Business Directory I'HYNH'IANH DH8 I'HINZINO A WKI fntario, Oregon Office In New Wilson Mock. OSTKOPATIIIC PHYSICIANS Or. Harriet Scan Dr. PMltaM SVurs Graduates Amrrirnn School of Oiteo pntliy, Kirknvilp, Mo. Wilson niork. lelephonr 1T4 Hlk ATTORN KYH. W. II. Ilr..k.., Wilton Rid. ( Attorney nt Uw Ontnrio Or McGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will PlWfttM in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postofficc ohntints DH W. O. MOWS ...-. DENTIST I'benes: Office 117 Wilson Rldg. KM. 1171 DR. D. C. BBKTT Office !fl door Bast of OnUrl J Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, Near It. u Depot. VVWVMVWVMrVMrVWMlrWAAAMMrVrW UNDERTAKING LBSLII J. A KICK LAWYER Room 0, First National Dank Rldg Ontario, Oregon. ,EUAL NOTIf'US. I.KIIAL NOTICEH. M. I l.l.l M II ,V WOOD LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. R. W. Hwacler Attorney at I.m Rooms 18-14-11 Wilson Bldg Ontario Oregon. r. j. ca?. " LAWYER Rooms in Wllron Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. mnaaaaiaaaaaa anaaanaaaawaawaaawaaa TRANSFER J. H. FARLEY Funeral directo. and rmbalmer. Lady assistant. Phone . 1S2-W. OnUrie, Oregon. I TRANSFER. BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meets all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM OFFICIAL DIRECTORY United Htatee President Wood row Wilsoa Vice-President Tnos. R. Marshal Secretary of State, . . Robert Lansing Secretary of Truss.,. . W. O. McAdoo Secretary oi War, ..L. M. Harrison Attorney-Oenersl. Thos. W. Oregon Postmaster neral.... A. Burleeoa Secretary of Navy J. DaaleU Sec'y of Iatarloi, ..Franklin K La no Sec'y of Agrleilture., D. K. Houston See'y of Commtca, Wm. C. Redfleld Secretary of Latxr . . . .W. B. Wilson Sec'yto the Pres J. P. Tumulty IT. H. Hupramc ( i Chief Justice Edaard J Wnlf- Assoclate Justices, Joseph McKenna Oliver Wendell Uoimes William R. Da Jamea ('. McRe. nolds Charles E. Iluglien Willis VanDevanlti Joseph It. l-suiar Malilon Pitney Vale U. H. nil.. Register Thor. J. ne Receiver M. N Fa, la -i.. i.- Officers. Governor James With) com Sec'y of State Ben W tiler. Treasurer 1 B Ka Attorney-General, . .Geo. fti I towx GRASSHOPPERS INVADE CLOVER Twin Falls, Ida Lack of prepar edness against an Invasion of grass hoppers In southern Idlaho will pro lislily result In serious loss to farm ers having clover fields. Every drug store In the county has orders filed for from 60 to 1000 pounds of sod ium arsenate for spraying clover fields, but the supply Is exhausted. One local store telegrapher leading wlmlMMla ImiiMHM In Man Francisco. . , . a, .-,. I Treasurer, and against the ssld de- Ixis Angeles, Kansss City, St. Louis, ' NOTICE OF siii:iin I RALE IN FORECIOSIIRE. Ttv virtue Of nil execution In line closure duly Iftsued by (lie clerk of thi I'lrciilt Conn of the stnle of Oregon for Malheur County, dnte the 21st day of July, 1016, In a eertnln net Ion Ui IM circuit Court for said county nnd state whereii the t.'iti' iiind board of Oregon, eonslstlns; of J.imes Withy combe, governer: Ren. w. oirott, se trataTf of state; nnd Thnmns R. Kny. p treasurer, ns plaintiff recover ed Judgment against Cecilia Meldrnni nnd Walter Meldrnni, as defendants, for die sum of two hundred flft) ilollars, with Interest thereon from , the r.tli day of May, 1813, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum ; and for the I .further sum of Fifty Dollars. Attor ney fees; snd for the further sum of Twenty-five and 80-100 Dollars, costs; and the further sum of Forty three snd 37-100 Dollars, taxes paid. -It li Interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from January 17. 