The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 17, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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thuiisdat, auouost 17, ii
The Week With Ontario Citizens
1. 11 1
County Trctmirer J. K. W'uv. r
wan In town on Tuesday
John QofttOfl of Villi' wiih In the
City Sutiiriliiy.
A non wni horn to Mr. and
Wont liint Bnliirduy.
Mrn M, E, Onhoriii' made- n
nrH trip to Vail' todii)
W. T. Lumpkin wan u Wi'lnr bul
noHK vlHltor on Tuesdny.
Hr .1 il M li'i ln'iry of Nampii i.uin
down Krhlny on business.
KtbhIuh Utloy was a business vislt
or In Welser over Sunday.
Fred Brown, the lT. 8. bank exam
iner was In tuwn on Saturday.
busintwi trip on Tin '.I. iv morning
Mr C"n V Nesblt of Welser vls
Ited Mr. Bert Whellon Thursday.
M. A. Bate, tlie f'arma scribe, mm
In Ontario and Vale on Saturday.
Huh Waltem, the Nyssn sheepman,
wa In Ontario Tuesday on business.
H r Briscoe, the Welser Htudehak
cr representative wan In town Satur-
E D Phelps, the WfttftW cnntraet
or, wan In Ontario on business Turn
Mr. and Mm. B. V. Jonea have re
turned from ten day outing at Iron-Idea.
K. II. O'Nell .mil daughter I'll for
the eant on an ftttftSdad. . Islt Tues
day evening.
Ilyrl Anderson of llol-e was In On
tarlo on Monday looking after Ills lo
cal Interest.
Mlaa Marvel Cayou of Vale Mulled
acveral days the last of the week
with frlenda her.
Jamea and I. nolle Biggs drove out
to the Dearmond ranch for a week 'a
vlalt, on Wi'dneaday.
W. A. .Kulkeraon, manager of the
O. A P atore at Welser, waa a bual
ness vlaltor here Tuesday.
C Matt Seam of Welaer win In the
City Tuesday to see how Ontario had
grown since his last visit
Mr. and Mrs. I. Adams and chil
dren have kiiim" hack to the Payette
Lakes for a further vacation.
Mrs H. ('. Keep wiih operated up
on at the hospital laat Thursday and expect
la making a rapid recovery.
Councilman Spencer was In town
on Wednesday night to attend a spec
ial meeting of the city council.
Miss Margaret Dunbar returned
Wednesday morning form a ten days
visit at Blue Mountain Springs.
Miss Rachel Chapman has gone to
the Alvord ranch to visit with her
brothers for a couple of weeks
William Blackaby came down from
Ilomadale Saturday to visit with rel
atives, lie returned on Tuesday.
B. E. Dunton of Drewsey was In
Ontario the fore part of the week
visiting his cousin, Joseph Williams.
Willliiiii Delias, who was former
ly connected with local hotels Is back
In Ontario again for an Indefinite
J. N Joseph of Welser who has ex
tensive iuterest in the Dead Ox flat
region BUM to Ontario loduy on busl
neas. R. A. Bowuiun representing Rob
ert Sianfield was in town looking af
ter Mrfi Btanfleld'a extensive Inter
eata. 1.. M Miller lias gone over to
eastern Idaho to ick up aud store
some business machinery be has
Miss Dorothy Jaquiah is back from
Spokane where she has beeu spend
ing a portion of the summer vacation
witii relatives.
Roy Smith of the Ontario Furni
ture company left on Monday to Join
to Mrs. Smith at Smith's Ferry for
n ten daya vacation.
M. II Joyce, the Jtinlura sheep
man, was In Ontario Tuesday and
while in the city purchased 300 tons
of hay from Chat. Lackey.
R. M Duncan, republican candi
date for the office of district attor
ney, was in Ontario Wednesday In
the interest of his candidacy.
Mrs. Arthur Kenton aud childreu
returned Wedneaday from Dos An
geles where they have been visiting
relatives for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Leonard Barber, who has been
visiting with her aister in law, Mrs.
Haldemau, for several weeks, has re
turned to her home at Sunnyslde,
Judge C. C. Brown who is growing
one of the finest crops of corn in
this section this year took Wednes
day off the ranch and called on busi
ness men.
Ad. Simons, who recently suffer
ed a fractured wrist is about recov
ered aud returned to Vale from Boise
where he has been spending the time
Ince the accident which incapacitat
ed him.
W W. Howard, BQflDt) an iciilttir
let was n county Beat visitor mi Mon
j ,
,. p Deli ol, i.i' ni r ir th" ihotl
Line Ht .liintiirn. p. i .il through On
tftrlo Tttet i ' 'in nil wn home frota
a business nnd pleasure trip to east-
i'mi points.
