The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 31, 1916, Image 8

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Opening at the Millinery &
Art Store
The Public is most cordiully invited. Remember
our motte: "(uick Sales and Small Prolits."
' HULL &
Moore Hotel Block
Spend the Evening in
Where the Pictures Please
The offerings for the com
ing week can not be
Saturday, Sep. 2
Blanche Ring
America's Favorite
In her great stage success
Monday, Sep. 4
William Fox presents the
Inimitable Vampire
Theda Bara, in
V i rvalhlesH play Ut'minjr drum
alii- set-no.
Wednesday, Sep. (
Geraldine Farrar
In : pel i production of
The picturiation of the
opera thru which Miss Far
i tlcctriticd New York
lust season.
See these great pictures at
AWiii Ni mi i to PATMOMH
ok MAI. lit i i; HOM in o.
r September 1 the ii'di'iii't of
. u collector la mui bbj
went fur ItlBBBMB crvtcc will be
ill- ii Bl iiiii-d Ml imn will Im
ui.ii- ill On- ! !- of tilt' company
, '. On- tenth hi i-iiiii in. null
ll.'..i in . .i.l.i that sufficient
' 'in I given all customers (
milk ! themselves in tin new regula
I.. M which ...Ml.. nil lit I In practice
of all I. lepboiio i'i.iii..iin. ili.- -.i
im ill urn lie discontinued if ue
MMtl IN .ai.t .1 ii r i ii K the ensuing
i i .1.
k... lii'Ui II. .mi' Tt - It- pliiii io.
It W. Ourdner, Manager
! .md to be Sold at
Public Auction
On Fruit land Bench
On Saturday. Sept. 0, at
2 p. m. 3 3-4 acres, 1-2 mile
west of Fruiland, the ranch
known as the Herry or Sam
Hurtles place, will be sold
at Public Auction. All in
fruit, berries, grapes and
garden. Six room house,
cellar, fruit bouse, stable
and other outbuildings.
Time on balance
W. S. DAVIS, Owner
J. M. Swanson, Auctioneer
Ontario, Oregon
Topping the excellent IiIIIh which
wore presented during the week nt
' Urcamland, Manager 8. I). Oormun
announces a aeries that will bring a
number of American greale favor
IteH before Ontario movie fans during
, the next few Amy.
Karly In the week Charley Chaplin
, and Itillie Burke were the nclntillat
I nig stars that made the hits, but
view what la In atore.
lu-.b-n,, I Want to Steal Vu."
tin Saturday evening Blanche
IOiik. the girl who sang "Dedella"
ami "Dublin May . ..nio the lip. of
everyone u-nn a. will ho MM in
h.-r mi.Ni pronouni'i'd stuge sucoeea,
"Tlio Yankee Olrl " The glim allow
la aa inurli of a hit bh waa the funny
musical i-.iiii.'.. There In a laugh
in die iilm for you
1 1. -.l.i it..... In "Itextrut'tlnu"
tin Motidav mi offering of nn Ml
llr.-ly (lirr.-ri-ni character awaits the
I i 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 . 1 patrons In Wllllni.i I
pro.liii-llon of "I ie ii union" in wln.h
Ii - lili- line. I bin monl powerful lil-u
tragedienne, Theda lluni. tlo- v
plre woman. The awful length to
whirl; a woman will go In vUl.lly
portrayed h li.n I turn in thin Mom
II m n Hcrien ol climax lluil HirlllH
Mm niW In "Caroien."
We. In. .1.1. oil. lings UK.. I II furil-
u dellitliltiil i ml permit
III.- opportunity ol seeing I'or I he ill
1 1 in-- Ml ... i.i 1. 1 1 ii.- l-'nrrur, one el
mo-i uiiied opera Htarn in
I. or first Hirene production, u poriur
txutloh of "Curmeti" Ho' op. i.i wiili
a i.h-Ii ibi -i N "i .
OB Too .ii.i ll IB world
know:. Mis an it golden
,- ' llo ll BOW hehohl.n In
one of 1 1,, -i . i.i ,n 1 1.
i i. i.i .lay .
