The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 28, 1916, Image 1

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tttot0 r$w
mis( 1:1 i.wtoi s i.iMHh
SOLI) HATt'ltlKi.
Man) aMMM Cnine ' Invest liite
IT.H.-a-ilUiK" "! DMtaNd lalOa
II, hi of I omltiK AkmIii.
tmtario nrm i ruiicrn iy nam
MJl held t tlin Muuro HluhloH
Iwl Saturday afternoon wan a real
nines.. With the nale of nearly
worth of norm, cattle, pig.
iii.I inincelliincoua kooiIh un auaptc-
out atari toward a permanent Inntl-
luiinii huh made.
iiinripnl item In the total wan
: homes In all thore were
,i i head Hold and then will, MtUi
, I MJl gve the llventotk-lhi. IiIk
end of Hie reaulta. At the next Male
Hen) will bo even lawr MUROM
i. for no aatlnfled with the man
i .r in wliU'll the Hrtlf win riiiuliirH'il.
rri mini) Hkeptlra wlm rami' Just to
nr wluif waa done, thai tiiey voltm
inKi'd the information that tlu
mil. I In. hark for the next one
i.'l OOOHJO WatiTH of WoisOT wua
Ibe guitloueer The hui- ill. I mil
urt until one p in for nearly uv-
, ul the forelioon III rem'.
finx from the fair excitement Hut
bm thv sale Marled It went thru
Id i hurry and the lual urtlele wua
iiffcuil ahout .' HO unit Hold.
" lour hourn after the flrat
. Imlel Malinger llerl
.. i.'l. ii, hail IImI
. v.ere lli.teil ..r tbl
.11 Hit; nOW 1UI la'
HI' Up Ml !' I I"' "f HaO UtOfl ""I:
I I;. na 2
nt inure uooiln offeri'il for
' '
1 n'l nail' in. 111 men- 11 . 1...
On til MM thlOfl
1 the first sale wan the fud that
1.. .1. ... .1..... i...
". ..1 Hi" buyer, were 11 the
Interior of Idaho, several miles from
Oaurlna natural trading r.dlu. were also 11 numler from the
aWerlor of Malheur county One ol
th hlggeat purchuaera waa J H
tt'hite of I'avetle who bought H heuil
f Ian ne.s and alter hrundlng them on
8unduy drum ihein l the upper WU
- erawa muuuy w ueru lie nun a
nnch which Is just htocklng up ,
Arrangement are being made for
d extensive campaign for the aecond 1
ale to widen the territory from which
toodn will he secured and from
hlch biivern will come und there 1.
'nil grounds for believing
Uht with consistent efforts being
afaaldod that Ontario'. Monthly
Trailers' du will soon lake rank with
"' lai. institutions in this
MM, und I lie city profit tliercby.
Tbe.v til- Sure oiiilng.
Cooper H1.1. Shows ure coining
i' Us mmes well spoken ul by
llie pre - in .Hies visiti'il mid Is
kuwn us the world's newest, boat
M ,-, 1 ... ,,,,,, ,jhlb,
Mo Nmo but the hloboot priced Md
"l Ml Unown lo the world Wilbur (ayton, cretary and I) H.
MOOMloyod which guaraulees to its KorfOOt, ireuMiier
MVMJ UM very best exhibition the ,,. (,r.,nc moUvt for (Ins orgutil-
aaaaMMl loving public ever hod J gallon lata adviinc.-ineiit of the In
l"Weiit,., t,, ,ls ,.,. Kndoraod b) 1,1. .1 1,, ..igli grade chickens and U)
' ss and pulpit alike as u high
, refund and moral us well as
Actional exlnhitfoii A grand street
"otw will lake place ol one ...lock
" Hie main street Also i frm. v.
