TUB ONTAtllO AHGl'S TIHUflDAY, HKI'THMHKIl 1111 PAOK SIX Range and Alfalfa Land at reasonable prices and on 10 year terms Stockmen should get in while the getting is good. We have sold 98 sections during the if an days Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. TROW, Agent ONTARIO, OREGON WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? THIS BANK, OF COURSE It MffW you rvery day in the year by caring for your money, thereby preTentilUJ itl being lost Of frittered away. It not only dOM this, but it pays you for the privilege of doing so by paying five ptT eent iBMIWl on your time deposits. It wives you the free benefit of expert advice on any siiliject involving the use or handling of money. It will loan you money at any time on ap proved security, and aid yon in its in cNtincnt and advise you in Itl management, if yon so de sire. It will aid yon in many other ways if you will ghra it the opportunity! W'r invite you to open an account and become a regular patron, and pay your bills by check. 1 1 the modern bueineai way. and it is the safc-t wa . ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK ONTAKIO, OKKUON Peaches Apples Pears Ripe ahoiit Sept. lOtllj We have a food crop of the above varieties of fruit. Kxtra food quali ty, fine flavor at prevailing prices mail orden will be giveu careful and prompt attention un less strike conditions interfere. If you are coin- inii to Brugau for your fruit call at the big brick waivhoiisc near the depot where We will be pre pared to fill your orders in bulk, boxes or crates. Address all comnumicat ions to A. A. Youbraha Dejonghe & Voubraba BrOgan, Oregon THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty year ago tlie telephone waa a luxury. Today, through personal iDitlatlve aud private enterprise. It haa become a ueceealty within the reach of everybody. Where once a buul neaa had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today tli.it business; haa service with rauge three-g,uarlera of a conti nent broad, aud every branch of every business Is linked to ev ery other by an intercoiuiuuuieutlBB telephone system. The telephone bus earned its responsible place aud there are uow 8,000,000 Dell telephones iu this country, over which go 20,000,000 talks daily Kvcr lU'ii Mtpaeat ki Imhk Distance station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. I V " Mr I fife B& MA Q Pneli llroa HUGHES AND FAIRBANKS. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. Two futile luvil'lnim nf Meln and alz ecnarate and dlatlnct iiollclea on the qttPMflon of HrtnlttliiK arum anu ammunition to lie Ml MB tlmt M try nrn lie linlcil In the porfrninne of the Wilson nilinliilHtimii.il In Ita ileallnga with our eoutliern nelgiitinra In less than throe yenra. It In thla characteristic ln-li(lillty of the gov eminent that licit..-' peoplo wimt a change. Ttrynn relterntre that he la out for Wllaon. "Iliirk from Hie tomli n dole ful aound." -Phllnilelphla Inquirer. The atnpplng of Oovernor HuitheV auto by a Cnnmllnn noMler will not mutter, Inasmuch iih the hand wagon'a liMgrcaa la nut to be lutprrupted MR. WILSON HAS HAD NO MEXICAN POLICY. "Va cannot lat tha American pint fall to low that, lapped in tha luxury occmiontd by a for- ign war, wa shall tao American livat sacrificed without a datar mination to pravant it and to maka tha Amarican rama honor ad and ratpacUd wharavar our flag ftiat. Tha troubla