The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 27, 1916, Image 8

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T. J Johnson died on t tie 26th nud
war hurled at It o'clock thli morn
Inn from the Baptist rhurch of which
he had been a mem her for yearn
t Maker conducting the services
In Novoimier l 14 he waa partlul
y paralyzed ami cm Friday even Inn
Uat this extended all oier him.
Mr Johnson wan horn 56 yearn
ago in Ilerryvllle, Carroll county,
Ark There are three brother and
five mstera ami uvius " A. '....-.,
Oklahoma anil Texan There are
five nona and a daughter left, all hut
Kenton living here They are Anion.
Kenton. Will, Thomas, Km ma and
John All the children were here
for the funeral
Vr Jolmnon went to the Ironside
country II yearn ago and remained
there IK yearn, coining here 14 yearn
A good man In gone If It be true
that "an honent man la the noblest
work of Clod" T J Johnnon In en
titled to a prominent neat among tiie
All through life he seemed to he
cultivating the thorny stalk of self
iaatal And while he may not have
wltn I the glory of Its blossom
Ing during the day of life, Its petaln
muM have unfolded In the hour of
death, gladdened his eyes with tlielr
mafielous Ion liliess and tilted hln
soul with their grateful perfume
Kchoes of last winter's snow block
ade were heard this morning when
traffic and telegraph communication
between Maker and Pendleton were
paralysed from n to II o'clock by the
wreck of a freight train on the ().
W It N. near Ulhhon It la un
derstood that the train, derailing
broke down a uumber of telegraph
pole. There were no casualties.
A wrecker was at once rushed to
the scene of the accident from I, a
Senator (lallugher. the republican FOR WALKING RECORD
floor leader, dropped a bomb In the .
ranks of the democrats In congress, Arliana Man Make Forty Mile to
when he let it be known that the : ?, R.h.f Raport.d
minority did not propose to be re- "Misting."'
sponsible for failure of legislation to
pass In the present session An at- rnJ- Ar.Adam Dockerj. a
tempt wss made by administration prlTt(. , )oniInT .Arizona mllltla.
senators and members to charge the ,.,.,.,,, r reorted aa missing, returned
republicans with filibustering and , , niti after walking nearly forty
thus trv to make them responsible for miles while on otitost duty.
the ratllN te pass the immlgrat'on The (.Unite, a recent recruit. It wna
bill, the child labor bill and the " ' " " - ""
..,,.. on guard at the Internatlonul line, wttn
amendment to the employers llahll -,,, .,, ,. wk t0 lr until
Ity act. The senator put the respon- (, ln)( le NI,ntrv ne w,ia to relieve
slblllty where It belongs He stated Dtftaff missed the sentry. He kept
there would be no attempts at fill walking until finally he met a patrol
huaterlng The goaalp of the capltol on guard, twenty nillea east of the
i. II,., i rertnln Influe nliul democratic r'"P'
I "iMX'Kery cenalmy uinveu ntoli
senators from the south do not want (( m r,.lnnrkod ..but ,t u
the child labor bill passen Hint nun B K,)Kj iMng hp ,, ,llt ,,atrol. or he
probably would have walked to Hi
No matter how troubled the wat
ers may be. If look you can always
find a stone upon which to step or a
harbor In which safety may be found
Life holds more Joys than sorrows for
those who cultivate an open mind
A little sunshine In a shadowed
life la aa precious aa gold to the mis
er (live of your abundance to those
who are starving for Joy, and the
world will be brighter to you for
your act.
The loafer, the kicker and the
bluffer are three of a kind, and the
breed Is not conducive to the welfare
of any community. If they could see
themselves as others see them they
would not he seen at all.
If you would know something of
the inner workings of your neigh
fear! homo, Just note the altitude of
hla dog and cat Their actions tell
1 nil' railways measure In
length almost one third more mil'
than the total loi Kurope, hut cost
almost 40 per cent lens In capital, ac
cording to tlie annual compilation
Mate k I lie bureau of railway news
n nil 'tut 1st Ich
The comparison Is ll more slgul-
fn i, ut in . law ol t in- it iv i
III tin I'lllled M '
double the Lump, .m Btlafd ""'
rates for nioiicv "are one ( uirth high
er," in
, 1 1,
ut Duncan' fei i uo i ' Iwj
mile aeai from here, TutM
i in! n racelved
. iiii- targe raaak burn
f good horaea, full equipment
ui harness ami wagoai were burned
I In lire oirllirid during Hie night,
id go inn' at tlie ram h kuru am
,lu, in it until morning The
,s unknown Jordan alley
Timih dog munllaf cruel and then
marvi I at the spiead of rahn
Carefully select your brand of li
QUoi "in! tin ii ti'iil ,uir children mi
partt-urlzed mllkT
liepeat the golden rule and then
SDeeit- in somebody's face?