"'""ion t.,k,, place, on the show '
aiininds iniineillalely after perl'oini
nees stun, at two and eight p m
JBUuy only ut Ontario, Friday, Oct
n figuring the percentage of pro-'
PWslvea who returned to the rOBO.
ucan party in Main" the tabulating
ciiiie goes all lo pines There
MM aboul is, 000 moose lefi n
MM iwo years ago and this year '
P" lepuhlicuu vote is In. leased i.v
'J I
"e tin,,, twonty thousand The
oo-se evidently returned with good
Attorney It Svvugler left Tuea-
f for Juutura and other points In
west end of the county to be gone
favor iii mm
lUu Power Ma. blue Shown ut I ah
PnvhMMd bj Weaver Bros, ,,.
Makes Trip I., Il,mll.
One. of the aide attrnctionn ..
fair which dri ,, ..
li nimii from Hi.
or In llniinn I.. I week wan llii';
i. . illm
""WW ID ll .1 .1
ON tliiin annul attention I;
hii profound .in in , , siuu mt ,
wbh mild MM after Itii arrival In
County Cotlimlnnloiicr J ( Wcuvut
Bl ,,,,, brOtbOr, J N WaSTM,
,h ,, ,, ,. .. ,iri) ,...' lllh
ItH whore in driven the rirnl ul
the w. . I. b) I ..iiii'y Agricultural
Agent W W lln .ml
llenldo this trii.inr which wuh do-lu.-ied
I hi' Trnxrll i-cuii aii- next
week will delllrr one In .I,,
of I'mitlnud .,0.1 M mmiii nn doJlVOI
M can I"' secured frmii Un. i .,.
aeverul other) will I ng u,c
ro-dH nenr ,,,.,
healdo the tl If no llttli
tttontlon wu directed to the aa
ilow v l.eli M
i i.i" the leal
in-) l hru H to ui,. Hi,.
powor of tbo tractor tooordag to
the expe r.i ii
ed the eomhlMtlnu III tills tOCl the
irnelor ami plow Will 'In Hie work Ol
ten hlg hnraOj and run p't over l lie
vround no natter no roogO
The 1. 1 1 li rill I reiiMin why rolupan
lOO soiling tRWe trarlm . are liHMtlg
troiihle wlili i.iei:... i Hint UM
on nre m much la d mud tor
the a r in Us. of linnpe, All IIiIh
nprlng He. ii one to three
ii log ! . .. ii lot mil,, i.l. , I
In Seattle to di livery to
ilan it tiOOOl I r tin a e of Itn
armies Hilarla.
Phi ii as i . i liii N'nrtli
''n ..ullnlll ,n
n utile ana were on ihmi n nai
oars, for Uf tl Uld Ml bt
'' "''l "i'l""' "1 0 '" ""' M
"" Ml toOMOtorj the v.ere rood)
' "' waa ai onn arm-
' "' "" '' WO 1 xur a ...
'" ""' " :J
Willi tin return of peace It In ho-
lieved that the proven ability of the
iructora wi.l rOTOlUtlOOtOO (he pow-
er problem on tin 1 the lint
ed Stntea ud when that (ime cornea
H" purchoe of truclors in imiaii,.
ii "" ' ,......
atve furmwi of (his region will lie
out in froM
ssocltl.'f Bird I'ancleis I oriiusl
'I',, Hold Itlg show of
Kesllieie.l Tube
The Ouarlo I'oiiHrv show uaaocla-
tlon is tinUtesi addition to lha dty'i
'activities Thl. organisation wusjpul ofln.i ' - all the attention of
formod tta W0h will, the following
offloori M. A Q Mooro. oreotaMt:
the general hetterinetit Ol ColCgOn
. , l( this aOCtlon loniiiierciallv
To prtB"'1' lUl" ,'1"1 ""' UH80Cia-
tion will held a big poultry show in
o 1.. lime ill Jllllll.ll' . prob
.HIIUIIIIW -..a after the ew Vear.
