' THUR8DAY, HKPTKMrtlCR 7. lfl TUB ONTARIO AROUB PAGE riVIB ATTENTION LADIES ATTENTION The season for Fall and Winter Suits, Coats, Skirts, etc., is now here and our Big Store is filled with new stuff of the latest patterns and fabrics from the best manufacturers in the East. Now is the time to select your garments before they are picked over. We anticipated an advance in prices on all lines of merchandise, and placed our orders early and with manufacturers that we could depend up on for deliveries. In this we were fortunate for today our Ready to Wear Department is full of New Suits, Coats, etc.. and shipments arriving daily. You will not get the best it you don't see our stock before buying your fall stuff. SUCCESSOR TO W. T LAMPHIN S CASH STORE W. A. FULKERSON SIHCKSSOK TO W. T. I.AMPKINS (ASH 8TOEK E The Week With Ontario Citizens Mm Joe Carter returned to her home In Jiintura on Wedneaday. A baby hoy waa born to Mr. and Mra. William Raver on Wednesday Albert Moody, who haa been III at the Parley apartment for Home time la recovering. Episcopal eervlcea will be held Id Maminlc hall next Sunday evening at H by the Rev. ('. II. Powell. A new aidewalk from the city hall to the corner of Nevada avenue will noon grace Rlchardxon atreet. Mr I.. Adam and daughter, Rena, left for Kugene Thumday where Ml.a Adam will enter the unlveralty. Mr. mid Mm Itlrhard Dearmond came In from their ranch weat of Vale for a abort vlnlt thla week. George V. ('ox, the popular mer chant and pom mauler of Rlveralde waa In Ontario thla week having come down to attend the clona of the court at Vale In which he la litigant. To protect their holding from traspaaaera the Oregon-Weatern 1 nnlxatlon company thla week ent a ranger to the weatern end of the county with notlcea to poat and to watch the range. V II Moore la faat geetlng the new confectionery atom equipment W. W. I .i-i miii took a trip Into the Inatalled In what MM lo he the lob Interlor on Monday and expected to by of the big hoatelry. The office he abaent from the city for several Iiiih been moved to the Idaho evenue daya. Mra Sarah Ulaaacock accompanied by Mra. Logan of Cryatal. Idaho, were In Ontario visiting frlenda Sat urday. Mra. Lucy Pox of the public school faculty who apent her vacation at ; Oorvallla and the Dalles returned aide of the building Prof I, L Culhertaon la receiv ing entrlea for the lenula tournament to be ataged during fair week. The court expert of Vale, OntarJo, Pay elte anil Welaer are maiilfeatlng a de alre to get Into the game. Mra. T J. Anderaon and daughter, cam leOAO or MM IT FOR FAIR FROM I1IUH.W H. M. Duncan and Mr. Oakea of Vnle renrhed Ontario today to make arrangement for ex- hlblllng a whole care load of fruit from the Rrogan region. They declare that thla exhibit will open the eye of Ontario to the poaalbtlltle of the Willow creek region. HOKHKH TO IH'. IIKRK IIRKAK HK( ORD Prealdent A. W Trow of the fair aaaoclatlon received word today from La Urande that on Wedneaday In the 2:17 trot the winner broke the record for thla atate over a half mile track going under the wire In 2:ltt. In the derby for a mile and a Klxteenlh the winner negotiat ed the distance In 1:62, which alao la "going Nome " Hecretary Waddell report that 100 horaea will come to Ontario EXHIBITS GROWING BIGGER EVERY DAY (Continued from page one) home laat week. Mlaa Mennette or IteiuldJI, Mltiueao A Venator of Venator wa In town r l""1' " ' """ on Monday with a large .hlpmeut of , "' ol Mr. and Mr.. Ray Wll bucka which he bought In Idaho to " " on Monday for their home add to hie big band of aheep. olng Ma Portland and the Northern a I... Pacific route. Prank Rader accompanied hie daughter, Mlaa Irene, to Portland on Mra. Dlckeraon of Pendleton, who Haturdey where Mlaa Rader entered liaa boen the gueat of her daughter, Bt. Mary'a for the achool term. Mra. Waldron, waa taken auddenly Mlaa Irene Paublon of Mallett war I ' Saturday and waa compelled to operated upon for appendlcltla on undergo an operation at the hoapi Sunday at the hospital Report, of Dr. Priming waa the operating u .ii.i ,,,,ite . r.old recov- surgeon She la reported to be mak- lil ..