The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 07, 1916, Image 4

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(Established 1896)
First Showing of
Millinery, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Dress Goods
Something new coming in every day and placed on display. Let
BOYER BROS. & CO. help outfit the boys and girls now, with the
right kind of clothes for school.
MO K. AIKKN. Kditor and Publisher
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon nnd entered at
the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter
$1.00 Three Months
.60 Single copies
One year
Six Months
$ .35
the Ontario arqus
AH copy for dispiay tdvartklng iboold be at this office by
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in
this office on Tuesday.
For president Marlon Evans
Vic President -Charlea Warren
Representative In congress N. J.
Secretary of Stale Ben W. Olcott.
Justice of the Supreme Court
George II. Ilurnett, Frank A. Moore
Dairy and food commissioner
John I) Mlckle.
Commissioner of public aervlce -H
H. i.M-y
State aenator Jullen A. Hurley.
Repreaentatlve Charlea M. (ran
tell. District Attorney Itobert M. Dun
can Sheriff Emory Cole.
County Clerk V. It Stapler
County asaeaaor L. E. Hill.
County treaaurer C. C. Mueller.
County aurreyor James K. Mil
tor. County rommlsalonar J. K. Wea
ver. i i unity School Superintendent
Eat c I la Conklln.
JuHtlce of the Peace 0 L King
ConNtuble J II Dcnlson.
Will the settlement of tin' tjireiit
eiinl rallroHtl Ntrlke ax out llnt'tl In
the AiliuiiHon hill to proe a perma
nent mil ut Ion '.' Ik the cjut-Ht lent imitat
ion tin' iiiIihIk of business nii'ii and
the pulillc generally tlMM duya. It
la too, how general is
the opinion t hut the AiIuiiihoii hill
Will prove unsatisfactory to hoth
purlieu to the recent wage coulrover
ay. There can he no ilouht that the
leaders of tin- tour ,rcHt brother
IiooiIh Injured the cause of their fol
lower by their precipitate calling of
i in' alrlke while negotiations were
till pending for a aeltlement even
i ho It waa manifestly uullkely that
auch a reault could be reached The
public la accepting the poiiltlou that
In calling the atrlke, aa thay did, tha
leaders of the men coerced congress
into the pussage of a meuKure which,
in apirit, It doeH not approve and
which will rise some day to haunt It
Whether by great captains of in
duatry or by capttans of labor, the
people do not rellHh the Idea of hav
ing the representatives in congress
bullied Into the pannage of cIuhh leg
lalatlon. Thia Adamaou bill la In
deed if not In law. claKh legiHlatiou
for It define tin- li-ngth of time one
claaa of men In Interatate commerce
ball work, and ouly one.
The AiIuiiihoii hill goo. further In
the regulation of a great indiiHlry
lli.iu rteii thi musi rudlrul adherent
of the ili'inoi rulic purly conlil huve
h iMini-il tin ii'.iu ago. ami what ik
the reault? Tha gowrniiient ihuhi
aa the result ot this hill throw open
tin' doors fur luiliscriiiiiule rise in
i .uli ,1,1,1 raits all down I In' Hue.
Ill' giiMTiinnnl thru staluli' .iml
court ileclhloiiH u,h I'liiiiiciated the
principle tiiai a railroad is Mtltlad in
earn seen per MM on its present
Valilallun vv II limit respet I to tin- rap
Hal niM'.-tiil Now it lias said to
the i'iiiilu.ii s nf these coniians,
'you cannot work more than eight
hours hut ou must he paid tnr leu
hours Since the railroads could
make but wini ier cent with the
men winking in hours, the i.Ui
must he raise, I it the new onler is
tu he uhe eil
Whole will tin.-, end'' Nexl Hie of
floe employees, the section men, the
bop employes ami other railroad
lllell will eek Ine eight hour ,1,1
and it the engineers ami firemen are
entilleil to It, these men are more
entitled to consideration.
With each reduction in hours ol
service there will he a new rise iu
rates and the general public will pat
the lulls and It will be a general
public that la not given court assiir
auce that H may earn seven peraeut
on Its intestine in either.
While there i mi ilesire extant
for a great railroad strike it might
have been better In have had the
trlke this week ami have it hut
with It ik tune that there lie a
.show down to see who is running this
country. Hie four brothel 'hoods he.uN
or the week-kneed congressmen who
are candidates for reelection and
feared to vote their honeat convic
tions lest they lose a few rotes at
the polls
A haa been generally predieted
the hitherto neutral, or apparently
neutral, Halkan states have evacu
ated their undesirable position and
are getting into "the game." For
the paat two years men who have
been following the trend of popular
opinion in Rumania and Greece have
declared that they were but waiting
to see on the standard of which of
the contending groups, the falcon of
victory waa to light. If this Is the
rase .then the gamblers who have
been backing (he entente allies may
start to collect their beta.
