The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 28, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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TIII'HSDAY, flEi'T 28, I I i
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 year terms
Stockmen should get in
while the getting is good.
We have sold 98 sections
during the last 90 days
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
Fall Fashion Display Begins
September 7
At theOsbora Milliner; Store. Ladies wishing
individual and unusual bata will rind them here.
Our collection of ornaments, aigretts, fsiicj
f( athen and Qowen now ready for your inspeo
tion :it our wll known popular prices.
Hair Qoodi 'nt Ploweri
Successor to
Grave & Riley
Thirty JWI lieu tlin telephone ., . it luxury. Today,
through personal i ii 1 1 1 .i 1 1 e uiiil i.ipii . II :. , !. on.e
ii ecu ity within tin- raaah . . f Where, once i im i
i i..ul hut one teluphonu iilth a lluilteil lulkliiK MM '"Jay
ii.ii huslneaa lias service, wiiii u range Uireo-quartMrs of a cotiti
ii. nt iiioad, uuJ every branch of every business It linked to ev
er) other by an Inl rr in linn n ! tlMB teleplioue system.
Iir i...L,.n. I,.i-. .iinel II- IHptMlMt 1 H i' u ii J there ,hii
now N. 000. 000 Hell telephones In this country, over which go
2,ooo.OOO iuIWh dally.
Kvery Hell Telephone b) u l.mi; Distance Statiun.
Mallu ur Home Telephone Co.
Expert Service
Charges and
Tm) kind of treatment Steady
customon deserve ii the
principal upon which we !o
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars,
GtsolinSi Lubricating Dili
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
PETE 1)1 EORI), Prop.
Phone '
The Palace
Meat Market
i" I Dmaliri
I lll.sil MKATH
iuir miiis
orass) toute
I. Aid)
Better ntoall for the same
Never High Quality
Never Poor
( 'uiiio in unit see the new
Telephone 111
(Continued frmn paff lliriH'i
S A ll
o nun.
Miss i ill. IK 01 RBI
In-nu. Inr In I'liimi
'I '.ache! -i Certificate from I'm
ciiiuuli Conservatory of Music
l'luiue 170
Down Town OHice
sweepstakes hoar anil how.
i Ii.-i.-i wiiii.-.
Ageil liniir J w MeQee
l'lymoiitti. first; no MtOSd
Hoar, six months, umler one your Defoe, untarlo, first anil
Hoar, umler six months Defoe,
first; A ZlllKclllUlll. Payette, .r,,n.l
Sum. one year anil under two lle
foP, first mill seinnil
Sow, si iniiiitliH, umler one year
Defoe, first and second
Sum, under six months Dpfop, fit
si . .iiiKelmnn. spcond
VniliiK herd Defue, first mi. I .1
i. ml
Hweepstakes Defoe won on swppp
Ntakes hoar and sow.
iwtti.i; oan. a.
w v Howard. Qeaeral Bapl
I' earn. Siiierlnlen.. nt
I II Kills, JililKe
short Morns.
Hull. M f earlinn Arlliur Mc-
i ; mi, Ontario, fti to Moad
Hull. Jiimiir learllli li W. Delay,
lint Lata, me . rtratg w .1 Tawi
ley, I niiiii. 1 ire , second
Hull, I H- calf W J Townley,
first; (I V Delay, secoinl
Hull, Junior CHIT Wesley Clelin,
Hntarin, first; no second.
Afed cow i W. Delay, first; J.
u r..'Aiiie , Hani
ll.iier, senior yeurllnu li W De
li. . I ir I . .1 W Townlei . BMoad
Heifer, Junior yearling tl. IV. De
lay, first ; no second
Miller, senior nilf J W Townley
first , no second
Heifer. Junior calf .1 V Toimlei
first ; no second
II. lofoiil-
! hull Is S a.- I ranch, own
id hi I'ri'.l Ktesel, first; im second.
Hull, two years, under tin.. I.
'. H i inch, i.l Ontario, II K D
NO I , fir.. I . in. second
Ball, junior . alf K S A. D fain lh,
I : ' ul
Aged . on K sad ranch, tlr i
.111.1 gonad.
Ha to an 01 i all k
In i . im second
Oriole BOOf.
Heifer, Junior yearling
I liilarin. ii i . in. I
No Otl .1 ntrlos In this class.
I nl las..
I'.' eon ii ii Tmini. Ontario,
ir MoUIII, Ontario,
i . . , Podlgn ed.