-- building will be filled with product for the farm, orchard and garden. The achool, fine arta, culinary, need le work and flower exhlblta will be unaurpaaaed The great game and flali how by the atate game and flh commission of the Ktate of Oregon, of liaelf, will be well worth coming in Ht Altogether the fair will be educa tional a well a entertaining, pro fitable and Intereatlng. We guaran tee thl will he the beat fair alnce the fair wa atartcd aeven year ago. The first day will he a full pro gram and a good a the heat. KooniH at reaaonaule rate will be provided for under the supervision aiming them being 25 running horaea, 0( ,, Commercial club. Railroad that with a flooded track record ,.,.. r..,t i,in. nn. ., ,,,,. i,ir,i i e will certainly be broken here The management of the fair Im mediately got action to flood the track and aunk a well which I. flow ing 300 gallon per minute ao that the track will be put In excellent ahape With ao many horaea and o ex cellent a card the management pre dlcta that the flrat day'a racea will equal the beat of the week. To booat for the fair the Ontario baud will give a concert at Prultland tonight. main line and alngle round trip on the fare on the fare for all branch line. Don't fall to be on hand the flrat day. Malheur County Agricultural Aaaoclatlon. ry. Harry Pratt of Owyhee came lo Ontario Saturday ao that two of hla children might undergo operation, fr the removal of ton.ila and aden olda. Mr. Parker of Parma, accompan ied by her uephew, Herbert Walter., came dowu on Tuesday from the Iron.lde country where they .pent the aummer. Mra Fred I Sheet, and children. who have been vl.lllng at Jo.eph. lug a aati. factory recovery. See tho.e beautiful pattern hat at the Millinery & Art Store. 3 II ltKV OOUMTt HAS WITH Ml IMtOSTMl The second number of the Crane American haa been received and duly welcomed on the exchange deak. Aa the name lmplle., the new publi cation haila from Crane, Harney county', railroad town, and la not ONION CHOP I'llOMIlHKN HI'. HKTTKNH THIS I AM W. J. Shaeffer, who live, four mile. Mouth nf llii' illy railed ul the wii nhs UMtrjl hi ikii. it fcfJMHUM tomorrow night There will be a meeting of the Woodrow Wllmin league at the city hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpoNe of planning campaign lunt. for the next few week. Inii-iiMliis lor College lloi. In honor of William and l.altue Hlackaliy. who leave today for In Argua office to follow up on Argu. .Bne re-enter the uulver.lly, Ml. .... . .. . . ... 1. . . ... . . ... Oregon, with Mr alien pur.ms, mi. , inoculated wmi au hyphenated hac und Mis A 9 Sheets, relurned home rill but ia alroug for the atar. and laat Wedneaday. Mlaa Veda Murfitt of Malheur Is numbered amng the Ontario high chol atudent. registered from out atripea, the American eagle and other emblems of our beloved country. The American', flrat iuaue. pres age Ita success for In typographical want ad and to give a demonstration of the kind of unions that can be grown hereabout.. The four onion, .howu by Mr Shaeffer, when placed in a row men aured Just 17 Inches The average width of the bulb. wa. four arid one half inches and their average height wa. two and one-half ao there wa. appropriately 21)1 cubic luchea of breath producer In the four, while the combined weight of the quartette waa Just one pound A. willing to Mr Shaeffer the un ion crop tlii. fall I. good uuil the price, indicate that the onion grow er will rival the owner a "War baby" if hla acreage I. large enough Lavlna Smith entertained at dinner Wednesday evening. -The guest, were Mr and Mrs Karl Hlackaliy, Miaae l.eona Itader and Dorothy Jaqul.h and La Hue and William Hlackaby. with Mia. Lavtna Smith. stance the American demonstrates Mayor and Mra. W. F. Homan re-' that It I. entitled to the un.tlnted turned during the dual storm Batur-' bupport of the business men and clti- day night from a delightful trip to tens of Harney couuty In general aud Portland and North Beach where crane in particular Messrs r. j they spent their vacation Miss Florence Grant of llaker, who ha. been visiting at the home of. Donald McPheraon, was operated up on for appendicitis at the hospital Saturday and la doing nicely. Mr. Angie Murphy of lleulah waa ,.,,,,.,. ,i.. Wednesday on her way . .... -. -... i . i ..m. Plunge Part) Haa Big lime. nome .rou. " V" " " I Plunge parties at the Vale Nata- pauled her daughter, Margaret, who , .. .... ., torlum are becoming the rage with will attend school there thla year. I Ontarlans these days, the largeat one A E. Brown returned from Salt j of llie weeW wt,g that lied Tuesday Lake Monday with a number of theevenlng w,en m three carg the fol. prlxe bucks which were offered for ,owlng maile ,,, lrip. I)r and Mrg (iallagher of Ontario, and Geo. K Carter, formerly of thla city, are the publisher, of the American and should prove a combination which will win both for the city and county and for themselves, for their work will merit success. ale at the big auction held there laat week. The meeting of the Wool Growers' association and aheep sale waa a great success and prices were blgb, waa Mr. Brown's report. Teh ladlea aid of the Congregation al church will serve hot chicken din ner up town every evening during the fair from 5:30 to 8. Watch for announcement of place later, adv Jacb Prluzing, Messrs and Mesdanies E C Van Petten, George Kellogg, Harry Anderson, Morris Lamb, J H. Fortier, Mrs. C K Eiuison, Mrs Head. Mrs J I) Hilllngsley and Mr Howland After the session at the Natatorlum the party adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs Paul Cayou at Vale where refreshments were served. IKIAII IK MINIMI TO HF. IIKKK I HIIIAV KVKNING C. W. Thatcher, who is known from coast to coast as a Komi ro.nl booster will be In Ontario Friday etening for a meeting. He inform ed James Lackey of his coming and wants to have an audience greet him He I. traveling from coast to coast In a big pathfinding car boosting for better highways. Our supply of school books and tablets are larger than ever Our values thl. year are really great and particularly In quality. Everhart Drug Co. adv I Ililcl l'le-ln lei Inn llllile i hi. ul at 10 a ill Preach ing at 1 1 a in and p in Christian Endeavor at 7:1.1 Special welcum to strangers W N BROWN, Pastor. ANNO! NCKMF.NT. This Is to advise the public In gen eral, and the people of Ontario in particular, that I am now the sole owner and proprietor of what was formerly the "Lampkin's Cash Store' and later known as the "O. & F. Co , Ltd." 1 have come among you to become a citizen of your town, to allure with you prosperity or adversity as the case may be. It is my purpose to try to make an honest living by giv ing honest service, ami honest mer chandise, and in so doing I hope to merit the continued patronage of the good people of this community. W. A. FIT.KEKSO.V Land to be Sold at Public Auction On Fruitland Bench On Saturday, Sept. 9, at 2 p. m. . 3-4 acres, 1-2 mile west of I i inland, the ranch known as the Berry or Sam Bartles place, will be sold at Public Auction. All in fruit, berries, grapes and garden. Six room house, cellar, fruit house, stable and other outbuildings. Time on $500, balance cash. W. S. DAVIS, Owner J. M. Swanson, Auctioneer AIHIH TO PRKVIOl'H ItM'OHTH OF KAMTM OKF.AT HMMMMffl - William Uixon. of the Toggery 1 IJ g v m-e L- I hark In Ontario from a three week' JL. " "I kyAlV trip to hla old home In Iowa and I aMMiiHHHH confirming the continued story of the pro.perlty now reigning In the east M Durham cow; Iowa farmere and bulnemen,' One Jerecy cow, freah In Nor- say Mr. Laxon, "are rolling In niber; wealth and thla la a fair example of Dm good family borae. buggy what I taking place. The day I M1 hrnM; hi lived In Iowa a report waa given One "Del.aval" cream separa- out by Ntate official, that there waa tor; one automobile for every 13 Inhabl Turkey tanta of Iowa and the day before I left a second report waa out allow- Household furniture Ing that there wa on car for every eleven reldent of the state "While Iowa la proaperou and Kor Particular call or phone liUNlnesa ia fine there Ontario look 203 N 1 pretty good to me and thl la the MMMMaa , t M place I want lo live." See those beautiful pattern hat. al HfQWarfl MCnOU! the Millinery An Store. 36 The value-giving policy, which is the biggest ;isset in this business, has never been better shown than in our present lull stock of ayr-- REINFORCED HOSIERY- For Boys and Girls Reinforced at toe and heel and with triple knee, this is the play stocking supreme. Snug fit, guaranteed fast colors, accurate sizes and moder ate price are other reasons why we recommend them. I H My) mm f MlTi m jSYmm jA s4 iESakSiiy A