The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 28, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, 8KPT. 28, 1918
Special Attention is given to
the comfort of Ladies and
Children. Polite and atten
tive ushers are always with
Cooper Bros. Shows
Parents can Send the Little
Ones with a feeling of per
fect safety.
That man and monkey are
closely allied finds many new
fupporters among visitors to
Inn YouW car n
Tailor Made Suit
There i I peculiar illhtlinlliiii
in the ix umi works i
wliii h ,iii it 111 .1 i l.i -i. liy II-
k.'H. Hii'i tii'- mm in a !
by lili.melf, Willi other ballot
Win II v.o ll:;il..' it .ilir HUlt
Im made In III ii, umi not a
wooden dummy. No two tofBM
inn cxaclh alike. Inner no Hillt
patterned uftOI u il II 111 111 will
give you hii exact fit, audi
you Kit wlioii n take wiur in
dividual HiPUHuremeuU.
$20.00 to . $50.00
And aiwhrr between
OupoMte I'.i-tolli. . I'h'inr 105 W
Pure Bred
Improved Chester
ii o a s
Snii'SiiuiiscJnll Hoars,
.7 moth old
.Some optH (tilts.
Also J bird (ills.
.1 tin right price.
t .' 0 i ing ( o
kaih nun W1NNMM
(Cob tinned Iron pt i mm I
kiuith lMT. i.
A OrMBM, Snpt A T Pennington.
i.ciicrul IMniI).
ippli'M, three bOMO, three
or mom vnrleiie M l. Qoodn in.
Brogan, first ; s M, lllle, Brogan,
Display pi'ar. one hex I. .1
Brogan, rirMt; a a. Dnbrava,
i Mcond
i Hi pU) i I hwo box
i raabnrgi Brogan,
ii Da J
Dl pit) plumi and pram Mn
Oram Plsher, rrnltland, MOoadj no
l) pg . ; M, . POWOlli
rrnltland, i ond . no til I
Bm of pearhpy II. )c
Jongher, Brogan, Maoad, no fimt.
inpia aaetarlnai I M stunrt.
Brogaa, Mooad, no first.
.ies on Plato.
Mltb) I ml H. mi iey, I'nyette
M Mini . no 1 1 rut
Home llcnuty. S M Stuart, Bro
Kim, first; I' I'. (oiintryman, on
t.ll in. MOOSd
White Winter reiiruialn Morton
llurrowH (agent for Krod .Maluin.i
Ontario, necotid, no first.
Jonathan A A liouliruvn. Itro
Kan, first, M. I., (Joodwln. llroaan.
, mill
Wlneaap S M Willis, HroKiin.
first ; Morton Harrows (Malum I. f tu
larin, MOOSd
Ithodo Island QNOslsg Kinil-
I nore. llrogsn, first. I) M Willis,
HroKiin, seroinl
Wanner I' K. I'oiinlryniHii. tin
tin lo, eioinl . no Hist
DollClnilH Kniilc l.eonore. Ilrngan.
first; S M Stuurt, BfOgSs, M0OB4.
rears, ivuriirs, Oaagtoa,
Hurt I. It I. J TsehlrKt. BlOglB.
..mid. no first
I'lenii-.h lleauty S M Willi-. Km
Ran. .ecoinl , no In i
III phi) peaehes II He JnnKlier,
Brogan, flret; Hear) rraobargn, Bro
,.i ho 1I.1.1..1.
Brogan first; J WalU . 0 itarlo,
I'loiii- ami I'liines.
mi,, Morton Barro Ha
hail 1. oil' 'el ; no 111 I
wii.i in,,. . (ii Brown, Ontar
unl . im lilt
Damaoa S, J Oermoo, Pajrotto,
Mi Qranl M ior, Prultland,
mm and
Il ,ii. in pi um Mi OranI Plsher,
I'lill.'ll or I'etile I W M.
PajroMO, tit. Mrs (Irani Kisher, se-c-I'litl
Haagariaa prunes Mrs 11 Ha
in,. 1 in. in Payette, Bret, K. w. Md-
sell, I'uyetle, -eilind
Wil.l plums Mwlg llaiiy, On
tario, second; no first.
Display Htruwberrles Mrs. M.
Stone, POfOttO, first; A. Von ltea.lon,
I iiitat 10, second.
