The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 17, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Get in Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns
Classified Advertising
A column that petal n suits for the buyer as Well as
those who have poods for sale.
Five cents per line per insertion
Phone 49 J
Mill SMI
FOU BALK Teom geldings. 1150
lb, each, good worker, harne and
horny Inquire Oregon Packing
Co., OnUrlo, Or. tf
FOU BALE S acre within one
mile city school and pout office.
Highly Improved, I.argo ami smaii
fruit of all kinds, 1 nrro ItHllan
prunen. All fenced with hog and I
chicken wire, alx room house, deep
well. Inquire box 607,
Ontario, i
.. . . .,.,.. i..
Modern five-room bungalow, bent
. .i.. - I
rtnldence section In the city, anphalt I
pavement and all
12700 00, half cash
All caah 12500 00.
count of health
Marsh field, Or.
balance eay.
Mut leave ac-
Chaa. Ijowry,
32 35
FOR BALE On easy terma 5 room
cottage and 2 lota, 5 block from
center of town. W. L. Turner, the
Iniurnnce Man tf
Ford for Mle $185.00, newly
painted and overhauled, good run
ning condition. Inquire at Argu
FOK SALE Fifteen head of grade
Jersey Cow and heifer. Term,
caah. Apply lo Fred Ilerg, two mile
Mat of Frullluiid, I'lioue 513. S3-35
IlroKiiu. Ori'Kiin, Wllclt your onler
for peaches, pear and apple. The
fruit I exceptionally fine thi year
and price will be WMQMBlt
I ulm and peara ready about Sept
8 M. W.lllle 88-34
FOIt SAI.K Oil TltADK Lot 4
ami II, block '. .Villa Park. Pi
particular write box 664, llukei
Oregon a I 3m
I'HI! SI.K S good second
hand drop head BMrtM machines
cheap Also -urrey, cheap. phone
60 M. O. W Aberuathy.
P. gasoline engine Weight 4.100,
friction clutch Inquire at lied Ham
Ontario 33-34p
Foil SAI.K Oood Jeraey cowa.
phone 103 N 1, Ontario, or K Men
del, 1 mile weal of fair ground. 33p
FOIt HALE -Ford delivery car
A bargain for cash or term. I'. 8-1
Plumbing i o 33
FOK SALE lluggy and harneaa
Can be had for cash or trade. U. B
Pliiuibiug Co.
Foil 8ALE 1 fiue Jersey cow giv
Ing milk, will be freah soon and I
wagon bed, nearly uew. Cash or
terma. W A. Crooks, phone 162 M
Cntsrio. Oregoa
Office in New Wilaon Block.
Dr. Harriet Sears
Dr. Pauline Seare
Graduates American School of Osteo
pathy, Kirluville, Mo.
Wilaon Block. Telephone 164 BUt
syVVVVVs-i,arii''i wa'as,s,w
DR. W. O. HOWE . , wk -
DENTIST Phenes: Ofllce 117
Wilaon Bldg. Kes. 117 3
DR. D. t". HRETT
Onloe Sue door Eaat of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Near
R. R. Depot.
J. H. FARLEY Funeral director
and emtelmar. Lady aaaiaUnt. Pbone
m.W. OnUrie, Orefon.
nt Its) D S. Plumbing Co,
FOU KENT Rlx room house, pan-
try, two screened porches, deep well
n porcn Three block from Main
Btreet e,,,, Enquire of 8. F. Taylor,
POUND Key found In Park,
owner can have same by paying fur
' "
uiik noitrp
Will ran- fur rblldreu during
school year. For term and particu
lar address I', o box 251, Ontario,
Oregon. adv 33-34p
llrlng In two old tire and we will
make one that will run from 2000
to 6000 mile more for you. Kroe
!n llarneaa Co.
fine relsdence lota, each 25x1 CO In
Ontario Park addition, (live parti
cular of your auto. Ontario Argu.
