The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 24, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, lilt
faq riva
The Week With Ontario Citizens
'"' . i
Mm. H. C. Levant of Vale was In
the city Monday
H. W, Uiemeo wtnl lb "?le on
business Thursday.
Blmer Orcatt vat a buftti l
Itor 1h Wfltar TlHv
J, H. borUell.of Nm Wag" an-f
OnUrlo visitor Tuesday.
ns ". .:
Mr. Jsmes I.avrcaor at Vl rlBtl-
d wltb Ontario friend Tuesday.
Adam- Murray, la 'in the cfy from
the West end of the county this week
Advises were received, Urts-week
that Ml Ann ToaHttlgWen of Poise,
Mr. Allen Psr'dunn of Prultland
wm In Ontario shopping do Tuesday.
Mr. ana sire, it. . SsuifCE &&
eon of Vale were Ontario visitors
C. C. Hunt, one of Nyssa'a promi
nent dairymen wm In OnUrlo Tues
day. P. M. Maher of the American Min
er of Heattle was In Ontario Wednes
day NT
Mrs Dalton Discs, who was III
last week, has recovered and Is shout
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Key of
Juntura were In Ontario on business
J. (' Welcome of Hurnit wan anions'
the guests registered this week at the
Carter House.
O. ('. Nicely of Shoshone, Iilulio,
wan In Ontario Tuesday to visit with
old time friends.
Miss (lladys Knilson returned Krl
dsy from Portland where she spent
the psst month.
Harry Hulston of the Ontsrlo
Pharmacy returned Sunday from a
hart vacation trip.
Mr. and Mr. Will Jnmleon of
llrognn were registered at Hie Car
ter House on Monday.
County Judge (leorge McKnlght
came down from Vale on business
of the court on Monday.
Df and Mr W J. Weese Sun
duyed In the region of Jsmlsson en
joying a pleaaant outing.
V. Ii Staples, republican candldnte
for county clerk, was In Ontsrlo rail
ng upon friends Saturday.
ThoniSH T Kahout of Jordan Val
ley w.-h in the city over Sunday, a
guest at the Illackaby home
II. P. Scott, who ranches In the
country above Vale, was In town on
Wednesday transacting business
Kred I'ackwood of Kugone Is the
guest of Ills uncle and aunt. Mr and
Mrs Charles Knilson of this city.
James Jones of the Jones Land K
Livestock company at Juntura was
n Ontario business visitor Saturday.
Harry 11 Cockrum of the Plrst Na
tional Bank returned this week from
a business trip l the Harney county
C. C. Wilson the Nyssa stlorney
was in Ontario Tuesday after attend
ing the council of republican chiefs
on Monday,
ott., Miller of Deed tn flat wm
in Ontario on his way to Vale Mon
day to attend the meeting of the re
publican central committee.
Mr. and Mrs. 0, R. Kellogg arr
entertaining Mrs John J".' Oheen and
Mias Caroline Oheen, Mrs. Kellogg's
aunt and cousin of Westchester, I's.
Mr and Mrs. E." D. Butler and
Miss Clara Fleming returned Hstur
day from a five week'a sojourn
among the beauties of the Yellow
stone park.
Por a valuable ranch In the Wil
lamette valley J H. Parley traded the
Parley building this week. The ex
act amount of the transaction was
not made public.
Some petty thieving haa been going
on In the city during the last week.
Seven electric lights were stolen from
the Bsptist church snd eight from the
I'rnsbyterisn church.
$40,000 SHIPMENT
'Ue U.irtb SIHI.OOO; Shf WorUi
SB.OOO aid Horee Valawd at
Over W.oon Leave Bat the
the Caeli C-nie flack.
county stockmen.
The seventeen cars of cattle were
shipped by lluthcrford Bros. Jsmes
Morfltt, Jsmes K. Iawrence, C. K
Howard, Kd Beam snd Ernest Loc
ey. The sheep were shipped by II
According to estimate placed on
the shipment the cuttle represent
f.10,000 while (he horses were worth
$9,000 or $10,000 and the sheep were
worth shout $4,500 or $5,000. This
neat assemblage of capital will re
turn to continue the pmpirlt of
Malheur county.
Mrs. W. W Hun. hi left Wednes
day for Diamond. Oklahoma, where hay crop , Bddnf Q , JO). of f
for the ranchers of that region He
Meventeen cars of cattle. three
car of horse and a many of sheep
left Ontsrlo Monday of this week for
stern markets. The cattle and
horses were shipped to Omsha while
the sheep will go to Chicago. It la
Mr H. L. Teterson, who hss msde estimated tbst for the total shipment
an extended stay In the vicinity of I some $46,000 will return to Mslheur
Smith's Perry haa returned to her
home here greatly Improved In health
as the result of the outing In the
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Homan of the
Ontario National bank are among
the Ontario cltixens at present enjoy
ing the cool sea at I'aelflc
coast summer resorts. They left On
tario Sunday.
Itlchnrd Perry of the First Nation
al Hank Is enjoying his summer vaca
tion at the sea shore. He left on
Sunday for Portland and after a short
stay there proceeded to Tillamook
and other coast points.
W I' Lumpkin was a Welser visit
,ii Wednesday and Thursday on busi
ness Mr Lumpkin Is figuring on
the erection of a substsntial business
structure on the property he recently
acquired In the Idaho city.
