The Ontario Argus M. E. BAIN. Publish., Sub ription 11.00 Always in idvttMt Published Kvrrj Thiiilu. dlntared in Ibl I" I Office nt OdtaflO, Oregon, for tranmlHMon tlirmnrli the mall us second clans mall mutter PKKMANKNT ROAM We hear an OOM '"nil grunt the tddda of tliiH OOUUty ami the wny the road money Ik expended Of thrown away. rrot)al)ly more money as wasted mi tin- road of thin and other county In Oregon tut any other punm iaupmveiMent. principal cause la the utter lack ayatem. It la only the permanent on road that count, the. patch etg to but a mskeslft that will have at b done over In a few month But to people are to blame (or the lack ft a system, becsuse they all want mm permanent road contructMl as their home, and the officials mm op In the air a to what to do t present they are gravellln t the (on road up t Vale leading met. d we hear lots of howling. The irk of making permanent Improve Hts on the road must be kh r I e place and the county seat I logical point. I'lare all the work one road until that Is countruct , then take up another trunk road other direction, until all ve in of the county have been r a 1 1 si. then start In on the lateral road That Is the only system that will fcriag good roads at a small annual nutlay. The outlying sections will not be satisfied until they are reach ed and then the benefit of the policy nil be realised. Automobile accidents sre heoom mmM Altogether too common. Ooca vtoually the trouble Is with the car, .dsat generally the driver la at fault." catch a car every few days nd drivers must respect the fact tha ! freight snd passenger trains are loo hi'iii M tlK'in tu hutt off the track. Driver occasionally become rreles. .mil allow the cur lo run without hating the wheel under inn rol, the car strike a chuck hole or rot'k mid tin- car I over before the striven ran regain control. The iiiciiietir of Oregon were fore Ad to undergo many hardships In carving out homes in the wilderness. To help those pioneers, the federal vermin mi granti d In the Oregon -tiallform.i railrosd company a large grant of land to assist in building till. I In. nl ..lid to le in Oregon MN !! e i .tmt iiiiiie i.iK.iih property The government n.iued Its pay, ail II ver expected. Ill I he hullding of the road and the concessions receiv ed llsd the land grunt been ills passed of according to the terms of the grunt, Oregon would be profiting flay by more acres of taxable land ad many more settlers. Oregon lose is the sufferer, yet when these toad are disposed of according to the .still recently passed she get but 50 mmr cent of the proceeds Thousands of acres of arid lands thirsting for water, yet 40 per cent of land grant fund go to the gen eral reclamation fund instead of to -MMaaa lands. representative Sin nut t I making a last fight for the 40 per cent and introduced a bill amending the glint I bill, asking that the pro- frnin sale of land and limber jrtioned to the general reclama tion fund lie expended on projects m the State of OrdMd la there any Injustice in this re quest Is I his t.ite asking anything unreasonable Hid the federal gov ernment or uny of t lie reclamation nates expect to got anything from these land under (lie original pill t Oregon did expect something the original grant, so why should she mil expect it now. It warms thut there is little room for rgument a to the rial merits of the issue, but it is necessary to present the facts to those who should know " If the members of congress are Siren the facts with regard to this there Is some hope that they will .mt the Justice of It and vote to give da) ur state that to which she Is en titled I'ersoual letters to members at congress or to persons who may hare influence will prove an effect toa means Write such a letter and to ao doing contribute your part In oaring this fund for Oregon's arid toads Quiet confereuce are going on from ay to day and we expect cyclones i diurat upon us any old time now democrats are greatly worried the fact that there is nothing unity In the republican ranks. Their endeavor to -1 ir up the past attocord will prove futile. "We ask regular vote " ' NON .PAHTIStN tiuttnu itit The true Interpretation of "non partisan" ll for the dominating party to elect minority candidates That ll what It amounts to in Malheur conn ly With u normal republican vote of two to one the. ooiBty pt I filling tine- nl IW offices with demo crats. In 1 ! I 4 i lie Madly I Chamberlain and elected Withy combe Bo far as Org 01 dob earned Chambarltli ha bdtti nurse tli. in iin MddtOf add Ibis we will datH Mil irate at the proper fine 'o 1 1 . I 1 thl " nit Of our bad politic throughout the county, tale and nation. Notwithstanding, the trriii'iidmi': Inciune nf Ibe war material makers In I SIR there bate been more hulne failure In the I'nlled State than ever hefnre In any year. If the tremendous Influx of ....... . : tnt ""' "' b imii. , 1, why Is It that the Wet Is anything hut prosperous? Why are there 40. 