That the ultimate victory will rent
with the entente allies has Inen the
general belief ever alnce Von Kluck
was turned hack at the Marne Then,
ami only then did Germany and her
allies have an opportunity to win.
Germany waa prepared. France, was
only partially prepared, while Kng
land waa almost helpless ho far aa
land forces were concerned If Ger
many could not win with her prepar
ation opposed to iinpreparednesH
then how could she win iigulnst num
in. ,ilh superior foes equally pre
However, tho she his German)
haa demons! rated a marvelous super
iorlty. to the allien, In inuny ways
The world haa never Keen audi ef
ficiency and the leaaona of this war
demoiialrallng aa they do what the
German people can accompllah when
united will serve for years aa an ex
ample to (he world It may mean
that to com hat thia efficient Germau
ayatem that a semi socialistic ayatetn.
auch aa uow employed In England
will have to be continued ao that
there will be no lost energy among
her competitors for the world's
lr m - a, ..,.
There's a reason If never before why you should
Ttalt thia store often this season. You want the
right materials, the right colorings, the correct
styles, the right price. Thia season you will
find them hard to find in many places, but you
will find we have what you want at this store with
a less price than in many largo city stores. Why!
Because of our personal Interest In our own store,
our own community, our buyers have never work
ed ao hard to get together complete lines for the
fall season ai they have this year and which are
now being placed on dlaplay from day to day.
fml QHtcoNj IV
viewpoint of the teacher, realising history of the district. Such an ob
that the taak of directing the active ' Jecl is worthy of sttainment.
young minds Is one that Is wearying
on hoth the nerves and body.
The summer's experience should,
and to many no doubt will, dull the
apirit of criticism which too often
injures the work of the public schools
It will he to the Immense advantage
of both the teachers and pupils If
the parents of pupils In the scIiooIh
take an active Interest In the work
which la being accomplished and en
deavor by a ahow of that Interest to
incite the boya and girls to greater
It will not require a great deal of
that co-operation to make the present
school year the most Hurceasful In the
The best teacher is that one who
Inspires In the pupil a love for the
subject taught. Given a liking for
a subject the boy or girl will eek:
further knowledge without much ur-j
It doea little good to tell them ao,
but the boya and girls of Ontario who
are starting achool thia week are to
be envied.
From 9 a tn to 4 p m. with an
hour and a half off for lunch ia even
leas than an eight hour day.
Malheur County Woolgrowern and Thane Who
Want Woolgrawera to Prorp r Read and Think
ItKI IHIM. aiiiiionn
III these daya when wealth lends
respectability, or ia generally ton
ceded to attach a mertain amount of
that generally desired commodity, it
Ik decidedly unusual to hear of any
one refusing auch a sum aa f 100.000
whin the amount la offered for his
Yet that la exactly what Charles K
Hughes did And he didn't wait until
he waa a candidate for president lie
did this while he waa a Justice of the
supreme court and years before lie
was even lueniioiied for president
Here are the facta:
When Joseph Pulitzer, the great
New York publisher, wrote his will
he looked oter the entire field of
America for trustees who would ad
minister fairly, Judiciously ami H
pertly the great property which he
planned to heiueath in (rust to his
helra He named Charles F.vuns
Hughes, then a liiellihcl nl tin- I 11 It
ed Si.iii-s supreme court, and fixed
$100,000 as his compensation
Justice Hughes declined the r,.n
mission .mil the fee So great an
amount lor an east joh was no temp
tation to a man who hud high
himself as a judge and for others
ami who lived up to them
Such a men is the nominee of the
republican parly for presiilent Cot
inte Sentinel
Nothing could more completely
demonstrate the falacy of the demo
cratic tariff policy or ita Injurious
effect on Oregon cltitena than the
following news atory clipped from
the newa minimis of June , 1913.
ahortly after the passage of the pres
ent I uderwood tariff.
Thia abould aerve to remind Mal
heur county cltitena ot the condition
of the wool market iu 1913 prior to
the war and cause them to ponder,
whether or urn when the war reuses
they wish tins coudllion to be re
peated The following ia the news atery:
At the present low price at which
wool la selling In this .late, owlug to
the democratic free trade bill, the
Oregon growers are receiving from
7 to 10 cents a pound leaa than they
would under a protective tariff law
The prices at the 1913 public sales
are within about -' cents of the 1912
ing "t having free wool. Such he
llefs as liiese, however, will receive
a Hide awakening, for all the wool
in .nit all-wool ault of clothes in your
slate did not bring the wool grower
more than $2 00, and the average
wool In an all-wool ault doea not
bring the wool grower $1 75 If I
remember correctly, your wool laat
year sold at i cents per pound,
and If you use 10 pounds of thia
wool In making a suit, the wool In
the suit would only have amounted
to $1.(5. Therefore, the talk of
cheaper clothing because of free wool
In nonsense, and moat people here
recognise that It ia nonaenae. Any
way, the people do not wear raw
wool. Clothing la made out of fin
in d cloth, and these democrats have
not put cloth on the free list. In
the new democratic bill the duty on
cloth made out of wool or mohair
rangea from 36 to 50 per cent; If
made out ot cotton, the duly is aa
prlcea, but the woola thia year are ' ,.,,, .. . . .., . ,.,,. ou, .
