niwcw VOL. JM ONTAKIO. MALHKl H COUNTY, UHOUN, TOURS DA V, SKITKMBKK 7, 1010 MMIIIII MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR TO BE BIGGER THAN EVER & &tm. mtt BIGGER EVERY DAY nUVVMM UNHERALDED HELD to hihi'KIsi-: (now us that will 4TTEED hiiowh. GREATEST CARNIVALS SHOWN Addition of Malheur Count) I'alr lo Km log (In lilt Insures spcctacu lar llacea lllg Attendance l-l I ! ImmIimI. CrowdlnK upon each other o fait II,., i Um fair authorities are alinoHt Mwauipcd the lint of exhllilta to be , nt the Malheur County Kalr, . ,i. -hiIiit l!t to 22 already urpne nnvihing the fair association haa known Tlio Hat of x li I lt I m now In the lumdx of the ofrieliila insures th" lurg. t and iiiohI varied exhibition 'it Hinged In Enateru orogoa. im. . of UM feature of Um grow Inn Hat of dlaphiys la the wide vari ety of ofrerlng and UM territory oororod h ti ihlbtton riant i OOiat l the latent section heard troiii iiml It la iisNiired thm I In- grout interior county will he r i i ,-.- 1 1 1 1 by a wonderful exhibition of what j can be grown In thai section Hnr in', a coming right Into Malheur county t ilciiionatrate that It "haa the good" Aluinhim e of I I While UM principal ol.Jecl ol Hie talr. of aoaraa. la to d loaatraia tin It ..I mi ragtoa aa aa ugri- culturul, fruli mid Mock BTOWiai - . ,...i.i i... i, linn, , , ii i -.i ii in ,1, mi in. ii aoMal of the gue-ta at the fair.!1"1'" u'"' ' "' " "f Uwrobrad The two purpoaea are going la ba '"u " ' tta ""' "'"" '" " mleguately attained b the imn.ugi '"'" ' : lh" "w "'" M'"" '"' mem thla year. There, will he entertainment galore for eeryone during the fair week. The fun burrell will be opelied wilh i in- flrat day and will not until the laat vial tor Liken for home. There will be aomethlng doing every minute, and a lot of the event will not be on the ached ule either. Kaat llonww ( oioIiik llealde the 100 fat harnea and running horea that are uiaktug tune till week at La (Jraude and next week will lilt the dirt at Maker, there la aolng to be Introduced a lot of apeedy ponlea from Ontario, Nya, Vale and the territory adjaceut to thoae cltle. The race program I declared to be the beat ever run In the went. N Amusements Contracted. The allow of the Mid-way will he held In the down ! dltrlct every night and Hie carnival company which ha contracted to bring the shows ha u list of attraction which tor novelty uud clus cannot be Mir paaaed anywhere. The ahowa will I,,- new, iiini the event HtartliiiK aad ili'Ciilcilly dilh iihl lioin uiiythiug 111 Ihcrto shown i Itig racing events und wild west sporls at th Malheur County Agri cultural Fair lit (Intaiio, Seplcinher 19, L'ti, It, and 22. A hundred pacers und trollci.s Willi records of S us to r4 will he here from twelve different atalea to make thia a good a race umi ., waa ever lield wist of Chicago. Two high clans thoroughbred running races every day. A hunch of the wildest horses direct from the hills will be here for the buckaroos to ride Yearling colt for the kid to tackle and mule colt for the older boy. A three mile buckaroo saddle horse relay race, a pack horse race, novelty race, trick riding and dare devil sport. Boys and girls saddle horse running race and relay races, motorcycle races, team to wagon races and Roman races, acrobats, trapeexe performers, street carnival, a continuous show of rapid events, thrilling, amusing and comical fre quent happening that are not on the program, something doing every day and night. The stables and pens will be full of pedigreed horses, cattle, sheep and high class poultry. The main (Coutiuued on page four) MARKET DAY IS widkhi'hkad intkhkht m.i xi- r'khtkd in oxt.iiiio'h lit- kht ihhixkss vknti kk. EXPECTATIONS ARE EXCEEDED List of Horses mid (attic to In- Of lorol (irovta Dull) TlinroiiglibriNl MoHl to lent lire Lot- of Mn chhieiv to he Hold. That Ontario' Monthly Trmlera' day, recently hiuncheil la taking hold wna nianlfeateil during II week by the number ol liuiiilrles re ri-uiil l,v Manager Hurt Wliiilini The Innulrlea were of two klnda, tho I ! tiiic from men wiili horaea, cattle, hoga and aheep for anle unit from men who are In the nun buy audi commodities The- variety of the Imiiilrlea iin well na the variety of MOM nrtereil for the flrat aale furnishes iiinple aaaurance I 1i;i t the flrat anle will he a moat prODO MHMk Ic the iiHiial advertlalng fen turoa Mr. Whoclon hua Instituted letter writing campaign to big d.