PAOF BTOHT PYTHIANS HAVE GREAT , W AT WC PICNIC Knights and Ladies, and Children Too, Enjoy Festi ities Sunday at McGreg or's Grove. Sunday wm rod letter day In the history of Armor Idte, K. of P. and the m.mbera of the Knights' families. The occasion wan the minimi nutlDg of the IimIkm which was held at Mc Uregor'a grove. On vehicle of all kinds tho crowd gathored at the grove during UM pound, making an average of $5 60 per bead. The entire 100,000 repre sents the 1916 Increase to the hold ing of 100 Montana grower. Mr. Stanfinld will begin shipping to Chicago and Missouri river point In September, but rtoee not expect to dispone of the entire allotment until the latter part of October. In addition to hi Montana deals, Mr. Htanfleld ha 12,000 head of lamb contracted for early In the eaon at varying price, which will be assembled In flatter sometime In September to lip taken to hi ranche on the Columbia to winter. Baker Herald. MOHK iio-n i. IIAVINC HKNOVATIONS I NHTAIXKI) With the change of management at the Mooro Hotel a number of re- TH ONTARIO morning and at noon did Knightly novations are being made A door Justice to the picnic dinner that left 'I being cut on the north ld'e of the nothing to he desired During the imtln building thru the heavy roti- iiii'TiHiii n program of sports. ajsjM creio wall giving direct ares to the real, some burlesque was enjoyed office Other changes will be made and n number of addresses on the In the Immediate future iniiiiy admirable features of the lt understood that Mr Moore knighthood were tniide by IcadliiK i,ss partially completed itrrana iiIh for n new tenant for both hotel and members of tin- lodge The more Hum one li iiikI t imI pl nlcers who were present returned to the city during the owning to declare that the picnic wits equal to tlM ' t ever glen by tlM heir. grill IIIIIMHI'N KT.iltTKII Wll HTOCK Moli. To KAMUtT During the past week Mttt ami sheep liegan to move to the various k markets. Noil week III ship ping will he In full swing ami many contributed to ItllMI TIIK riHHINt; I INK. II. I. Peterson, of the Ontario Kurnlture coiupany. relumed Sunday from a ten days" vacation trip to the Smith's Ferry region Mrs Peter son, who accompanied him, remained for a more extended outing Among the other features which most delightful out- DID WE KEEP OUT Of WAR? To the Voter of Malheur County. Mr. or Mr. Veter: Have you ever stopped to consid er the condition of our country to day? Or have you been to busy? At this tine It Is well to consider some at least, of the more Important condition that are directly charge able to the democratic party, under the present admtnlstiatlon, and then answer to yourself If you care longer to continue In power under that par ty, or labor under Intolerable finan cial conditions. Speaking of the time politically an able editor has said: "We live In a five cent age. Ev ery thing must he cheap. There must fcc no regard for MMtK) WW public want a flash " "Tinsel has taken the plaoe of twenty-four karat gold. Shody is good enough Everything must be on the bargain counter. "As In material matters, so In poli tics. The star of statesmanship are discarded for transitory comet of the lecture pint form, the pulpit and leg iRlatlve halls. "We have a now kind of leadership of the five and ton cent variety the style that would denounce the cruci fixion of silver on the cross of gold, that would exile our captains of In dustry, and that would put a discount on thrift and make people dependent AROUS 1 ' ' tint on IhnmulTm hut on the covern- ment for support. "These pseudo statesmen, these political comet, these cheap Imita tor of substantial leaders have had their way for several years What has been the result "Has a single promise made to the 'dear people' been kept? Has the cost of living been reduced? Has labor been elevated to a higher plane Ha a premium been pnt on the devel opment of new Industries? "It la time to take an Inventory. Ixtt those who usurped the place of the elder statesmen make an account ing of their stewardship. Will they do it? No. In the race of failure they will offer new legislation and new quack remedlea for social In equalities that have prevailed since man's creation and that will continue j until the millennium. Have not the American people been humbugged long enough? "What of paying millions of war tax when we are enjoying profound peace with all the world? What of having a deficit of more than two hundred and fifty four million dol