000 vacant house In Ios Angeles? Why are the office buildings of our great metropolis vacant and for rent signs adorning half the residence buildings and family flats closing their doors? Why Is it that we cannot get mon ey In our own section? The county clerk fiasco Is worthy of note In this connection. The democratic clerk was elected by a great republican rote and the office was democratic. IMd the incumbent die? Was he com pelled to glre up the office? Did he not rather see the handwriting on the wall and selxe an office which might perpetuate him in a good gov ernment Job for four years? Having voluntarily resigned the position, by what method of reasoning does the office remain democratic? The majority of voters are republi can, the county court is completely republican, the democratic officer voluntarily resigned hi Job und we have a republican official appointed. Immediately our hungry aspirant for political favor shout "give M a non partisan rule " Frankly and honestly, gentlemen, we will do nothing of the kind Krom now to the end of politics "to the victor, the spoils." If you want an office get on the republican ticket. This year we will vote for unity Till year we will begin our Initiate course In honest express on of the will of the majority at the polls This yeur we will wipe off the slate and make our county show sanity in selection ot official; sanity In our devotion 10 republican principles In state and nation. We shall cease lo permit mil' MM lllle 1 In I.e. I nil mil Kr.ll mile- c shall reuse to furnish Jobs and Mind-. for our enemies Salvation Is free, hni you must Indicate your tddnTd lm .ill a) loll ele I oil r.ce I It I'r.iin Hughes to the leust of all candidates we will unitedly support the republican ticket. Not only that, but those who ure leaving their pub lic basin. - and entering Into parti sail politics under the II. il Killing Hood Cover" of lion partisan h.iwl will be remembered in the finish. This Is a republican year uud tin next administration will remote the southern democracy from power Its enough to lake care of your friends our enemies take cure of them selves A HI DDL K A party of wise ones were discuss ing politics on the Hteret Hie other day in a near by town other than Nyssu Among oilier tilings cuter lug into the conversation, was that riddle like recall with hirsute up peiiages with which the Ontario Heiiiocrut threatens our -.unlit I nun ly Judge about once it cry so often and sometimes more I reiiieiii It 1 Ihllik the Judge MM present, if not he night lo have been. "Say Judge. " -aid one. why don t inn fellows get alter thut Democrat man and whule the whey out of him?" Vou bet." said another, "if one of those alleged newspapers Jumps oiilo me, ihlngs will be doing." "Yes, yes," said the Judge tor would have said if ha had been there), "1 know, 1 know, hut did you ever hear Hie story of the ele phant and the skunk I think its one of Mr K. Sopps latest. No? Never head it? Well Au elephant was pestered by a ubiquitous skunk which he avoided us much as possi ble and Ills liicu.i- insisted that lie get after the skunk und beat him up 'Yes.' Kald the elephant. 'I could beat him up all right but then every one would know I had been fighting u skunk. In the appropriations for military arms Senator Norrls called attention to the curious fact that whenever an appropriation contemplated a pur chase, the appropriation waa increas ed and when there was proposed the manufacture of small arms or of anything made by the government, the appropriation was decreased. This having a peculiar look, Senator Nor rls asked Senator Chamberlain for 'nn explanntlnn Mr Chamberlain ' ' Ki.nn.T.n i nr- I rt .1 I iM .1 t fltlrl ... r I a ll I nous fury claimed honesty for both himself nnd the committee, of which he was chairman. tot Nnn i replied that he hail made no accusations of ant k nd say ing In part "there la not any evl- denea, to rdf m i know timt the committee is working in the interest of the munition plnnts, except that they are denying the charge when It has not been made. I suppose that might be con ltderad In n trial a (VidenOt 'Methinks the gen tleman doth prote, t too much.' " Speaker champ Clnrk made bin political speech Hie other day and It will soon iie franked over the country In advancing the Idea that the democrats should he continued In power he quoted thus: "I watch the wheels of Nature's maxy plan, And read the future In the past of man." We suppose that the tremendous Increase In failures throughout the T'nited States, greater than erer be fore in the history of the country, notwlthtandlng the enormous trade balance In favor of the country on account of war orders, la a good thing to perpetuate. Sorry, but wa don't sea It. What Oregon needs In the United States senate Is someone Imbued with state patriotism as well as national. We will never get It by voting for democrats. Nick Slnnott, In the house, fights manfully for the state but with two senators In the upper house against him he has an uphill fight. What we ought to do la to send Slnnott to the senate next time. It will take 1,000 republican votes to elect a democrat in Malheur coun ty. There Is not a shadow of a chance for any of them. They say Moody refused to aarve either over or under s republican. Why should 1000 republicans vote for him In that case? Speaker Clark stated In his poli tical speech that the war cauaed the dumping of lemons on the I'. S. mar-1 ket ruining the California growera There appeared no statement that the lowering of the tariff on lemons prevented the government from get ting the revenue