. i from puge one)
I. 'I .111.1 llOWs Just w hut tin
are to -.'.- in 111.- ..;. of rac
Itcxhurg. Idaho. Aug IT, 111
Mi C M Si. mi 11
I Hit.irio, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
Your leti.-i- of the 12th, 17th and
2211(1 received .in. I Just opened Have
loo liu-y to open mail for mole than
a week With reierence to tents ror
horses, Montpelier wan tillable to se
cure and stabled some in barns out
Hlde I think ul.oiil one .-.I
homes will be an many an you will
need to provide for. Can give ou
more definite figures from l.u Grand.
Oregon. You or 1 cannot rearrange the
MM to MM better, for the reason
that Mb I for Wednesday and No 1 :i
for Friday are two of the besl .ui.l
hardest fought races ever aeeu in
any circuit and there are no belter on
I lie whole program Many people
here are going to llluckfoot on the
duvs these two classes come Dot Ii
of these clusses, 2 0 and 2:2a paces
were rued in llty witliiu a Mil
second ol the heat in the J III
cluss. and No 1-L' 14 pace tor your
first .la was the fastest of the lol.
ina.le to I I 4, They will all go
taster in Oregon if trucks and weath
er are good Impossible to have bet
ter ruciug than we have ha. I and your
program as schedule.! cannot he nn
proved on. owing to the .-r (Ml and
high class horses and the ability of
the m.te.l driven in the ::ii ,.i,,l
paces Kithrr one is worth go
inn liuinlreds of miles to see Nothing
belter on the program llolb the .is
social ion and the crowd-- are much
pleased and much pleased and your
people will nee faster racing as the
horses iimiH to the lower altitude
Sei . Iiiterinoiiiuain Racing Cir
cuit. ouug woman wants po-iiion .,
housekeeper on ranch. 1 O. box 152.
Ontario, Oregou :i."p
A. K. Ilrown of Venator came to
Ontario M I.i; to trannact business
and prepiu-i- for the removal of hla
family to town for the winter He
IIipii left on Monday evening for
Salt l.nke to atienil Hie nnnual ineet
Iiik of the National Wool Growers
association and to he present at the
biggest aale of prUe Hheep ever MM
In thla country.
"Ah I understand it thin bin aale,"
said Mr. Ilrown, "will be marked by
the preaence of sheep from MM)
wool RrowInK atnte In the union nnd
.i Inn..' niimlier from Australia It
Is nnld too that there will bo 35 prize
head from Kughin.l offered on the
"The sheep men are lucky thla
year. Of course they are doing well
now, but they can I hank t lie war for
their prosperity. It la a nightmare
to think of what happened to the
price of wool after the 1'nderwnn.l
tariff went Into effect, and before
H ml. an: were plare.l on un
trlallan mid New- Zealand wool.
"If the war atopa the sheepmen
might im well go out of business
There would not be a chance for
Hi. 'in to muke a living Without a
protective tariff there la no audi
thing a American sheepmen compel
Ing with the Australians and New
'slanders "
Mr Ilrown reports that the region
around Venator la still enjoying good
range and that most of the sh.-.-. Ol
that section have been rontrarteil for
fall delivery.
l'i -i- for I .11 ami Winter lu-
lertiilniiieuln Meet Willi big
SuperiiKendeiit K C llaib-y of the
inililic NBOOla Ulid. r w ftOM I u
the lyceiim c.ur . tor thin neanon i
to he ghen, with Mr Low represent. i
of Hie Itedpath llureau
practicnll complei.-d l In- prelltnu,
The re lilt of I ' 'T .Ili'
highly gratifying s i.t tup
iort lias Mat ired to Insure Hie
I I lie Colli
I ellelll Villi. I.I I- Itool.e.l.
I lilt. III., ll been I) fOr
i nil it : - ii lent booking!