with this administration it th.a: I don't think it avar haa had a policy in Manico worthy of tha nama." From Mr. Hughas' Spaaeh at Chicago. V ' mwm V v (I l ' , 4 N ' ''SS '. V . ,J. S ! Pemoerata who hnrlMirer hopea that Joappbua would catch the vlma from ! the Ilryan aud OarrUon realKnatloua are atlll nuralng their illnpinliituient. ' NothliiK remnliiH for them tint to re- "lirii to n renllznlloii Hint .limeptiua will not resign. "Inadeiiuate" aptly rhnin.terliea the WIN. !, nilmliilstriillon, hut almost any ayiioiiym of unsatisfactory will do. When (hnrlea K. Ilitshen sal. I "The iIi'iiIIiikh of the ltd lulu lit i nt I. 'ii with MtStM 'oiiHtltute a ennfiieil i liapfer of lilmnlei'M." he gatS mi explicit ' tin i acterl.iill.iii of the VIIs..ii ulinlnlstiu thin s pulley In one semen, c Just an It Is now uliMlnutcIv abut till'-: Iti eyeH n in,' Md Of IniliiHtrliil pi i :i l ml ii.".H. In in.... veins the Wll OB iiiliiiliilHtriiil.il refused to see die OOOd of aie.iiiile inllHiif.v piepnreil 1 1 with win- on nrn- m ii i h bar dM It Win ronletit to lily nil 11 army I hilt inn' I niily muster n ihhi iiMiiiiiMe men and refuaed to continue t ii.- aatabUatatd ...n.y nf IuiHiIIuk up our inn j When the lime mine for nc llmi the i. .unlii 1 1 tn 1 not inltl. -lent troops t.i p.i. e the linriler. iiinl this folic Iiiih liecn Nllppleliieiited h.v II tittle more Ihnn mie Ihliil the win- Hlreiik'th of the nil t Ii iii.tl k'niinl If the nntloniil dmlnlatrattoa bafl hmi the ability to Interpret the affna of the time niiiiuiii preparadoeaa would hava been well un der wily lunletiil Of Lurch gajgajgj, Charles K lliiKhes. the Itepilnliiiin csnilnlute, re. nuiilcH an Important fin t i hut Wnniirnw wii-.ni the Dagaa crntlc preshlcnt. nipcnis .. lime ner lookeil Unit the I'li'tc.l Mule In dig cuntigh to help Mel o nut nf the con dltlon of anarchy In which that MM try la pin unci and, by aeciirtuir onlei In Mexico. Insure eace nu our Isinler Ttie Inauperahle handicap of the Democratic party In thla cainpalgu Is Its record. If the Oemocratlc national admlnls 1 1 nil. ni had left oo the atatute booka In ISiM the federal corrupt practices act placp.1 there by the Kepiihllcaus there ould be no occasion for the present administration's campaign publicity ganaPlw, whl. I. at best h a icrj- xir Hiilisiltule for the law repesled. Proa Ida III WINnns lampalcn mini agera are entitled to all the comfort they can get out of calllug the roll of I'rogreaslves who are going to vote for him It would be an endless task to call the roll of I'rogreaslvea who are not golug to vote for blui. For every reason that can be ad vancctl why I'rogreaslvea should vote for Wilson ten can In' mhnnml wby they should vote for Hughes, and the beauty of It Is that thpy know the rea aoua without having to lie told. The Wilson administration went Into Mexico to punish Villa for hla out rage on American soil The only puu Ishmeiit Inflicted has been on American soldiers, who were shot down at Car rlzal by order of First Thief Oarranra. "l'rim'.lln ltoosevcit, assistant eetre tary of the navy, seea a atrong trend fnr Wilson In Maine." News IHspatch. Who enn hlume u man who for three wins has ticcn aaaletani to Josephus l'linlels for "seelnt; thlupiT" Fvcu Woodrow WiNon could not save the infamoua Clurke uineudment to the Pliillppine.s bill He hist the ablest member of his iiihincl Sccie t n r ('iiirrlson liisiiuse