-il on In Oregon Bad Idaho Bad baa had re ponce ahowlng that many M will be preaent. it,, iii Harao) aoaat) aamt ussitruncc of BOBM regl- tend horaea '""' other atock Ironi that MOttOO " M Twwjr of Um Oragoa P M iPl ll"" '"i la taralah '' '' '"' """ "r ' "'' "' l'1' '"l"" neii of t) r. I.iga tor irh ii.niilhly , kiiouii .. i which the lcM ol stock can he aecured COURT CASES SET FOR FALL CALANDER l-uht Term Aibl Few Srusatlonal Trial l ....kill I ..I llurliig Tills Session. Judge Italton Rlgg and District Attorney W. II Brooke 'with attor neys for various defendant will be glnlng September 11 wretle with the criminal calander for the fall term of the circuit court. According to the calander the fol lowing Is the schedule of cahea: Sep tember 11, State vs. W. A. lioyt and ( harli-s Smith for burglary Smith, however has forfeited his bond ho Iiml alone will be tried. On the BUM BBJ the case of the State vs. tieorge Hart for the thief! of a geld iug is set for trial On the follow i li K day Hie only feat lire case Ik that of Hubert Smith charged with haul ba 1 iif nor. improperly BMTBOd I public highway win ha triad, Thla I the first case under this provision of the dry law to In- tried In the state and may prove an Intel ,st inn aroaodaal lly turning Jack Harry over to Parol Officer Joe Kellar the author ities saved the coat of trial in his case and he was taken to Salem Sat urday. The civil calander include the following cases: Richard & llaga vs. Douglas B. Smith et al a trustee of the Willow River Land and Irri gation company, for attorney' fees; Frezaka vs. Independent Oil and Re fining company for wages; Bigelow vs. t'oiikliu, action for ejectment; Klinefelter vs. Anderson, action for collection of account; Burk holder vs. Cox, action for damages to proper ty; Blackwel vs. Wood for damage Merchant Visit Hoie. Lee McCoy. J. T. McNulty. D. M Taggert. Ray Wilson and Irwin Troxell made a trip to Bonse Mon day on business. i. L. D. Morrison of the Crane townsite company was in Ontario last week on busineaa. Owner Has Never Which He W. L. Wllaon of Maine. Minnesota, im me owner oi leu HIM u." KalfcMI hi. .11, it. no i.'-.t. i 'iiini in in- ...,,. never en the trarl for tie bought II on the recommendation of friends and on ih.. ! rPiniiMiion of - " "-T ' " I thin region nd he will not regret hla purchaae when he leamn what the land did Huh year under the Ml tlvntlon of ('. K. Secoy. PARENT-TEACHERS TO OPEN SERIES SEPT. 15 tttorue) .1. IV. McCullch and Mr Will .1. Itolxi-ta to Deliver Id- (Ireaaea Other Number. At the high school nudltorhim In day afternoon September It, the flrat meeting of the Parent Teacher association will lake pi,,,. The nddreaaea which will feature the gathering are to be given by Atloiio" .1 Mi, ullocli and Mrs win j iioi.i'it Mra Roberta' ad- ilres will I ii the "Alma of Var olii Taai bora' I " laUoa, und the Obligation of lis Members." The BBJOOl ol Mi Mcl'iilloch's address has not been announced. Baal da Umm addroaaaa there win be an Interesting literary program. I.lres, ol welcome to the teach er will Ii" given h) Mr. In n, all, pre I, I. in of the association To this ml, In.. Mis. Hevllu Head will id Mn loal number will be given by Mlsa Htell i i urry and l'rof I. I. Cull, ei ton A gOBOral levitu' iiinl piitrons of the , is aafadad to Um meeting EOOT BATE BDYS CUT FOR FIRST PRACTICF Coach I. L. Culbertaon and Cap tain Joy lluated isaued the call for candidate for the foot hall team on Monday, soon after the opening ex ercises at the high school. The re sponse was gratifying to the coach and captain who secured a line on the material for the year. With tbe addition of a number of huskies due to arrive after the fair Ontario Is assured of a foot ball team and will uphold the honor and dignity of tbe city to the limit. Aa yet the schedule makers have not started their work but the local team 1 assured an excellent aerie of game and every effort I being made to bring the championship of this section to Ontario. Al Heron of Jaiuleaon wus in town on buaine Tuesday. -Carter In New York Sun. -MV GOOD MAN, DONT YOU Seen Land On Will Get Fine Crop The land wan seeded to alfalfa ' ,na ,rom lwo cull,IlgB ;,,,;, m,Jo . ... , . na wedded five ton per acre nil WUn U" ,Mlr1 rr"P ll wl" n1"' total yield of at leant aeven ton which at thi preaent price of ha will furnish a mighty nice Income come i 1'inii were the liiveatiui'iit per acre. A. TAKES OVER STORE I'. iiini is IHssolie ami Welaer Man ( omea to Ontario While Or- ' oil I.'"'