The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 27, 1916, Image 5

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    While Us Camels Are On Our Vacation You Should Come In and Get What You
Want at Your Own Prices This Coming Week
tgeVflHtal ifci' a
ffV optgon ; Kjflp
I W"
WrWohco Br
tW onroONjBp
MMm scout Miners AMD
(iii in rimi i iter bore thaa tap
otlMf ptmea in the sit) Hoe for
roui if
Summer la w iih worth from II l-r
to 00 price, tie lo Ml
Just flic tiling for right now
i .i si Met i.i. i'rn:itss now
IN Step in .Hid ,( o Hi" new curly
fall patterns.
i i,)Usiiii;m siiois apodal in
lOW Sin1"!
for every $5 00 nnd $! 00 shoe in
III"' 111, 'I
CLRARARCR hxi.i: or o. si its wii sii.k imiissis
If ' n want a smnrt ul( or silk
I lo finish out the HUH or
star( the fall season with here's n
splendid opportunity at greatly rr
iluci'il prices
MAIL oitm.its i ii,i,i i uini
i;i I KIKNCV Cur mall proof M
is the bent pnsslblo shop k rs oho
"know iiMTcluiiuli '!' tn .iw vont
directions Urou(ost Blocks in Ol
tin- o lo Mitel from.
.J la -ft
Holla n I .ui'iTt Is u visitor lo Ml
Rotor) H'l'll is homi' tor
days from the hills.
Hobble . c.i 'ate, ira i rl i
II.. I IliTi' .'.III.- I .
Mr .in. I Mi I. .1 Sker wore .
m'lU' ta
A son was hoi ii In Ml BBd Mr
Win Hie, I on the 21st.
,., ' ,, ., i,, mi .mil Rotor!
I.. Vd'oek on IBO lllh
C l i i. iii, I. ,n. .,, lie, was a pan
sonnet' lo Rol ' 1 M !"
v bora i" Mr tad Mi i
Will. Walker oil the ISIIi
on .v., bora to Mr ia I Nl'
w n Rroob Hi" lot.
tghtor ni bora lo Mr, ami
Mrs .1 II IIowIiiihI on the I I'll
ilnnirhler was h.nn lo Mi an. I
Hi o .. . Ml U in on ihe 18th
Miss Helen I Tool. . 01
of Mil Capoa U Vale WMno i
tfOrOtl Wisdom Ik home from
hoi, ,1. obora ba ara dotal Mime
faille an. I HOT I '
o ill, iii will bold a meet Inn I
.i.,i,ii Reed d
this murium: wiih Ins line "i can
ridges and ejaa
Hi .,, Rjroa Ii boom froai a
I nh her d Ml "' k
s. oti. ..I Droaraaj
Mr aad Mi r"red 0 Mol M ol
Ontario, lire BBOOdlBI II"' d la
ii.ik.r iomi.i Harold.
Willi, mi .-I anil n.iiiKhter ami
Mr. ami Mia Uhorl Tucker Ol
fall. Wile !,e. .lie .lav.
l, , , Mariiul will U'avn this
oroat for Rooky Pa '"io. for i
v. .ii wiiii ni. iin- tad ii" i"1
Hi j (i.u.lner ami Mrs J I'
Mr aad Mr- V I .ami I I I
ilrn w'M n ii ,i daya this
ueek vlihiiK with friemls. Mr
Kot some .rv koo.I Ideas In reuard
to public foOBtalaa while there thai
mai ba a '! u ti n ti action ol
one bora laler
RathlBI In tin Snake Is Ihe popn
I . i . i Ima of I he .Mlllllter sets the .
i' eiiiinr-. NIDI I IBM "i BT a linmli td
holm l ''"' river at a I IBM There
Is a ureal i I ol ii 1 1 BOOM and
II the , ,,1111' folks would
M I'l "i lor hilihl UK one roiild
I'll ll he worked out
Mrs mv Itlaila Is home tbll
R .e, for ii visit Aim Mjra II
finds It d flu nil lo r.ii e pKs, dors
ii II I ehieketiH at the nine time ,n:.l
lina nlven up tlm idilckens for tin
i hut III bo prepare, I auoi l,r
MOaoa so she MB have Irnl elileken
hen an i.t lier Ii len.l . rail.