lars at the beginning of the fiscal year of INTf What of the Mexi can trouble; It can not he better put than to quote Henry Watterson, vet eran old-line democrat, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal: 'It began with a grlveous error and thence pro ceeded from bad to worso.' " f ' ISJ I I S WB HAVB BKKN KEPT OUT OF WAR. Let ns compare the different meth ods, or diplomatic ways thl has boen accemplished: President Wilson sent an army to Vera Crus which fought one battle wherein nineteen Americans were kil led but he kept us out of war. He has sent an array In pnrsult of Villa, which fonght bloody battles at Parral and (arrltal but he has kept us out of war. He saw Mexicans murder and rob hundreds of American dtliens but ho has kept us out of war. He has sent our troops to fight In .laltl and Santo Domingo but be has kept us out of war. Hundred of Americans have been has kept us out of war. He surrendered to Oroat Britain, In the canal tolls controversy but he kopt u out of war. He railed to adjust the California alien land dispute with Japan but so far he ha kept us out of war. He has not Induced the allies to cense their Illegal blockade methods, and by the l Hum peace treaties lie has made us powerless to bring more than dplomatlc pressure to hear. In that manner he ha kept u out of war. The Republican Way We Were Kept Out of War. President Roosevelt settled tho THUR8DAT. AUOUOST 17. 11 ' Ie "" m u I Japanese school controversy In Cali fornia and thereby kept us out ( war. He acquired tho Panama Canal Zone for the United States, making construction possible yet he kept us oat of war. lty speaking a few plain words to the German ambassador, he prevent ed Oermany from soiling a Venesuel aa island and maintained the Mon roe Doctrine, but he kept us out of war. There are two ways of koeplng tho United status out of war. One tho Roosevelt way the republican way gains valuable rights for the United States, settles dangerous controver sies auu uieaus sUMTtQU rlchts and Amerlcsn policy respocted without expenditure of a single drop of blood. The other the Wilson way the di'inocrntlc way sacrifices our right leaves controversies open, forfeits tho respect of nat.ons, yet results in tho loss of countless lives. The choice before the American people Is not be tween war and peace, or between militarism ml pacifism, II Is between two ways of hlM out of war, and It Is for us to decide Ibis ns well ss the other questions at the poll in November. Yours truly, A MAl.HKITt HK1MMIUCAN. shipments will be on their wa This Ing for Mr Peterson wss the fishing wss Indicated by the h Hill) I mi of the which lie declared was fine Altho round ups In various sections of (he H was his first experience In captur- counly. Ing the fighting Italnhow trout Mr (in Tuesday Itussell Sage l,i,pe, I'eierson enjoyed good lurk snd only two cur loads of bogs lo He Poll regrets that the demands of business land llllltllel which slurled II SSJ shortened III Stay. Ill JK LmwtwMi .ir.,i, .iii.i Rath PAMM 111 ; iwi lord llros have bee,, rounding up T,, ,., llf ,,. ,.,,, rrop of ibelr cuttle during Ike i.-.t week and ,.,mml HIM uHwell Ik now being mar on Momhn II, ei will si I ,.,, ,,, ,,.,,.,, M ,,, ,,,,., M1( ft EIevt. (Mi, aim. lor i puny' warehouse, and the In Among "i: . rMM in prices over the same period noied during Hi., week wen- II, e pur "f I lambs by r il Irvln of New ,1 from Sd Mutter. The in iee named i.i J '. .:,, per head These lambs Mr Battel I flit it,. spring for fall delivery. Mr Sproiib' Is also reported I,, have made the purcliuse of a large flock of Istuhs. I HMMINHhlN TO ICATK ON MIBI I'lKHMlTN ! M 'In ascer tain why i be dairying industry of eastern Oregon has not prospered e,ll.ill llh other III, In in. hi (lull Mattel 'it Hie Nlule, and lo adjust the freight rales on dairy commodi ties If they are found responsible, the on s Ismb buying trip Oregon publk service commission oi last year argue-, well for the far mers' hank sccounts, says the Parma ItovlHW. Some of the first wheel to be of lered cuiue from Ihe Johnson K Will son ranch and brought f I 50 per bun dled, an increase of 40 cent over the price of I9i.r. at the same season of the year. Hurley Is bringing tl, or an addi tion of in cents lo last year's sal I Ml.