7011 Vnk1.
I'cjur lot. 7, 8, 0, nnd 10 In block
70, Ontario, Oregon, to trade for
Durham Mwa, i I IlKM IDil test-
ors. young I and 4 years, reds or
dark t. e rows, not breechy.
Mi i' I Harris. N -i. Oregon
houaework on ranch.
dreaa at Argu office.
for general
Leave ad-
I'ii-.uent I d our Sunday and
Week-end rates will add many miles
to the life of your auto tlrea. It
makea a nice change, too Ask about
our cheap excursion Agent O B.
L K II o 33-36
II,,- sheep situation ha the flock
master guessing. They have never
kown these rich prices to hang on
for a p i lo.i
or two on
if more than a season
the other baud, they
3 aee train loads of ewea going to the
market and know that this certaiuly
mean shortage in production. A
similar condition doubtless prevails
In other countries
The odds favor
an uuprecedendted era of good prices
for both sheep and mutton.
VY. ii Brooke,
Wilson Bldg.
Attorney at Law.
Ontario Ore
C. M. ..ON O. II I
Will Practice in All Court
Notary Public. Office Over Poatoffice
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
M. i I l.l.ot II m WOOD
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
K. W. HwagMr Attorney at Law.
Rooms 13-14-15 Wilaon Bldg
Ontario Oregon.
P. J. (.in u.iiii;
Room in WlUon Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
i MeeU all traina.
immv i in: mi; rVTAK.
( uy iii'M-riy Hayno) j
1 tilt sin I
ill Hill! I I'MT Weill ITIII1 linn
pictures. Hut It M only by I
nnd conaclentlouH endeavor that 1
have achieved MMi success .8 tllll
fiiHcinai'iiK protaaaloo. Bran arhaai
1 KM in high achOOli in Chicago,
arkara my folks moved, arban I wm a
Hula irl from MlnnaapolU, i did nol
have the (b'Hlrc. that so mnnv glrl
Lave, '.. (0 (Hi the stupe Of In DOtlOB
It Ih triir I anneared in evernl am
hit atnir thaatrlcali at school, but DO
II one said anything in particular about
my performance I mention thin to
'emphaRlxe my state of mind at that
time. My ambition h to become a
fine Ringer, not proteaRionally, out
for my own amuRement. I bad a
fairly good voice, and I alway loved
After completing my studies In the
Hyde Park high rcIiooI I went to
Philadelphia to n flnlblng rcIiooI. I
bad only been there one Reason, when
I returned to my home for my Rum
mer vacation Together with a group
of girl companion. 1 went MM May.
tn the KHHBiiny Rttldlo, lo Hee hoa) mo
tlon picture were made It waa JurI
a lurk on my part, although I recall
now that several of my girl friend
were anxious to see their fawn
tlie screen In the flesh I had not
MM many motion picture-, god I
waa not particularly Intereated In
(beta at the time
We were shown around the Nludio
by the general manager and he ar
ranged Reveral chair outRlde a et
where I fniii t:m y of player were at
work. I wan both amuned and Inter
ested In the player' work, but even
n in I did not have any desire to nee
myelf on the Rcreen. I wa urprled
when .several of the girl declared
they would like lo act before the
When wo were leaving the Rttldlo,
one of the director, to win. in we had
been Introduced, naked me if I would
like to appear In picture I told him
I did not think so He said be could
not understand till, a moat of the
girls he had met were extremely anx
i. ,n M g''1 itito the work In I. o t. In
mid In- ri' .I'-'t problem was getting
id of Hieni without giving offence
lie asked me u ,... I time, It I
would not reconsider his oiler I told'
him the Idea was prepoateroue, as I
waa not latere t. .1 igh I
mill I l.ncw in folks would In
r it ror a moiiieiii
llowcwr. he pc-.ed ill Willing
down inv address and telephone nuni
her, which I reluct. nit ly gave linn,
mi the advice of the other aria, who
said It was "a lot of fun " The fol
lowing d.iN i was getoalehed, a-bM
he ca I u:e on tel.pln ...!