M.ior Colo was here for a few
: I... I l II it llllsllless
i , . I IBB up In Vale since Hie pn.
i tie Warm SprliiKs projed
.ire lOOl tiK so K I There Is little
OPBO II 10 Hie pn.lect ami II loi.k ,
M HiollKll lliere would he no Ironlile
iii piichi ii, e boadi
f C Boyer win hnva la i
days for ii trip lo (he trade center.
for Ills fall stork of i; I .irnl tho ,
di'ilrliiK soiiiPthlnit special should
Ih.-ir order- at OBM N1 '
Hover Will llol he ahle l.i (.1 lllolIK
, . .
handed with one BOJ n Montana and
one on lie horder II will take n
mouth to do Ihe .vork
Hid, lie, , ,11, 11,1, , I lie eon
miiiiily picnic at I'nrina last w'k
and had his aillo -t ..l.ri The ma
chine was laler found at and
MM tBl'''s placed uiid.i ., i i . . There
'.ii mi auto i. .lei, from linker
and tlie auto and thief picked up in
Canyon c, unity, so Ihe a ill l,,,r 1 1 1 , . ba
hew Ihey have capture, I a Kane thai
lias heeii working iBROtbar and run-;
ii i UK the stolen curs out of the conn
Profaaaoi ' " iirown, who baa
heeii at the head of the am icultui itl
luer, of Walla allu, are the try One of Ihe thieve- was an old
--- ,.i Mr unit Mrs U II Cecil .ni'fe 11 del' out oil liarole
HHen.n ,.,
this week
l . Sadie Klshheck wa- here this
week from Coos Hay, where she has
i (or the past ear She left for
her home ill Kminelt
K V How land is home from a
trip to the mountains around I'av
lie lakes lit) found fishinn good,
hut thu hlrilu are ncarce.
ROarOlUal officers will he lure on
AtiKUst - tor three iluys lor me pur-
eiKht hundred men short
Judge and Mrs Kiuk are lionie
from an oiitiiiK at Sturkey It is not
the same up there now that the DM
tor and las excellent wile are none
They have a nice place, hill Hie home
air has gone.
Alex Lochead of Ontario anil Hrail
Moss, of Orewsey, Ilia son in law,
have purchased 200 acres from
(ieorge Howe The place will he
nr I,, make a sharp turn on
the i,,ad midway between Mali, in
ami BrOBBBi I'lilllp Kdwiirds and n
iravelliiK compnnloii. nutolng to llro
Kiiii. had a narrow I MPC !' t week,
'lien their car plBBBOd BOddOBlj "II
tba trade, dlvtaa late Uia channel or
willow nek As ii plaaaod down
ward H turneil and the iw,,
pants were pinned beneath It. und
er Ihe water h escaped without
l nonces
i illara "i i be mat h Ba t" lake
the tilt n HI laid to the pri onci
root in the middle of ihe road,
vhlch d.-lh Hie froiil wheels from
their com ...
The accident Is almol Idl I
With Ihe one which befell Mis, Kl
,,,la Hall and party, oiilv seven mile
i rum the petal whore the Phillips
auto plunged off the grade.
ii oilier automobile accident 00001
red as Mr Katl Van Huron .ml Mr
; l..nrr were returiiliiK from
Weetfull to Ironside l,y aillo. when
ti off the trade at Plover
n u Tii.v wore
pi ei i bed I - i "t herw lee
rlOOOl) hurt.
I' M lleck, of llunlliiKton. p., . ,1
Malheur Krliluy on his way
lo the Prairie CH aooatrj to imy
M Klioila Matthisoii and '
tor spenl one ,la la-.l w.ek ill Mrs
I'loreiice W,,,,,lcoks ploklBI hemes
Mr Heltoe was down from Ante
lope rial Prldaj lo ! some ,
i ine lor bia mot her w ho Is ill a Ith
.potted fever. All Hie other Ill
., II, e I .mi I ly had the potted
level' tbOBl Hijs Illne last veur.
i I, .1 t,,rfit and children ure
. tint at Ihe Smith BOB) 0
creek this week.
Lucille Morfut spent Friday after
no,, n I II Ii Ihirls While
John BaOWOil and tatnilv, from
teal ' few davs fishing on the
head of Willow reek
John Woodioik. a i,o waa iii Vale
. ek having his hand '
Where it bad In nc.l h the
lute .t an in t. Is improving rapid
ly and Is at home now .
i' , mi , . ami U rover Mi Oee, i "c
1 1 ii t nr. that the building be ready
when school opens In Septem her Ihe
llol . Payette I, umber coinpnti) has
ii. ,, .mi.,, t for furnishing tho luni-
i the balldiBl
The Sum, ool Inilldlng Is
i More a Indoi i
heltig placed In ' 'I, that the
l nihliiiK may have lh rOQOln d
am, unit ol llxht This school billld-
Ing Is iihoiii throe m les from lown
hilt Itl Ihe I'rilit lilllil ,1 ' i .i and III!
dor Hi" .iipcnlsion or ihe sumo
heard and iiperlntondenl
It , I inlay and went tn work Mon
da tOf Clarence liarker
i 1 1 Hoiigbia bus ordered a I I
('use separator and will ba in the
it I. ii mess tills season The
big Case Ha, tor he alreadv has will
i the i"
' ora Hand, a ho ha - I,' n Ihe
! lie I 'hallee r.ilil h, M
now worhlBi ii
MlHH IXaHHJl' MlDllllillll
'nl.irio. On-Rtin
III Ml o i i I
it ii lit.