That loterest In such a show will
be more than local bOI bOM mduat
ed by Ihe osproaaod wllUalDI
more tbW 80 chicken raisers to ex .ail 1 best at the show These
exhihlura come not from urouiul 011-
larlo oil), hut from Idaho, W'ashiug-
ton unl Itali ll Ul lb. inlenlion ol
the aaoclatlon to muke this uunuai
,;JW u,c biggest poultry event in Hie
Snake river valley and preparations
u. i.jmr made to that end ! urth
er announcements will be made con
lIO lll'IIT "-
cerning the bll0W '" the "ear tiuu,e
To Salt Luke ITty October iind to
8ih, gicluslve. See ugenta for de-
talla LHn't forget our regular Suu-
day und Week-End Excuralona 8
'" i.ft I.CIt COUNTY,
flF HI
Financially Fair Did Not Fay Hut Was Great Success
Otherwise and Citizens Feel Proud of Achievement.
With unahuted Interent crowd,
' I UM I.. .; duy (if the (air IuhI
re given a program
MOO In Ull ln'hl of Um week In
I'.'i day thla year
- ..illy
.li. i nun in front of
i teinlh there wbh enough going on
Crowd, ami then hoiiio.
I0M aaw aeveral
inl the rivalry
.um of the a(-
I'h relay waa ended
Hirllllng flulHh In whie.h mi.ih
, ,, :,u ggei who (ld Je aM ,,
,, . .
iro a fiotii her borne by
. in li I lie nrel
I iin of the track
Hie wire.
I 'oil un ii. HJoj S.ii;e Buffered no
.... i' njuries ami wan able to walk
inii'i the ii.ii k u ui i.i the cheera of
..wii The oboon nhe received
al of the
Jeer, that greeted the mart Mini,
1 .ring gejL a
ig hturt of her competltiorn,
. Md HIM I par-
"I their Iv cat culln for
. .
Mime time, until It win plain!) evident
,ul ,,, ;lt- ,,., 1 1 -. mulling Mla Sage;
. t MlallM law " I
(,r .Hlil hi. .,.,.,, ,lir. ,. ,,,,, ,,
iwU rollMi (.(, Ihl lt)liA fc0
PlHlvt,iv ,i,a, ,),. w , .tiHiinortivod
ot the atari were allenced. their Jeera
hit.-r to he turned to cheera when af-
ter ending u beautiful ridden r.ce,
Mlna Sage fell, everyone united to
apluud her grit 1
Mlns Molar and Minn Flock alw)
ro,e wet m( ,iejr ,ount were not
,. ,,,,, , tIOHe r,,en )y aajaj gage
1n, (,m feai ,,,,,1 wttg betwei'n
,,,, for ,.,,( l()ni)rH After run-,
nlng Moo M I Mf the flrat mil.
and a .uai t.-r the) ended the race In
a dead heat. I
The last event of Hie afteriion wua
the wild horse race and it may he
yet, lor aller the flrat und I
The anniversary of (lie I'hltugo
.oiitlagration is OotODOT 1 1 1 1 und near
Iv every slate in the union will ob
serve this us "Fire I'rotection Duy "
The insurame d.-pat iiueni of Oregon
wishes to urge tin- OOOOFtaaM of this
do Md aWMotlj roqaoota Um munici-
the oUImm ol laoir OOMMMMy to
IM Mod of flro orovootloa.
File previ ul ion means good house
tOOplBI lb cleaning out of utiles,
store looms. 1 Insets and basements,
the proper disposal of rubbish; re
pairing defective flues and chimneys;
repairing gas fixtures and electric
light cords, making healing plants
.mil sii.v. alto; and proper storage
nunc Try fire prevention
once and lull will find it is to your
um n -! 1 am sine the cleaning up
of places will mean sl'anitation us
well M tiro pi'e.eutiou
And 1 apeal in every school district
to hold appioprlute exercises und
lire dulls If uny schools are In
teresied prolably Hits department can
offr lUggOsUOM for the school pro
gram I trust that the insurance agents
will co -op ' rale with the fire depart
ments und officers of the different
in um. ip. li" in order that the many
towns in this state muy properly ob
serve (his day
Insurance ( ommn.slouer
Hay W IJgau of 1 Grande, Ore-
,. was a business visitor here on I
.. ..... .. .1... e... ,. . .