- to Wets, - i. ange of Importance took place this week whereby W. A. 1'iilkeraon, who ha been In charge of the O. K. CO . Ltd , store at Welaer took ODBplOtO ownorahlp of ii" i nt. ii re of Hi i ill, who had charge of the comp. my's aloro here took the r Men Til'' trnnafer wii couMumated Sunday and the change took place with th.' opening for biiHine . Monduy. Mr. Kiilkcraon who BBBBaet sole owner of Hie local store la well rcclon, having for paara baoa a protaiaoal baatai Icy for the local store under hi man mi t ba local - :ore BBdOf hi nt Mi Palharaoa amphaaliaa the fart thai lie BBa SOBM to make thla city I lo-iii home and will carry a cla ol m n hundlse MOOad to none found in thl region. MONTY CWINN TEEES OF IDAHO'S PROCRESS Monty tiwlnn formerly of Ontario but now a resident of Boise waa In town on Monday looking after his local Interests, and encouraged local bUMlne men by hi report of the boom which Irrigated land In Idaho are enjoying. "Right now In the Twin Kails re gion real estate men are having a hard time to meet the demand for laud by settler from the eat They are scouring the country for men who want to aell. "Ontario Is bound to feel the ef fects of thla soon for the land here I superior to that around Twin Kals The climate Is better and In every way this Is the superior region. Than I a demand for land now and Ontario should go after Us share of uew setilera." " &. - -Lfl - s--a. -.jr--- KVER FORGET ANYTHING." HIGH SCHOOL SHOWS REMARKABLE GROWTH irnAiiiMt ( i univivr ix I ATTK.ND.IM K ON mi MM. DAI "I HHrMKS ALL IlKCOHDH CITY EDUCATIONAL CENTER. . CTIinFUK FDHM THf IVITFOIAD tirade Schools Shoe, Slight DacTCBM lint Large Increase hApcitctl I'ol lowing the 1'nlr lteiiesl Maile loi Niw Courses. ,.,, an enro.imeni on ope,, ing nay or ll I pupils WO Ontario ,.,,., Hl,,,.wlllkH 1II1(1 ,,.e rnR,ruc. high aahool thla year a.irp.,...l nil , f uterwer connection, foa- a i.tlemlani. I.asl year ,,,,, h.. sesalon of t he c Mninnl during the opening week there were ,t , coun(. c)iall)b,r Tuoaday er- but 121 pupil enrolled. nnf Tl0 M,SH01 w ,1Pd on To the lurge intinber who have al after an adjournment waa ready matriculated Superintendent uiken on M Ia on anouni or the I Q BallO expect to add aome 20 fact (hat. that day waa a legal holl er 30 more following the fair, when day. many or the young men mid women ti. menibera present at the ad flrtU com,' Into town from the inter .uiini.l session were Mayor W. O. lor. The oui tan, i in,- roatara al Um rloraaa, aaaaUiai aram, Kra- o far Is the large niim ,.,. patOI on. B0rhai1 Bad MoOai her of pupils run tie interior or Wfttheat attoadod dahata tho aaaa Miillieiir county und llarno roiini, ,, granted the petition ot Judge liilly half of the hlgli acohol enroll , IHkkh and other BrOBOrt ment la from without the iinturio school district. Thl Is a remarka- bla tribute to H ffMaaO) "t tha local schools and daOIOaOt 1101 that Oatarlo la. In a way. the educational center of this section of the state. So groat has been the InerOeOl In the high school enrollment thai tM Bl mlininl'l ration ami the lioard may be called upon to upply addl- II. .mil teachers. Thla la due in part '.. the numerous roqoaotl on the part ol . in i.i Bad PUpll lor not now Offorad On the reliirn i,r ident Krank Under of the school board tlM BMtter will be taken up for settlement III tlM grade schols Ihe at t. tid.iui showed a slight decrease over last i .1 due t the removal of u number of famlllea whose return to the city Is expected, and In a few weeks It la mitlclpated thai the grade school en rollment will at leaat equal last yeur . ONTARIO SENDS BIG CROWD TO VALE SHOW Pioneers' Reunion and Annual llaby show al Count) Heat Attract Many Visitor. Ontario is at Vale this week. That la a large portion of Ontario ml grated to the county seat today and more will go tomorrow to alien. I the festivities in connection with the an uual Itaby Show and Hie I'lumn. l;. union fWJ Judging by the number u! In attend lioin Ontario, Vale citi zens will have their hand lull to ,., i. ior their uu.