 Flits, Judge. Ruck, one year J II. Roor, first ami second. . i wo years or over Stewart Bros., first; Jack Refers, second. l 'in four ewes Jack Belers ec ond; no first. Pen four ewe lambs K. 8. & 1). ranch, first; Melvin Walters, second. Sweekstukes, champion ram J II Boor. mm: mus ih:pt. i. Mrs. W F. Human, Supei ini.n.l. nl Oil painting II. .i.i Smith, first; Business PR VSR UN'S DRS PRINZING i WKK.SK I'nlario. Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. OSTEOPATHIC PHYIM LANS Dr. Harriet Seara lir i'auline Sear Graduates American S.hool of Osteo ... ..1 ... I.',.l. ,,Ha Xtrt ,." ,r. oil V. . .n lih.ik. lul u!k vvvwvwwwwswwv DEM W. a. newi: . i il . 'arl Pbar- I MiLIM AlvING J. H. FAKLLV Funeral dirntc ond embalmer. I tant. i' 13-W. Ontario, Oregon. I'dlt SAI.K OR TRADE FOR AUTO- MOBILE 0 ten Improi od rum h, 7 iiereii of alfalfa, I m re of orchard, S aara corn, 6 ucres hog tight, house mihI rniieh buildings. Inquire hi Argus office for particulars. 38-39p FOR SAI.K One wagon hud, near ly new, 1 Hut buggy harness, 1 set of work harness. W. A. Crooks, phono1., . .. . ,. ' ' .first; Dorothy drum, second. in I M. 34tt IM I I I M i.l firing In two old tires and we will tnake one that will run from 2000 to 6000 mile more for you. Kroea K.n Harness Co. BXCHANOK FOR AUTO Two fin re lad en ce lota, each 25x160 In Ontario Park addition. Give parti culars of your auto. Ontario Argu. l.i )ST Friday morning 2 child ren sweater, one brown, one red. Finder please leave at Carlo school. Mr. J. J. Dlllard. 37tf Nursing wanted nurse. References box r.MB, Onturlo. reasonable. by " given. Address Oregon.. Prices 9-41 MONKi To low MONK1 To LOAN OH IMPROVED ItWIIIKS. W. J. I'lNVEV. ON- TARIO, ORJOQOff. 16tf Ml I Clllbel I-.OI1. second. Hand Palnlril ( lilnu. Stein Mrs. Paul Cayou, econd no first. Jardlnler Mrs. A. J. Glover, ngent second; no first. .i . Mi I'aul i '.iviiii, lir I Mi 1 A. J. Glover, ngent, second. I'lale Miss MonlKoinery. first; , Mrs A. J Glover, agent, second. Cup and saucer- Mrs A. J Glov I er, agent, first; Miss Montgomery, aoeond. Collection, six or more piece Mrs. A. J. Glover, agent, first; Miss Mougomery, second Amateur till Painting. landscape - Mary Ixtcey, Mayhelle Caldwell, second. Marine Mrs. A. A. Stetler first ; first ; Mayhelle Caldwell, second. Animal- Mayhelle Caldwell, first; Mary Locey, second. Flower Flora Smith, first; Mrs. A. A Stetler, second. Still lire Mayhelle Caldwell, first; Miss Montgomery, second Fruit Flora Smith, first; Mr. A. A. Stetler, second. Water Color. Landscape Mrs. Krneat Wilson, first; Mary Locey, second. Marine 8. E. chapman, secoud, no first. Animal Mrs. Kin. -I Wilson, first S K. Chapman, second. Flower Mrs Krn.-M Wilson, flr i.l . 1 1 .lie Thode, second Directory ATTORNEYS, W. II. Brooke, Attorney at Law Wilson Bldg. Ontario Or C MaOONAOILL ATTOKNEY AT LAW Will rilOtloa in All Courts Notary I'lililic. Office Over l',f fui I IE J. AKEB LAWYER '' - "" . Fll .1 Hunk fcl.itf " Ontar . i in ii t . R it. W. l J. - .il R 111 V -.1 I.H 11; NI I.l;, li(.(. ,,j M) KX PKi Mueta all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM rirHt ! I, K Chapman, NMd Fruit Mrs. Kiiienl Wilson, first Mrs. QOOTOJOJ Oram, second. Vnt. Landscape Leila Stralne, first Mrs Carry Kutch, second PIOWW Lollo Htrnne, second, II flrat, Fruit l.i li.i Stianc, K c I . a. i first. Mtctchwk PM nnd ink MOjJrbfllto ChIiIwi II ff i ; S 1 1 i 'hapmt ii. aOOOd. Penell Mn Ctrrj Kuteh, Brat; Mnybeiii- Caldwell, second Crtii B ' 10, MCAAri tin first. ( 'rnon. Portrait Maybollo Caldwell, see iiinl , tin first. I .untlucii no Mr, I'.nrv Kill. -I 1 POOtOf design for fair 8. E. Cliup , man IIhihI Palmed ciilini Amateur. Salad Set .Maud llrosnan, secon.l. Mrs. (Iraham