... ----- . . -
ilk the duty runs up to 50 per cent
of 10 to 1 i pii lent lighter shrink
age than laat season, and thia makes
the price from four to five centa lesa
The foreign marketa are now about
three cents higher than a year ago
Therefore, the sheepmen are loalng
from seven to ten centa on every
pound of wool they produce, because
of the I'nderwood hill
All thia new bill doea is to take
away from Oregon $4,400,000 on its
wool, and Irausfera It to a lot of
jobbers and middlemen down east
We Pay More.
"Now while thia bill places your
Hr S V Mci'lure. secretary of the wool, mutton and sheep hides on the1
National Wool Growers' Association. I free list, it also places high dutieaj
tthn i uow iu Washington, ! C, on everything you buy Since most
writes to one of the leading wool of the products that Oregon buya are
growers of PUol Hock, Ore., aa fob made In the east, I am wondering if
I ,oti ll.ii High Abroad
1 am just receiving i epulis from
thia ia going to prove much of u hen-:
efit to your slate Your sheep are
branded with lamp black and linseed
Oregon wool salea, showing the pricea oil; the duty ou lamp black will be
limn twn to tour cents per pound be ' 15 per cent, on linseed oil 12 centa
lots last yeur, while the reports I get
1 1 mil London show the foreign price
to be two to three cents a pound
above lust year. The low prices in
Oregon are due entirely to tin n,i
per gallon. Your wool ia tied with
paper twine and sacked in Jute bags;
the duty on twine will be 25 per
cent, and ou sucks 25 per cent If
ou buy u hut, the duty Ia 40 per
With the opening of school for the
tall and winter term Una week many
Oatajrk) mothers, ale no doubt exer
cising their sides with sighs of relief
Tins is natural, for the noise of
health) aclite children, together mth
the inter ending stream of uuestious
which they pour forth la enough to
tire out the most robuat. And there
is no escape from the ordeal until
"school starts.''
Having passed thru u summer of
perpetual queatiouiug the parents ,,f
au city should he in an excellent
lame of in i ii 1 to in operate with the
school authorities and teachers They
should he ready uud willing to look
at (he hot ami girl problem from the
wool bill now in congress, for hud it cent; on a pair of gloves 40 per aj m ,
not been for this, your wool growers on a fur coat 50 per cent, on collars
would huve received from two to ' and cuffa 30 per cent . on a silk hand
three centa more than they did last kerchief 50 per cent; on u mohair
year This free wool bill ia going to foat 50 per cent; on u shoddy over-
Loss .', I nils I'er round.
cost the state of Oregon about five
and one-half cents on each pound of
wool produced in your state. Ore
gon will, therefore, lose annually
about $1,100,000, and in four years.
for that is a.s long aa this measure
will laat, your state will have lost
the neat sum of $4,400,000 ou wool
alone to say nothing of the loss
that will reault by reason of the fact
that maiit men will have gone out of1 forks
bulm as
' One might look ou this loss with
less apprehension if Oregon stood to
gain anything by it 1 know tour
people have been led to believe that
ihet are going to get cheaper cloth
coat 35 per cent; on ati Axinnister
carpet 50 per cent; on a pair of sus
pended 35 per cent: ou a piece of
oilcloth 3 5 per cent, on lace cur
talna 45 per cent; on a pair of cotton
gloves 60 per ceut; on tobacco from
35 cents to $4 50 per peund: on
corduroy pants 40 per cent; on a
pair of nippers 30 per cent; on an
automobile 45 per cent; on an um
brella 35 per cent: on knives ami
35 per ceut. shot guns audi
titles 35 per cent; rice 48 cents!
tier bushel, butter I cents per pound;
leather glovea 40 per cent; harneaa
and saddles 20 per ceut. Then, on
i Continued on page eight)
Bartlett Pears
It is no longer tutetwuf for the lins'wivcH of
Ontario to worry alimit fruit
W? iirc now r lying eacb day nir-c, lium Bart
lett Pears just right for canning,
Alberta Peaches
About September lOtfa wt will reoeive i liun
sliipiiiciit ot Mjiclif.s from BrojjHii. (live us
your onler how um be pNptvsd.
No long waita-No short weights All ofdera
delivered right on the dot.
Tha following priest for Ford ears will be
effective on ami after Auguii 1st, 1 5l :
Runabout .... $345.00
Touring Car 360.00
Coupelet 505.00
Town Car 595.00
Sedan 645.00
f. o. b. Detroit
These priest arc positively guaranted
against any reduction before August 1st,
U17, but there is no guarantee against an
advance in priee at anv time.
Ontario, Oregon
,! V
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