asked It 1 could not call at the st u.Ko. ,
ami at M ' IffeV In one picinie
Again I MM him It VM iMfM IbM
II., called u.aln the following day
My mother was out, hut m aunt waa
She was perplexed about the
mi iei on conversation she over
heard, an. I I told her of the situation
M) girl friends hud been aalllM
me too. asking if I had heard from
,i. director, Md If I was going la palUit, and granting plaintiff
pictures. All of them said he would,"' ah olutc iliv.nce Iron, v.iu
be "Just grand." and they gdvlaed , v'"' r" tltm notified that this
. . - I Umiiiii.vliJ la nRI'u.l IIIU1II lull I,. t k 11
to make one trial Hy Ibis tune 1
must confess I was becoming inter
ested. 1 had been to see several
K.m.l pictures with my aunt. She was
I-p.. Lilly loud of them At JMgth,
lo told me If I cared to appc.n in
one picture she would try and ar
range inalU-rs with my parents, and
would agree to accompany me In I lie
Mudio nnd remain with M while I,
was at work.
AiraiiKeiuents were fln..ll BM
.umnniled, and I c.illeil up tin- il.n-.i
or and told him I would be there the
next day He induced me to come
over that very afternoon, which I did
t- hit., both surprised when lie
director told me I was to huve the
leading role It was a two reel (M
ture, with a story dealing with the
evils of the loan sharks, who were
thriving in Chicago at that lime The
in i were mali UK a campaign
against the sharks, and the picture
was the outcome of this agitation
So, I really starred iu the fir til a)
picture in which I appeared. It is
needless lo say that I was fascinated
with the work from the very start
And when I saw the picture run off
in the studio for the first time I es
p lanaad the greatest thrill of my
life. After that I Was starred by the
Essauay company. Altogether, I have
appeared in more than five hundred
pictures If there was uo other i.a
son, I would feel amply repaid for my
hard work, In the thousands of let
ters I have received from frn
have made all over the world It la
a Joy that cannot be expressed in
mere words.
Francis X Hushmau soon became
the most popular star on the screen
and the Essanay company arranged
fur us to appear together. It proved
;i li.i v o mbinal on. from unity
standpoints, us both of u totl that
., ii;,w, ,,,.,, ,,, ,,,.,,, .n(,ft ,,, ,,,.!,
Other. We MMtaatly crltlcixe each
other. All the linn- trying In
improve our work Klght now we
are at work on a prodMtlOB, the
ilream if my life I stupendous
I prodnetloo or "Romm and
luliet " It Ih being made by the Me
tro Pleturea oorporattoDi tha aompany I, us afforded Mr. anil
myself opportunity to develop the
big things we hail Ih ml". I and dream
ed of in our early work Since Join
ing the Metro we have appeared to
gether In "The Wall Iletween,"
"Pennington i noice, A atUUoti u
Minute," and other feature.
These ame men that complain
that there I no money In dairying
could not make money at any othef
business If they took no more Inter
est, were an III Informed in to the
method of operation, showed no
aplrlt of cooperation and truated ev
erything to the other fellow If win
are skeptical as to the value of a row
testing association why Just for your
own atlfactlon weigh and lest one
day per month (he milk from each
cow In your herd and pot your rec
ord In such manner that ou can re
fer to them later, then. If you arc
honeat with yourself, you will admit
the value of record work and will
either faithfully continue it or will
Join a cow testing aRRorlallon Write
to the extension aervlre of the i A
(' and ak for record heel and a
pbamplet on record keeping which
will be sent free, also for help in if
feeling a cow testing association If
there are 600 or more cow In twenty-five
to thirty herd In an eight or
ten mile rail. us of a ihi'ii point in
your community and bring to your
communlty the service that are he
tnK rendered lo other coiumiinltle
where cow testing association are
'" 1 1..- ,r.-i. n CoH ..I tha BUM
"' ""'" aw " i nau mm ur
F.dwnnl c Metx, plaintiff, vs. Oer-
trude Met , i. tin hint
i ., loi'inni.. Mel . i lie above nam
ed ilifn.l.itit :
III the name of tin- tale of Ore
gon, you are hereby required 10 '!