1916; Notice Is herey given. That I will on the 26th day of August, 116, at the hour of 1 :00 o'clock p m. of said day at the main entrance door of the court house in Vale, Malheur coun ty, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, the following described real property, to-wtt: The North Half of the North Half of Ixit 8lx INH NH Lot ) Section t. township IS 8. R. 47 E. W. M. In Malheur County, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing; Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of the said defendants, Cecilia Meldrum and Walter Meldrum or as much thereof as may he necenssry to satisfy the said Judgment In favor of the State Land Board of Oregon, consisting of Jamea Wlthycombe, governor; Ben W Olcott, Secretary of State and Thomas B. Kay, State snnnm, nnd for $.1.r).00 attorneys fee. I nnd for costs; Notice Is hi ' by riven. Hint 1 will on the 2nd At) of September. Lilt, i lbs null oi I 10 o'Ctoot p m. of said day at Hie ninlii MtfMM toOf oi tin- Court ii 'ii i In V;iir. m i hOttr County-, OragOO, '-'II nt Babltt miction. tO Hie btgboai bidder, or bll tof 1Mb tlie following dcHcrlb- ! i.ii property, tow it i Lot! one, two mill Hie nortl of lot tliree of block I I I of the Town of Ontnrio, Mnllieur County, Oregon together with the appurtanot Taken and levied upon im tlie-pro-porty of the said defendants, Allle E. Olsen, Robert K. Olsen, Walter i; Howe, Ii. A. Merchant, Moss Mer cantile company, a corporation, and Hie unknown heirs of Alexander Caldwell, or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy first the said Judgment In favor of the Fruit Orow--r- Tw nt p.voiib Idaho, a cor poration, then to apply the residue, if any, in payment of the said Judg ment In favor of A. L. Cockrum, trustee, and the First National Rank of Ontario, Oregon, a corporation, with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this Slat day of July, UK. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff. By ROSS A. SOWARD, Deputy. First publication, August 3, 19K. Last publication, August 31, 1916 Philadelphia and other large places but was unable to get even a pound of the powder. The greater part of the 7600 acrea of red clover In this section Is Imperiled. Not believing this country would ever be attacked by the 'hopper en emy, no prepartlon was made to re sist the Insects until they bad quietly penetrated practically every field. feiidants, with Interest thereon, to got her with all costs and.disurse ments that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 24th day of July, 1916. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff By miss A. SOWARD. Deputy. First publication. July 27, 1916. lst publication. August 24. 1916 IIMTINT I III IU II NOTKH. How's your habits? Are you in .. . . ,. . .L....I. . It ..... ( me nami oi auina ui enure...- ........ No,u.e , nerel why not? Sunday Is the Lords day . , . .. , f , XOTMK OV Of STATE LAMBS, that the State of Supt of Public Instruction I" Ml Prl ,or "d. WOMh,D I A I O. .1,1,111 HOW III) you Hp.'llU HUB UBjr : Dairy and Food Commlasloaei T,,e church has been placed In the,for the rollow Inge described lands J. D. Mkkle woriu lor ine oeneiu oi in. n wu Oregon will receive sealed bids until 10:00 o'clock a. m . August 22. 1916, State Printer, . II g. Senator. Mary '.".. Lc O. E. Chamberlain Congressmen, W. C. Haw ley N. J. Slnnot C. N. McArthur bUte Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank A. Moore Associate Justices, Tbomaa A. McBrid lianry J. Bean George H. Burnett Robert Eakln Henry L Benson Lawrence T. Harris Ninth Judicial lMatrlct District Judge Dalton Biggs T. 19 8. R. 29 E. NW qr. NW qr.. 8 half N half and 8 half Sec. 16 and peal of the Apostle of old In a ser- jj Rec J6 .A. W. I-awieuca tlie women snd children. The ap- vlce was, "Men, hrntbern and fslh fa." That appeal could not In many Instances he made today. It would be, "Sisters and children " It is a inime that the greatest Institution that the world has ever known Is not adhered to by the men of ourlan(j a of Se. time. The pastor will occupy the pulpit T. 19 8. R. 41 E, all of Sec. II. T. SO 8. R. 41 E.jall of Sec. 16. T. II 8. K. 39 E. all Sec 16; N half. 8E qr.. E half SW qr and 8W qr. 8W qr. Sec. 36. T. II S. R. 41 E., all of Sec. 16 36. T. 24 8. It. 39 K , all of 8ac. 16 and all of Sec. 36. next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and will speak from the tepic: "The T. 26 8. R. 40 E, N halt and MSt Upper Room " This will be (he first half 8E qr and N half SW qr. Sec of a seVies of addresses on the gen 16 and all Sec. 36. oral tepic: "Peutecostial Expert- ' A)l Ddi llut aCCOn,Panied by nces." It will be well for every oue . regularly exocuted