Dull, Jim or earlli i on
kiln. On I
i eon 'ii i mi.
raarllai R 11.
C'onklln, 'III. il In. fllsl ; mi ., , ,,,:,
Ilulslellis C .' I
I ball II li Hi ier, N,.
I'lllllolllll. filsl, ll.i ,. ,,
Hull. I .mi .ais. im, let i; i;
v I'l.iiiiii-., Ontario, nrst . m
Hull, -.color nU II It H ,. i .
first . Q V I 'on 1 1 ii -. -.-,,, ml
Hull, junior call II l llooiner.
first and second
Afed cow II l( II, .miier. first
and second
Heller. senior yearliiiK II U
Hooiner, first; li V Pontius, scon. I
Heifer, Junior yearling II I,
Hi, inner, nrst mid sen, ml
lleiiir. junior call li V PoBtllU,
first; II It Hnoiner. second
Heifer, ealor anil n i; Boomer,
lllsl . i; ' I'oiilluK, seiolid
(i.nle Dairy i allle.
Vj .-.i com Jobnaon i lefoe, lntnr
in, ami ataoad
ii, ii.r. aaalor raarllai J"
Defoe, first; William llolleiihe. k
I inn Ian, 1, second.
Heifer, lunbsr eal( i: it Coaklln.
nut. in,,, in i ; jobn mi p. -i.
lianiii,ill ('mile.
i . ebamplonablp laari in ni k
I" M , lni',-,1 .,i. ., i,,,, ;
tbortborai w J Towalaf. "'
I'liimi, Ore , ,iii t In- tollowlai I
plonahlp ribbons Junior champion
hull, grand champion hull, loalor
ehamploa cow, laalof champion cow,
Krumi ehampton nan
Haraterd riu K I I D raaah
of Oniai'io. K D. No 1 won the
ollowtni ebamptonahlpa; lan lor
..ii hull, j ii ii it r shanplon hull.
Brand ohamplon bull, senior chain
f in . Junior ohamplon bow . iraad
champion con
Joraajjm, padlgroed loalor oaaa
pinii, U' Tkomntaa, Ontario;
iirand champion female, I I Coa
Klin. Ontario.
Holatolna, padlgraad n it Boom-
er, of MOO I'll inoulli lias an aided
die inii, in int; champtonahip ribboni
in this claai,,r champion bull,
Juiiinr Champion kail, senior chain
pinii con, Junior champion con. grand
champion bull, grand champion con
HORMKti M Ml lis )i:i'T. v.
W W Milliard, lieiural Supt
Dr A (i Moore, Superintendent
K. H WtU and Siml!.. i r.i!!-, ' llu.l
d itallloa C K Bnurman.
Parana, ttrati no second
Btallloa. to years, under three
llpriiian W'elck, Notus, Idaho, first;
no sieond
illlon. yaarllni llondrlokaon
on, Payette, first; no second
Mare, yearliiiK llernian W'elck,
Notus, first and second.
Aited l.rood mnri Hemlrlrkson
Jacohsoti, 1'aietle, first; no s.iiiiol
Matched team, mare or HeldliiKB
HaadrlCkaon & Jnootison, first; no
Konl of 11 6, eltlipr sex Herman
Weak, first; no OMMd
OraSa SaaaSnpi iirr.1.
Aged mare or neldliiR Jack Tny
inr, (Iniarlo, first, II I McKay, On
tiirlo, second.
Mare or Holding, two years, under
three lletidrlckson .laeeh .on, Hay
CttO, in li A Maneuiiin, I'aielle,
Main or Holding, yearling N. S.
leli Im.ii e. .New I'lyinouth, lirst and
Aged brood maro and colt Pete
Qaaoway, Pajretto, first, no monad.
Matched taam, mares or poldlnti
Dan Kerfooi. Ontario, first;
Chapman, Parol to, i cooad.
Konl of inn;, attkaf tn n
Moore, Ontario, first, Arthur Cor
don i miario. anaoad
Perclicroii INsllnns,-,!.
I stallion V I' Howard A
Sons, I'arma, first; Clarence Snllens,
Vllle. I ,'Clllld
Btallloa. yearling W K. Howard
A Son., first; no scon, I
Age.! mare w V Howard A- Sons.
first and aooond
M ire, i wo i ' ii . umler llirre W'.
K. Howard A Sons, first, no soOOad
Mare, yearling W f Howard A
firm ami second.