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitle. I u t
"" "r """,r" "'" ' "u '" r,,,,,,,n r
lt . tl" BUM MMg ttd Ii I
' U prescril ) unlet of this
'"urt dinctinK that aanrlM Ol Sum
"" '" "aid BUlt be made upon von
... ... . . .. .. . . ....!..
y pui.iicallon, an.! II ou lau so ,
answer, for want thereof, the pg i
tiff will apply to aaid court for the
relief demuu.ted In said romplslnt.
to wit: For a decree of said court
dissolving the bonds of rummy
now exlstiug between you ami the
Idlest ion under and b virtue ol an
order of the Hon llalton lllggs, Judge
of this court, which said t wa-
made and entered in said cans i
the 14 day of August, lit Hi, and .11
I,. i, I I Ii tit this summons he publish
ed once each week for six successive
weeks in the Ontario Argus com
mem ing with the isue of August 17,
1316, and ending with the issue of
Sepl , till, ol said mvv
The first publicaiiou of ihis Sum
inon is August 17 lillii. and the
last publication Is on September 28,
Mcculloch & WOOD,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Notice Is hereby given that appli
cation lias been made to the Head
ox Fiat Irrlgat "ll Watrtat M include
and take into said district lots, and
I and SW ', NE1, and SE', MV,
of sectlono tp 17 S , 11 4 7 E W M.
That ut 4:30 p. m. Sept 5th, ll
at their office iu Ontario, Oregon,
IIih board of directors of said district
will hear and consider evidence, for
or against said petition
;jl-33 Secretary.
I (illi:( I.OHl III
Hy virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly issued by the clerk of the
circuit Court of the state of Oregon
for Malheur County, date the 21st
day of July, 1916, in a certain action
in the Circuit Court for said
county and state wherein the
state land board of Oregon,
consisting of James Withy-
combo, governor; Hen W. Olcott, e
iretary of state; nnd Thoma D. Kny,
Btate treasurer, a plaintiff recover
ed Judgment against Cecilia Mcldruni
and Walter Meldrum, as defendants,
for the nuni of two hundred fifty
dollars, wltli Interest thereon from
the III day of May, LIU, at the rate
of fl per cent pat annum; and for the
further mini of Fifty Hollars, Attor
ney'a fees; and for the further sum
of Twenty-five Bnd 80-100 Hollars.
costR; nnd the further sum of Forty
three nnd 27 100 Hollars, tnxe paid.
lib lnteret therein at the rate of
R per cent per annum from January
17, 116;
Notice I herey given, That I will
on the 26th day of August. 1916, at
the hour of lt6J o ciock p in of awiu
day at the main entrance door of the
conrt house In Vale, Mnlhenr coun
ty. Oregon, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, or bldderR, for
cah, the following described real
property, to-wlt:
The North Half of the North Half
of Lot Mix (NH NH ImI 6) flection
6, township 18 8 It 47 E W. M. In
Malheur County, Oregon, together
with the tenement, hereditament
nnd appurtenancea thereunto belong
ing; Taken and levied upon aa the pro
perty of the Raid defendant, lecllla
Meldrum nnd Walter Meldrum or a
much thereof a may be necessary to
satisfy the said Judgment In favor of
the fltate Land Hoard of Oregon,
consisting of James Withconibe.
governor; Hen V olcott. Secretary
of Btate and Thoma II Kay, fltate
Treasurer, and against the said de
fendants, w th Interest thereon, to
getlier with all cost and dlsurse
tni uts that have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, till 24th
.l.,y of .IiiIn. I'I16.