- osts, which sre selling at i H, are the same Harvest is now In full swing and threshing Is under way. i huiles llrown mid Mr Swltxer left Mondsy for southern Idaho towns They Intend to buy ubout 10,000 lambs, or SS0 will Investigate the rules now charg ed In the American ICxpresx ajpaMj on these products I hi, i men ..,,, I commercial Interests in eastern Ore gon were notified todsy of the com mission'-. i,, look kajg Hie situation Their cooperation Is sought The present I. for dairy in. .duels mi h,ng. hauls permits Seat He a draw ii . 1 4 1 . i I . lion, points us far distuni the snake river and brunch line points m eastern Oregon, il ', untitles ,, nils' and cream now shipped 1 1 "in eastern Ore on to Seattle, than la at made in lo luiller and olhii daily products, members of the c i ,,n -.., Tl, "ii ,1 tpj produi I - ii. .ii, i nireii in aaal i n Oragoa, it is prohibit ioiiii . uiloa w nil I He uiuiiuruclui. I- o lhal Ihe ludtlS- 1 1 is tin. .ii i i , ,, , , i tot lapalytag llcol ill II,. in. i WUI ll 1IM. V II It M TI It III'. II Is V I HI s Dr. and Mrs W .1 Bajsjaj ratara fd lam week from Hums whole ih,-y i" hi .hi i. o) " li ,." attea v .i' from the ham-si ing a! lurgo . Ill peupl ol the ll.uney ralte) are in lerested at Ihe present lime in the adjudicating the water righl ol Har ney county, says the Doctor. The Importance of ihe woik .1 set tllng all the water claims Is Indicat ed h Hie presence al Hums of many Of t lie leading irrigation englneer.s and attorneys of California and Oregon They have been lin esligaiiug the sit uation for the past two weeks and it la expected that several more weeks will be required to complete the in vestigations and settl upon t lie claims. carloads, which they will ship to Kvart, Mich . for fattening i I ied Pillshury and Dewey Miller set out a large patch of everbearing strawberries this spring and are now no.Miig fresh berries snd receiving 90 cents per gallon for what they sell. On Sunday afternoon l)r A J Montgomery of Portland, uccompan tea I' Mr and Mrs McDonald and Mr snd Mrs Hunt of Nyuaa, met Willi the members of Him lllg Ilend community Presbyterian church and completed arrangements whereby lte I! !' Il.ipper of Milton. Ore , becomes pastor of the Nyssu and Rig Rend churches for the coming year. Keg ular services will he held at Hie ,.i. schoolhouse, probably every Suiula iiioruiiiK Mr. Harper has been among the people of the hum enoimh to li.r won their good w ill and w. . i.n-i.ler OUI tun.ile iu securing such u luau lor pastor ii got paarar moior was in stalled In the M J rthodes gusohue launch Wednesday by Albert Slier man. and Hie boat will al once lie pul in Use ii.r a trial on the lloise iiwr. Hie launch will be taken In team to the Snake liter where it will be run for the pleasure of water lov era The low water iu the lloise al the present time makes it impossible to run the boat down to the Snake t.ltl V II II llltl MII.KAOK. Frequeut use of our Sunday and Week-end rales will add many miles to the life of your auto tires It makes a nice change, too. Ask about our cheap excursions. Agent O. 8. I. R. R Co 33-38 nllM.oN MAN HIYH Ml. LOT OF MOMAN V I.MIIN Deals aggregating $1,100,000 for the purchase of . mi.OOn bead of lambs in Molilalia, wen lepolted Ibis morning by It N Steal eld. oi Stan field, who urrned in Hi- cil ci,i day from Molilalia accompanied l,v his brother. Cleiiu, and Mack liulid, prominent Weiser sheep men The lambs, Mr Slantield said, were pur chased al the rale of from seven lo Beveu und ibree fourii; per, flERQLUX J (JBWBI2Qgf2III3 PORCH SHADES A few sizes li ft. L'" per cent tliscoiint. Ontario Furniture Co. Early Fall Announce ment 1916 The Splendid Values Offered by us during the past season have enabled us to practically clean up on our stocks of Men's and Young Men's Summer Suits hence we announce our Fall Show ing rather in advance of the usual time We're now preparing to show our new lines of MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S 1916 FALL SUITS Advantageous early purchases enable us to keep up our lead of Splendid Values and despite the enormous price of wool and everything pertaining to the manufacturing industry, we are prepared to show you a splendid assortment of fancies and serges in heavy weights at prices within reach of everybody $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $20 The largest assortment we have ever shown. Boys' Two-Pant Fall Suits Thfef2 pant K"ick t sMHaHiwMi..MBHSMHi mm erbuits ranging from size 5 up to 18 in fancies and serges. We cordially invite inspection $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 L I ALEXANDER CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, OREGON