of hU advocacy Of the policy of scuttle, hut even the sacrltlce of Oarrlsnu could not save It. MR. HUGHES HAS EXPLODED THE "KEPT US OUT OF WAR" ARGUMENT. Mr Hughes' attack upon the "kept iih mil of iviir" aruumeiit has arou-cd a storm of enthusiasm. "Kept us out of war!" be demands 'Why, there were nlnctepii men gixsl American soldiers, shot down at Vera Cm. and Mam Mcxlcnns were killed bj mir men. Th.it waa war. More iii.t. It wna n very Ignoble war. 1 have heard three explanattoiia of the Vera Crux move. "First, It was explained that It was mil tie In order to compel somehmlv NJ salute the flnu someliody who had Insulted us Itut the flag waa not an luted and tins not tieen to this day Then It wns said that the salute was not what we nought, but to prevent the landing of a Isxitloml of ammuiil lion Intended for Iluertn. The nmmii ulllnii landed, however, nnd It tins been shown thnt It reached Iluertn n due season without luterfcrence on our part. ' hen thnt reason wna ahown t he untenable a third one and posslbli the ri'iil one dually wns advanced It was sild thnt our HMM of Vera Crux was a move to compel the retire iiieiit nf Iluertn. It seems iiosnlhle that this Is true, nlthougli we had promised the Mcxlciiiia that we w.nild not Interfere In their affairs nnd told tliem more thnn 01 e Hint we wanted th. 'in to handle their own nflTnlra. That Is win the Mexicans could imt iimlcisiiml lis and thnt Is win they show Utile faith In our promises " MANANA. Mamma, which l Mexican f.r ' it. hful waltluij.' s the I letno. nilh keynota In the COBIXlbPk The Wilson 'i "snme time" after s. pi I. ltif in. dcllnitc oimganiwU lia'c boon In nlc. it Is niiiioiiii. e.l. for lilts tO innimeii'e mal.liig political s lies lie has tentative engage lliellls to liial.e .nine wcilcru visits ah. .HI the ml. Idle of Scpicinher. but llnlhllU' islllve. I "1 111- lire Is'llltf . iniil.iied for carrying on a cam algal to capture the w.in.iii vol" ..f the country. Imt who will make the spc.s hi.s mi this i it iii ..- al tli nli" rata) has n.. .Mill d. 'ci mined It bai liccn ct ted that Mr. Itrynii would speak In the Maine .allipMl-ii. Imt it is now Is'llcved lie Miiimt do so. hut will ical.c s..i lies Inter Ami so It pons Wale fnl u n It In l' will prevail, while in the meintlnie Mr I initial Is .Milling mi a ponlllvc cam p. H,n nnd arousing the entire western com try. I don't curt, if I am elsctsd praaident, what beoomaa my personal political fortune. I prepota that w shall have n mere, if I san step It, of thesa 'kies ma and I'M kisa you' ap propriations in Cangreat." From Mr. Hughaa' Spaaeh at Chicago. WILSON'S POLICIES BLOWN UP. Charles Fvnns Iliuhes did have ex plosives with him when Ills imt..r. nr was searched bj a Canadian soldier, but they were under the candidate's hat. Mr Hughes will -ct them off on hi.s aetata. t..ur. a-nl sonic of Mr. Wll eon's policies will be blown up New York Sou. SOUTH IN SADDLE IN NAVY. Out f the 17 Ranking Offioer In Charge of Naval Affaire 12 Are From South. To .loaephua Daulels. who has repre sented the Ailml.iisira.l.ni s I'ollcy with regard to the ilisi line deieuae, Is i rislltisl !, poiisii.iui for cramping in i lb watt bag progress and clticleucy i the ii a y Many new men have l.ccn hrougbt ito i he ashiu.toii en I of the navy muiii...itio. nf i in- sci.iiiccn high runkiug oili. ers who are .haitfisl with tile responsllnc duilcs of a