application to to bear these special addresses. This purchase and check or draft for at will be the first Sunday's service the iealt one fifth of the aniouut bid HI MMONH FOB PI'BLICATION IV KOKKl,OHt UK OK TAX IM In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County Wm. E. I.ees, Plaintiff, is J C Kelsey and Emma L. Kelsey, bus bsnd snd wife; Westfsll Commercial Company, a corporation; J. 0 Skel ton and Wm. F. Kelsoy, defendsnts To J C. Kelsey, Emma I. Kelsey, Westfall Commercial Company, a cor poration, J. T. Skeltnn and Wm F Kelsey the shove named defendants In the name of the state of ON gen: You are hereby notified that Win. E. Laos, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 315 Issued on the luib day of February, 1913, by the Tax Collector of the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, for the amount of thirty-four and 50-1 00 1 Dollars, the same being the amount j then due and ilehnoiient for luxes' for the year 1911 together with pen ally, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which hoi .ne the owner as appears of record, situated In said County and State, and particularly bounded and dcHcriheil as follows, to -wit; SW1, of the NE and the Wfc of the sk. Section 19 and the NW of the NK' Section 30 all in township 41 E. W. M. and also lots 1 and 4 In block 8 in the Town of Westfall, and all of said properti In Malheur County, Oregon You are further notified that aald Wm. K Lees has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent ' years with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follews: 1911 tax paid Feb 10, 1913, tax ' receipt No. 316, amount 134 50, rate of Interest 15 per cent. 1912 tsx paid Dec. 3, 1913, tax receipt No 489, amount 127.53. rate of Interest 15 per cent. 1914 tsx paid April 3, 1916, tax receipt No 1007, amount 125.64, rate of Interest 15 per cent. District Attorney W II. Brooke pastor has tried to spesk since Ills Krualor UMth Iegislatlve Assembly accident a month ago. All are in Joint Senator, for Uraut, Malheur, vitsd to attend and Harney Counties, Union service at the Method im . .Luring V. Stewart church In the evening. County Officers County Judge, O. W. McKnlght County Clerk John P. Houston Sheriff, . , Ben J. Brown County Commissioners, Joltu F. Weaver Melville Kelley County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver Assessor Lewis E. Hill School Supt Fay Clark County Survayor 0. K. Farmer County Coronor R. O. Payne Truant Officer A. R. Mcintosh Justice of the Peace (Ontario Dis trict O. L. King Circuit Court Circuit Court for Malheur county meets in Vale, the county seat, on the second Monday In January; on the fourth Monday in April; and on the first Tuesday in September for regular sessions. Hon. Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge; W. H. Brooke, Dist rict Attorney; John P. Houston, Clerk. County Court. The County Court of Malheur County meets In regular session at Vale on the first Wadnasday of Jan uary. March, May, July, September and November. County Judge, Geo. W. McKnlght; M. D. Kelley and John F. Weaver, Commissioners; John P. Houston, Clerk I). E BAKER, PuMor No wonder we have so many big paunches In this country. Forty- five per cent of the incomes is spent for food. The way of a lawyer' When he had finished with his first client the client asked him the amount of the bill. "Tliree dollars and u half," He FOMfl lawer replied The man handed him a $5 bill. The young luwyer scratched arouud in his pock ets for the change. All he could dig up was a dime and a few pan nies. "Sorry, sir," he said, "but I guess I will have to give you some more advice." Ject any and all bids Applications unit bids should be ud dressed to O. U. Brown, clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to pur chase state lands." Dated at Salem, Oregon, June 13, 1'JUi O. G. BROWN, Clerk State Laud Board Last publication Aug. 17. I N- NOTICK OK KHKBIKK'K IIKK EXECUTION'. lit virtue of an execution uud Oi der of sale duly Issued by the clerk of .Die circuit lourt for Malheur apwtj and state pf Oregon, dated Ihe :t 1 -1 And the mosquitos, too, are spring day of July, 1916, in a certain act on lug to arms in defense of their in alienable rights. With summer hopping along the grasshopper, too, will begin to per form his stunt. I.K.UAI. NOTICES. 