Mrs W. A. Cloud or the Krullland
Manner was an Ontario visitor on
Tuesday. The lack of a fruit crop
on the Kruitland bench has not been
reflected In the activity of the thrlv
Iiik Manner, says Mrs. Cloud
II II Wood made a short business
trip to Juntura on Monday returning
to Ontario on Tuesday Aside from
the movement of tock to msrket,
says Mr Wood no sensational devel
opments were noted In the western
C B. Irvine waa numbered among
the out of town business visitors In
Ontario this week Mr. Irvine pur
chased 7.000 lambs for fall delivery
while on a trip thru Hie west end of
the county with A I. Spri.ul They
miiI as far west as Hums
Mrs. Paul Cayou was the hostess
for a number of Ontario ladies who
Journeyed with her to Vale Tuesday
for an outing which Included a ses
sion at the natalorluui In the par
ty wars: Mrs. Jacob Priming. Mrs
K C Van Petten. Miss Belle Clark
and Miss May I'lull.
B K iltiiiton. a prominent Drew
sey raucher was lu the city Saturday.
Mr Dunton reports that a large sec
ond crop of alfalfa, as well as a big
I SBaev
I 4aflY
she was called by the serious Illness
of her father
Itev. W. M. Mrown of the I'nlted
Presbyterian cuurch expects to leave
this week with his family for a two
weeks' vacation.
Chsrles Piatt snd family, who hsve
been enjoying a delightful outing in
the Yellowstone Park region return
ed home this week.
Mr .ni.l Mrs. Hoy Smith relumed
Monday from an outing In the Souths
Perry region where they eu Joyed not
only cool weather but excellent fish
ing and huckleberrying.
also aays that there is still plenty of
wuter for Irrigation.
Judge C M Suarns heard argu
ments In a suit brought on Monday
by Attorney W. K. Lea against Mr
and Mrs Auexdule to collect uu ac
count alleged to he due Armour Co .
and also for rent said to be due Af
ter hearing the evidence end argu
ment of counsel the matter was tak
en under advisement. Mr Lees ap
peared dir Armour . (. while At
torney P J Gallagher appeared for
the lie ten lis II t
I ' "tl,uiu , ,A1,ni
rtUal Pint II. S. Sundud Mcwi
If i Ohio torn)' I $V JJ,
hat, .i a,,,, $jMBsaw4J SM
Ontario Furniture Co.
(.Itt H (MINK HOI ( tMI'KltS
Attorney and Mrs J. W Mcculloch
never received a more cordially spon
(aneous welcome In their lives than
that which greeted them last Satur-1
day on their arrival at their sons';
camp on Willow creek. Of course
there was a reason beside that of
filial devotion, snd Hist reason was
convincing and poignant. The grub
waa gone.
Certain that the young men had a
commissary sufficient to sustain a
regiment, Mr MrCulluch had ee
tabllshed Hie boys in camp the week
before and returned to town promls
Ing to return on Saturday to take
them home. But he had not taken
into account the stimulating effect of
life In the open In which long tramps
braced the nerves and quickened Hie
sppetlte, and as the result there was
not a morsel of food left when with
Mrs. MiCulloch he srrived at the
camp Saturday to receive the whole
hearted welcome of his sons.
Mr and Mrs. McCulloch stayed at
the camp until Monday and enjoyed
a pleasant outing with some k I
fishing with Hie boys who returned
with them ready to start the school
Among the most Important deals
for county real estate recorded dur
ing the pant week was Ihut by which
the Kuii.oin Peers ranch on Willow
creek passed to the ownership of
Kulheiford Mros and J l.awieine
of ale The consideration, it Is un
derstood was slightly less Ihun $10,
000. The ranch consists of 240
kcres highly Improved.
A. McWllllams Is In Weiser where
he purchased from Mr West, the lit
tle soral horse, "I'matillo," and the
lack hors they call "Bagging Hut,
for the Malheur County fair to he
held at Ontario, Sept 19th to 2'.nd
Mr. McWllllams represents the
Caldwell Horse A. Mule Co , of ('aid
well, Idaho, and will enter his newly
acquired speed merchants lor the
local races
I.AIK.KXT M in: 1 1 DKAI.
The largest whoat ule ever made
in tliis seci ion was reported this
week wheu C W Mullen dlspo
tfOOO bushels at $1 05 a bushel
loaded on cars at Mallett station
Another wheat sale of 1,000 hush
els also sold at $1 05 was reported h
Walter Clement
Baker Ball, wm purchased three
car loads of cattle from the Jones'
l.aml at Livestock company which he
will take to the Omaha market was
In Ontario Saturday. Mr. Ball Just
returned from u previous trip to the
Neraska metropolis and reports that
conditions are favorable for stock
men. Miss Mammie Peterson of I. itch-1
field. Minnesota, was the house guest
of Mr and Mrs J T McNulty and
family over the week end. Miss Pet-;
erson, who was a neighbor of the Mc
Nulty family In the Minnesota city, j
waa making her first trip thru the
west. She left here Sunday for Portland.
In Style Is
The Thing
W$j tun ivixiviiig our Jim of FH hihI Wintt r
Coats No prettier line of garments has ever
conic to this town than will he shown hy ns this
pHl V(. )uv for two stores buy for cash and
git the tliseoniit Wi" therefore, can give yon
style ami iinlity at a hetter i nice We have
iii;ile scvernl eheUafM in this store antl will have
a big Ifeatly to Weir lreiintnient We ruH
yon to eoiiipare n;iriiieiits befurrj you select yonr
Winter's Suit or eoat
The 0. & F. Co., Ltd.
Successors to Lampkin's
Stores at Ontario and Weiser
, i
Medical Baths and Health Resort
Vale Hot Springs
Are treated with
Altered function changes structure and
physical inability is the result
The poisons are eliminated, the func
tions are restored and Health follows.