& mt vol. so ONTARIO, 'III.MM ic OOL'NTV, ORHCION, Tlfl'RHDAY, AMU ST 31. 1010 M MIIKH :rk ONTARIO TO HAVE MONTHLY SALE DAY CITY FORTIFIED FOR FOOD FOR PRESENT MBRCHAtrm OIVK AMURANCM op niwmw pm III. Ml IV I Ml I FIRST SALE SET FOR SEPT. 23 Stockmen Listing Hoi-hp. anil C'sIIIp If Kxhlbltom Ikpalre Fair Exhibit Will He Offered for Hale Till Tim. Crystallxlng thn sentiment of bun InaiiH men for Hip InauKuratlnn of n feature attraction each mnntli for Ontario the Ontario Monthly Tradom' liny wrk Innnrlinl last week by Hart W'heehin Aii the flrMt stpp for UM launching of mi effort lo place Ontario to Hip front e: Hip IIvp cities of HiIm HPPtlon Mr Wl Ion presented Hip prnpnal- lldii lo Hip din. tors of Hi Commer cial club and after a Hioro discussion of UM proposition UMV gave it their 'iiiliirNPinent. following I hi n canvaa of UM business moil of tilt city rpMiillril In UM unutiliiinii itpproviil of Hip plan Many of Hip buslne man IM more t Mm ii iipprova. tliey offarpd IliPlr co oppruHon and suggested iiipuiih of 111 11 k 1 11 k Hip Institution parmunant by adding iillniriloiiH which will bo of benefit to tha rancher about On tario. TIip third ntep toward tha forma tion of tho movement wim the listing of Him k to lio sold In only a few bourn after the plan wan flrMt pro posed hundred of dollar worth of slock MM listed tot Hip sale and each day llu mppii additions thereto mini aevaral thouaand dollar worth of dork I aaaured for the flrMt ale. i. I f All Klnl N'ot only horses and rattle, pig ami Hhi'pp liuie been Ii l I bill other produce Me material will I"- placed on the block. Arrangements have ato been made for the Hating of any exhibit thai I I lillillor at Hie county fair Aa sell Since there are al Ml articles at Hip fair which UM want to diapoae 01" the claaa of toi'k for the flrat aale i hound to he great ly varied ami of excellent character. Many I'ariner Mating Stork. During a Hhort trip on Hie Krult land bench taut Sunday aeveral head of fin Jeraey cattle, number of borne, a reglatered pig. a well a other good were lilted by ranchers of that nectlon. 1 hoe wno naa nothing to ltt all declared that they would chip to Ontario to aee what they could buy. With the combined cooperation of the business men and rancher the management of the Trader' Day feel that the effort will be an unqualified aucceia. Thla la particularly the cane alnce the aervlce of Col. Oeorge W Water, the well known auctioneer of Welner ha beeu secured to con duct the aale. GRAND IURY RETURNS ONE OPEN INDICTMENT Only one open indictment had beeu reported by the grand Jury in eaion .i Vale un to Wedueiday. Thla charged Muaara. Hoyt and Smith of Ontario with procuring liquor from an O. S I. freight car in Ontario. Other indictment, it is reported were made but have not been made public. Among the Ontario attorney who attended the seasiona at the county aeat thin week were: J. W. Mri'ul lock. District Attorney W. H. Urooke, I. J. Uallagher. V U Swagler, W. C. Leea and W. A Stone of Caldwell who drove up un Moinlay with Mr McCullocli and Hie other attorney. Chief of Police Harry C. Fanner t.-iuleil t!.- gMfiou and chap eroned a large consignment of booze which was used In evidence before the inquisitorial body. Miss Jennie Hull of Boise was op erated ou for appendicitis last Fri day. She la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Orrin Bull of Ontario. n - :? I I- -I M Ba. U I J 1 L 1.1 f - trF jPwSi atok "JBagBa Wfi M JkmW 1 W ""''""" CHARLl. IVANS MIMMM CHAWLM WAWWaN FAIMANKI. I "5 ;.,,': isL : : Preparation ware made to nhlp tlilrly cara of atock fr llrogan on Weill 'In TIip rut tli were ilrlii'ti alinont to the loading at a- Hon from the range and the Mlock car were on tho track with an engine ready to haul them ..in According to report of the road official Ho- cattle did not ' show up III lime to lip loauVd ho Hi ram were pullpil out inotliir report was clrcuiuled Hint the embargo on rattle hlp- III. II I H Weill Into pffprt IlllOllt tllf ' time the cattlp would have reached t In- Ionium atettOP, and ilint llii.