The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 28, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 191H
( Established 1886)
t.KO. K. AIKKN, Kditor and Publisher
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon nnd entered at
the Ontario post offlct for distribution as 2nd class matter
One year
Six Months
$1.00 Three Months
.6 Single copies
$ .86
that tin mnri they argue politics or
((inimunlly advantages with Is "a
pretty Reed follow."
To foster hucIi a feeling is a mighty
i-ii(l thing for any romiiiiiiiily. It
makes lilo more woith the li vine and a ft or nil lu I Iw. i.rlmn mnllvn tnr ! bofofe It IB (Wllllll IbIi(I OYPn aH
government, and tlio agencies con
nected directly and Indirectly with
Tim legislation which Mr. WllsOB
has ho wrongly called the "eight
hour-a-day" Mil will undouhtcdlv
liavn to run the gauntlet of I h rom i I
"basic" principle In railroad employ
ment. If the, measure la held to be
constitutional, thorn will yet remain
Now (hat tho 1910 fair la punt the Lgj qu,tUma regarding IU oper
citizens of Malhi'tir county in general.
and of Ontario In particular, Hhnuld
All copy for display advertising should he at this office by
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in
this office on Tuesday.
TIIK I-Will.
Tin- Fair Is over After month
of strenuous work the officials, di
rectors, superintendents of various
departments and the citizens genornl
Iv who assisted are hy this time reiov
iired from (lie reaction of l lie loot
nervous effort which made the I 't I r,
fair ho great a success
I.Ike every public Institution tho
niannRomcnt of the fair and the lair
den of maklliR it a success falls upon
the ahoulders of a few, generous,
forward lookliiR men and women who
i -lent to make a venture of this mug
nitude sucessful from a financial view
point from attendance alone, nut
financial Rain Is not the only view
point from which to Judge tho fair,
nor Ih it the logical view to take of
Ihe Inatlttillon There are othei anil
erenier olijeets to he attained than
the mere makltiR of money for the
fair association, and In these (hlnRS
the fair VM a deehlecl success.
Aa a educational Institution the
Malheur county fair la In a class by
Itself It is unanimously declared by
the law to prevent tho railroads from
working their men ten, twelve, even
sixteen hours a da, providing tho pny
Is ris-konod upon tho "basic" elght-
and in that case the run.
dlred their attention to that of I 91 7 "r '""lance, u,oro is notninR in
with I firm determination to hack
the offUlals to the limit that from
every Staid point It will he a greater
than UlS fair of 1916 Thla
can only ire iione ny uniieii errori. I
Tlin Miami V will I, nek (Int.irlii w l.n- hour scale
iiee. ir the saprssatum he. mi on the of -' ' l vlliibuluvl iii
street are a fair criterion by which ,tl probable result that Home train-
to Judge, hut It la Ontario'a duty to
lead the way. The fair cannot be
permitted to take n backward atop,
and It will not, ho long as the energy
of Ontario's huslness men Ih directed
toward Its succohh.
Hive their time and their energy to tail who are In a position to know the
the up-building of the community. It
la too bad that thin la the case, for In
many Insances the effort demanded
Is more than somej-un afford to give
More often than not, as in the case
of the local institution, those who to I
facta, that our fair here la the beat
fair In Oregon, with the exception of
the state fair at Salem This being
I eit is a constant and pciina
nent asset of the county.
The fact that the fair Is held each
a large portion of the work receive year ,K ,, of Vlllu to ,,,,, counly )n
no direct, and In many Instance no
Indirect benefit; unless the aatlsfac-
brlnglng together the citizens of all
sections In friendly rivalry and turn
lion of having performed a service ,,,, f()rum w.r0n ,. ,eas
for their community be so con Ider ,, ,,V. ,!,.,. of t1(. j,..,, ,.,, ,.
"' exchanged The value to the inillv
The phenomenal access of Ihe fair ldual farmers cannot be accurately
this vein can he directly attributed to ., ureil in one year or two, but In
the energy of President A W Trow the steady advance in methods where
and those Inn Ilalely iissociuted h the land becomes more productive,
with him on the hoard of directors 'and thus mole valuable to the Indlv-
t'rt'dit, loo, should be linen the III ldual and to society.
dividual exhibitors who year in and Then there Is the social value of
ear out come forward to cnmpeio ami the fair as the fostering Influence (pi
by arousing a coiutiiiinlt v Interest M the general upbuilding of a conunun-
llvens the eMtOSU and materially Itv iplril during fair tune lliere
oovenumra taxm.
