The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 03, 1916, Image 7

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    Business Directory
phvsii iws
DUB. IMUNZINU vi;i;si;
t'ntario, Oregon
Office in Newl Wilson illoek.
Dr. Harriet Heara
Dr. I'aulino Scant
Graduates American School of Osteo
pathjr, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone U.4 Hlk
W. II. llrooke. Attorney at Law
Wilson Bldg Untarlo Ore
Will Practice in All Court
Votary Public. Office Over Postof ficr
Wilson Bldg.
Mm "7
Rea. 1171
OOe 2nc door Hast of Oa'arl i Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue, Near
H R. Depot
J. H. FA RI.KY Funeral direetov
aad embalmer. Lady aaaiatant. Phon
132-W. OnUno, Oregon.
Knum 9, First National Hunk Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
I ! '. 1. NO I II IS
th. .Hi .Iny of May. 1913, at the rate) nn urn, and for $35.00 attorneys fee.
of 8 per cenl per annum; and for the . nnH for ;:g.ic coata;
further i um of Fifty Dollara, Attor v-.i , i . ..,,,,
Notice in luriliv Riven, f lint I will
ney s tees; ,. tor tne turtner sum on fin 2nr ,,,.. (f R(.pt,lnhttr( 19Ifi
Room 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
R. W. Hwajttar Attorney at Law.
Rooms in i.-it. Wllaoa Bldg
Ontario Oregon.
Rooms In Wllron Bldg.
Oatarla, Oregon
PRESS Meets all
failed Htatee
Praaldeat Woodro w Wllaoa
Vice-President,. . . .Thoa. R. Marshal
Secretary of State, . . Rotart Lanilng
Secretary of Traaa... . W. O. McAdoo
Secretary oi War. . . L. M Oarrlaoa
Attoraey-Geiiet al Thoa W. Oragor)
l'oatmaatar-( Befall... A. Barleaon
Secretary of Navy J. Daniels
Secy of Interior . Franklin K.Laa
Sao'y of Agrlojltarc D. F. Houston
Saa'y of t'ommiicn, Wm. C. Hedneld
Secretary of Labcr. . . .W. B. Wilson
Seo'yto the Prea. J. P. Tumulty
I . H. Supreme I un
Chief Justice Edward D r.'hl"
Associate Justices,
Joseph McKenna
Oliver Wendell Holmes
William It. Da
James C. McRe. nolds
Charlaa E. Hugbea
Willie VanDevanii-i
Joseph R. Lamar
Mulilon Pitney
Yale V. 8. i. Ni:,.,.
Register Tim .1
Receiver -. . .M. N Fa,
stale (HUcers.
Uovernor Jamea Ithvcom
Sec'y of State Ben W Olcc
Treasurer 1 J. Ka
Attorney-General. ..Geo. An iiowi
8upt. of I'ubllc Instruction
J. A. i nmiiitll
Dairy and Food Commlealoaei
J. D. Mini la
state Printer A. W. Lawrenoa
U. S. Senntora.
Ma:. Y.. ls.z
O. E. Chamberlala
W. ('. Hawley
N. J. Slanot
C. N. McArthur
rRate Buprssns Court
Chief Justlea Frank A
Associate Justices,
Thomas A. McBrlde
Henry J. Beau
George H. Harnett
Robert Eakin
Henry L. Benson
Law rea ce T. Harris
NlatU Judicial I Mm rid
District Judge, Dalton Bigga
District Attorney W. 11. Brooke
Heaator IMMh Legislative AaaeniMy
Joint Senator, for Grant, Malheur,
and Harney Counties,
. .Loring V. Stewart
Conaty Officers
County Judge O W. McKnlght
I'ounty Clerk John P. Houston
Sheriff Hen J. Brown
County Commissioners,
John F. Weaver
Melville Kelley
County Treasurer, J. Ralph Weaver
Assessor Lewis E. Hill
School Supt Fay Clark
County riurvayor ........ U F. Farmer
County Coronor R. O. Payne
Truant Offlcer A. R. Mclutosh
Justice of the Peace (Ontario Dis
trict O. L. King
Circuit .
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meeta in Vale, the county seat, oa
the second Monday in January; oa
the fourth Monday in April; and on
the first Tuesday in September for
regular aaaalons. Hon. Daltoa Biggs,
Circuit Judge; W. H Brooke, Dist
rict Attorney; John P. Houston,
Oowmtjr Ouart.
The County Court of Malheur
County meets la regular aaaaioa at
Vale on the flrst Wednesday of Jan
uary, Mareb, May, July, September
aad November County Judge. Geo
W. McKnlght; M. D. Kelley aad
Joha F. Weaver, Commissioners;
Joba P. Houston, Clark
"Vsaedure Neaeseery as teeire a Lean
From th. Otvtrnmint.