Oltla.ON, Till ItNIIAt, KI.'T;M, HMO
HRiniiQ spurt
ot-teecoud horaee were Dlloie.l ,iM.r th,.'"" ",,,ry Un" h,", rlr "l'"'"1 ("r
1,1,0 " '"'
ntunda for the four horse H,,n
reached the final itralglit two) were
engaged In a little game of inrn
nround and go back acting only nn
"wild cayuae." can.
The reault of the rucen were:
2 25 pace Hlr Aulnliuhl
almmonn, Mian Spokane, M
Magnlta Time 2:20, 2'.'(i', .,,,
214 trot 11 J iiurk. Tho Coraolr,
Dr Wii)o, Amy Mi-u
I:I3f4: 221 and 2:21 U
Mllo runnlnR race I n
and l.leut. Sawyer.
Malheur co.iil) horaen, riiiin.n,
raco won tiy The I.urk. owned hy f
l Itutherford. Ironaldea.
Olrla relay. Mlaa Sage, flrat, Miaa
Mcliee und Mlal I'lock tied.
One df the tig leap. iMt
afteriion waa the atock parade wi.lch
vi Tro
",K tl'" " '"' '
"'"' ' "J ' I
I. saasa
""""" "u l""'" " ' aaacui-
hied In thla region
" ,l"" llu" "" """ nSOOO. nOO
'"'''" sltHaltMl and mm
v.iiinei- wore trophlea with Juntlfled
pieaaure and Mated U) IM pntui
oaqMOOao of the aland..
All the Uat day of the fair crowd.
continued lo throng the main build-
ing where General Superintendent
t. llalley and hla aa.latanla, who had '
gathered Hie flneat display ever
ahown in Outarlo were busy to the,0"11 u" iioom, in the t ourthouae
Aa tho reault of the effort of Sec
retary f. M Steurns, on w li 1,11
the multitude of detail, connected '
with the t.bulation of reaulta. lo !
have hla work done on lme the Argua I
gives herewith the complete list of !
I.., . . . ... .. . ...
prize winners In all departments
H'ontluued on puge five)
Wednesday evening, October, 4th
will be the regular .uurlerly business
meeting and aaM IM annual,.
of officers for the next year MMW1
member m urged to be present Itev.
V. E. Dark, of Caldwell, will be with
Regular services uexl Sun, lav ai
ho.h hours. II u m and 7 II p ,
Morning Hieu.e 'The rpper Ho,
Kvening llieine 1 in- lereiiniui ue
Sunday i Hie regular observance
of the Lord, supper TL- ,,-,
... ,11V ....u
ship of UM church is urged to he
present ut MM service
We are looking forwunl (o 1 .. at
ginning of aOVMabOf when li. n 11
K Marahall. Ol Salem, will he with
us for three weeks Let ull begin
now to get ready for the meeting.,
Each prayer meeting on VVodOOOdaj
evening will be QOaduOtOd along the
special thought of evangelism Let
all come und get u tuste of u do lot
relation with Jesus (lnisi
A heurty invitation is tatMdtd Ifl
the public lu alteud all the s, ,
li K UAKfiR, I'astor.
I NITH riOaSin Mill AN
Attention is called to the change
of the evening M Mil an
hour earlier liegiiining MM Sabbat ii
Itible school ut 10 a m , 01
iug at 11 a i" . Christian Knduawn
at 8 45 p, in ; preaching at 7 30
You will be wolaMM
W. N I1KOWN, I'astor.
Ileiliiie licpoil ( iliiilntiil 11. re Dur
ing Inn 'lt I bJm jiiiiI Hue l.i
I'olilhal tnlmoii-..
