The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 31, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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TiirusiuY, A.rc.rsi 11, ia:c
The Week With Ontario Citizens
Mm. I. Miliar of HuriiH mix In
Ontario Monday.
K. llilvrii of liriii;i " nn On
tarlo visitor on Monday.
W. W. Hoam of NyHB In On
tario on bwtMM Monday.
Mrfi I). T. Menntor Man te-n tiulte
III during the paat week.
Ulrl twIiiB wore born to Mr. and
Mm. lot I'artpr of Juntura.
K 'H Itannpy of Fruit land was an
Ontario visitor lat Saturday.
M. L Uoodwln of Hrogan register
ed at the Moore on Tuesday.
Mr 0. 0 Griffith of BurnH win
rjM.ra tli Moore Monday.
U O. Willis of Hrogan was In On
tario on bualneaa laat Saturday.
Mi Nellie Jono of Juntura came
down to Ontario Saturday to hop
A daughter w born to Mr. and
Mr. W. . Beamgerd laat Thursday
Mr and Mra. Charles Kenyon of
Welser motored to Ontario Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. P. E. Edward of
Vale stopped In Ontario lat Satur
day. W. A. Crook, accompanied by hi
daugliti-r, Maxlme, i a Vale visit
or Monday.
Mr and Mr. V. T. Hunt of the
IronnldeM country were In Ontario
for Sunday.
Deaplte her 8 2 year Mr. Schumun
of Juntura wa able to make a vllt
to Ontario Tueaday.
Mr I.oiiIh H. Illll of ItlvtTMlde wa
amonit the Interior cltlien to call
In Ontario thl week.
W II Clbwin of Mountain Ileum'.
Idaho, waa In Ontario Monday and
reglNtercd at the Moore.
M. F. Brower came down from
ltlerldc on bulnea lant Saturday
to meet Ontario friend.
On learning of the arrival of bin
baby daughter F. T. Crowley came
down from Hrogan Saturday.
Ml Dean Orcutt of Hadcr's. who
spent lu-r vacation at Vale and Itlvrr
alde returned to her dullea thl week
Mi. Itoxe llallry left on Sunday
from Ua Angele to complete her
work In the California normal In that
Mr and Mr (leorge V. Nenblt and
dauKhter of Welser were In Ontario
Tueaday for a few hour vImUIiik
lhtcr K Cure. II lio enjoyed a
flliing trip In the Cambridge coun
try I buck attending to hi dutlea at
M. V. Mart of Jiinturn win num
bered the cIIUiiin from the liitrrlur
who trauaacted bulneH In Ontario
Dr. and Mra. W C. Weeae and
Judge and Mr Dultuu Bigg were
dlnuer gueata at the home of A H
Mlnaker of I'lymouth.
Mr II. C Iteep. who waa operated
upon at the hoapital two week ago
wa able to return to ner home aouth
of the city on Saturday.
C. A. Keefe returned from Bulae
Saturday where he had. been called
on account of the alekneaa of hi !
ter-ln-law, MU Jennie Hull
A duugliter wan born to Mr. and
Mr F T Crowley of Hrogan Sut
urduy at the home of Mr. and Mra.
Aldredge of Hiveraide addition.
Mr Dick la the guest of her
mother, Mr (on Hyuii, while she la
recuperating from a fractured aukle
from which ahe ha been buffering
for home time.
A graaa fire which fiually aet the
Idewalk near the Duucun Mi-Mat
houie Wedueaday evening gave the
fire department a little exercUe No
damage waa done.
Thomax Coward, who haa beeu
ageut for the Ford automobile In
Ontario for several year left on
Tuemluy to take possession of his new
territory at La Uraude.
Berry Sayera of Brogau f
thru the city on Monday euroute to
Portland. He wus ;ir ompunled by
bis mother and sister who were re
turning to their home in Chicago
The church here voted Mr. Huker
three weeks vacation and he was
arranging to leave on Thursday after
he was in the auto collision ou Sun
day of July 1 title He takes a short
vacation at thta time.
Reporting the finest kind of a
crop of peaches and apples ou the
highlands In hla vicinity. Fred Mit
chell was down from Brogan Friday
and returned to his home on Satur
day. Mr. Mitchell predicted that the
middle of September.
C w. Dodge, who haa been abaent
from the city for the paat ten days
on a trip to Salt Lake City and Og-
den returned to Ontario Thursday
While in Ogden Mr Dodge heard an
address by Governor Charles E.
Hughes and declared that the impres
sion made by the republican nominee
wa: decidedly favorable and the peo
ple wero enthusiastic over his address
Word was recolwd from Mr. B.
K. Newman (hat she stood tin- trip
nicely to the Sanatorium at Salem
V party of Ontario women includ
0 MeaVaM Harry Anderson, Jnc-
ob I'rlnzlng, A. I Cnckrum, Frnnk
H; I. r anl C. H Kmlon motored to
v It Mondny where they were the
gunit of Mr. Paul Cnyou for a
plunge party at the natatorlum.
Rev. D K. Maker left Thursday
on No. 4 for the eastern part of
Idaho for a few day vacation lie
will spend next Sunday at American
Fall, and will supply the newly or-
.l..,l I.N.... Builal -I t. J ..
,...., i,. ., ,,,., ll.HNI t II 111 I II HI US I
first regular meeting after It organ
ization. Mrs. D. E. Baker returned last
week from Inkom, Idaho, where she
visited a large number of friends of
a former charge at Oaknsdale. Wash.