I lull Seeiluke
hi plaj nun urowu RJ "lie exhl
lutor II Da foagwsfi llroKuu. first;
S M tills, Hi nil
Dtsplaj ni fruit growa by one taa
in tin 1 ( Brogan aoammsJtjr, (Iral
iiik iiemi ii and
Bool paokod boa ol nggU i 1
Ooodwla, Brogan, first; s m. Willis.
Brogan, isoond,
I'OI l.lltt ii it 1
II ('lenient. Supt I) II Kr
font, .In
ll.iiii'il Cli 1, 1, null i:.aks.
Hbui 1 Is) ton, Pajretts
. ninl
Hen Wilbur Clayton. PajTOtlO,
I II -1 ant 1 mnl.
I'llllet "VI I N
Will I'ellli
! '
u llbur Claj ton, P 1
While I'll 11, milli Itoiks.
il,l, C W UcOSO, New l'l-
nioiith. flrsl : no tseond.
U W McOoe, N'ea Plj
w Mi 1
First (
IVK phmi.' 1 N I
While l,iHlmrns.
COOl " llariev llean, New Ply
tiinulh, first ; no socond.
II :, Ilirn'V Mean, first and BC
miil. Cockerel II Powell, Frultlund,
rirst ; Harvey Mean, New Plymmii h,
Pullet 11 Powell, first mnl
Brooding pen Dunham iims , on
t it 0, first; A II Cain. Ontario, sec
Huff l.eiiliorns.
eookorol Kate Mickey. Ontario.
ml. im first.
Pullet Kale II , Lev. Ontar
mnl ; no first.
pre, Prank Millar, Par- fir- "", .,, ,1
III. ni. Minor-ens.
.1 Crane ni Ontario WOO the
only ehlhitor lie won fir t mi nick;
first mid second on hen; first ami
oond on cockerel; flrsl mi gaUatj
first nnd MOOSd on bfOOstsg pen.
Wlilie orpliiiftons.
BrOOslsf pen Mau.le IssfOsOB) On
tarlo. first; O. btol rotfllt, Ontar
I mnl
lluH OipliliiKlon.
Cock A (i Moore, Ontario, first;
llerl Myers. Ontario, sec I
Hen llert Myers, Ontario, first;
A (! Moore, Ontario, second
Pullet A O. Moore, Ontario, first;
no second
llr littsr pen A (I Moore, first;
llert Myers, second.
Mini s.,.iilisl HnmliurK
Cock K P Smiley. Ontaii,,. first;
no MOOSd
lien I P Smiley. Ontario, first;
no second
HreedliiK pen K P Smiley, first;
no second
1 mulsh ni BjBMBi
J W Mollbowa. Ontsrlo, waa the
I 1 x Ii I hit or He nun first and sec
ond M lock; first and second on pul
let. IllllltHIIIN.
For best display of bantams, A. O.
Moore, Ontario, Kot first, Ollbert
llean, Jr , Ontario, sot-ond
1 ... . P. km dink-. M.hili
w 1 . Ontario, flrot M rhoipp-
1,11. ( int. 11 -in. ,-. Mini
Pair Milliard ducks S Itoss. Nys
' ..lid
While Indian diuk Iffl
1 1. 1 11. PajrottOi iii 1 . ao
,, nil. 1
c. 1 n Indian Rwtnan Lola loTojr,
1 inn I'litn.ilii, Pt
.1.1 duck Hi .il, (III
tiirlo, first, l.ite lliik.i, Ontario,
, I
Toulouse boom Dolberl Otatoo,
in 1 . Kate Hickiy, Ontario, '
Koiicii ducks Mrs. J. Ilrosnan,
Onhirlo. first . Kale Ilickey. Ontario.
l.arKest turkey C K Btoward,,
Fruitland, first; Charles Hullard. on
tarlo, second
Pair Kulneas Otis Hullurd, 011
tarlo, first; no second.
play HclKiuii hares Harry Nee-
ce. Ontario, first , no second
Display white rubbits Hiram
I loan, uiiiario, first; Mil,, Wright,
1 mi. 11 in. -ecoinl
Hest -how lloiner pigeons Carroll
Coolev, Ontario, nr-t, Owen Turner
I'ayell , second
1 1 Maude Dorjr, Ontai lo,
11 MiOrogoi ' ' itarlo,
1 1 olid
1 ii 1 laj 1 1 p l .'i.iin.
ui'iiiui ,0 mnl.