J L lllrlinril if 'i.:-r. cindi
dale lur r I ui I JiiiI-..' .i.i 1 1 . i . pii
blleon ticket in Washington count;
'ii ,i un! rtolB
I i p i.i. .1 loot
week that he wllh, a member of 1 1
clergy nr Um HaM Hi) had secured
list of too putrntin of the local, ex
press office from lilnlio, ntnl declare
tl :it UM lory In without fniiiiiliitlon
"I In. vo nut been In Ontario nlnco
Inst March,' Mil. Mr PJoaardO, "anil
lllll II It'll I till Mi. i.i i.u li. In Int. Itn. flnmlt J
I'..'l - t "I""., ".m 1.11 IIIO IFMI I Ol
aMJ In Ian I l.a rrOT talk..,, Aaaoooor L. K. Hill, and denial, by
iu, k,.v iliinplull. ami MMff heard ' him havo been enlivened by tilt.
ot II glotMOl of a lint. If there In during which the "ahort and ugly
'""' ",l,il -MM eonnected me'wordH.' with iiunllfylng adjectives
with It
Is I'olitlinl llooioi riinu.
la u political
tale WM
n U'elner.
it alnce they have
'" UM Mima
WM'' I'"11 '
'oul.l i ii,. ,M.
I in- Ar-
tod the roforl here.
11 COUld not .In while IOtUa
'"it .. .1 I. : 1 week .ml find thin
'" bO irue:
. 1 OM office could not
fin ii.-l, Midi a Hat did It m dealre.
11 1 v place a hat could be aecur
ul would he In the office of the couo -
ty clerk ul Vule und thla Mr Itlchurdn
dlil not 1I0, M lian heen verified. Alao
Jimllce to Mr Itlchurdn Hie Argun
Itatl to latO thai M did not OOM
rtojl IM kMal expreaa office ond did
' Here secure the lint reported 10
' " " ,0' '
CMflrined In the prei.
Mr WIiiIiii.iIh
,. -. ..1 ,.. ...i
' "I .'" 1 uuium nnr
ItOTO to Um Mir Md
"'Is MtdlttoMl lUtOMMl In made In
tawUoO i" Ml Kiel... ,- the
rumor una evidently heen lis.-.
,eot hlH endllafy for office.
XtrTH'K To TAXI Vi KltM.v
Tlle taxpayers of Malheur County
aW hereby culled to meet In the fir-
I at Vale, on Friday, the 6th day of
October. lt, at the hour of 1:00 p.
',... ... up me uiuiicr 01 me vuiu
"" ' " ll tux roll, which to-
16.014.405. aa turned In by the
aaaeaor, or materially lea. than the
I5 roll aa turned in hy the aaaeaa-
The Hoard of Kiiiiiluaiiou lowered
what they considered the extreme
high valuation of the ItH roll and
raised what the) considered the ex
treiue low valuation ol the I !i 1 .", roll,
ilu an attempt to keep it normal and
avoid r. -v olutionury levlea, all of
10 MM ' IMfM
ksasBOl 11 lul fa V .1 l.ii.l. !.... Im .1. aunalu '
,or' ""' f"r " th,v ""v" "
led much adverse crltlclam If the
roll Is left at the pi. , ,,i ,iw level,
m , ., (
.m,,.,,,,. ,(K, i,.,
,,,,, ,.,. ,.x
( Organ. aiioiis. and any and
all lavpavi. ,.,iuil lo thl- call
.,. . ... .. . , ,, ..,,,,
'"',"" ""
llii :,M ., .,,tli. .,, ,.c ,1 1,1.
,. ..............,.,..,.,..
itlinenl ol all laxpayers in tl..
(teaatir, J
BOARD of i:cji'Ai.i..Tio.
11 m McKNIGHT, Chairman
Mi; llll.l., Dissenting,
I 11MIM.
TO ON I AltlO.
Hon Edward F iiunis, of Hrook-
lli. N V, national lecturer of the
m v a will addrooa the public at
a ,,en meeilug ut the 1. O. O F
mug, October Hi. on
jeel ol "I'rateriialisin as K
America," the largest society of its
kind in OXbUOOOC under Hie auspic,
of the local camp at Ontario. Kverv
laid) invited I'i.e
The ladies of Hie Kplscopal guild
will serve waffles und coffee In the
Commercial club rooms on election
duy from 11 a 111 to 1 1 p. in 39-40 j
m mhi it :i
um i oi- tjuM
tttWMf J. . M( ullixli or Ontario
lllis Affidavit WkliiK for Itejcc
lloll of I, ..II Mllll Demands NtSMti
. m.-iir Hi-, i. ,,.,,, ,., , n.