Here la wbal a farmer who needs
money .an do under the rural credits
bill, which wss signed reerntly by Ibe
Flret. be must Join what Is to be
known aa a National Fsrm Loan asso
ciation, paying In 96 for one of Ita
shares for each 1100 bs wishes to bor
not to i'KthI ten votes lu all.
of Twenty-fit und 80-lf0 Dollars,
mil the further sum of Forty
three and L'7-inu Dollar, tales paid.
't.h Interest therein at the rate of
t! par oant par annum from January
17. 1910;
Notice ! herey Riven. Tlmt f will
mi tin. Utt day f August, 1916, at
the hour of i : ci o o'clock p m, of bald
.i if at tim mi. in aatraaoa door of (ha
court lion in Vale Mulhi'iir coun
ty. Orejton. sell st public unction, to
the highest hldder. or didders, for
cash, the following dencrlbod. real
property, to-wlt!
The North Half of the North Half
of I,ot Six (NV N4 It 6) Section
..township 18 8 R. 47 E. W. M. In
Malheur County, Oregon, together
..!!!, !?." rr. "TTir. - ".-ioi
and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing; Taken and levied upon as the pro
perty of the said defendants, Cecilia
Meldrum and Walter Meldrum or as
much thereof as may be necessary to
aatlafy the said Judgment In favor of
the Stste Imu Board of Oregon,
consisting of James Wlthyeombe,
governor; Ran W Olcott. Secretary
of State and Tbomaa B Kay, State
Treasurer, snd against the said de
fendants, with Interest thereon, to
gether with all coats and dlsurse
tnents that have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, tbls 24th
day of July, 1M.
First publication. July 27. 1911.
Last publication, August 24, 1916
.ii I he hrmr of i fi i.vim-k p m of
Unld dny at the mnln cbtraticn door
ul the unit 1 1 nil i. In) Villi , Mil
'Mir County, Oregon, el nf puhlic
, um linn, iii Um blgbant bidder. i
i der, for ensh the following dcscrlb
I'd ran property, lo-wlt:
inn., two mid the norlli half
of lot Hire of Muck lis of the Town
of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon
together with the nppurtnnces;
Taken and levied upon na the pro
perty of the nM ilefendanta, Allje
rl Olaen, lUihert K. Olsen. Waller
O, Howe. R A Merchant. Moss Mer
cantile company, a corporation, and
Hie unknown heirs of Alexander
Caldwell, or as much thereof as may
he necessary to satisfy first the said
Judgment In favor of the Fruit urow
ers Hank of Payette, Idaho, a cor
poration, then to apply the residue,
If any, In payment of the said Judg
ment In favor of A. I, Cockrum,
trustee, and the First National Rank
of Ontario, Oregon, a corporation,
with Interest thereon, together with
all coata and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, thla 31st
day of July, 116.
nr.S J BROWN, Sheriff.
By ROSS A. SOWARD. Deputy.
First publication. August 8, 191.
l-ast publication. August 31, 1910.
Notice La hereby given that the
He has one vote a abara, but ' State Land Board of the State of
Oregon will receive sealed bids until
Next, he appllee to the association no 00 o'clock a. m . August 22. 1111.
fer the loan, giving Ma personal note for th flowing described lands:
""T,01; Urf, b.i " flr,l,m"rt,- T. II S. R. 39 E. NW qr. NW qr..
on bis farm. If tbe association ap- I .,..,. ,. . . ,. , - .
prove, tbe loan It turn. th. note morti 8 h" N '"" "d 8 h,f ? U "d
vane to a land bauk. Tbe land bank!11 ""'' 6-
seuil. tbe amount of the loan to the T. 19 S. R. 41 E, all of Sec. 16.
T. 20 S. It. 41 E , all of Bee. 1
aaNiN'latlon, which bauds the money
to Ibe farmer. No rommlaalon, broker
age or rakeonT la charge the borrower.
No single loan la to be for less than
lino or more than 910.000, nor for leaa
than five years or more than forty
years. The loan must not exceed 80
per cent, uud preferably should not go
lieyoiid Ml ier rent uf the uisrket value l.-j aj 0f 8ec s8
in iuu lauu niHTHi ny i lie uiorigage.
The iMirruw.r pays semiannually the
vmatcumvn or tax men.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
nregon, for Malheur County.
Wm. I Lees, Plslntlff. vs. J C.
Kelsey and Emma Ik Kelsey, hus
band and wife; Westfall Commercial
Company, a corporation; J. (V 8Ue.
ton and Wm. F. Kelaey, defendants.