-. cuu-.ed Hip wilhdruwal ..i (he car. Whatever the real fact were Hip rultlp w . IP not sllipp. .1 VALE PREPARES FOR -. i. i M U Half Set for (iallier- lug or iilil Tlinris at Count Heal llab) Show AImi. All Vale 1 uintnm in preparation for the Pioneer Keunion which la to take place Friday, September D. A number of active committee, audi aa alway feature a Vale celebration have the matter In hand aud the oc-i-aalon 1 to be a merry one. Aocordlng to the advice sent out by Itobert M. Duncan, acting secre tary of the organization, the picnic diuner will be the central feature of the day Around it the program will be built. Hot coffee, cream, sugar aud other easentials to complete the basket lunches brought by the plc nlcers will be furnished A hlu.ri program of speeches aud old time reminiscence will follow the dinner. Of courae there will be mus ic all day, furnished by Vale's fam ous band, and in the evening there will be a dance for the Pioneers, to which everyone la Invited. Then too there will be the "Uaby Parade" aud the announcement of the win ner of the Hetter Babies contest. 0. & F. GO. HAKES MANY CHANGES WITHIN' STORE During the past week the interior of the O. Ai W Co store has been under-going a series of changes With the rearrangement ot Hie stock, aud the establishment of a ladies fitting parlor in Hie rear of the store there has beeu made possible additional room for display cases in the front An entirely now system of display ing the shoes and other merchandise has beeu luaugurated, other improve-' menta made ao that the interior ot the atore presents a highly linproied appearance. HORSES FOR FAIR SHOW THEIR CLASS HI.IJKH mimim; ro ONTARIO MKKT Hltl.tklVO ItKCOKDB IN K.VHI.I KMIAOKMIN in FASTEST BUNCH ASSEMBLED l. ....I r'Mlr orrirlul KlaMxl Ova i lagaj ot Aitiai tlon to lb- MlaaWM, l.ni Ni.Ip.I . fare for lllu Ml'lng. I I, .it Hip i. h .' bun ps lo perform ior tin- Iii-iii in ..r M.ihieiii coiiniy nt Iiiiiuk fair wui-k ai r seen in these pre.in.i. aag aiiipii Indicated this week h) i lie re ports from Hie Monlpeller ami Hex burg meeting. .'ot ouly i the field lo be fast, hin it Is the large string of time re ducers that ever assembled for the iiitermountalii circuit So large la It that Secretary CM Stearns ha been called upon to provide tents to houae those that cannot be accommodated In the big barn. There will be at least 100 horses from the outside at the fair. The following loiter received thia week by Mr. Steam la aelf explana- ( Continued on page eight) "r- 'rw "Great Scott, Woodrow! Mivt'" JjBT . 33 iL ' mmmmmmWmmW mmrJ0&Si ' f LOOKS LIKE HUGHES ' WERE ELECTION NOW : PKKMKNT IIMHTHIS OP IMH.ITI t l. HITIATION IN MM Nl II- JHT TO IIIAVIiK. H. C. BOVER TELLS OF TRIP K. nll ol Strike Ni-u.it i.ill M.k Hue tll.il I lie. I ,,i, l-olitlral I ailipnlUll lip llellew N- e-l ns Notbhig on Fast. "If tile presidential elerlioli were io In- held today I believe Hughes would be elerted," said Ii. C Holer. mi WeilllP ilm Hi Ii. .-.er tetlirniil Momlay uioMiing from an ei trip whlrli took Ii i in all over the mid dle weat. the Atlantic seaboard and the southwest. "There are many things which may effect the situation and cliauge the. results, however," continued Mr Hoy -or "One of these Is the outcome of the negotiation looking toward a solution of the railroad strike If the provident avert tha strike, aiuce lie has concentrated negotiation about 'un. elf, the effect on many voter can be aeen. If, however, he fall In till, Judging by comment on the ait- H on tin pe.t on page three) & Carter in Nsw Vork Sun. I've Been Up In the Air Almost Four Years!" UOOD I (MIT Hl.l. 11 M IN ii. II. PHOSI'KtT That the Ontario High School WtU repre illl. I foot ball team this fall Is the prospect. A nuniber of the m-u student have the required pli slral developmont and npiH.il to make the O. H. S. a dangerous foo for any of tho squads In Hits e. I n.ii. The I, eaf and I romliliiPil With tho leadership of ( oarli I. I,. I'ullierlMiii. the ol.l Moruitigslda alar and Captain Joy Hunted la going to be hard to teal I. ARCADIA GROVE IS SCENE OF BIG TIME Houleiaril Orange Hold. Su. I'll lib ( alro Wins Tug of ii from Ontario. TfcfM hundred punloers aaaembled at Arcadia grow Wednesday after noon to enjo) Hie seroud iiuuual pil ule of the Boulevard gruuge. That ' evening three hundred picnicers left for their homes showing Indisputa ble evideuco that they hud enjoyed . themselves. Following the piculc I u iuh W W Howard. who presided Introduced those who took part in Hie fortual I program including K M Deam, mas ter of the Pomona grange, Attorue) It W Swagler or Ontario and Sup erintendent ol Schools I (i Bailey of Ontario. Mr. Dean In a brief address told of the founding of the grange move liieut, Us object ami Its fur In achieving results for the ranch era of the country Mr Swagler ills cuaaed the various measures now pending in the state and national1 lawmaking bodies, the purpose of winch are lo regulate irrigation aud drainage in agricultural region. Superiiitpiiili-nt Halle) lomblneil two thots In his address. He first presented Hie Malheur Count) Can for consiileratloii tin the part of the ranchers and declared that It was above all things an educational in stit ut ion which merited L.