Thru-out the week ntormy seaalons
. have marked the meeting of the board
T eiuallcatlon at Vl. Charges of
irhllHPtl bnlllnllnn. ..n . 1. k-. tf
were Used ami the judicial Inlerimnl.
Hon of the county court have boon
r"iulred to reatore peace and har-
On Tuead.y, while ohjectlni to the
ruining of a valunllun mull- in .Inn,.
M4 iMNMoa In Augunt, kttOfaO)
I ' 'f Vule recited u conteraa-
tioti which he nuld ho had with Mr.
lllll In liln office llefore he hud
fHilahed the atatement Mr lllll In-
"r'"'-P'"'l hy declaring:
"Thal'c a d - in lie. I never
iluiK r the kind n . ., tluit
,mM nothliiK to do with the valuation
"r ""' '""' at the fMatsM of taxoa
,,,r"M' laM Ixiurd "
1 "Shut-up." retorted Mr Kant ham.
whose anger wa. IMObllll Uu
' Ing Mtal
Imio MsaaWM,
Aon have Interrupted enough."
1 Vla j m-n
, ,., ...
"lake .!,. ..Heme,,, ., , ,, ,,. ,,,,..
will not p ., ..... .lW. ,,
1 a aa
:,. .. Jade KatfM put
.. ...
1111 o !, I,,, ul; iltll Mr
aattaMI OMtlOaOd to lOtrodaOO OVt
,,.e ,i,i,.,ided to nhow thut the .,h,
ation on hln hotdton had heen iu-
.... .1 loaono
Karller In the aeaaioiiH of the bourd
Mr Kanlham and Mr Hill had
' bal tllla w hlch upptoaehei the nuper-
heated atage und apectutom looked
longingly for open warfare hut were
W bile the outbreuks between theao
, llUk.MlH , feelll)( Hllrl hM
,, ,r,.wlll( for HOu 11H ,,1Jlt
v , , .
., h MlM HlHrllllK exl,;,M,,u , ,,,,
wa n , t.t fl)r ()) utorm-, , w
Ml., .-- ,)f ,, ,. . .'
protesting the enure roll und asking
esHinent of the entire county
111 Ills uffldavil Mr Mct'ulloch de
nial one of his iiuurter aec
( urns in section I lowiihip is, range
41 I. assesaed ut IITtS, another ut
$J050. while a quarter section la-
W lying u half
lli: , , ,,,,,, ,
lor u cborootor lo i ooot la
"ii u valii.iiiun of hut J-'un
Ai " 'in. 11 Mr e. Hon adjoin-
tfoUOU'l laud, helongum to
K lliurmaii 1 1 l, inn,
und that the Nff N': Ot OOOtlOB 1
0 Prank Pol lee, wbh ii ha..
thai obtain-
Lug n, ns, , m, , un, ,, , llM, ib u8
.... set! nt flliiin
"" "
I .. . .. . . .
,,, laiuaiiuuh cue. 1 ib 1 01 I lie land
,.;. ,,, i,lW,i iu,,har, w li . li
ang!. I M Ml MM Ulloi b'l Mad
1 .;i tot tor i
Hon ihis land, ih.
davll doclari some
lOOO lor l ion
The wide dilieience iii Ihese var
iiiii 1111.1 up in Hie
affidavit in pail as follews:
" Ibll affiant In order to ikow
to lloaid ol Equalisation thai
tin 111 ul the .old above
OS Ctibod laud. Ul iiiuair, unju
ill. .UUable and not 1 11 pro
portion to olhei I I. .Malheur
OOUOty j-linihiilv lltUaMd, and that
to. am beyond 1
llll Hoard's at-
tOOtlOU U) Ibe 1 lament of oilier
I lunds similar, adjoining or in Hie 1111
! medial, vicinity of ibi above de.cnb
ed lauds, and asks thut the court
compare said assessments in deterui
1 1 ontlnued ou page five)
f aeveral day..