Vln la-.
Piiih-i . 1. 1 Boswell, Vale, tin i
. ond.
Pen i v 1. Ontario, first
. ond
U i; in pi. 11.
Howard, Maletl, Buperlntendenl
1: p 0 . ill, Judi
1 ootnb hone) Howard
Milieu, ont.11 m. nrat; ClarooM Bnl
i iii econd
ill plsj Kl I ,u led llOBOJ
Howard Mallett, Hi
, lionej Clarence
r lir.ihani
llieil lull,,
I'l) ruoutli, flrsl : Ho
Nyssn, first; I K Dai-i:al, Fruitland,
Wlto onions Olbson ft Son, Nys
ea, first; J. W. Ieen, Ontario, sec
Plcklln onions J. Y. Watannhe,
Ontario, second; 110 first.
II, t display onions Wood Thom
pson, Ontario, second; no first.
Potatoes, best colhction A Von
R0040B, Ontario, first; 0. W. Dean.
Ontario, second
red II It. Katnho,
(Continued on pnK' thrtMM
Vale Hot Springs
Board, Rooms and Baths.
Massage, Diet, Rest
DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent
has a flavor as different as it is delightful
And that isa 't strange, either.
Buy Prinrm Albert mvry
uhttr ri,'ucco ! told in
ioppv t.d baft, 5c; tidy rmd
lint, I . bnndtom pound
an I half-pound Im burnt
BSSJ and-thai corking fint
pound cryttat-glatt humi
dor with tpongt-moitttnmr
top that brtpt tho tobacco
inimk.liKll, JuuiiJ
,,, 1 ii ....i.i nn "11 ni snail si awsi ' ' up 11
S lilOiat.
1 .. . .iiimwmiuuwruW.
I Zl Cll,r1KlllH f t
I I 'iAj0 i h J ,i,.aa. L Jfk
V. '. mTVrTPlr TofcM. Cm f 9rjL
rjt' On Ik ,-ii rf.
ml IS I, i.l tin I sVBg
7u will r.d "Pro- wBmI
mi. sip., h.,. -iii.hi;-' 1 ,-n.r
n. ...... sl h.lm.t tOMUOTIINl.l'im AN0
I C'. ssriT, rortAcco
"i 1 . .. , 3 I
as you never thought
could be is yours to
command quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
cigarette !
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
process that cuts out
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always .rttewffl!
a , , .- kai made fAee men
oeen soia wunoui coupons or premiums.
We prefer to give quality I
the national joy g. jk
Ii.. never tasted the like of it I
Men who think they can't - ' pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story I
R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winaton-Salem, N. C
I. Il B
1. 11 Bn nd
I V. W.111'
-V" ,,r '-J" -s- "-yr r tj
A National Institution
" Why, sir, the Union may M prturvtii from dismembtr
mirnl by tins piofxittii railroad." Joseph R. Undttuood im
the United States Senate, February 19, JA'SJ.
"The rond has been built through an Indiau comitix trit..
mil the tubes banded together and hostile." GtmtrwJ C M.
iKhtgt-111 Cmgnu, m6n.
pOR half a century
and more ever since
the first locomotive poked its
nose west of the Missouri River
this railro.ul has worked con
tinuously for the development
of the territory which it serves,
and for the improvement of
the property. Hundreds of
thousands of dollars ire l COl
every year in telling the people
of the East about the wonder
ful opportunities of the West,
Prosperous cities and towns,
thriving industries Mid fertile
farms mark fifty VCtri of nota
I'nion Ii-
: 1 ' ltd an:.
. 'gytsiP' its. ji. issw
the Iliuilevard of Steel which
links the East with the West.
The Union Pacific System has
also been first with practically
every device which makes for
security and comfort of travel
ers and for safety and eZDcdi
tion in the passage of freight.
Success has justified this
policy of efficiency, but the
full measure of success has
I ii attained only by the 1 mi-
fidence and support of the
I iple who live in the Union
Pacific country, and to them
this advertisement is directed
in a , Na
tion. 1
: its
1 il-y
1). " ent
()i .
u . ity, Utah