Park, sec- no first. Jardlnler ond; no first. Vase Irene Thodn, first; Mrs Graham Park, xecond. Plate -Maud Marsden, first; Maud llrosnan. second. Cup and saucer Maud Marsden. first; Mrs. (iraham Park, seeniul Rent single piece Marvel Cayou. first; Maud llrosnan. second I 'i. ! et Maud llrosnan, first; Irene Thode, second Sugar and creamer Maud Bros nan, first; Irene Thode, second Collection, six or more pieces Maud llrosnan, first; Mrs .Graham Park, second Arts anil Crafts. Ilurnl leather pillow Mrs. II Zlm merman, second; no first. Ilurnl wiiinl plaeiue Maud Mars den, second ; no first. MUD IMD psi-r DtTff, j Mrs J I) HllliiiKxIey. Superintendent Mrs. John Wood. Mm W W Howard, W W Wimd. Judges White llreiid Mrs II Slurde vant, first; Mrs K. Cope, second. Orahan bread ,. in imer- iii. iii. first; Mrs II I. I'oorman, sec ond Whole a heal bread Mrs. II Zlm nuTinaii. first ; Bthol McNulty. Oa l meal kfOOid Mrs. K. II M. I nell, first; Mrs. II I. I'oormuu, ... I Holla Mrs II Q llooley, first; Mrs H McDonnell, second. Parker house rolls Mr K. II M. Donnell, first; Mrs II I. I'oorman, second. IIIscuIIh Mrs Jack hunphy, fir st; Mrs Pearl Ssuford, second. cinnamon rolls Mrs I K Dal zel, first; Mrs. Pearl Kanford, second. Doughnuts Mrs. W I) Peel, first; Mary A. Hill, second Coffee cake -Mrs. Lester Ran. Is. first; Mrs. K. II. McDonnell, second Light cookies Mrs. W. W. Wood, first; Mrs Q A I'ogue, second. Dark cookies Florence Vn Dyke, first; Mrs (' K Secoy, secon.l Angel cake Mrs I K Dalxell, first; Mrs. Win M llolli-ubeck, .. olid li ill's food cake- Mrs. C I. Belch, first; Mrs Wm. M. Holl.n beck, second. Nut lout cake Mrs Harry Powell, first; Mrs Nellie I! Sturdi-v... ond Mai 'bl ey, first; Mrs ond Fruit oak Mn V.ldie M Lack ii MoOi I' II. Mellon liell, fir i Mi i any Kutch, second spuir. aoka Hi Lootor Rand, rirst ; Mn Poorl lootoro second i oka Mra Nollto R Iturdo- vant, second; no fn Still life Mm Erne Wilson While layer cake Nellie R Slur '"" " M " COOOOIOO willioul turn, ilei.,,,1 ti, i; Mf . i: Rinithani.'"' '" '"' f ,'"1"'1' l"1"" lOOODd Dark lay.'. cuke Nellie St... vunt, rir.-i: Mr I 0 n....., I Jelly roll Mrs John Renin i-.l. Otacor bra id Btta MoCrelght, nr- I : Mi- I. i', rfooley, second Apl'le I'ie Ml W. W. WOOd I ' ii !' 'I'u ml. first ,,,. I . i nil nd. 1 i i LBOAIi NOTH KH. ADVERTISEMENT RELATING TO LOST POLICIES. To whom it Ma) Coneara: Notice iii lieri'liy glwti that Fire I'olleles, Nos. 80.145 I to S03476 In or tin. National Fire Inmir ii i !.- ii .i r I Inrt fnnl. Conn . re quiring fur kh Ir mlldlti tho chin . .I'll" ..I I .Inlv authorize, an. I n ".I OgOflti lime t.-.-n bet Sine" , no! I ti ri'Kiilar , ,.,,.,.,,,, , ,.,,,., ( , I or oecoonted for, tmr any pi mini therc- iimler .y this r.imiuiiv, mey wiii ba Milled... .. and In lite ,,f rhOBsaoovof they ma fall and any tfJa thereunder would he lUogfJ and fraudulent. If found I hey should be returned to the Pacific, department office of the Company nt No. 405 San some street, San Francisco, t'al. No claim of any nature purporting to be based upon them will he recognized by the Company. The public will please take notice accordingly. NATIONAL FIKF. INSI'liAM I: n. of Hartford, COM Ry WAYMAN A HENRY. A. N. SOl.ISS, Heiieral Agents Cornier local agent at Ontario, Oregon. First publication Sept. 26, 1916. I.ast publication Oct. 12, 1916. NOTRE TO III HI KH(s Notice Is hereby given that the un deralgned ha been duly appointed executor of the last will and testa ment and estate of Sarah Ann Rus sell, deceased, by order of the Conn ty Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County. All person hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the hi... iluh eiified as by law requir ed, to the undersigned executor at his resldei in Westfall, Oregon. within six months from the date or ' ""' ",M P'l'dlcallon of llils iiullce Done mil iatil and first puhllshc.i tltl 14th day of September, 1916 J. D I'AIKMAN, utor of Hie estate of Sarah Ann Un sell, deceased. First publication Sepl 14. 