To J. C. Kelaey, Emma L Kelsey,
Westfall Commercial Company, a cor
poration, J. T. Skelton and Wm. F
Kelsey the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore Ore
eon: You are hereby notified that Win
I r. i.ees, mo uoiuer oi ceriuicaie ni
Delinquency numbered 386 Issued on
T. 21 8. R. 39 B.. all Sao It; N the 10th day of February. 1913. by
half. BE qr., E half SW qr and 8W i the Tax Collector of the County of
qr. SW qr. Sac. 86.
T. 22 8. R. 41 E
and all of Sec. 36.
T. 24 8. R. 39 K., all of Sec. 16
Malheur, State of Oregon, for the
all of Sec. K amount of thirty-four and Mi mo
Dollars, the same being the amount
then due anil ilelluiUeut for taxes
for the year 1011 together with pen
ally. Interest and costs thereon upon
the real property aaseaaed to you, of
which you are the owner as appears
of record, situated in said County und
T. 25 8. It. 40 R , N halt and eaat
interest on his note, plus an Instalment half HE ur. and N half SW qr. Sec.
of tbe principal He must not be ' . Bn( u Sec. 36.
bin Kill over II i. it cent Interest.
I'.a. h National Farm Loan assocla- All bids must be sccompanieu n si.iio. and particularly bounded and
Hon must have at least ten members, a regularly executed application to ,,.Mcrllied us follows, to wit: SW ',
nuil It cannot bfgta business with lees purchase and check or draft for at 0f , i,,. nk4 and the W ',4 of the
ihan f.liisio In loans applied for. least one-fifth of the amount bid JHK,, section 19 and the NW ' of
It I .. .....I..M ,..
. . i, nii.i.-i niTit-rv .runii ic.
for auy offlcer. committeeman or mem- i The board reserves the right to re
ber to eccept any commission, fee or Ject any and all bida.
ftiulalte of an. kind for granting any ' ,. ... U1J. .!,, v- . A
i. n.i . i ii -. . I Applications and bids should be ad-
loan. The only paid omcer Is a see- "' , . .
rotary treasurer. droaaed to G. O. Brown, clerk State
Mouey can be borrowed bv thla ays- ,land Board. Salem. Oregon, and
tern In onler to pay for agricultural I marked "Application and bid to pur
land, equipment, fertilisers, live stock. 1 chase state lands."
bulldlnga and Improvement or to die- Dated at Salem, Oregon, June IS,
charge a prior mortgage. , , ia
Tbe land bank may charge tbe bor- ' (i ,; broWN
rowing farmer only I per cent snore i . . . . n,'rit
than tbe rate It gets on Its bonds Tbla tlerk 8Ule L'nd Bo'rd
margin of one point Is to cover eg- ' l" publication Aug. 17. and profits.
Onii Qrew. In Tr
Wetmore. K.u. In ibe K. W. Thorn
burrow yard In Wetmore Is a large
the NK' Section 30 all in township
41 E. W M and also lots 1 and 4
in block N In the Town or Westfall.
and all of said piopeio in Malheur
County. Oregon.
You are further notified that said
Wm K. i.i-rt has paid taxea on .aid
premise. for prior or suhseiiueiii
years with the rate of inten-i on
aald h mounts aa follows
1911 tax paid Feb. 10. 1913, tax
receipt No. 385. amount $34.50. rate
of interest 15 per cent.
1912 tax paid Dec I. 1913, tax
receipt No. 489, amount ItT.Mi rate
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has been duly appoint- 0f interest 15 per cent
ad administrator of the estate of i lnti m nmii Ann! I l a 1 1 lit
bunch of blue grass growing In the , , deceased, by order receipt No 1007. amount 125.64. rate
fia-k of an elm tree ten feet from the I ,
ground Everv fall the rilUlltg of . ol tl,e county TOUrt 0f ,h lM l ot 'n,"r," ,5 ' !
Wetmore, who are watching this curl 'Oregon for the county of Malheur., isu Ux paid April 3. 1916. tax
oalty. expect the grass to i- winter ' All persona having claims against the certificate No. 906, amount 4).aT,
killed, but every spring It shows up said estule are hereby notified to rate of interest percent.
green and .trong and maturea seed I prHei,t the same, duly verified as s.ild J C. Kelaey and Win F. Kel-
Tb. graas has been growlug lu tbe rHllu,rHd Uv law. to the said admin .rv as Hie owner of the leaal title nf
Istrator at lila office in the Ontario the above described property as the
National Hank at Ontario, Oregon, same appears of record, and each of
within all nioiilliH from the date of the oilier BOraOtU hIiiivc named are
first publication of tins notice. hereby further notified thut Wm I:
la. ne and dated and flrat publish- ,ce will apply to the i ircuii i nun
ed thla 6th day of July, A. I) .1910 of the County and State aforesaid for
J. It HI.ACKABY, a decree foreclosing Ihe Men again I
Administrator of the eatate of the property above described, and
James J. Coxart, deceased menlioned in Mild ceiiiflcate Anil.
you are hereby summoned to appear
tree for three years. Orsw M.r. Than Churoh.