-ir sup port He urged Hie ranchers lo i in pxess upon their sous and daughter the necessity of studying rural pro Ihcms and not to continue to seek a classical education, which for purposes ol lite and for the w-li of the nation, was secondary to that oi tiio right kin-l ot ti.nneil .igmiil tural knowledge. The program woj enlivened '' ''x r. II. nt contributions of music hy the Kingman Kolotiy orchestra and u.i.u hy Misses Keua Adam and St.-llu Millikln of Ontario, while Mrs (iiabaiu or Nyssa made a decnleil hit with her presentation of readlnga In I Negro dtalei i Aa the closing number of the if teruoon" nine men selected from the (Continued ou page eight) III sIMSS MBM NOT WOHKIKD OVKH I.MPKMHXO HTItlKK htim ks IBOVE NORMAL. GAS SUPPLY ONLY SHORTAGE tiiioinol.lle Ounrrv Mrs! to Star Htorage Movement Capacity of .Standard I pi Co. Tanks Hold Ob l.i Meek Supply of i.m- on anil. Kxcnpt for a nhortage of tha sup ply ot gasoline Ontario citlzena hnvfl nothing over which to worry thru Hie affect of tha Impending railroad strike. Thanks for thin condition may be given the foresight of the merchants and the gift of a Provl dptice I hat at Ontario down In a tertile: Snake river valley whpte the diversity of product permit thn grow Hi of the necessities of life. Of course wore the strike to last ho iii. un mouths Hipre would ha olio- or Hie luxuries that would be missing. Soma lines or merchandise whlrli are inaiiufiirl iired In the anat might run low. but so far as the ac- le. lire i inn erilPd Hip rlty 1. 1 ii withstand au indeflnte selge. t. a-. .Hop Supplt a. 1:1. 1 .II..1 tin- Illl I) Uppll 111 run low Is that uf gasoline The stork of the Htatidurd Oil company U been exhiiu ted Auto owners took prpcatitlons Tuesday and Wednesday and bought up tho Plltlra supplt II. ol l!,ere hi .11 lllorrt hiirri-lls In town II. p siippli woulil have gone sooner ...m o i. ii :. I., i ippllng up to Ion gallons Slngl 1 1 .1 or- ell- I .llhlllOII iii.iher ciilo.nl , gasoline is eg-lieit.-il her.- ou I'n.l.iv or Saturday mill this will add aiiolhei- weiks nor ippl for this lerrltui - Unw ind lio i. i pleul; ol .1 land ami niali) I un ou that it u I he, o that jo) riding may not I.. Milium. I I lour Ne.ii .it Hilliil. 'Ih. ink - lo Un- lai I th.ii hot Milley prodiires wheal, and I ho iiiiihi't r.nt ih.it ihi-ru ure mills near at baud there is no danger of a Hour shortage Kw-u without WW- source of supply there is aurrirleni Hour ou hand for a month or more. Plenty nf i .. ,i The roul merchant ol city, loo, ure prepared with sufficient coal . iipiv the nt) tor noun- time, a mouth or more, and this with tha supplies in the bin of clttxen In sures plenty of heat. A canvass of the merchaul reveal ed that all of them are well supplied with stocks sufficient to feed the oity, ao t hut there Is no need of any one becoming alarmed Plenty of Meat. The one generous supply which can constantly be replenished Is meat. Ontario will have no trouble In get ting all the meat It wunts In fact more than enough, for there are thoii-.ands of cattle that would Ii.iih been shipped out during the upt month that will remain on the range and can he driven to the cities. besides the supply that Is right at hand ou Hie nearby ranches TKI.KPHONK COMPANY TO HJMINATC oi.i.m TioNH llegiiiuing with September I the Malheur Tplephoin- coinp.im g io In augurate a new system in handling the collection or Its acoiini ill On tario No longer will a company i.i. . nlative call to r.-ciiie the change The customers will appear at the company office to mike their paymeuta This change in policy is in.nl. at ie tune II F Kline, who has beeu wire cheit for the company for viiari. UegVM '.. ai . pt a higher posi tion with the Mountain Itatea com pany ai in II II Wagner who has been the romp, in '. collector sue I I Mr kl.i.e and lln- position of colh-itor la abolished I'lnler tin- in a manage ment ail bills will I..- pnyable by the tenth of each month and mounts Ml p.... I during the month will cause a ai lennl Inwrt 'f the w rlw. ac cording to Manager R W llardiier'a announcement which is glveu elKJ-where.