1 .1 DUlgQli liinniiger of the Van
Patttn Lumber company, joined Itla
family al Long Beach fur a akotl fl
nit Ion by i he tool an gyag,
J P HoiiBton, the Vain poBtmnstnr,
pa i Ihru iintarin Ifttttrdft lm lln
coast to Join his family who iiave
heen spending the past month en
joying the cool sen breexes.
Mr and Mrs I. B, Fry of Rlvor
ih r nonilinv Mr. Frv'a vacation
from the duties of agent for the
Short Line, with Mm. Fry's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Flser.
Andrew Graham and Mr. and Mrs
If. Hart of Westfnll were In Oiitnrio
Sunday. On Mondny Mr. Oraham
mnde application before the county
clerk for naturalization papers
Miss King of the Vale Enterprise
was in Ontario Sunday having been
called hack to work on the Enter
prise on account of the death of the
'editor, John Roberts Miss King
was bound for a stay on the coast hut
was forced to turn back at The
M E. Newton who hns been n Cali
fornia visitor for some time during
which he transacted business In San
Francisco and los Angeles and on his
return visited with his brother at
llornlbrook, returned home this week
The trip proved of alue as an out
ing na well as business excursion.
Mrs. M. E. born has returned
from an enjoyable week In Portland
In attendance at the "Buyers' week."
gathering. Portland wholesale nnd
manufacturing concerns outdid them
selves In furnishing a good time for
the merchant purchasers of their ter
ritory, says Mrs. Osborn.
Superintendent of Schools E. 0.
Bailey and County Agriculturist W.
W Howard made a trip to the iieuit
Ox flat region on Tueeday for the
purpose of Inducing a number of
prospective high school students to
attend the Ontario school this year
They reported a succeasfu strip nnd
a riumber of students from
that section to enroll In the local In
stitution this fall.
Attorney J. W. McCullocb return
ed Saturday from the Willow creek
region where he established his
young sons In the camp they are call
ing home this week The two boys
had become acquainted with the bent
fishing holes and the habitat of the
plumpest birds before Mr McCulloch
returned to town. Mr McCulloch
will return to the camp Saturday of
this week and after spend the week
end with the boys will bring them
home with him on Monday.
Horses That Will Be Seen Local Committee Preparing
Here in Ssptember Get
ting Under Way- Local
Followers Watching Re
For Big Feature Event
During the Week of the
will be glad to know that the Bur
geons In charge of the cnBe report
that she Is getting better nnd thai
that while Mrs. Wymore had her bob
In her arms when the explosion took
place, lie (Tftl not hurt In t lie least.
Icsplte the terrible Injuries to her Mrs. Bernard, of I.os Angeles,
leg she will again be nlile to walk. ifornlii is BftW i 'ting Imr mother
In her letter Mr-, Brown told gni" aid sister. Mrs Hull and daughter,
some details of the tragedy which ' r)mntv Surv"ur Farmer and Mrs.
hftd not n few touching features due Partner were down from Vale on
of the remarkable thing! about it Wednesday.
County Court Decides That
Malheur County Be Ade
quately Represented at
State Fair.
Harness ami running horses to be
fcitiiri'il at tfl M illi' 1 1 r count
here during the week of Beptembei
19 to 22 started their fall campaign
this week nt Montpelier, Idaho. Lo
cal followers of the "sport of Kings"
ne watching the reports of the Mont-
r.1i. ,or. n Hw on th tal
ent that will be seen here
Following the Montpelier engage
ment the horses at Montpelier they
will run nt the following places he
fore coming to Ontario, Rexhurg and
lll.cb f.w.l T.tnlwi 1 .a UrimlA anil
., . ,, . ... . .'operation or interested men an reauy
linker, Oregon. Following the local , K .- . ,
engagement they will be seen nt
Boise, Idaho, and Salt Lake City,
Mi Williams of the committee
Hi charge of the "Inside fcatm
the fair with bis associates on the
committee Is preparing for ft apt ll
event that should prove one of the
hits of the week. It Is the Cowboys'
This race will take place on three
of four days, definite announcement
to be made later nnd a special prlxe,
one that will prove worthy of the ef
fort will be hung up for the winners
The members of the committee nrn
anxious to make this a stellar at
traction and have secured the m
Cowbovs who wsnt to take down one
of the richest prlxes of the week
'should start getting their horses In
si. alio now. for the field will un
lieslile the many high class horses douh,P(1y tMt Rnd ,n w,nn,r w,,
certainly be the "class of all this
For complete details of the race
inquire of A. McWIUInms, Walter
(Jlenn or John Brosnnn
following tho circuit there will be a
large number of local speedrs enter
ed for the Malheur fair. One of the
prominent feitures of the local meet
will be the running races. Beside
the t'vo big running races for each
day there will he a number of lesser
races no that In all there will be about
25 running races on the card with ,
the long list of harness eventa.