from lemons and that therefore a stamp tax became neri'hsury while the retention of the duty would have waved California, (ireat head, thee free traders. If the federal reserve act saved a panic before It became a law will some good dealer In logic explain the reason for the $500,000,000 or note which they Imucd under the Aldrlcli-Vreeliind art And If ll n- the notea that saved the day why i' the safety attributed to a law that was not In existence? A few months ago we were paavad at the cold weathci mid were wishing that Minimer would hurry along. It I I here In all the glorv of ll Ncorch Ing rays, and now we are wondering! and longing for the good old winter' days again. We Just never can be satisfied, no matter what wa gat. It's too had Hie democrats have to hire a republican to represent them editorially. They are endeav oring to create a diversion by attack ing the county Judge. Stick to your knitting gentlemen thl Is a republi can year and the band wagon is In motion. President Wilson In his Detroit I speech said: "We are done with pro unn.ilMii in xtateKiiianshlp In the, I'nlted Slutes." We sure hope this Is true ph.iphe-.v and shout. Tiiank tiod for the change to come next Novem-' ber. Having put the tariff hack on sug ar we wonder if a real protest accom panied with a sample of Chinese eggs from Oregon would Induce the demo crats to put the tariff back on eggs? Sixty deserving democrats will be furnished Jobs at $10,000 per under the new rural credit law. Who paya them? The borrower of course. 1'oor devil. naXOWHTONK I'Altk KXCIH bIONM. August 13th, via Hotel Route. August 14 via "Wylia Way." See O. 8. I., agents for details and fold era. 31-St We note, too, that the city rubea are scrambling for the high Ufa in tin.' country. It is leap year, to be sure, but the boys are too bashful and the girls can't pluck up courage. Herbert Kaufman says that those who kuow nothing always want to talk about it. Herb ought to know. ii- he does a lot of It himself. SEEK TREASURE AT SEA BOTTOM Expedition Hunts $1 000,000 Cargo Lost Four Years Ago. EXPERT DIVERS G0IN6 DOWN If First Proves Successful Othar Sunksn Craft Will ds Esplorsd and j Effort, to Find Valuables Will de Msds New Company Finsneod by ' Wsll Street Men. A scientific treasure trove expedition j hacked by wealthy Wall street uitru. under command of a United States naval expert and advised by govern ment submarine authorities, has reach ed Its operating base. The first ob jective point of the expedition Is the deep aaa grave of the Ward liner Merida, which waa rammed fo.ii- years ago by the United Fruit steamship Ad miral Karrsgnl and went down fifty Are ml lea off tba Cape Charles light carrying to tbe bottom a cargo of silver bara and other treasure valued at more than $l onrvmn The expedition Include the steam shlpa Tlttsns. Faarlaaa and F. H. fleck wiih. a wracking vessel, a yacbt and a tog. and la under command of Oeorge D. Mtiiison. for many yeara In charge of government diving work and tbe man who raleed tbe submarine K In Hono lulu harbor last year. Oeorge D. Stlllson. tbe rommsnder of tbe expedition. Is regarded by nary department experts as tbe greatest so tbority on deep sea apparatus In tbe United Htates. He left tbe government service last winter to superintend the submarine operation of a private film project to photograph under tbe sea a production of Jules Varne's story "Twenty Thousand Iragtiee Under the Sea." He baa with him on tbe treasure hunt the government divers and sub marine experts who sided him In the dim production and In tba raising of the V 4 at Honolulu. These divers are rijnlpiicd with new deep sea appsratu which doe not require life lines or air hose connections, and which make possible long hours of work at great depths. tarrying a rabbit's foot In your pocket may bring you good luck, hut perseverance and hard work geta the mon Sea Shore Excursion To North Beach, Washington August 9th Via OREGON SHORT LINE (Union Pacific System) $14.25 From ONTARIO and return. Tickets limited to August 26th. Special train service, Boise and west, leaving Boise, 2:10 p. m. Passengers from points east of Nnmpa should use train No. 19 or onneeting trains. Ank O. S. L. agents for "Nrth Beach" folder and further details. SI !SL rKIP The next lime .m meet a grouch take a good look ul him. It la the way you appeui h. n vou ure In the same class Vc x I if 11' fla Wfrjjwffil a nT'LA" U I" !C T I THE MAN Who buys and reads his home pa per demonstrates both his patriot ism and his intelligence by the act. The merchant who buys his printing from his home paper gives a practical demonstration of his be lief in the policy of trading at home This town is made up of two classes of people those who DO and those who DON'T. Don't be a "don't." The Ontario Argus PUBLISHERS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS ict away from the city and business for I l''W tliivs t'lijiivnii'iit nf the cool "f the ocean. TRY SOME of our Ice cream, manufac tured in Ontario from lag purest of materials. We will dellever free any amount of one gallon or over, any flavor, packed well, for mir Sunday dinner. Morten Bros. Insurance I a great protection to the widow and children, but the ac cumulation of a healthy hunk ac count Niipplles the fun between