She reports a splendid visit and a
good time. Thin I in the mountain
above Pocatello, and much cooler
than the Snake river valley.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T D will he held Tuesday afternoon
September 6 at the I'reshylerlan
church The election of officers for
the coming year will take place. It
Is reniiested that all member nav
their dues of f I no fur the next year
to Hie secretary September 1 as 30
cents nn each dollar goes to help pay
for the fountain which Is to be In
Mulled before fair time
Mr. and Mr C W Martin and
family, who have been reldent of!
ih 1. 1 1 In for the past lx years, expect
to leave Friday or Saturday for Tex-
!. New Mexico. They will make
the (rip overland In their car. Mr
Martin ha been with the Ontario!!
Laundry for over five years and
while lie may do so, Is not certain
that lie will not return to Ontario
For a time Mr. and Mrs Martin will
visit with relative In Texlco and
may decide to permanently reside
there. .
ixti.K Min omn,
(..neriinieol OftMata I llwill) I . . Ile
One-linn Willed alls II. en Hmiik
lug Fire for Many Moallia.
After waltlug for muntha to learn
where Hie government would locate
the post office ou the expiration of
the lease on the present building On
tario citizens were given relief from
their suspense Monday At that
i line word was received from the
post office department at Washing
ton that Hie offer wade by the pro
prietor of the Wilson building had
been inspected.
The advise was received by C. It.
Kiulsou. one of the owners of the
building, and the date given for the
transfer to the building was given as
December 1.
The post office will occupy the
store room cornering ou Oregon and
i alumina which is much larger than
t lie quarters now occupied. It Is
uiiilersiooil that the lease ou the
n hj in is made for a term of ten yeara.
Heiore the new building becomes
the post office a number of changes 1 1
will be made to adapt It to its future;
use. New boxes and other equip
ment will be Installed as soon as pos
sible so that the building will be
ready wheu the officials are ready
to move.
There will be a meeting of the
public school faculty Saturday after
noon to prepare for the formal open
mg of schools next Monday. Most
of the members of the faculty are al
ready on the ground ready for work.
F J. i lemo arrived In the city Wed
nesday from the summer vacation
ready for supervision of the play
grounds I.. I. Culbertsou is expected
down from his ranch on Dead Ox flat
Friday Miss Maine Benge, who will i
have charge of the music arrived
Thursday from Oklahoma.
Among the Vale men who motored
down to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Bert Myres last Sunday were: Coun
ty Assessor L. K Hill, Attorney Geo.
Hayes, George Carter, Curley Lewla.
uiad Ad Gllham, deputy county assessor.
THE 0. & F. COMPANY, Ltd.
,. w.
Will III li
,L- c-MSMttnJ -' .mii'
XT TM&V I HJyi f4 lM9 X v &L, iOAl?lV KTTT S
s. I vw ; , v imuimmxwvtA
aTv' a. ' rmn i m i i m v iimmimAwmMm.
'v 'rv v w
i A t
i i a
We Want
Every person in this
country to see our line
of coats and suits, for
fall and winter. Wjth
out fear of contradic
tion we say "that we
iutve the newest and
best line of ready to
wear merchandise in
this country, the clo
ths, the styles, the
trimmings and the
price is the best.". It
is not necessary to
talk about these won
derful garments, a
look through our cab
inets will prove every
statement we make
We buy for two stores
We pay cash and
we specialize in styl
ish garments at a low
price. Why then,
should we not be able
to show larger stocks
at lower prices?
Our Suits Show Distinction
Our Miits hit tlistiiictivf in style because vc
have only ONE OF A KIND. We t. t ilnpli-
eate but stay with the me principal that lias
made this department meeeeefnl. Sou donl
have to pay an enormoue price to net a Suit that
is originul, because we carry the lower priced
lines exactly as we do the high priced ouch
ONE OF A KIND ami do DOl duplicate.
That came to OUT Stme are from the best inak
ers in the country everyone backed by guar
antee that guarantees they have guaranteed
liniii". tin mii Uinaiiship is guaranteed and the
quality la guaranteed, we guarantee the price
and that- enough to make it worth your time to
look 'em over for we have the bin store ot this
kind- ami the most garments.
Silk Petticoats $2.98, $3.50, $4.98 and $5.98
See the range of prices, almost any price you
want to pay, the colors ami materials are of lii
variety too Most anything you want llcavv
taffetas, toll Ifeaaaline and clingy toft silk .Jer
sey. Everyone a biy; value and they are abso
liitely new .lust received by express from New
York. The style is right, the quality is riht
and the price is riyht.
Fall and Winter Underwear
Our complete line of Kail ami Winter Under
wear is here ami ready tor sale Why wait un
til the cold days are on us before you have laved
in your full supply for winter. Women, girls
and boys can gel any grade here from the cheap
est cotton garmeuti to the fluent wool. Decide
what oii want ami bin it now.
The Lerner Waist
The Lamar waists for this season
an- beautiful they are made
with style showing iinliviiluali-
t with bin eapc eolon pretty
embroidered effects that make
them atand above all others
look for the wide elastic waist
band that's the liCiiier Waist
they always use the best crepe
de chine and Georgette erepea In
their waist the price from
$3.50 to $7.50
Sheuerman Skirts
Plain and Fancy
In Regular and Out Sizes
Compare them in atyle
compare tlicm in qualitv in
workmanship compare fa
briCS See lloW Well theV lit
without alterations, and you
will conclude that the sheu
ennaii skirt represents great
er value for the price than
von can obtain in any other
3 , 0
THE 0. & F. CO., Ltd.
Successors to Lampkin's
Stores at Ontario, Oregon and Weiser, Idaho