Co cuniping for your lualtli and
then pluce tour toilet so that it
dru.n- into vour water -apply?
One hundred and eighty two car
loads of hogs haw already been ship
pcsl 1 1 itin Parma this your. This la
the record shipment of hut;" front
ti li alaae in ,i parted of tins length
WRKK KXD ct Itsioss
iiiiui live I. ll' " iol BX4 Ulsioil tilk-
ets good from Saturday (or Sund.iv I
to Monday on sale every week.
Ptill baitat rates for tickets
Sunday only Ask O S. I. ugcnts
lor I. tails
thev will bitterly oppose It It la
generally understood that the presi
dent wants to sidestep the iinm'gra
Hon bill and waa even opposed to Its
being taken up at this session
Thousands of the Klks who attend
ed the great convention In Maltlmore
paid a visit to Washington and the
capltol during their week's trip. The
corridors, galleries and the restau
rants of both the house and senate
were thronged with these visitors
Judging by their talk, the sentiment
of most of the states they represented
la favorable to the candidacies or
Hughes and Fairbanks Hundreds
of them predicted republican
at the coming elections.
It Is stated that Itepr tatlve
Maine), god fHtlier to the minim -trallou
revenue bill, was very grouchy
imi the course of that measure In
Hie house Not only was he greatly
chagrined that several members of
his own party united with the repu
blicans and made several amendments
to the bill, but It is said that one of
the thugs that aroused his Ire was
the failure of the members of his the story
-. . ....... ...11. I. In. .,!..... l,.t lt-l.,.1
intlli III nm; Willi nun ,,,, in- ,i.
to eel ii veil and nav vote on one of
thtae amendmenta. He demandai " in lnU lown' but "d "k" ,0
th. .yea and noes, but no. u suffl- ' Uopln around at a llvler
dent number of democrats would r""'
rise to secure them, aa required h. -
the rules Three of the most desirable things
Another example of "watchful wait n h, rth r M' fu" lon'-
ing' and the slowness and unbual- " nd tuffed pocketbook.
neaallke methods of the present ad
ministration, baa 1mm exhibited In1 Holdiera who have families depend-
th, ,,. g of the soldiers who haie ent uPon ,heln r b" -ilMnBrged
There's a lot of good sound horse
been called Into service from the
militia of the various states Aa
one republican member said: "The
failure of the udminlstratoii to pay
the soldiers promptly is Just another
example of tlie slip-shod way the ad
ministration does things Many of
these men, or rather most of them,
left Jobs with day's pay and they
should huie hud their money prompt
ly. If we gut intii real difficult ie-
lust Imagine what would happen uu
from the reglmenta on the border
In time, no doubt, unless something
"breaks loose," the dependent fami
lies will multiply many fold. Plow
ing corn on a hot day la no sinecure,
but it Is a paradise compared to pa
trilling the border with no immediate
scrap In alght.
NOTK'K OK sinitlii s NAI-K IN
My virtue of an execution In fore
der Hie leader-lnp of ll,e crowd that ''"' 1ly ued by the clerk of the
Is at present ut the helm In this conn ' " uu ' "url "' l"" """ ol "
The neirdesi bird in American pol
Itica is tlie democratic spell hinder
lii'iit'i" eniaiive Cox of Indiana Is
splendid ie ol siieli a bird In the
for Malheur t'ounty, date the Hat
day of July. It lit, in a certain action
in the Circuit Court for said
county and state wherein the
state I. ui. I hoard of Oregon,
dbate on Hie democratic omnibus
Jumes Withy -
combe, governor, Men W
revenue bill Hie other day. Co)
ed up through the OaBltOl do and ir,',i,r ""'; and Thomas II Km
into the blue empyrean chaining the ''"' '"'surer, as plaintiff recover
ed Judgment against Cecilia Meldruiu
and Waller Mildrum, as defendants,
for Hie miiii of two hundred fifty
dollars, with interest thereon from
Hie "itli day of May, 1911. at the rate
of ti per cent per annum and for the
tollouing pueuii of praise for the
1 'udei'Hood tariff law ' Kwi man
and woman in the lulled St.n-
mi . to labor bal I lli ith the
baa) .iu. i hi paid, with full din
hi paila, vorklai ibortar hours, in
batter wultar) oondltlous tiiau war
meruaii goiei iiiueiil under Hie
lill-lli'-t lil'olei'tlle tariff I'MT Ulli.Mil
In n.iiv v ., ,.". I. earl ol """ :""' '' "'" l''Haf-. !..v.- pa'.l
ti... Baropaan war Btaraat I ".... .., ., ,
About time.. Boa-daa ..eionl.,,,. '' '"' '''"' " ' ''""'"" fr" J""" "
New Traffic Ordinance
Extracts from Ordinance No. 287, regulating the use of Vehicles
upon the streets of the City of Ontario and fixing their rate of
No person shall run, drive or operate any vehicles upon the
streets of the City of Ontario at a greater speed than 15 miles per
hour except doctors in the discharge of their professional duties.
Vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass to the
Vehicles proceeding in the same direction shall overtake each
other by passing to the left.
Vehicles approaching an intersecting street must be under
control and the vehicles on the right of the vehicle approaching
shall have the right of way.
No vehicle shall be turned around on any of the streets of;
said City except at the intersection of streets.
At a street intersection all vehicles turning to the right shall
keep closely to the right and all turning to the left shall run to'
and beyond the center of the intersection.
No vehicle shall be run, driven or operated on the streets of
said City by any person incapable of controlling the same, and no
vehicle shall be left standing unsecure upon said streets and no
part of the machinery of any vehicle standing still shall be allow
ed to run longer than three minutes at any one time and no vehi
cle shall stop with its left side to the street curb.
No motor vehicle shall be allowed to operate on the streets of!
said City without a closed muffler.
All motor vehicles shall be provided with adequate brakes and
signalling device and from one hour after sunset until one hour
before sunrise all automobiles when in use shall display two
white front lights and one red rear light and all motor vehicles
shall display one white front light.
Violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 287 are punishable
by a FINE of from $6.00 to $160.00 or IMPRISONMENT in the
City Jail from One to Seventy five days or by both. This Ordi
nance became of full force and effect on July, 19th, 1916.
farther tarn ol i'uty Dollars. Attoi
kii.iuii ii ii..- history of the ""' ' " "'" ,ur '"" n'ri,l"r K,"
in I went! nva ami IB UK) Doll.u
' id I lit' further Mini of Forty
must have lorn out I'og'l tall faatb
.ml. ilipiued of bll sleel'lim
gear, lie .-..tug Hie followlag dlrgl
i raaaatlf a barred la Ika an
ing away ol a prominent lady
In New York, leai ing u fortune esti
mate. I irom I,M4,M4 to $100.
tlOU.Uiio and al tin.- lery moment the
dread ilasaat "I infantile paralysis
raging like a tile ill New York
i ily among the poor, underfed, un
derdo! lied, undercared for people
Small wonder that the Auieinau
people are unite incapable of keep
ing up with Hie vagarious nieui.ili
ties uf democratic leaders.
"It no ii 1.1 be borne in mind that
BjOaaeealOBI cannot be obtuiued in Hie
tariffs ot other countries if we are
not willing to make coiice-lous our
selies," said I)r Crank Km in as
slutunt chief of Hie bureau of for
eign and dOBMBtte commerce 111 an
address heloie the National lias Ku
17. inn.
Notice I- barer given. Thai i a-lll
on the uta ,i. ,,t tiKu.-i, mi'
the hour of l iiii o'clock p m of said
In it He in. uu entrance door of the
court Iiiium' in Vule, Malheur conn
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, or bid. lets, for
BBBb, the following desirlhed real
property . to-wit :
Tlie North Half of the North Half
Bl Lot Si (Nli N Lot 6) Section
.. tonnshlp 18 8 It 47 W M. in
Malheur County, Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belong beleng
ing: Taken .nut lei led upon us the pro
perty of the said defendants, Cecilia
Meldrum and Walter Meldrum or aa
ui nth thereof us may he necessury to
satisfy tlie said Judgment in favor of
the State l.und Hoard of Oregon,
eeaalattajj of James Witliycombe,
glue assoclulioii at Chicago t'nder governor. Men W Olcott, Secretary
the pre.M-ut policy of near free trade Ol lale and Thomas H Kay, State
with an aierage late ot duty oil all
imports ol less than 10 per cent,
ulial coiuisMoii can the Inited
Stales BOOalbl) bold our to u foreign
competitor in exchange lor coinmei
,i.,: ,',,,.' ;,..,- li. t!.. marl.
thai competitor
The wisdom of a fool is not half so
amusing us the foolishness of a BiM
rrOBSUrer, and against the said de
feudality with interest thereon, to
gitUer with all costs and dUurse
ineiits that have or may accrue.
