ACTRESS TELLS HOW SHE BECAME A STAR ' : M workers to bttr effm ; oloheertod MthtUtMIB. M word t thOM Who wciulil alg iirrrvis mi I !. :.!:. I to li ' Willing work hard, to study unremittingly .mil in approach tin- woric with cl ear fulne i and never fa ling nil husiasm. ii) Mm Allison, the Famous Metro Slur. I attribute i i n i" itardon in hum H cture la I hi fad thai I have hi ii'ln l in ami bare applied thai study lo m work Whoa i appeal befoic lha aaaaera i i deavor lb nil my win to sink in., 'i-vii individuality Into thai of tin' rharaetof i an ptttraviRg, At these llwea I am only subconsciously May AlllHon I actually feel that I am In roejtty the person whose char acteristics I Interpret with iih huh ia a more or less rl-arly defined pror eaa of wnat I might term self-hyp- FARMER'S APOSTARY v qulel ehoekle madt the roaod of the republloaa contingent in tao linn c df H in i i bo other d:i When it was learned Hint linn a Mitchell Palmer had appeared Be furr tin1 wara and mean committee ala. But the upward climb haa not been along a pathway of roaea. Now I ran look back on the struggle and smile. It haa not been ho difficult for me alnca I entered motion pictures from the speaking stage aa It waa for me to nucrccd In an art where the fall area overwhelmingly ecllpae the auc ceaaea. I feel that I may now talk with freedom about thore flrat yearn fraught with feara and failure; dls couragmenets and ahattered hopea. Ia fiction atara are made over night. Ia real life the battle for recognition fakea yea re. My original ambition waa to he eome a grand opera prima donna. I atudled voice culture for aeveral yearn, and determined to leave my &I...I.II..K In l..w.l -m.I ui.alj I " " " """'" """ n" 'and little aon rame anil rortune in New York. My family protested, but I finally won my Bother over, and persuaded her to come to New York with me. M Mill lit. Some government n pa td thro '" :irc"" f"r "'" r'"""""' " i" Malheur enrouta in lha mounta In peel the timber which i being kill ed b) one 01 1 ol an n eel paraalte. m i - ink Davl . a tin a at operated mi in iiiiUit, inis returned bona she ll now with her sister, Mr Robin nun. Sin- ll (In hi; in. I I) Irene iitsn ami Clara Unwind rl iicd arlU Mr. J. 11 White m Sat- unlay. "n "'at committee that rondenaed Several of the hiilhlliiga in Malheur mllK " Put nn hn free Hat. It are lielng turn down, among them the eafnee tVtJ OX '"" ---- - -..-.i old (iardner Hotel, alnre about the under the republican law. During time the town waa flrat built In 1870 ,h, ''"a1 1H. nine montha of Jamea Morfltt and daughter. Oer-' w,,!rh ' under the democratic tar- ti ( ' tnrlfl mi ronil ni ! milk the ground thai the oondenaed mill. Induntr) in Canada ami making seri- o i ii mi the Amerloan market and Injuring nnr domestic liiilimtry in canned milk. When Palmer wna In congress he mellllier llf Hie ;iv; and llieini'. Committee and It was while he wan trude, and granddaughter, Lucille, were callera at the Howard ranch on Thuraday. John Woodcock autoed to llrogan to meet David Woraham and Ben Matthlaon who had been to Vale. Mra. Floyd Howard apent Sunday with her parenta at Amelia. John iloawell returned to Vale af ter having been here for aome time looking after mining Intereata Iff law eight tlmea aa much milk, freah and condenaed, came Into thla country aa during the fiacal year 1113 when republican rates were In effect. DDuring the fiacal year 1116 our Im ports of milk Increaaed ir.0 per cent over the 1914 figures In each In Mancc BO per cent of our Import came from Canada. Palmer's own atate, Pennaylvanla, ranka aecond In the production of milk. But the Cheater Morfltt and family have "tales bordering on Canada are the moved back to their homeatead on Flan creek, having apent the mining aeaann at the Boawell placer claima. What might have proved a aerioua auto accident occurred In Burnt riv er canyon when Mrs. Wllllama' car overturned In the canyon. Mra. ones which feel Canadian competition most keenly. They are the New England States and New York, North Dakota, Wisconsin. Michigan. Mont ana, Idaho and Washington. Dairymen and condensed milk manufacturers throughout the coun- We arrived in the hlg city sbsolute strangers to our new surroundings. We looked up aeveral operatic book ing offices In the telephone hook and started on the weary rounilH. After many days of frultleaa searching for an opera engagement I determined to aeek employ nienl on the dranintlc atnge. When I reached this eonclu- Wllllsma and daughter. May Morfltt ,r'r ""ould be Intensely Interested In Msrvel, with Itohert ' "ner s argument. Coming from a Woraham driving were in the car democrat who haa been one of the when In some way the rod holding j "Merest denouncers of the protective the wind shield came loose and , Ur,,r P"cy that ever aat in the house caught In the wheel causing the car to upset Luckily no one was badly hurt. J. B. Woodcock autoed to Baker and hack laat week on bualneaa. Weather the pant few dnya baa been very cool for July with consirt- erable wind and a light rain or representative, an argument fori protection would he refreshing. Al correspondent called at the commit tee rooms shortly after Palmer had delivered his plea for protection on condensed milk, hoping to secure a copy, hut he waa informed that It waa a matter of the deepeat aecrecy. The concert and dance given In the, ('halrman Kltchln had not the alight eat deposition to give "pltlleaa publi city" to Palmer'a peroration. It la a matter of keen regret that the men ial processes of Palmer can not be traced through Ii lit argument The inilillc would like to know If he la big hall waa well attended hy pen afon I honestly believed that I was! pie of this vicinity and Ironside, doing the drama a favor by conde- D. K. Woraham, Ben Matthlaon, seen ill n a to lake a place In It But I Chester Morfltt and Dr White were learned very much to the opposite business visitors In Vale lust week In a abort time. My bump of prec-l Mrs Kldora Hall came over taking louaneaa waa rubbed off In the first her wrecked car back behind the auto "" '" explanation of a change two offices I visited. Before that day j slsge truck to be repaired In Baker "f ,ln,, " n,K rhamelion-mlnded was over I wus lold a few things that K T Been waa a business visitor Wood row Wilson. But the I ahull never in all my life forget. I in Malheur laat week from Baker j pl"" of ''lm'r baa been placed on , However, I finally managed to aecure1 c K and F. II Howard were in i "'" ln,ex ""PUfgatorlua of the demo an engagement at the Henry W. Sav from their ranchea Thuraday. cratlc party. age offices I waa given the role of' Mra. Currle fllsung, from Salt I.akej Vanity" In "Kvery woman " la visiting with her foater mother. learning that an effort waa to kg The flrat few nighta taught me thai MfB Kan. re Sargent at the S.irge.,1 "de to defeat him for rcnonilnatlon. , if I area rag gpgpgeg anything congressman (Dane.) of more than one of the supporting cast! Mrs. Sadie Woraham spent several nrokyD am.....,,.- eM I would have to work I labored to 'days with Mr. Florence Woodcock """-Idacy and. to bolster up his the best of ,y ability lo make the M week """V mphM,ied ,h f,ct J4 . . - - -.. I llM M IliU llnn u . a.auuu...u.. I. .. character "Vanity" live, and my re- Karl Oliver and family and Uiarlea "- - -' " " '""'" " I ward came when I waa given the Morfltt were down from their home part of "Beauty" In the aanie play. ateada Saturday to the concert and But deep down in my Innermost I "nce aelf I knew that I would never be pat. me Warden W. I. Gray paaaed lafied with the speaking alage I also ! "ough her. laat weak. Miss liiauya Howard is visiting tins week with ber sister, Mrs J. II. White. Ike Heed and family were in town Saturday. They viaited with James Minougham at the reservoir while they were here. realized thla the next year, when I played in the "Quaker Qlrl," and the year after that, when I played Ingenue lead In "Miss Caprice." Thla dissatisfaction was rankling me more and more each day wheu I heard the clear, atrong call of motion pictures. The lure was irresistible, compelling,' and I succumbed As soon as I had posed in my first picture for the Famous Players 1 knew that I had at last found what was going to be my life woik (MM HOMKDAI.h Mason and DUon'a line who holds a first-class chairmanship D Hie house" This is probablv good advertising stuff for Mr Flttgeraid in bis ills trbt. but It certainly will not help bis party generally in the congres sional elections. The fact that the south haa all the important assign ments on committees, that the south controls legislation, that the south puts the gag in the mouth of all the rest of the country when debate takes place la not at all to the relish of the rest of the country. Mr. Fltt geraid. being from a district which is normally atrong In its democracy, (Ppgga the Press) my " re-elected. So, too. may hit number of our fanners have colleagues who hold the started harvesting their araiii crous """"' Important