Aged hrood male ami loll W K
Howard A- Sons, liri ami mil
real of 191 IS, either sex W K.
Han ird A Sons, first and second
IU Itflans I'.sllgi.ssl
Aged mare A II McConnell,
Krultlaiid. first. ( w Young. I'ay
attO, second
Mare, two year., under Hip
W Young, first , no second
Kara, fonrllni C w Young, n r-
-I . li olid
! hrood mam and coll II
nnell, fllsl . no eeoiid
I oil of llt, ell her sex A. II Mr
ConnOll, first , no set oiid.
i. ii. II Mi i 'oiinell,
I'ruiC.iml. first; C W Young, I'ny
I . olid
.Male, two . ,,i , under II
W oiing, first; no .,,,,11,1
Man ' Young, fir-
i; no anaoad
i I brood mora and noil n
I oal oi lain, . Her s,- n
iiiell. first; no MM I
I' I l. . .1
iiion rhnrlaa Roy, On
i ii ' POtOT Ci : ,i.,.ii , r
s'l.llaliil I'.ailrs.
i i lono
ii. first
I male and roll Pi li
way, first
- gelding or mure James I. owe
Neil Meadows. Idaho, first
Baal Colt of 1U 1 6 Pete Cenowui.
Mill.-, anil Jacks.
Koal of 1910 Charles Kill, (in
tarlo, first; N J Oorliam, Payette,
aw ond
lack ' . Ilrsl , I'ele
Cenoiiay, Payette, second
s.,.1.11. Horses.
Soldle horse, shown hi gem I. in. in
I ! ndrlckson, 1'aielte, first, A Mc-
W ill inns, Ontario. ,-,,i,, , alter
Clemi, Ontario, third
Saddle horse, shown hi lady Mrs
John iirosiian. Ontario, (tl
soi.iie noajr. andat n hands
i 'hai laa Kent, Paratto, first ; g
on, I
I ill llollls.
Diaft te.illl. hitched I 111 li I . a III
flrat: K I
ranch, second
Double driven, shown in i
D H Kerfooi, OatariO, first; II. n
drlckaon Jaoobaon. Payette,
Siii;le druer in harne-- i II
I i Lot, first; lleudl 'icksou I Jac
ohs, n, second
in st single turnout shown liy lady
Mi McKai. OatariO. first; Mis
I'ete (ieliouav, Palette, second
Drafl Horses tirades.
Mare or gelding. Ilnee years or oi-
. i k s a n raaah, Oatario, first;
Dunham Hros , Ontario, second.
M ,re or gelding, Inn years umlor
iiir.-e -1). W. Smith, Ontario, flrat;
no second
Mare or gelding, one year, under
two Mrs K A Huuiphrei . I'aiette,
Hral ami aooond
Ifad hrood mare and i -G. A.
. Oatario. tlral . i. d cordon,
Ontario, second.
I 'nl of 111 111, either sex
. I Mil., i -to. ftral . Q A Ihckey,
Ontario, aecond.
Siie,iakc. Haeana
The sweepstake winners in the sev
er tl classes of horses are as follows
standard bred stallion, any age
Oregon Short Line R. R.
Special Excursion
Saturday, Sept. 30, is Officially Des
ignated as Eastern Oregon Day
Join the crowd and represent Kaslern OySjBSB at
the Idaho Inhibition and enjoy nn outinir at
Ontario to llnisc mid Return
' Conn; (ruin lean s Ontario nl 7.50 a. in. Arrives lloise at 10:10 a. tn.
Ueliinuiii:, leaves Hoise a' II. '10 p. m. Arrives at Ontario II no.
See your local Ac. tit for particular.
D. S. BPBNCBB, (Jonornl Pass. AgH
i ..' ..'
i lflB'i"')'aWV'4 V
nkin. w -w-lrs
: wKjzumjJZff
' --4 I.-
re 0Li
1 1
i ,'',w
.- "
miilstriiil m
-m a- I
'r' ar r . ar v PkT
f Bjuligi-ttful. m
I m
V ITS OINffil !
? 1 1 tONGS, LAUGH
- - 11 "N.
Ontario, Friday, September 29
(Continued on pace sei.ui
After Malheur Co. Fair Attend
The Idaho State Fair
Caldwell, Oct. 2,3,4,5,6
Get a premium list
Caldwell, - Idaho
Excursion Rates on Railroad
Roads are Good for your Auto
Come Over