-sh Fndav when il big celebration lake, place The vale cmen an- proparlaa big picnic dinner for the "old Inn Hi the iiaby Parado, which is alvvavs worth going miles to witness is proving a combination that cannot be resisted. lilt; 111 NDIIts ill HOLD IKSTIV IIILs ON SKI'T. 14 lie annual good time picnic and run, inanity fair will again be held at IIik Mend. September 15. This will be a delight to Dig Bend's many friends for they are assured a day full of good time. The program committee has been busy for a week securing music, speaker and everything that gue with a picnic. The other commit tees are also busy strawiug road, cleaning up the Community park and arranging fr the community fair, which Is always held lu connection with the picnic. Thl I to be one grand big day and everyone Is invited from all the towus aud countryside. Bring your basket and don't forget the date, Friday, September 15. CITIZENS PETITION EOR NEW SIDEWALKS I HI Mil, HOLDS AIMOIKNKU s SSION ON ItJEMhal MON- DAY BEINU HOLIDAV. BAND AID TO BE CONTINUED it lal'irrs II, ,, of (Mil Account Not I'ald In Tret Ions Council sewer Syateni I '! n i - I t-'or. v,m,,n BBkn, for ,,1P layn of owners seeking a cement sidewalk extension on tho hill, ami conalder- ad a number ot pending petitions which had been brought to the at- tentloii or abora but not rormally rn,., laptBBlbat 1 was the dale set for heuniiK retnonstrancs for these pelilioiis. A pillion wu received signed by W. T lninpkin, C (' Miiomaglll and nthora for the const ruction i,r a laleral eswer to give a connection to tha Main sewer on Nevada avenue. Since this petition conl.inplited nc- Hon under lag lln.i.ilt law the pe- llllon was referred In til) At ton nev J W Md'ulloch for review and u'lull. ' OaeallBaBli Itepre .entu.g the ontiino Hand " " ,r"M bpaarad botara the city father reueating the assistance glv- en the band during the summer be continued at least until January 1 when the new council takes office. Mr. Draiu told the council that tbe Commercial club had recently de cided to continue It uppoit and said that this with the assistance of the city would make possible the Im provement of the hand, which, he ald had proven It utility to the c,ty 'So long a the band continue to practice and improve, 1 for oum am willing to help It so far aa polble," said Councilman A. 1. t ockrum All Hie other members present agreed with Mr (ockrum ho that when his motion lo give Hie band $"i per month for the bulauce of the year was put It carried unanimously. Old Hill Ileal .1 lioin. Mr i 'H on ol UM l' S Plumbing Haatlai eoaipaa apoarod baton I hj IB! il '-king iniormalioii con lg II.- i .-ons for vv huh a bill of bl 1(1 VM not paid Ha declared thai Um count wa-. due tm moie than u year and a ball anil wauled the matter II e( Since the hill wa - lonll . I hv I prei ioii council and had baoa rejected tor no tha members pn aa) Knew aol what, it was determined to refer the matter UM mutter to Councilman McCoy, who was instructed to aee ex Coutl , 1 1 1 1 : ., 1 1 Hover who had llni work done. The Council al.o oldeleil Itecolil er C. M. Steam to proceed to col lect the past due i -.-nieiil on the various sewer district. The meet ing then adjourned R1VEB-IPE0 HEAEE shot HIT IUEI NO VICTIM It.- ideiits of Riverside were startl ed by a shot In the clear ulght air Monday. The bombardment i re ported to have been directed at a chicken thief prowling in the neigh borhood of a residence in that section where one of the women kuew how to handle a rifle. An examination of the ground revealed no blood aud no wounded mati ha been seen by police official so the result ot the shot la unknown.