Hy KOSS A SOWAIll), lleputy.
First publication, July 27, 1316.
' publication, August 24. 1916
notice oi HALM oi stxti:
Notice ll In i l that tin-
Statu Inn. I Hoard of the State of
H II reci Ive sealed hid until
10:00 o'clock a in . August , I'M.
for the following !- ril.ed land:
T. 19 B. K. a I NW ur pTff ,r ,
S half N half and B half Sec. Hi and
I 36.
T. 19 8. It. 41 E, all ol Sec lfi
T. 20 8. K. 41 E . all of Sec. Hi
T. 21 It :i! I . all Sec 16; N
half. BE ir . I half SW ur and SW
qr. SW ir. See. 36.
T. 22 S It 41 E.. all of S. all of Bee. 36.
T. 24 8. It a 9 E . all of Sec. Hi
and all of Bee. 36.
T. 25 8. It. 40 E , N half and M I
half BE qr and N half SW m
16 and all Sec. 36.
All bids must be accompanied by
a regularly executed application to
purchase and check or drufl for at
least one fifth of (he amount hi. I
The hoard reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids
Applications ami 1 . 1 1 In. ul. I be ad
dressed to Q, ( llrowu, clerk State
Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and
marked "Application and bid to put
chase state lands."
Hated at Salem. Oregon, June ,
a. o. iiiiown.'.
. Clerk Btate Land Hoai.l
Last publication Aug. 17.
HI It i:i: t i ion.
Hy virtue of an exuution and or
,.i ..I MM duly iucd by (he ilerk ol
the circuit ourt for Mallieur MtMtJ
and slat.' ..l Ori'goii. dated ii .
Ml of July, till, in a (irtain act M
iu the circuit court lor Mid countv
and stale wherein two Judgment
wen- iemlei.,1, each helm; uguliist
the defendants, Allie nl en
liobi'i t I-: ( M M, a Jinlnnielit debt
ors, as follews:
..I Mid Judgment- was r.-ml
ii. -.1 iu lavor of tlie Fruil Urow.r,
Hank of I'ayette. Idaho, a corpora
lion, for the sum of ll.ll, witli
i thereon at the rale of IU per
cent per annum iroiii the 14th day
of lieniiiber IH'4, and for ",0 00
sttorney fees, and for 49 II costs,
(hie of raid judgments was render
ed in favor of A. L. Cockruui. trustee,
and Hie First National Bank ol on
tario, Oregon, a corporation, for the
sum of 1I4 .'.8, with interest there
on from the 10th day of January,
1916, at the rate of 10 per cent per
. . .. a. .- a I
Notice is hi reby given, that 1 will
on the 2nd day of September, 1916,
at the hour of 130 o'clock p in of
annum, and ror uu a(tornes ice, OreK0n , ,,. ad(!re,H h,.,,,,,., men
and for $36 16 costs; I Honed
said day n the mnin entrance door
oi the Court llouie In Vale, Mal
heur County. Oregon, sell at public
auction, lo l he highest blddor, or bld-
ler. for ensh the following describ
ed real property, to-wlt:
lits one, two and the north half
of lot three of block 1 1 r of the Town
of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon
together Willi the up iitnnc
Tnken and levied IBM I IM pro
perty of the said defendants, Allle
E Olsen. Koherl E Olaetl, Walter
(I Howe. It A Merchant. Mn MeT-
cnntlle company, a corporation, and
the unknown heir of Alexander
Caldwell, or as much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy first the said
Judgment In favor of the Fruit Orow-
, ... r.....:; ,-,f Parotti, ''-, i 88
poratlon. then to apply the reldue.
If any, in payment of the said Judg
ment In favor of A L. Cockruni,
trustee, nnd the First National Hank
of Ontario, Oregon, a corporation,
with interest thereon, together with
all costs nnd disbursement that
have or may accrue.
