The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 31, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 year terms
Stockmen should get in
while the getting is good.
We have sold 98 sections
during the last 90 days
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
It Horvcs you vn il.iy in tli year by caring for
your moot , i in vcwy pnvrntiiijr its being lost. r
Uttered away. Ft n..t only doee this, bin it peyi
jron for the priTilege of doing so by paying five
per lit Interest on your time deposits.
It gtres yon tin- free benefit of expert advice
mi am inbjeet Involving the use or osjuiling of
IIHilH'V .
it will loan you money at any time on ap
proved security, ami aid yuu in its Investment
and ailvisi' you in its nantgriiii'iit, if ymi so dr
sirc. It will aid you in many other ways it' you
will sire it the opport unity,
v invite you to open an sooount ami beoome
a regular patron, ami pay your hills by check.
It is the modern business way, and it is the
sates i way.
Peaches Apples
(iH .1 1 lit Kept. lOtll; We liae a -noil tlop of
the nboVi varietii uf fruit. Ktia u""il qusli
t. fine rlavor at prevailing prices mail orders
will be given careful ami prompt attention un-
liss strih. ' cm n lit i us interfere, f you are com
inu to BrogSII fur J our fruit call at the big brick
warehouse mar the depot uheiv u. will be pre
p.ii. 1 1 to till your orders in bulk, boxei 01' crates.
Addll'KM all coiuniiiuicatioiis to A. A. oiibraba
Dejonghe & Voubraba
BrugsUi Oregou
Thirty years ago the tfdeplioue was a luxury. Today,
through persoual iuitiutue uud private enterprise, it has become
a ueceasity within the reach of ever) body. Where ouce a busi
ness had but one telephone with a limited talking rauge, today
that business bus service with a rauge tlneo uuarturt. of a conti
nent broad, and evtiy bramli of every business is linked to ev
ery other fry uu iuti .coinniu uiculiug telephone system
l lu' telephone has earned its responsible place and there are
uow 8,000.000 llt'll telepbuues iu tills country, over winch go
26,000,000 talks dully.
Bvfr) lU'll lVlophoiu' i a Lung Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Jt.NTl H..
(Prom the Time. I
.lunturn rininle h IIuiiiI.
I li' bHlUM mi'ti or Juntura nrc
organizing a hand. The following
Hl0Ml wore elei-ted at a meeting, beld
the first of the week Manager !'
IV Ujiin, Sertetury I. Delsolo,
Treasurer W F I.yinati Tlie fol
lowing have signed up M cliarter
iiiPinhers F I' llyan, A. M litrd.
W. A. McKennie, I. I' lielsole, Roy
Cook, W F l.yinan. II. W Wolioino.
Daniel (iiilhiliher, llenr) (' llargel.
Win Mnrkiier mill C M Van lluren
It Is their Intention to order In
Htriinients right away and the first
thing the cltlzeiiH of Junturu know
t liny will be listening to the
Htralns of "Yankee iinmllo" and
Dixie" wiified 0 tlieni on tlie cnol
"'nnln. Iirp09
M. V. Mart left for a visit to the
coast on Tuesday morning, and will
be gone for it week or two
Father llradv returned from a few
days visit to the outside world dur
ing the middle ui tlie week.
Mrs. Kvens and daughter, of HIt
erslde, visited one day this week with
her sister. Mrs Claude I'ropst
Fred I 'urrey mid fainll) relumed
from the eoast early this week, and
report having enjoyed Baine very
James K Westfall. from Westfall,
was over Tuesday on business con-
vthere thoy have been teaching for
Die past two months.
Misses Alice and lea Prough ar
rived last Saturday from Twin Falls
(or a visit at the M. E. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs IV I Johnson and
J O. Johnson were among the Sun
day excursionists to Smith's Ferry.
Mr. and Mrs Win Itauert and lit
tle son. Mr ami Mrs Frank Thump
son and Henry Manser, motored to
Holse Tuesday In the Hiinort car
Mrs JMark Campbell, nf Now I I v -mouth.
Is a guest at the (ii-nrge
Frank homo this week
Mr and Mrs. Kd. Herry aim t t
Stover, of Ontario, visited nl the I,
: I ipron home the first of the week
The young people of I lie llapllst
church met Monday evening with
Miss Mnhel Knherg for their monthly
social and business meeting, there
being about twenty-five pr. tl
QOJMO. music and delicious refresh
ments were enjoved liy the guests
Miss Josephine I'ardunn enterlnln
ed the (jueen Ksther Circle at her
home Inst Monday evening The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
coming year I'resldpnt, llutli Wheal
ilon vice president. Ksther llussell;
secretary, Mabel Robinsen: recording
secretary, Helen Mnck, treasurer, El
sie Herg; organist. Marian Sletler;
siiperlnlendenl, Mrs T It Nelson.
The hostess served delicious Ice
nected with the bunch of sheep which cream and cake.
he recently purchased. Henry Inssing Is carrying his right
Harry Key and wife, who went arm In a sling. He was cranking his
down the line last week, returned
home early this week, having trans
acted miine business and visited u few-friends.
father's automobile and It kicked
back breaking a bone In his wrist.
