I ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, UT6 THE ONTARIO ARGUB VASE THRER THE ONTARIO ARGUS It isn't Hie star and ii isrv'i (Established 1896) 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN JL--w ftSJIUJr- J.JL Jl9JLJLWJUWCMJLMaX- GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon nnd entered at the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter SUBSCRIPTIONS: SQUARE DEAL FOE EASTERN PEE COW If ymi an- In furor of a square deal for the munirv F'aat of the Caa. a.l.'a vmi will rota for and work for THE PROPOSED KA STERN OREGON RTATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT PKNDLKTON. OHKOON. Oregon haa but our Normal School. This school la located at Monmouth and la not able to itipply mora than TEN PER CENT of tha l-a.ti.ru r qulrad In tha pnbll- achoola of Oragon. Of tha mora than all thouaand taachara Id our public achoola. BI'T IS PRR CENT ar graduate, of Nor mal Hchoola. It la a matter of almpla Jimthe to tha country Eaat of tha Caacadaa to la'uiiali a Nunsa! School Eaat of tha mountain to furnlih thoroughly tralnad taachara for tha achoola of Kaatern Oragon. TEAINEP INSTRUCTORS WANTED Kerv raaidant of Eaatarn Oregon haa a vital In tere.t In tha paaaaae of thla meaaure for Kaatern Oragon paya It It ; 11 SALARIES to her tearhara and la antltlad to tha sarrlcaa of TRAINED INSTRUCTORS. ONLY COSTS 4 CENTS PEE SI.OOO Tha annual eo-t of maintenance of tha propoard State Normal School amounla to HIT ONE 26TII OF A MILL OR 4 CENTS ON A THOUSAND DOI, LARS of taxable property. Ian t It worth thla to ou to haa your children trained to become THE III AND PRODUCTIVE cltlieniT STEONC ENDORSEMENT l V Churchill, tha State Superintendent of Public Inalriicllon. volcea the aentlment of the i.hi. atom of the alate when he n 'Oregon', itreateat need for Ita rural achoola la the teach, r who haa had full preparation lo do her work Such preparation can beat ome through Normal School training. "I trust that Ihe votera of the atata will aaalat In raising the alandard of our achoola by establishing a State Normal School at Pendleton The location la central, the Inlerrat of the people of Pendleton In duration moat eicellent. and the large number of pupila In the public a. ho.. la will give ample nppor tunlly to all atudenla to get Ihe amount of tea. hlag practice required lu a atandard normal school ' The educatora of the Stale Insist that Standard Normal Hchoola be locale. I In towns of MM popula Hon or more an. I hating ENOUGH ORAM PCPILS I Mil TKACMKR PRACTICE. E LOYAL AND VOTE EIGHT Show your loyalty lo the beat interests of Knatern Oregon and of the whole atale hy working for this measure and li voting YES KOR NO Ml B) vol Ing YKH for No Ml you will help to OIVI TO THE school CHILDREN OF ORROON THE SAME ADVANTAGES ENJOYED MY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OK OCR NKIlllllloRINtl ST VIES Eatfartk Oragoa, Stata Normal School Committee By J. H. 0 'en Frey , Prnil.-ton, Ora. (Paid adverllaementi I Every Home can have a Musical Instrument Wondrrful Valutt in Plinot. Piatfr Pianos a -""T t CvK "" - fnt(lOG&Vm Va are known to carry only what 1 .,H(ul l-v . iaaood.wh.i,llaUraanlwhst a Ht?0"1' ' Z, r rati' UfuUyworthth.pricaa.ked Our 1 . CW Uaaa " iafuUy worththsprwaaaked. Our easy payment terms place the best a.uai. al utati un.rnta within avary ona'a roach, hll out the coupon or writ lor catalogues Sherman. Slay & Ca I h ill II A fcJI mW . .a. boa.! -...,. i-w -w VWCLM.JN i s-sitsr i..iai . , .itkr ,ous . . TL in mw Nw r e .jtiet grk.elJ o.i''LJ A"M Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatment Steady customors deserve Is the princial upon which we do business. Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. Gasoline, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PETE DUF0RD, Prop. Phone 134 MISS EHTK1.LE I I HKKI Instructor in Piano Teachers Certificate from Cin cinnati Conservatory of Music. Phone 170 It The Palace Meat Market Opposite Dreamland BJBJ MEATS HALT MEAT tTHED MEATS SAL'HAOU LAUD Heiter meats for the aame money Prices Never High Quality Never Poor Come lu and see the new market Telephone 111 STEWART & WRIGHT Proprietors One yenr Six Months Three Months Single copies 11.00 .60 $ .35 .05 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: All copy fr display advertising should be at this office by Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in this office on Tuesday. WORK KOR THE FAIR. If there la one Institution of which Ontario and Malheur county lina just reason to be proud of It Is the Conn ty Fair and the organization which la In charge There Is no other body of citizens In tho county more pih lie spirited There Is no aggregation which lias so generously given of Its time and talent for the public goon than the officers of the Fair associa Hon They deserve aucceas If the people of Ontario and the citizens of Malheur county would fur IBM l heir best Interests In a practl cal milliner there Is nothing tl It do which would achieve thla end to better purpose Hum to give to the Tiilr officials thai mensurc of co oper al Ion which their work merits. That la all that Is now needed to make the fair the biggest suco-s- ever reg Istered In this section. The men In charge have pnfMM the exhibits. They have advertised the fair wl.l.lv ..ti. I Ihoroly thrtiout Ihe county and In the adjacent por tions of Idaho They have pr.nl. let the amuaeiii.nt features needed and have In fact left nothing undone to gather together and complete an ex hlhlllon of which th city and county may well he proud All this they have done without hope of financial reward It has I i with them a work of public pride There Is only one way lu which they call be repaid, that Is by i MAW "' ,l'" ' ir l! BMfl aH Ien of Ontario and MttlnMr c..uut will be prenent nt the fair the ilaMTM result will be rea.ln.l Every cltl MB will get out if the men and women of Ontario will devote a few minutes of every hour from now mi III next Tui'sdiij In speaking to his or her neighbor about 11 (M en thusiastic You have reason for the faith that the fair will be the biggest and beat ever held here. Tell your neighbor of thai fact and boost. i WITH PULPIT AND PEW I Aran Last Sunday was a splendid day 1 with ua. ti.io.l congregations at tended both servlcea. At the even ing service many of the teachers and pntrons were present at the special r i. e fur t i. in Topics for next Sunday: II a. m. U je.te.i Worship." h p. m. "on the Itace Track." The . v.ning ser- vlce will he for the high school Kvorv .'Uiig ti i ii ii nn. I : omig w.itiiuii Is IllVlte. I to lie ,re , ,l ., Ins SIT- . lee An Invitation la extended to the public lo attend the . li I HA K Ell, I'Hstor Ontario Laundry Down Town Office Everhart's HKI'l DIATED. Hy their votes In the election M.m du.v the electors of Maine repudiate. i the policies of the present democratic imii.ii.nl udmiiiistratlon. They de- tented Senator Charles V Johnson. who as a member of Hie fin.iu. I OH in It tee In the senate helped to frame the present I'uderwod tariff Noll. ing coul. I hi' mini' convincing than this for It demonstrates that the peo ple of this country do not desire, as a permanent policy Ihe doctrine ot p tariff for revenue only as adminis tered by a party which .it heart bo lleves in free trade Significant as Is the above result to ie.ul.li...i. ii MM in ' I ie Ml great er cause for rejoicing than the return of the progressives to the ie;ml.li. ,.u party. For the past few iiioiiUih the ques tion has been, "where will Hie pro greaalves go?" Judging from the re Milts in Maine that iiiestiou has. been given a decisive answer Tin are nut 'coming back " Tie hack Of course there are a few! progressives who will not return (of some of tliein were democrat- l.eloi. 1912, but their number was negllgi hie as was evidenced by the v.ilc in Maine The result lu Maine also furnish.'- 'food for Hint on the part of deiuoci.it who Imve been ileilecatillg the ell, II .'. i.r of the campaign being waged b Mr Hughes. Tho they sent t; very best caiupaigners, including tie redoubtable Champ Clark and u.