I Itl I'll. AM).
. ,.,,,,, department of the Pavette MBOoli
ise of getting recruits for the Die
. i ,,,, . during the past year, arrived from
n National Hiiard, which is some "
I Kverett, Wash, this week with two
car loads of high grade llolsteln ..."
and heifers, prlnf pally heifers, which
he purchased for the farmers of this
community who are connected with
tlie Farmers Co-operative ('reunion
This is the finest bunch of da r
stock that has ever been brought
Into the Payette valley. The herd i
will be apportioned among 21 ranch
ers who are building up dairy herds
TI.Im ,lipv ul,,,,k hua hufin rurefilllv'
used as the winter feeding grounds heecle,j by Professor Brown, VBMBBI
for their stock. study and experience well qualifies
Prof. Bailey was up to Brogan hini for the work of selecting the
Saturday with the grangers. He re- herd. The price that will be paid by
porta a good crop of peaches and the farmers ranges from $30 to $100
pears and half a crop of apples. Most j per head, which means the cost of the
of the orchards are young, but the cows where purchased and the ac
trees are well filled. tual expense of getting them here.
The percentage of daily attendance i
of pupils In rural schools of Ore
gon is the highest In the United
States, according to a letter from J
U O'Brien, school extension agent of
the United States bureau of educa
tion, to State Superintendent of Pub
lie Instruction Churchill Oregon's
percentage Is $0 610, and Connecti
cut la second with $8 4-10, Massa
chusetts third with 8$ per cent.
Do not Junk your old auto tlrea
until you see us We make a good
tire out of two old ones. Kroessln
Harness Co.
The Brazilian navy has a power
boat which develops ,400 horse
power equal, we believe, to the pow
er developed by the average Ameri
cas citixn.
It was with an unusual iaajrBt "'
sadaOM Ihal we chronicle Ihe death
of little Dallas I. vie Schuberl, w ho
.,,, I., t Thai ii-.y Mia daatl
was from septicemia, or blood pol
soiling, resulting from two operations
on his throat and neck Funeral
i-ervices were held Friday at one
o'clock, In the Brethern church at
Frultlaud. and Interment was
made In lllverslde cemetery, Pawtie
Dallas was the only child of Mr
and Mrs Xane Schubert. Mr Schu
best is manager of the Farmers Mu
tual Telephone Co . and Is tl
of T H D Schubert Both the Schu
bert families and the familv of Mk
Schubert are well known residents
and a very large circle of friends
extend sympathy in the sad be
reavement Dallas I.yle Schubert was born in
Malheur County, Oregon, at the
Snow-Moody pumping plant, August
18, ISM, and died at the home near
Frultlaud. July 20, 101. "Of such
Is the kingdom "
H. B. Strawn. clerk of the school
board visited the county commis
sioner's office In Caldwell Friday and
the name "Frultlaud Independent
School District Number 18." waa
given the Frultlaud school. The
concrete basement Is finished and
construction work on (he new build
log la being pushed by Architect N
i '.n p m Saliirila.', I'll'
tin if wa horn lo Mr and Mr- i'Iiiii
iierr a nine pound tohj tirl Mother
ami child are doing fine.
Ml W eh h, rec, ml. Irolll Ihe I ,,l
'ill. inniiti' iii W. liillKtiill. Is stav
laf, "ith Mrs llerr al present.
i; i: M, im nnid, who has been
i In Ihe big fir door I
ai Mccie.uv, waa, retaraed home
lloh Stan' ' more
carloads ol i.. . 00 TOO ll . and
' he lias mole in Inllnw Mr
Id Is certainly BOBM
and is a strtkiur example of the
ile, n slockiuaii who Is In bl
... tpplli bloii all to the
,,i It, with Ml a-
sumo men aipl tBOBMBlvOe lo pur
ml ..I plea me
In Salur,'
Ot I I I or t Ire fol T ' lOI
nelghhoi Mr il OB ll very optl-
iboul erai ! i) i
thai wloii a man thinks you raiuioi
Itrnu rraln on dry laud to this MOB
While bo mi
mils the frost Injured Ills i
tl i tl ba lint
rye five foot high and so thiol roaj
rami.. I walk through n
I 'im
It. .mi . . ,, . . , no).
prlslnn ' mil mi., I ami I,,' slate In-
tiiutmii . BOW an ol $8.
I 92,9.10 7:i in the p I M
lllg to the cniihllicl .,,,,l of all
ll mns compiled by I 0
,i. state
Who buys and reads his home pa
per demonstrates both his patriot
bin and his intelligence by the act.
The merchant who buys his
printing from his home paper gives
a practical demonstration of his be
lief in the policy of trading at home
This town is maile up of two
classes of people those who DO
and those who DON'T. Don't be
a "don't."
The Ontario Argus