Mated at ale, Oregon, this 24th
ear of lal 111!
My ItOSS A SOWAU1). Deputy.
First publication, July 27. 1916.
Last publication. August 24. 191C
I'oultry k. epei I.. . millions of
dollar! annually Iron, had inctho.l ol
producing unit handling their eggs.
So say tlie department of agricul
inie one third of th..-. loss is pre
ventable because It is due to pari nil
hatching of fertile eggs that have
been allowed to become warm enough
to incubate.
Tlie male bird makes the egg fer
tile. The fertile egg makes a blood
Money now lost from blood rings
can be saved by keeping the male
bird from the flock after the hatch
lug season is over. The rooster does
not help bens to lay. He merely
fertilizes the eggs. The fertile germ
quickly becomes a blood ring in hot
weather, which spoils the egg for food
and market Summer heat has the
same effect on fertile eggs as the hen
or the Incubator.
After the hatching aeason ia over
sell or pen the rooster. The hens
not witli a male bird will produce
infertile eggs quality eggs that keep I
best and market best Infertile eggs
will not develop blood rings.
The greatest trouble from blood
rings in eggs occurs in hot weather.
Special care should be given to gath
ering and BtaftM the eggs during the'
late spriug and simmer mouths. At
these times eggs .-mould be gathered
at least twice u day, placed in a room
or cellar where the temperature does
not rise ahme 70 degrees F. and
marketed two or Hire- nines a week.
These rules BTB adiised by the
Missouri college of agriculture for
I lie rail' ol eggs:
1. Market only i ugs of sliin.i nl
sie 2i ounces or u ore to the doz
en Sort out exceedingly lal
very small eggs.
Amid dirty eggs by keeping
clean uuurteis Inn ...m be rcnun
ed with u dump cloth, hul eggs should
not be washed.
4 Remove malee from the flock
as soon as the breeding season Is
owr The presence of male birds in
uu poultry flocks destroys $a00,000
worth of eggs each month during the
summer i'reient this loss by pro
duction of Infertile eggs. Fertile
eggs do not keep well, It costs money
to feed surplus males, and the liens
are more productive when no males
are present
5. Reject eggs from stolen nests;
that's where many oi Ho- rotten eggs
come from
I. Store eggs in cool, well venti
lated pieces. Heat assists In chick
development, also increusea shrink
7. Keep eggs away from odors,
such as those from kerosene, cabbage,
rotten food, fresh paint, etc. Food
also influences flaver: only clean,
pure food should be fed.
8. Market the eggs one or twice
weekly. F.ggs deteriorate in quality
with age.
9. Insist that the dealer purchase
fyy on S "loss off" basil not just RS
they eonie in At present dealers buy
all eggs, good, bad and indifferent,
at the same price, and do not recog
nize the difference in quality The
result is that an average low price
Is paid for eggs. Some eggs are
worthless while others ere worth
much more than Hie uveruge price.
Insist that the dealer caudle. Hie egga
duriug the slimmer. If he sorts out
bud eggs he ran then afford lo pay
more for the good.
The market opened yesterday with
a light offering of about 800 head
The demand was lery limited. The
prices on prime steers were a quart
er lower. Tops sold at 18.00 for
I one load and others at $7 90 which
1 would have realized 25c more last
week. There were but a few loads
1 of cows here but they found very
slow outlet at about the same loas as
did steers. Very good cows sold at
i 15.50 with the bulk selling $5 to
55.25 Bulls sold at 14 25 for the
best, calves were unchanged at a
$7 50 top.
Hog prices were advanced another
10c over last week with quite a lib
eral offering Tops sold at $9 10
which was also the bulk price Qual
ity was very good. Pigs were scarce
! with a $7.50 top.
Sheep prices still remain unchang
ed The receipts have been only
moderate hut enough to supply the
demand Choice lambs continue to
sell at .tl wfth culls bringing
f 5 50 and, 56 00. Yearlings are sell
ing $6 00 with ewes at 5c