' I . conilti, Some ol t lie
(his ) .-ii- g ill he seen
of the
...III- flit l-e Judged by the opening
I Zai.gv. Ill's, "Th
j ting 1'ot " Tills p: . . i' i MM ihe
greatest drum.. ..i MMrlM'l pioi.leiu
of assimilating Immigrants will he
l'i'- -ent.-.l Ii) ii New .irk cast, in
eluding u number ol the original com
The name of Amherst Ott. Is auf-
tn I. nt to proclaim the character of
the lecture number. Mr. oil's tarn
ous lecture, "Sour lira pes" has stir
red Americans In every atate of the
union As u platform orutor he is
unsurpassed while thru his ud.iies,
there run a vein of rich humor that
Is ull compelling
The musical numbers will he fur
nished by tile r'alrchlld ladle-, and
the Salmon. The fifth number
will he announced later.
(Continued from page one)
huskies of the Cairo region demon
ntrated their superior strength by
winning the tug of war from a simi
lar number of Ontario business and
professional men. The Ontario man
tried hard and held the ranchers ev
en for the first three minutes, but
by that time tin- ranchers had en
trenched themselves and made abort
work of the final lest
Besides the plcnluera from along
the lloiil.Mird there were seierul
auto parties from Ontario out to en
Joy the festivitlea.' 111 lt( H.
II. 'ginning .Sunday. September :!the
"'iii'i' ol lo mass at S 110 will be
discontinued and high muss will be
r.i.biated at la o'clock each Sun
day. i '.iteclii.-ui Will M '"l.i each Sat
in day ufternoou at two o'clock
11. II runny of the Oregon I'ack
ing Co was the third men in the ring
at Hoise tonight during the llouds
Sims argument. Ite.-nles Mr Tunny
"iil Ontario fight faus, includ
ing F. J llallagher, A 11 ItiddU- and
others witne.-sed Ihe sesolou.
Serges - School Opening
For the University, College,
High School or the Gram
mar School Student.
No neater, all-round good wearing, satisfactory
clothes than a Blue Serge. Serges look well when
you buy them look dressy all the while you wear
Blue Serge Long Pant
High School Suits
For the young fellow tackling his first long pants suit
Mighty particular how it looks to him and to others.
We are showing just such suits in the Pinch Hack The
Norfolk The Patch Pockets and the Round Sack
$10, $11.50 and $12.50
Blue Serges
In the New Sport Model In the Patch Pocket or in the one, two or three
button Sack Serges guaranteed as to color and make
$12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00
Death, (all- (Hi. ..
Sadness and sorrow visited the
home of Hert Myres on the Voule
vurd last Saturday when bis loving
wife passed away. She had only
been tick few days when typhoid
fever set Iu and done quick work.
Mrs. Stella Myres was born at Cold
Springs, Oregon, June 9th, 188S. She
was married to Bert Myres, April 3,
1806. She leaves a husund. four
children uud a host of friends who
mourn her departure All who knew
her, attribute to her life thai of en
affectionate wife and loving mother
She was 2!s years, two months and 17
days old
The funeral service waa held at
the liapiist church Sunday at three
o'clock by the pastor. Hev D I Mak
er. A concourse of friend- and
neighbors attended this service Many
tokens of love were manifested in
florul presentations and kind expres
sions The body was laid to re.-t in
tie i. nt... in cemetery The sympathy
of the whole community Is extended
to Mr. Myres and the children in their
Blue Serge
One and Two Pant Serge Knicker
Suits for the little fellows, age
from 6 to 18 years reasonably
priced at
to $7.50
for College and
Lord, how angry our democratic
friends are that the progressives have
practically declined to this year pull
their cheatnuts out of the fire for
them. Such beautiful chestnuts, too,
and ao nice and hot, and to think that
the progressives refuse to put an as
bestos gloves and haul them out Just
when the democratic mouth la wat
ering for them. It is too bad
Four years ago they stuffed them
selves to satiety with those ehestnul
W'e have been hearing from them
ever since.
This year it looks different and the
uew crop was so full of promise six
weeks ago. It supplied their big
JBBl promise for the campaign No
wonder they are angry. All men be
come peevish when their digestion
is out of fix and this year the dem
ocratic stomach curved that Special
species of chestnut beyond all el.-e
all else Who says they have not a
right to be mad? Goodwin's Weekly.
Expert Service
Charges and
The kind of treatment Steady
customors deserve -Is the
principal upon which we do
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars.
Gasoline, Lubricating Oils
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone 134