chairmanship... iuas- waa the longing to be an operatic .,.,,.., ,.,.. , , n ml, as they do not permit republl songbird That once high hope of ' . . ' cans to uite down there But In the mine flew from my muni as soon as I saw Hie fllM f l ft feet of film III winch 1 appealed It Is a common Baying that tin- gajapfg dnciit lie, but I wuut to say w,n . hurMsted thla season l I did not believe what I saw when II. i In .1 picture I hail poi-ed for UtPiiST i III lit II NOTFS. wus projected on Hie field of white v .plcndi.l il.iv leal Siuid... Mr $1500 worth of grain from this point ""' congress neither Mr Filtgerald this week The crops ut the farm "or '" '"""Tats of Hie South will .... Linking fine and it is believed ' "1 the head of the table In the Im ilmt hut 110.000 worth of grain ;.'"" committee rooms of the capl- tol The adherence of et-8en.i!or iln erldge to the Hughes cause is an oc casion of much alarm to democrats in Indiana, who had counted Could I have done ihut. mid lliuf I ftmm ,,f Vale spoke from some of '" "'""na, who liaa counted upon uskd myself, as muniierisins of ., . ... tie Bible that Huulved Beverldge to furnish the heavy artil- miue were usuiilucd on the much , .,, liristian i,, his life The "-r fgfl defect III gesture and posture , , ,,, (;rav nlM,u, ,iie ,.n.l were thrown hack at me by Hie pic- .ie King being sublects of his dis for a Bull Moose campaign in i mn .lerdom With Beverldge on the stump for the republican ticket, as he lure ll rag then that I pgfu i" COUIM ll was a practical address '"'", lie wl" " u uteans that his per- aludy. I dciei uiiiieil to remedv Hn- ,,,,, .,n w,,rt, pleased with it Mr ' "on"' following which two progres- d.iects my first picture had shown T w vnn will speak for us next ' M've campaigns have shown to be sur- uie. lu tlie next production I sue sundav morning at 11 o'clock. prislugly large, will be In the republi- coeded only partially I concentrated hl. ,,,,,,,,1 service will be held in I n clumn and that Indiana will be ou the aubject of "getting over' my ,ie HapUM church next Sunday ev-' fe'5f republican also. iwisonallty My third picture showed euillg with the spleudld venlllla- improvement, and I was convinced tou anj fmnH iuj, aud the elec-' ",',e henpecked husband might that my spetialUlug lu the study o(,trC jBn goi0j tb building will be i we" ermed a peace at any price motion picture posing bad been re- apouaible for the Improvement For that reason I still keep up my study After my third picture I wus cast for a pleasant role In "David llarum" a Famous Players production, in comfortable An Invitation is extended lo every body to attend these services. 1) R. BAKKK. Pastor The man with a mind of bis own invariably judges correctly the minds of others. He succeeds In his under- (arrauta wants to force foreigners I takings and time recoMs Urn aa a whicli William li i-ruiie was starred in Mexico lo renounce their riaht to i resourceful man '"'.link for your- It was during the maklug of this pic- appeal to their own governments s"- lure that I was introduced to Mr. when the victims of outrages and lxickwood. my co-star in Merto fea- persecutions That, though, is not ture pictures Later 1 went with ' surprising, as Carrama wants every- tbe American Mutual, where I played thing Is not legitimate. opposite Mr Lock wood I believe that 1 do my best work with him. He The big talker often says little seems to have the ability to inspire : lliiugs. The lad who sticks to the farm In youth will find the dollars clinging to him in old age. The will to do invariably It is done that 7th Annual Malheur County Agricultural Fair Sept. 19-20-21-22 Fastest Harness Races Ever Held in Snake River Valley Twelve entries for the 2:10 pace Six entries for the 2:14 trot 15 horses from California, 12 horses from Montana, 6 from Colorado, al so others from Alberta, Utah, Idaho Washington, Oregon and Wyoming. Over fifty'entries in 2:20 class. Also fastest running races ever given here with many entries in each race Novelty races will be pulled off be tween the main harness and saddle races. Something doing every minute from the sound of the first gong to the last State will make Fish and Game ex hibit, said to be the best in the Unit ed States. Stockmen are going to have more and better animals then ever shown before. Fruit, grains and vegetables will be there in abundance showing what Malheur county can do in an off year The ladies are especially interested this year and have been working so they can excell all past displays. I i