Itellevllle, K.u "Where the people
Go" Is the title of an IntereMliig cmn
pllation prepared duiiiig the sin I.I .ur-.-
i il.cii lu Itellcvillc It shown thai
during the year 100.000 attend the iimv
lug pi. lure show, IKI.OOU religious serv
Icea. 8.IKMI ,hiir. h socials and picnics,
li.mi the county fair and farmen' In
atltute. n.iMNl the Cbautaiiiiia and 2.S70
go to ball games.
Lt sorves yinii4jtif .il.v' in tin tout by curing fnr
.yfMirillul('J,'l'f;Jf,i;tllUaiK lt IX'stiy lOM "!'
I'i'illcri'tl jiwiiy. Il not mil v tines this, but it pays
ymi ror the pnnlerre n tlnui'.' sn by paying live
per cent iiiteiT-sl on your time deposits.
It. rives ymi the free benefit of txpert advice
mi ;niy viibji it luvnhiii". till lHe fct liJiiifllint: of
Jt wi) Jmhii tyti iiimifv ;it nv ti 11 h mi ;ip
prnvefl BfMlrlty, .'Uifl ;iitl you in its lilvi iinciit
ittifl advise vnii m its niaiuitnient, if vmi sti do
sire. : )
It will ad, vyn in many other ways if mi
will Ri itimtyt()por1iuuty.
Ve invMeyon tonptn an aeeoiint and bermne
a rctTulai' uatroiu und pay your bills by eberk.
Et H the iiiddrvn HiiKlness way, and it is tiiu
safest way.
I J'
"Letting the other fellow do it"
mar save you a little exertion today
and lose you your Job tomorrow. Do
it yourself.
Wouldn't S.y "Vote. For Wom.n '
Chicago, lie. hii-c It ciiiihl not be
taught to sav "Votea for women," a
pari.. i which hail been recently taken
to the headquarters of the woman suf
frsgUia Is now back In Ihe bird atore.
Paanl KXKflTHIN.
lly virtue of an execution and or
d.-r of sale duly issued by the clerk of
the circuit lourt for Malheur county
and state pf Oregon, dated the llfj
day of July, 1916, in a certain action
in the circuit court for said county
I and state wherein two Judgment-
were rendered, each being agaiust
1 the defendants. Allie E. Olaen and
NOTICTE OF sitKHIIFS HAMC ljllobert E. Olaen, as judgment debt
FORECLOSVRE. I ors, as follews:
By virtue of an eiecution In fore-1 ()ue "f ""d Jndgmanln was rend-
..l.... s. is. .i.ri, i ii,. i'fil 'n lv"" o' tbe Kruit Growers
ciee.iii rn.irt nf ih. ai.i. nf Ora.on I Bank of Payette. Idaho, a corpora
for Malheur County, date the J 1st
day of July. 1919, in a certain action
la tba circuit Court for aald
county and state wherein the
state land board of Oregon,
consisting of James Withy
combe, governor; Ben. W. Olcott, se
cretary of stste; and Thomas B. Kay,
state treasurer, aa plaintiff recover
tion, for tbe sum of $280.00, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from tha 14th day
of December. 1914, and for I&0.00
attorney fees, and for 149.80 coats,
One of said judgments was render
ed In favor of A. I,. Cockrum, trustee,
aod the First National Bank of On
ed judgment agalnat Cecilia Meldrum tario, Oregon, a corporation, for the
and Walter Meldrum, as defendants, sum of flit II, with Interest there
for the sum of two hundred fifty Ion from ihe !(th day of January,
dollara, with Interest thereon from! 11. ai the rat of 10 par cent per
' within sixty days after the first publi
! cation, of thla summons exclusive of
the day of aald first publication.
ami ileieiiil tliis action or pay
gather with coata and accrued inter
est and In case of your failure to do
so, a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxea and
costs agalnat the land and premises
above named
This summons Is published by ord
er of the Honorable Dalton Biggs,
judge of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Malheur,
and aald order waa made and dated
this ltd day of July, 191 and the
date of the first publication of this
summons Is the 3rd day of August,
Date of last publication Nov. 2,
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the und
eratgned residing within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereafter men
tioned WM K I.EES.
Attorney for the Plaintiff
Address, Ontario, Oregon.
Escape the hours of kitchen
drudgery, the dirt, the heat
through the
Is clean, convenient, econo
mical. "Makes life brighter and the
day's work lighter."
Electric Investment Co.
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 year terms
Stockmen should get in
while the getting is good.
We have sold 98 sections
during the last 90 days
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
The Mitchell 6
of '16
Is the Greatest Car Value
the World has ever Known
Try The Argus for Want Ads