-.i Iv every member of the cabinet into 'he I'ine Tree state, the democratic party did nothing but liojd their par ty vote. Since the campaign in the north east corner of the nation was fought on strictly national lines with nation al issues pressed to the forefront by both parties there can be no doubt concerning the temper of the people They have repudiated the democratic administration and have paved the way toward a return of the republi can party to power. Long live the republicans of Maine. II. I l)i I IEW, Miss Elizabeth llurrls Is spen.lniK this week with her sister, Mrs I I Jtees. The Ml illreit.irs are very busy this week finishing work on the eh. nil house. Miss Helen linn. lull of Epworth, Iowa. Is making a short visit at the W. B Itees ranch before beginning her school work at Arllng, Idaho Miss (iludvM M. 'Ciimb visited with Mrs Chas. Johnson Tiles. hiv night Mrs Frank Dowel who has been very sick the . week Is reported II little better Mr and Mrs J II Dunn of Hell Ingham, Washington, call.. I ..n friends here Monday. Miss I'nu Armstrong spent s.itui day and Sunday visiting at the Mr Cotuli ranch. Master Wlnfred and Miss Kuth Drown were visiting at Will BfOWS'l Saturday. G. W Kaylor and family arroni lu.nl. . I hy Misses Elizabeth and Sar ah Hurrihs. visited the Ir.uiM.le MM try a few days last week Willi, mi Shaffer is the busiest mull In this neighborhood, with wheat hauling, pulling onions, etc. 0 Armstrong, Chas. John-, u Harry I'lummer, C E Roes and W s K. is were Vale visitors Moii.t.iv There will be a social ill the school house Friday evening, Sepieinbi r 1 . A m ii, leu I program will be given Mi tha ladles are re.u.--t..l to bring baskets w ith lunch for t .. I'le.i.hiiiK September ITlh at :t o'. I. n k bv Kev W llrnu u NOTICE TO t KEDITORH. Notice is hereby given that the un i ed has been duly appointeii exicutiir of the last will and p. i nient and estate of Samh Ann Itus sell ileceii e.l. hy order of the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur Count All persons hav ing claims against Ihe sai.l are hereby not i lied to present the -aine, duly verified as hv law reiinr ei. lo the un.leiMgne.l ev.eiilor at his residence in WesH.ill, Oregon, within six months from the .late ot the first publication of this noltie I ..ti. I Mtl ! .nn! I It 'I publlsheil this 14th day ot September, LB.fl J. I) I'AIU.MA.V, Executor of the estate of Sarah llll llllssell ile, .used h'lr-t piililii'.itinn S.pt 14. Ull Lust publicutlon. Orluber (, lilt LOST Friday morning 2 child -rens sweaters, one brown, one red Finder please leave at Carlo school Mrs J. J Dillard. 37tf It IMS Hilt KILE REGISTERED iNO MOT REGISTERED Any kind of rum thut sheepmen I .ed for their flocks of the follow ing breeds, Hamslilre, Cotswold, Shropshire ami Marino Call ami see them or addrehs Inquiries to Hubert Oilell, Ontario. Oregon SPEND SINRAV WITH THE FOLKS They'll he glad to see you Hull fare excursions every Sunday. Also low rates Saturdays to Monduys See O. S L agents for detaila. Our supply of school books and tablets are larger than ever Our values this year are really great and particularly In quality. Everhart Drug Co. adr Kal duamniees vou a fine cveungls cnieriainmeni f House Cleaning Days ARE HERE DO IT ELECTRICALLY When house cleaning this fall do not go to the trouble of taking up carpets use an Electric Vacuum Cleaner It will do the work Phone the of fice, let us demonstrate it for you Idaho Power Co. V- THE OSBORN MILLINERY Fall Fashion Display Begins September 7 At tin-(Khiii ii Milliiii-i . Sti.ii'. Lttdii'H ui-liiii'-individual und uiiiihiiaI h.it - will fiud tin in hen. Our it'lli flit'ii 1. 1' oliHUUt'lltU, Eiui't'tts, liiiicx tViillifi'N aild t " I w 't'l's in.w ri;ul It. i' .. in' iiisiii tioii at mil' ull klloWII Miiulttl' Ll'iH, Hair Jt.titls ul ! .,vcis THE OSBORN MILL NERY SucccKHor to Grove & Riley Vale Hot Springs SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Board, Rooms and Baths. Massage, Diet, Rest RHEUMATISM OUR SPECIALTY DR. TH0S. W. THURSTON, Superintendent - i