luilnlsterlug the uffulrs of tlie n ivy iwelve are from Hie Southern states In years gone by ne. csslty did nu trios to question from what section conic the otUceis chosen to bead the I. means of the Navy Department. Cnuipurlaloiia be tween the u i un and inn Iu this re sped will show that no such conditions exist In the win Imparl incut. It la true, as Vice President Marshall remarked, that the Hughes speech of acceptance "had ull the length aud toue of a dissenting opinion." Hut he omit ted to add that the dissenting opinion thua expressed is that of the American ieople. WE WANT THE AMERICAN FLAG UNSULLIED. "Now. my friends, we want not only American erncleucy In 4 4 business, in efficiency Iu the or- 4 4 Kanlzutioii of business. In the 4 4 protection of the factors of hu- 4 4 man industry and commerce, we 4 4 want tlie American Hag uusul- 4 4 lied and the American name 4 4 honored throughout the world." 4 4 Froiu Mr. Hughes' Speech at 4 4 Chicago. 4 4 444444444444444444 T M Fr K-, Am :f Wham MM AW a Mat nrr Jiftaroal Im af.trt In 4t4rt gajj rav Tslvtr rar1ie till k atnvpa.t ak.tiaai rip haaanl ammaf bilian aadl laajraad that lt aoulfJ r'illjr Ail asfmelKinaj ia Vii. fm. A great ravieal af ika ap.-rt it iweaatnrf i.-raM tba tr ' I treat") art faViafj a tip fr-ra trie rrtok aLeM ) tt aala mi keia;t..n IMC Aaiiaaailiai tat all HasiJardI bbHI ' ffii Mfl titalvfri ta latfJBa) all prtwuntt kifk mtrha, (i .i if arms aej ammiiw t n from ik rttiaM alaalar " U f..r tk jV )' Mmrk . Wmmju UMC 4- k M A Sfortaraan I laktiquarifr aTaf'f tttWaV SoM by rur hnma vW.t.r mnA t7t cH haw UaWlWaj wbaarctha.nl In Orntyon Chmm --af wtef aat'll REM OIL, ft. aml.atat eaet i'aaeaiWf- Sm9mwmM. Lmlmini mJ A a, I irwmttv4 TUB REMINCTOV ARMS UNION MTTAU.IC cahtrhm;e co Aarayert M a,a tare-re rr rung mmJ Ammmnt m tW UVraf W-..I nk II .. i.M Ntrtf Ymk BZ3Mi CXMK.HK IIIT.Utl OK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ontakio, OREGON Aa made to the comptroller of the currency at the cloee of business, June 30, 1S1C KKMUl-KrKH Loans and Investments f3Sl,(10.tt Overdraft 71.10 Stock In Heaerve Hank 3,000 00 Iteiilly and flxturee . . 9,363. 43 lash llrwrm IU7.NUN.4t 52.:43.63 I.I tltll.lTIKS Ftp.tal $ St.OOOOO Surplus nud profits .... 52,968.13 iiciilatlon 22.500 00 leM.slts 466, 775.49 $:.92.:'i:i 2 KNOWM Hll ITS HTHINt.lll House Cleaning Days ARE HERE MaafaxaxaxaxaxaTaxaxaxaxaxa'afJa -"TaT m f I axTl aXBaxaxaM 0 DO IT ELECTRICALLY When house cleaning this fall do not go to the trouble of taking up carpets use an Electric Vacuum Cleaner It will do the work Phone the of fice, let us demonstrate it for you Idaho Power Co. . J r pTHE "GREATER OREGON"! (' ISwJ 1 - . .-a! INtl.s,, X f eOOCATlOKAl. KL I i wrxfXi i iaaT KM Jp.s nim.j.M. Willi new building, tietli-r nnuluinanl ....i . ml. (111. .11. u lla fin uH. ii,,. lulvrralli of Urecun will becln IU furli -fir. I aar. Tun spi'.lwl tialiili.K In Cuiiimarra. JuurnalUnt Arihllcctura. Law. MeilUdne.Taaihl.ic, Libra-' r Wurk. Mu.l. . I'lii.i.sl Traliilns ami Mn. ArU. Uriiuiil .Iruna ilruurtwenu uf Llkar al I-.In. at I. . n. l.ibrarr of aaora than as.ftua voluasea, fir taan biillilln fulli squluucd, two aplrudld M ( IllllHalll ma Tllllloll Yf. Inrntlt4rirB fur .... aaJ 4a.. WiIUiU. Kllieiisr I.OHill, Writ for frioti4tlo-;a.av.l.lrralnaj Hvalttrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BVABMaa iiI'H.iin Try The Argus for Want Ads J