(IwIiik to the fact that the question
of valuations on Malheur county lands
has been raised It might he well for
property owners to remember that:
If the valuations are decreased the
tax levy will have to be rained;
That the coat or administrating
the county government is more apt
to be Increased than decronned and
that money munt be provided;
That If one citizen Is given an un
justly low valuation some other citi
zen In getting an unjustly high valu
ation; Thai equality before the assessor
la aa much every man's right, an
equality before the rourtn of Justice;
That If you are getting an unjust
ly low valuation this year, and know
It. someone else In getting an unjust
ly high valuation, while next year It
i.i n lie reversed and you will suffer;
That a square deal Is all that any
man should ask;
That Malheur county lands will
never be sought by settlers if they
feel Hint tax valuations are not made
according to accepted principles and
with Justice to all;
Thai the value of a piece of land
depend! entirely upon what It will
the fair each tre no "Malheur count) republicans"
While the attendance tills year was or "Malheur count democrats," or produce commercially;
large, and in many respects record ma other hrand of citizens save "Mai- That there should not he two val
bleak inc. it did toil return a Im.iioial lour Boosters." When citizens get lies oil hinds, one for sale purposes
prom to the lair association It is together at the fair and rub elbows and Ihe oilier for tax dodging
mil lo lie evpecled that it should A, while watching the race-, or viewing
a matter of (act, there ut m, within a (lie prize exhibits they lorget petty
reasonable radius, a population suffl- differences and realize that after all
Hlw fQ. Sasfl gXi .. 5fcJv
;l H fT"v """ isT J "Br" T
.rll;; V B S. loAjaO s V
The First-Born
The Genuine,Oriinil Round Oak Is Still Supreme
Look for the Earmarks
If you will look closely you
will have no difficulty in dis
covering the original. It al
ways has the name "Round
Oak" on the leg.
Tho Ash Pit is a seamless one-piece con
struction. The Fire Tot is double, and the
cold rolled reiined Boiler Iron Hody is extra
heavy. There are so many advantages in
the Genuini that W9 want you to call at our
store and see for yourself.
Sold Onlyby
One of Ih, ..It i. In lie tilled by
the electroale this rail is that of the
District Attorney, and we cannot
over estimate the importance of this
office nor Its far reaching affM on
i ie taxpayers All efficient district
attorney can save the county thous
ands of dollars that must be raised by
diteci tuxutlon, and the least Inatten
tion to the affairs of the office mat
' coat large sums.
The republicans have selected as.
their candidate fur this office Hubert
M Duncan, s former resident of this
cit, who now resides at Vals. As
proof of the pudding la the eating
thereof, so in all probability Mr Dun
can needs no introduction to our
readers, for his long residence in thla
.unity and his known ability baa
long since won linn a wide acquaint
ance, and assures him of election,
but we desire to ,iciiiaint those not
knowing li i in with his record.
"Hob" as he is known by all. was
horn in Cohdeii. Illinois, In 1882. Ills
parents relinking to Sulein, Oregon,
in ISSii. where they still reside, he
therefore claims to be a real "Ore
BOalM " After gruduuting from
Hie puhlic .cliools of Salem he look
a thorough course in our lumher in
du-try, haviun worked in the logging
amps, saw nulls and planning fac
lories of Ihe coast, and so efficient ut
this work was that in 1905 at the
age of twenty-three we find him the
manager of a large saw mill In Wash
Ington, dally turning out over 100,000
leet of lumber
n uncle, who is Judce on the su
perior bench of Illinois, earh tired
him with an ambition to BOSOM a
lawyer, and in June LMti "Hob" gra
duated from Willamette I'niversity
Law College at Salem and was ad
mitted to practice by the Supreme
Court of this state, the same month
Ilia enemy was gfSlO In evidence
(01 m Jtll I $01 "Hob" lauded in
Ontario, and for several vears was as
tOStatOd Willi Hon J W Mci'ulloch,
and became Deputy In-liut Attorn
ey for Malheur, Harney and (irant
counties in which position he served
Willi distinction for over three years.