Frank Hands and family and Frank
Harnyard and wife drove to Welser
clay Hlakelev. the new townslte Sunday In the Hands car and enjoyed
foreman has now got settled down In ,lcnlr "'
tl, w quarters, and Is beginning Mr ""1 Mr" Ar,""r "olhrook. Mr
fc- ,, , .... i ' and Mrs Q c M.Cee and M E
o uinne iiunpt- iii.i..- .mr m-v......
rop Is light but Is better than they
looked for
John Mill, link v .. dOVB
frni Klverside on lm no
lle has Just returned from an extend
ed visit through the Alvnrd rountry
and was enthusiastic about the (mure
of same
Miss Cullie it siielton, nelce of
I lleiiliih. and leueli
Dowers motored to Boise last Friday,
returning home in the evening
i I'roin the Journal)
An election wus held Tuesday for
to purpose of organizing tlie Suc
cor creek Irrigation District and elect
ing officers Tlie people of that dls-
r,,. groro iinanlmous In voting for
the organization of their district and
"r "' M '' """ '""'led on ,,, lie e,BCtlon of ,he offlcer. j a
Monday's train from a long visit with wheeler, J. J. Beatty and J. W. Oraff
bur folks In 1'orllaml. and bn on
the stage for lleulah the same even
ing Mi II UniliK visited in town
for II few minutes OK II.
was on his way Fast to Rot
M i ii ti . to he present with his father,
i oloiiel Yolllitc. win. is to undergo uu
operation there, tin Mayo lirolliers
will huiiille Hie case and should in
sure SUCCe
Mrs Kva Itichev. Ml. Kdyth Hi.
e. Mis M V ll.iri and Mr. Nellie
were elected drectors
A meeting of the Nyssa fire com
pany was held at the council room
last Fi nl o I Hie i.t Hie re. nil- of
I he meeting will he (lie removal of
the fire hell from Its present location,
from the poatOfflOO, to the
water tower It will he connected
eb trlrallv with the central telephone
office, where the operator, when In
l of a fire, will ring the bell
by pressing a button.
After the business meeting, the fire
look purl in tlie dune In-lit at lii r
side last S.i t II I it .t e.euiug,. They
report having enjoyed themselves,
nol returned home tired hut h.iio
J (' Welcome, lather lit llelil
Welcome, accompiin led by Mrs H c
Ievens, his duughter, cnine m Sun
day evening and 1 1 sited with the folks.
here They left tor Kansus City oil
lay morning, where Mr Wei
come lines to lake part in the annual
; It reunion hile here Mr
Welcome delivered lilmsell nl u few
Pithy re -narks llllellt the
-it -liit ion and I r. mi what we couhl
gutlier. we ure ufruld he Is not in
a) 1 1 1 1 ( I life some of tlie Im.n
ground i oro, mi Ii u ! and out
it i. Klu of Alii . pur
chased thiei c.ii.o.ol ol liui.-cs frylll
Donald MacKensie, Bd I
Chet Sl.ilhird e.uiy this week and
shipped tin i,i .-.. t to l.uisaK, where
lo ill ,! io of them among his
1 II 'Olliel'
livnn u.,e few of the ladles hObxddMBl partook of a sumptuous to. ,1
provided h i:no',t aliller In appre
ciation ol the food work done ll the
department when his house caught
fire recently
Dwlght Smith Is making an ex
tended visit to his old home in Iowa
He win i relatives in Kansas
and Nebraska and will attend a big
family reunion of the Smith clan
Mr and Mrs It II Howsley are
delighted this week at receiving it
visit from their son, Judge Kohert
I. Howsley of Oklahoma It is their
looting in seven vegrs.
Word has been received by Mrs
Harry New by of the death of her
brother. Adjutant l.ieuieiiani Itlchard
Overshy I'ovvell, who wus killed Sun
day, .lulv Hi. In France, w here he
liad eon fighting since Nov 22,
I !i 1 . He entered the army 12 years
II D lllrd-ell w.,s up from vVOfeaM
Tom I in. t is working in the hay
field- fOI t - health
Q KlBCBUa wa in town from
K llitlii.ili Koloiiv Wedne-d.o
Jerry lluihy is m town from his
rancli on the headwaters of Dry
Miss Calkins of Eugene is visiting
her sister, Mrs Frank Morgan, at
Kingman Kolonv
Ohio Wilson went to Ontario Mon
day and returned with a tale of hard
luck, having had two blowouts and
a puncture on the trip.
Mrn 1' M lllinkley returned Tues
duy from the hills near Cuprum, Ida
ho, w here she spent a couple of
months rusticating I' M stayed be
hind and announced that he intend
ed to kill a bear before returning to
I'rof F 1' Hrainard was up from
Payette Wednesday, making prepar
ations for the commencement of
school on September 4th He Is ex
periencing difficulty in securing a
suitable dwelling, us desirable houses
are scarce this . sj
lieports from the Dig llend indi
cate splendid crops of grain in that
tavore.l section. Oats on the Roberts,
Ilickox mid Itiuinhack ranches yield
ed 100 bushels per acre; Ralph Rob
ertson's hurley 5 4 bushels; Dale Rob
ertson's spring wheat 50 bushels, and
Rrumhach's winter wheat 54 bushels.