Ih.ted at Vale, Oregon, thl Silt
day or July, 1316.
HEN .1 HHOWN. Sheriff.
First publication. August 3, 1911.
Last publication. August 31, 191(1
In the Clrcu t Court of the Btate of
Oregon, for Malheur ('oiin(y.
m E Lees. Plaintiff, vs. J c
Kelsey and Emms I. Kelsey, hus
l.iiii.l and wife; Wentfall Comtnerclal
Company, a corporation; J. c. Bkel
ton nnd Win F K"sey, def"iidsnts.
To J C Kelsey. Eliioiii 1. Kelsey,
U tfnll Comniercial Compnny. a
poratlon. J T Hkelton and Win F
Kelsev the above named defendants
In the name of the fltato of Ore
gon You are honl. v notified that Win
I. . the bolder of CiTtlflcille of
lielitniueiicy numbered III Issued on
l lie I nth day of February, 1913, bv
the Tax Collector of the County of
Malheur, fltate of On, on. for the
amount of thirty four and II IM
Hollars, the same be'ng tl in.
then due and dcliti.inciit for ta
for the vriir 1!HI MgathM vvith pen
alt v . ml. I. ! and BOatl tl er.on upon
the rial pi 'I in vou. ol
which you ire Hie owner as uppeu
of record, situated In said ('.unity M I
. . innl particularly bounded and
.i. trlbad as follow-.. ... aMt: sw1,
of the NEi, and the U ' ,. of tin
SE1, . S-i lion IH and the NW , ..f
the NE1, Seclion !u all in township
4 1 M ami al-o I 4
ill bio. k I III the Tow ii ..I . i
and all of said proper. In Malheur
County, Oregon
on are fin i i i not i thai said
Wu, I I .-. has paid luxe oil - Bid
premi-es tar prior or Maaaq
years with IM rate of Interest on
said amount, as full.
191 I lax paid I'd. HI. til
receipt No III, illinium $14 r,H. rate
of intii . i I at . Ml
IIH tax paid I lee !. I II I
i. , . ipi Mi t-1, urn HI It, rate
of interest 1 ri per cent
Hit 'ax pa d April I, I'll.!, tax
receipt No lOOT.a unt :r. r.4, rsi
of interest I '. per cent
i iii : tax paid April ".. UK
certificate No 9fiii, ai nt $.'. I
rate of int. re t I I B4H I Ml
Bald J. C K"l a) .ml Win I
ms i ti... a a r al lha leg .1 title ol
th.- da 1 1 Iba i prop.
same appeal- Ol id each of
I Ik other pat M al "V II allied ale
hereby further notified C at Win
i . .;ii apply in i ha ' nciiit i .nil i
of the Count) and St. ,1 1 for
a .1. cree lol .- In n 1 III
the piopiiiv ai.ovi deaerlMd, Md
mentioned la Mid MrtlfloaM. Ami
vou an- hil i-hv umtliom 'I to
within sixtv M) t'irst publi
."lion, ol this B om exclusive "f
the .lav ol -a d 111 ' publication.
ami defend th n ." p I
lha amouol dui
. n ll
ga i,, i -a ii h i - in- i int.
mi n i i your failin. to do
mi i fori
i lo log tha Ilea ol aid Mm m i
again t tha i nd ami pren
abov I nam. d
This siimn on- i published l.v 01 !
er of the Honorable Daltoa B
judge of the Circuit Court of tin- S'
of Oregon for the County of Malh. u
and said order Brag made ami gall I
this 31st day of July, lftlfi and t!.
date of the first puhllc.i on ol I
summons Is the 3rd day of August,
Hate of last publication Hg
All pn.r. papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the urn!
erslgned residing within tlie Stale , f
Attorney for Hie I'lalutlff
Address. Ontario. Oregon.
- m ii i, m