Civic Improvement Club of
Vale Leading the Way to
Improve Human Family
Local Babies Wanted.
.ll U.rW.I.Y RFCOVI ItlM.
Mr. and Mrs II. S Rutherford re
celved a letter this week from Mrs
Alice Brown, formerly of this city
telling of the condition of her daught
er, Mrs. Cecil Wymore, who was one
of the victims of the dastardly explo
sion In San Francisco during the pre
paredness parade.
The many friends of the victim
At a special meeting of the county
court on Saturday that body selected
V V llickox, whose aeliiewiii'
an advanced agriculturist make him
pei iiharly tilted for the task, to
prepare the county's exhibit to lie
taken to the state fair to be held ut
Mr. Hlckox will immediately begin
preparations for gathering materials
of all kiln's for the state show Any
on who lias any product of the coun
ty which would reflect honor therein
and demonstrate to the state at large
the possibilities of this region should
get in touch with Mr llickox.
While down at Mr llickox' ranch
the members of the county court saw
a stand of corn which even Judge
George McKuight could not measure
with his long reach. The court de
cided that it was the tallest corn ever
offered in evidence of the growing
power of Malheur lands.
C. E. 8. WOOD TO Om
Col. C. E S. Wood of Portland was
In Ontario Wedneaday the gueat of
his aou and daughter, Mrs. and Mrs
B. B Wood. Col Wood's visit to
eastern Oregon at this time waa for
the purpose of opening the democrat
ic campaign at Baker where he will
deliver an address this evening.
Local party leader of the demo
cratic party plan to open their cam
paign in Malheur county with a big
rally here and hope to have Col
Wood make & JrOclmU addict,
The Civic Improvement club of
Vale, which Is to hold a "Better Baby
Eugenic Test" September ti. 7 and
Rtb has endeavored to send a letter
and application blanks to every par
ent In the county with children be
tween the agea of one and four years.
The club would like to announce
that If any family with children en
titled to this lest has failed to re
ceive application blanks, If they will
send a card to Mrs. Robert I.ytle of
Vale, who Is chairman of the public
Ity committee, she will be very gjad
to mail them blanks and any other.
Information that may be desired.
In regards to our Better Baby
Contest If you want a healthy, happy
baby, well nourished, firm of flesh
and smooth of skin; then we would.
urge you to come to the "Better llaby ,
Eugenic Test" and have your baby ,
tested by physicians who have what
u 100 per rent baby ought to be. If,
your baby is up to the staudard It
will be glveu a medal If ll Is not
you will be told how to make It win
a medal next year.
There will also be a "Better llaby
Health Exhibit" of Interest to you. '
All the neweat ideas for making good ,
babies better and ways in which to
add greatly to their comfort and happiness.
A few left -" per
mil discount
Ontario Furniture Co.
THIS is the age of prepar
edness and mobilization
and we are prepared with the
best fresh fruits and vegeta
bles that can be secured and
ane our delivery department
is mobilized to full war stren
gth and 100 per cent efficien
cy by the addition of a new
motor truck, enabling our
customers to receive their or
ders without the least delay.
It is a waste of strength and
enery to cook hot meals these
summer days when we can
supply everything necessary
for your table already cooked
at less then you can buy the
Erby Hayes of Vale to Take
Charge of Local House
Thos. F. Coward Goes to
La Orande.
One of the most Important busi
ness changes of the past week was
that which involved the agency for
the Ford cars In Ontario aud vicinity
Thox V Coward, who has represent-1
ed the company here for some time)
with marked success, secured the!
agency at l.u Grande and Wallowa
and will be succeeded here by Erby
Hayes of Vale, who ha had the
agency there.
Messrs. Coward and Hayes went to
Portland this week to complete the
details of the transfer and receive
their new contracts.
oi sell, niMsMiiMin
At a special meetli.g of the city
council on Wednesday evening at the
council chamber In the city hall an
ordinance was passed for the build
lug of a sidewalk on the north side
of Nevada avenue from the alley west
Announces the arrival of New Fall
Merchandise this week. New Waists
Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepes
and in the newest colors and styles.
From the Bradley Knitting Co. we
have received a big shipment of wool
and silk sweaters, they are "span"
new both color and styles.
Hosiery and underwear will be fea
tured at a price by us. We want
you to become acquainted with the
lines we have We can save you
money We buy for two stores and
pay the cash.
We will be showing new coats and
suits by the first of next week. Make
your selection early the quality,
style and price is guaranteed.
Store at Ontario
and Weiscr
The 0. & F. Co., Ltd.
You Can Do Bel
ter Her
H ananas- m , - S T A 1 I
I The u. & r. io., iq- I