I From the Banner)
Mi F A I. use and son Kcuhoi
1'elidleton. Oietion. arrived hist Sat
uid.o for it visit ut the F A. I, use
home ThOy left Sunday for Fin
II. lit to V l.sll I'elallv .
" ir) llollei.lech and Until
Hcitinun hit W , dnesdav tor n
points, Mis- Moll, iibei'k noillg to ll.iys
where si will make her
home witli her num. Mi- kirklund
while Miss lleitmaii returns to Imr
homo at Soduliu. Missouri
Mr and Mis s M (Polls, parents
of Laurel Wells, Mr ami Mrs Itohert
llolblook and children and Miss Flora
Morrow were guests p Mi and Mrs
Wells from Saturday until Monduy
Mr and Mrs. William Smith, of
Council, Wash, were visitors at the
Smith home Wednesday Mr Smith
went from here to I'ocutello where
IM will .i-sii in evangelistic services
while Mrs Smith will mmi her par
ents, Mr and Mrs J I) Miles, In
J 11 Bowers uud family, l.ela and
Karl Fisher, Karl FlOOk und Wendall
Brown left Tuesday morning for a
two week's camping top on i ,,r
creek, uhov e Council
SJHHbSHB BSfeBHMBfeaBsH EUn HI. , Mti'l 'm
M.. t m ' ' '- -'- r J -"SSSM.I
nl.H ....I,,, .,11 k. .la.J .L.tOllKtf L. !... I .n,Nt SSL mkmrWtM M.JSIW Ml.
p. - gv Sm feOv fi
For Your Arm of Whatevtr Malt
I fo i I tm m sTi SI
I vnlvaw siatiasa till ka ataBlB)J ktiatlMal kg k' I !'
tutian art. I loortMfi ikal k eo.iU roollr l tkioj wtlk k. fun
A sjTtl rvivJ nf lK r."t i wife4j ii-rttM lk tauntry
Urife ' ! " horn i'i i'iA Ai J ik ' (
Romtnflflft UMC Antthinihiit far alt UaoUrrl mk ( BtftaLi
oil rTjiro to toppia all privuui kifk morkt
' ! Y.otr tm a-'il oitt'ttti' it 't from lk rtbaklo dalrr
I... i.r tK. MJ ft?? Mrk ( Km.n0fn t'Mi. tka ...f f
34rtnri o MaaJojoortaro la rti lWV
SotS by your hm H.alsr and Tt otrwr Uaxllng
rnrcKinia In Or4con
Cftmn mmJ '' f rflj REM OIL. tU wmkhm
(Mr 'tW JayiVoatf, Lulttmt mJ Rust VrrMMDM
M I rtUH.I- CO.
rrrl Maiajajaialnrara f ..- mmJ U-Mits
Ml W H - H
W.M-tk n-Hi. N Varfc
i oMM sM Kl l'fi:i Ol'
As made to the comptroller of the currency at the close of
buslneas, June 30, 1(16.
Loans ami luvoelmeuts 1.131,910 55
Overdraft 71.10
Stock In Unserve Bank 3.000.00
Itenlty and fixtures .. 9,303.43
(ash I loser,. IP7.MUMII
Capital t 50.000 00
Surplus and profits .... 63.908.13
Circulation 12, 600 00
teM.IU 400, 776. 49
1592.343 62
Use An
In Your Home
They are Cleaner and Quicker than Coal.
We have a Full Line in Slock
$28.50 to $75.00
Call and let us
show them to you
Idaho Power Co.
Mr uud Mrs T K Neilsou return
ed Suuduy uioruiu from Albion Prospects are good for clover seed
1 1 iTfe
F II IT f E E satB .'
I JOmkjon HAtt
tVM I -
gf QH HB.)h S4.4K
With nw bulltltiiffft, bvtttsr tiulpiittitt, hihJ
uihii) addttluns tu Its faculty, (lis I itlvrrtlty
of OrSafun will bavin U furti flrol r. Turo
tlHi. Sri'lriitboji It, HrlH.
Hpvi-latl trmliilitai In Comniens, Juurnaltim,
Ar-hltectur, lnw, MtMlltlna,TMit-hliitf, Libra
ry Work, Mot. . Phylal Trttlnlns ami ni
A rti. I rjr anil atrouc dtiuartiusiiU of Liber
al KtiUlMt 1(111.
I lliraarv nf mora tKaiit H'A ana tnluinu 1.
Mai bulldlnaa fullv atiuluued. tiavu .ulen.H.i
r mtialutiia.
Tuition Krea. UormlUarlas for Dim and for
woman. Kiyoiuet Lowast.
Writ for froacAtaloffs, addrasslnc KcUtrar
I i.t s . OHKOUN
. ' Jt i .wiDMa
Try The Argus for Want Ads