1913 tsx paid April 3, 1916. tax The board reserves the right to re !(, No. 966 anloullt $ r,l. rate of interest 15 per cent. Said J. C. Kelsey and Win K.I Bey as the owner of Ihe legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, uud each of the other person- ahove named are hereby further notified tbut Win E Lees will apply to the Circuit Court of Hie Counti and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing Ihe lien against the property above described, and ineiitioiieil in said certificate And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after Hie first publi cation, of tliis summons excluslie ,,r the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pa) gether with costs and accrued inter est and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered fore closing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land aud premises above named. This summons Is published by ord er of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, and said order was made and dated this 31st day of July, 1916 and the date of the first publication of this summons Is the 3rd day of August, in the circuit court for said count v and stale wherein two Judgments were rendered, each being agulust tlie defendants, Allle E. Olsen snd Robert E. Olsen, as Judgment iobi ors, as follews: Oue of Laid Judgments was rein! red in lavor of the Fruit Growers Bank of Payette, Idaho, a corpora - NOTICE Notice is hereby given thst sppli- "" '' " 20.00. with cation has been made to the Dead ' "rest thereon at the rate of 10 per Ox Flat Irrigation District to Include cent per annum from the 14th day ,,,, and take Into said district lots, 2 and ot December. 1914, and for 150 00 ; Date of ,Mt publication Nov. 3 and SWV4 NE and 8E NW1 orney tees, ana tor its su costs;: of nectlon3 tp. 17 8., R. 47 E. W. M. ! nd That at 4:30 p. m. Sept. 6th, 1916 One of said judgments was render-' at their office in Ontario, Oregon, ' ed In favor of A. L. Cockrum, trustee, . the board of directors of said district ' and the First National Bank of On will hear and consider evidence for tario, Oregon, a corporation, for the or against said petition 'sum of 9114 35, with interest there II W CLEMENT, on from the 10th day of Jauuary, 31-33 Secretary. 1916, at the rate of 10 per cent per 1916 All process and papers In this pro ceeding msy be served upon the und ersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter men tioned. . WM E. LEES, Attorney for the Plaintiff Addraaa, Ontario, Oregon. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? THIS BANK, OF COURSE It serves Vim every d;iy in tlie year 1)V e.'ll'ilip; for your money, thereby preventing its being lost or Frittered away. It not only does this, hut it payi you fur tlie privilege of doing to by paying five per cent interest mi your time deposits. It gives you the free benefit of expert advitte on any subjecl Involving the use r Dandling of money. it will loan you money .'it any time on n proved security, and aid you in its Investment nd advise you in its management, if you so de sire. It will aid you in many other ways it you will give it the opportunity. We invite you to open an account and bfcoiiic a ragulai patron, ana pay your bills by check. It is the modern business way, and it is the safest wtj. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO. OREGON .II Special Offer Aug. 14 to 26 A Famous Springer Ironing Board with detachable sleeve board FREE! With each Electric Flat Iron sold duying this time. Offer will be in force 13 Days. Be sure and cali at our office today. Electric Investment Co. Range and Alfalfa Land at reasonable prices and on 10 year terms Stockmen should get in while the getting is good. We have sold 98 sections during the last 90 days Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. TROW, Ajftnt ONTARIO, OREGON The Mitchell 6 of '16 Is the Greatest Car Value the World has ever Known ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO.. Agts. Try The Argus for Want Ads ji