1916. Last publication, October 12, I9lb NOTICK OF CONTKHT. No. 324. Department of the Interior United states laud office, Vale, Oregon. September 13th, I HI ti To James J Wood) of unknown l.l.lle ., OOOtOOtOOi You are hereby untitled that Wal ter G. Balxel who gives Midvule, Ida ho, as liis post otfice address, did on September 13th, 1916, file in this ollne Ills duly corroborated applu.i tlou lo contest and secure the can cellation of your home entiy serial No made June ii, I'.iln. forS' SK'4 Sec M, S'-j K't Sec III T If It 4i. K Y, M, and ud dllionul lioiiiestead entry No made lrcl, II, 14 or KW14 Hon SI, township in south, ruuge Hi east Willamette ii.ei i.liiin, and a , late, I and ililion .1. I.i. I, l;i 1 7 Kioiunl. lor hi i go oltogO tatarOOl will D0 I'.i'.l niially la J Wood dolol tho Naool ov ao) ol Ihi M ito ol ii. i impiiivi men' l land foi linen ,n ' . fori more Hum lour year.- pui im.l I, not lived on said Ixi.d for more than lal al.iijii lolled -aid land.'' You . CoTOi luillief noli i .. .1 i Ron b t.ik.n a . e.l, and youi entry will be canceled without furtli Hlis oil,.. ..i an ,,p,eal, it (TOO (fell '" "'' "' l!" """" w,llil' "'''" '' "" "' """"' PblooUoo o! ' OOtlOO, U kbOWO below. ,.ur i . under . ii icily i . spondlng to -in.- proof tin. i you ha a OOPI Of your an- . mail rial Irrbjotioo Ii met, toting as Board the i o i.koal Mini i is Tuesday the third day of October A I). 1916 at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of equalizing, reviewing and corriHtlnic the taaa mmrnt and nppor UoaBMl a tom of nM district fur the year 1916. A list and record of obM aaaaaa Tiieni is now In the office of the Sec rotary of said District, for the In p. of all persons Interested. Maie.i ot ii'iiaiio. Href. m. (hi'. Itrd day of Auiust. n line. W. H CLBMBNT m ' publication August 24, 1910 SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for Malheur County. Snake River District Improvement Company, a Corporation, plaintiff, vs. Myrtle M Stout and Samuel W. Stout, defendants. To Myrtle M. Stout and Samuel W. Stout, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to up poor and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of the time prescribed In the order of publi cation, to-wlt: On or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of first publics Hon of this summons, and If you fall to answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint herein, to-wlt; For a decree foreclosing an Irri gation assessment lien levied under the provision of Chapter 172 of the General I.nw of Oregon for 1911, against the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec. 31, Tp. 15 S. R. 47 E. W M . In Malheur Qotjaj ty. OreKoti. and for Judgment against the defendants named In the title hereof, for ih principal sum of $90 0(1 with IntctoHt at ten per cent per annum from October 1, 191. . nnd $9 no penalty, and $50 00 rea sonable attorney fees, and the cost nnd disbursements herein, and for oilier and rurtl. i . I.. i This sun. ii Is publish. .1 pui .1 ant in an order ol tho Hob Dalton Rlggs, Cm ii i .,i,i . .Inly made uli.l ii" i. I .i. I , 1016. H II IHtooKK. Atloin. . i.i Plaintiff First public in. hi Auuiist ;m. 1111 Last publication October 5, 1916. SALE OF IMPROVE Ml VI HONDS Ol M1M SCRIM. s lltltK. VIION DISTRICT Ml M( IPM. COKPOIt t'UOV Col ll.e purpose of m lug Its Irrigation system by consii uciion of a reservoir at or near Rlei -n. . i in- .'tun, on the Mulheur