without salary from either county,
for the experience thereby gained
.January 1911 Mr Duncan moved
to Vale in order to more efficiently
handle the work coming under Ins
el argS as deputy district attorney
and has since resided lliere During
his residence in Malheur county he
has hud charge of some of tin most
Importunt litigation before our SOttfU
mid his laoOSsa hi well known to all
No man in Malheur county la a
closer student of social
men will find themselves without
work for any number of hours a day.
Moreover, If the eight hour scale
Is to be "basic," the railroads may
content! with no little force that no
mini shall be paid anything unless he
works eight hours, or that If ho works
lees than eight hours he shall be paid
for the time pro rats according to
the "basic" scale.
There are many trainmen now run
ning on the milage basis who com
plete their day's work In leaa than
eight hours but who receive a full
day's wage I'pon the "basic" prin
ciple, thnae men could be required to
run the additional time to make up
the eight hours or to have their pay
reduced accordingly
leglslatlon without Investigation
Often resulta in some very Interest
ing by-products and It appeara that
labor has received a gold brick by
the Ad Km law.
Conditions after war form a con
alderable part of Mr Hughe's topic
aa he Journeys about the country He
presents the picture anil ho emhod
lea the remedy.
U hen Hughes takes office he will
know the country from actual con
tact, and the country will know him
No cloistered theories will shape his
Toward the closing days of the
campaign of till the wife of llen
Jannn Harrison died Her liusluind
was pri'-iileni of the 1'nlted Slates
and a candidate for re election Their
marred I i I had been long and bap
py She iiad stood beside him when
us a wiling lawyer, he began the 'ml
lis of life. SI..- had walked by ils
side through the sunshine of MOM
and through the shadow of failure
Uvr death made a real rupture In
the presidents life. Yet we do not
recall that the repuhlicuu caiepalgn
managers or the republican party
preaa agents made any attempt to
capitalize President Harrisons grief
for the benefit of bis canvass for re
. I. , tlotl
Why I Quit the Democratic Car
ty" Is the subject of uu uddreas de
livered before the repuhlicuu con
'..mi. hi at Chandler, Oklahoma, a
few days ago, by Judge H J. Slnve,
wlio baa been a war horse of the par
ty for more than twenty ears. He
confines his reasons chiefly to state
isauea, and charges his former poll
ticul associates with extravagance, in
efficiency, broken pledges, needless
Increase in the number of office
running the state in debt, wasteful,
ness , etc., all of which is true of na
tional as well as local democratic ad
ministration And there ure thous
aii. is of other democrats who, for the
sume reasons, have quit the party
Just us predicted. I'resident Wil
son is finding that Ins uon-Jurlisuu
plea is a two edged sword that cuts
both ways Editor George Harvey,
of the North American Heview, the
original Wilson man, aays that Wil
son has absolved him from the obli
gation of party loyalty and ii two
ways: first, by his appeal for re
election as a non parti-an. and, sec
ond, by his abandonment of demo
cratic doctrine. And Harvey puts
the logic of the situation lu a way
that will appeal to thousands of men
who have been affiliated with the
democratic party all their Uvea Just
us Harvey has been
nor more interested in the welfare
of the county, which combined with
iiis absolute fairness in all trial work
makes the proper qualifications for
the important office to which he as
pires, aud not only the republican
party but thee ouuty is to be con
gratulated in having the oppuituuity
of placing such a man in office
We have confidence to believe that
he will make every effort to keep his
pledge of careful and prudent en
forcement of all laws, vigorous aud
ust prosecutions, at the least possi
ble cost to the tax payers. His rec
ord Justifies tins belief, aud we cheer-
onditions fully recommend him to our friends.
Experienced officials are worth money to Mai
heur County Taxpayers
Republican Nominee for
Eighten Tears Business Experience in Malheur
For an economical administration of public
Republican Nominee
Candidate for
Considers a public office a position of trust
Republican nominee for
Second Term
Your support will be appreciated