river, the ll.i.u.l of Directors of the Waruispriugs Ir rigation District of Malheur Couutt. Oregon, will receive seated prop.. ..I ul Hie office of the District ut Vttlo, till Monday, Oct. 2, 1916 at m . or said day, rot the purchase of Three Hundred anil Sllieu Thous and Dollars in l,, .1,1 lion. I - ol Series No I, of denomination ol II"1 aOfc, i.i hear inieiest as may he ,1. in.iiie.l at time or sub Said lion, I m I l ied l.y vote Of III d 1st I .I and made redeen $:t7.i 46,000 ut lb. 1 tha end Ml .ii the en. I ,rs. 67,000 ut tho I'U'l ai tha . ad ' al the en,! Rid, I in ii tO mini, an, I :. pay f.. The I Pull In I I nl : LEOAL NOTICES. on or before the 2.1 ,ay 0f September, 1916, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of Mil court directing Mint service of 8um- MOM In ald suit be jt4ta upon you l.y publication, and If yon fall so to ':' ,r' r'ir ' IhMi ,irr WHI apply to said I I nt for the relief demanded In sad I1: ''or a decree ol I . .mrt ''' otatai the boada of matrimony ""w existing between aAl the Ptatatllf, and granting II r. f ..I. ..lute dlrorOO from Vn" "ro f,'r,l'"r oUllod that this Summons la served upon 00 b BO .in.;.., .,.,.: :,y rlrtoa r.t an order of the Hon. Dalton Rli-it. Judge nf ,hl" cour'- w,,lcn tnU "r(,or WM mad" and entered In Bold causa on the 14 day of August, 1U16, and di rected that this summons bo publish ed once each week for six successive weeks In the Ontario Argu com- menclng with the Issue of August 17, 1916, and ending with the Issue of Sept. 28, 1916, of said newspaper. The first publication of tins Sum mons la August 17. 1916, and tha last publication Is on September 21, 1919. Mcculloch & wood. Attorneys for Plaintiff. si MMONH FOR PI lll.K ATION IN FOHKCLOSl III Ul TAX I.IKM. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. Wm. B Lees, Plaintiff, va. J, C. Kelsey and Km ma I. Kelsey, hus band and wife, Westfall Commercial Company, a corporation; J. C. Skel ton and Wm. F. Kolsey, defendants. To J. C. Kelsey, Emma I. Kelsey, Westfall Commercial Company, a cor poration, J. T Skelton and Wm. F Kelsey the above named defendants In the name of the Slate of Ore Ore eon: Y'ou aro hereby notified that Wm R, the holder of Certificate of li"l iiiiiency ntitnhereil is". Issued on UM I nib day or February, 191 I. hv the Tax Collector or Hie County of M.illieur, State of Oregon, ror tha iimoiini or thirty foor and '" lt) 1 Dollars, the same be gf the amoutit then due and tOltaQOOdl for taxc for Hie ear 1 !) I I lOKOthOT with I" I ,ili , toll i ' ii. I . ' tl cris.ui upon the real property assessed to fi whicli you are Hie owner as appear of record, situated in County and Stale, and particularly bounded and described us follows, to nit: SW1, of the NK1, and (JJM 'j of the SK'4, Section lit and H.e NW't ..f j the NK'i Section III) all in township 141 K W. M and also lots 1 and 4 In block 8 In the Tonn of WaotfaH. .ui.l oil 'it said imiperti in M.illieur County, uiecoii You are further iiotifled llml said Win. E. I.oes bus paid taxes on said pi. mlses for prior or subseiuent years with the rale totOfOOl on said umoiints us follews: 1911 tux paid I'eh 10, llll, tax receipt No. Ill, uiuouni I , rate of Interest 1 1 p.i , .nl 1912 tux p. i.l D I'n ::, tax it No III, .. mount U7 .":;, rate of interest l .'. poi eool 1914 tax n.i ,1 Anrll I llilii. tax ,,.,,. ,,i N., 1007 amount ltd 64 rate ,lf 1..,,,.. , -. ,., , I I'M : t,i pu.i .ii , mm. tax ceiiiricale No III, amount 16.57, . i'i.: i . i tho i .ii. i i i ho oi i. i pi I Win K will u pp ' of tho County ami , for a dooroa toro lo oa i tla i plop, i t) ld, Ulid I ii. At. I you are ll.. I to 0 ilhill publi- eatlon, of II lu dve of 1 1 Hi id I ' i lllUI I h i wm r imey for i X i.lieiui ()niir .