The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 27, 1916, Image 2

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    ORB imim.aii oit OK TWBLVK
oh pm oovMumnT)
Too much lobulation, too
regulation, too high taxes, constitute
Ihe gront evil of too much govern
ment. There In n genrrnl Impression thnt,
M compared with Germany or Rus
ala, or oven Krancp, we are not gov
erned very inurh In the t'nltert fltatex,
that government with us In only a
loose. k;ihi rt of garment, which
doeK not touel- us very Intinuitel) Of
hind u very uiitch. Hut, if fOI (BIN
t lio 1 . t -i t i ii i , 1 1 i it 1 1 f Mm t mi . i . 1 . i . . f I I,.,
in "i-iiii in. "hit ii ill-- j i i ( i . in 11(1- .
United Stales at forty billion dollar.
something like "'Ight per rent of It i
goes to government, tlmt l. DM dol
lar out of iM.-rv twelve which every
man make Knes Into n goM-rnment
till. OIivIouhIv that i. a nreltv n
tenshe interest.
To get a line out It, count up the
other things that absurd us much ns
one dollar out of every twehe of y.iur
itiiome i.le from poMnl expenses
paid out of in ill revenue, the fed
eral coverninout next BOB will proh
nblv be spending three dollar for
very two that It spent In INI .
valrrom lax lex ice In the several
Ntate rose from seven hundred ami
twenty-five millions In 1902 to thir
teen hundred and fifty million Inlj
t 9 1 2 the latWt date reported mm by'
the census 'nireuu Total POT tM
receipts Oj dies BBVtBf thin thous
and InhabltuntH and upward rose
from un.lor four hundred million In
l!0.r to more than nine BBBttfOJo' mil
lion In 19ir. Funded dehts of the
principal rltle roe from nine huu
dred million In 190J to nlnet..eti
hundred million In 111 I
lire I'erlllllllv B III! for Clllte
a bit of government. Kconomv ami
effiiiemv in govomment are .pile
worth consideration, although ili.-x
t0 not tH tiiiirh.
OHM Itlltl) T A Tl.MK.
Some people start life hy trying
to kill two bird with one stone and
go down to their grave without hav
ing bagged either one.
It I a fatal mistake that In often
The. young man begin hi career
and I naturally anxious to get ahead
There are two ways that are com
monly used to accomplish thl end
The one I to do one thing at a time
;iml do It well. The man who docs
thl advance steadily, if at time
slowly, but In the end he attain the
goal he seek Patience nd energy
and falthfulnn are rewarded by
The other Is Impatient and to go forward hy leap and
bounds Me wants to kill two hints
with one stone Sometime he want
to hag i dozen at one iniov. .is a
result hi objects nr uilu-ed. his
aim I too quick and cnreles. and
I more BltOOM than bit.
Thl I unsatisfactory to the on
ptojrOf and in time uch a man gen
erally finds himself looking for an
other Job
The wise employer Is an excellent
Judge of men It Is a part of his
business to be such, and 't Is I"
Of hi ablllti to kuukc thl '
of hi men thBt lie OMOOOdO In life
He want no drones, and the two
bird man do.- not oBBBBl to him
He wauls rallhfulne, efficiency and
BtOOtflnBOB, and that can Ml) 01
lined Of selecting the man who does
one thing at a time and loot t well
It I a losMon every young man
should leurn on the threshold of life
Time works wonders In many wy
bill not alt of us fall Into step with
tho vorklng
Wl. inner ou can ee the good
polBl of your low u It's a moral Off
tiiintx that oilier-, can ee your own
Coming to Town
Tlnii don't fail to iee my micUummer ihowing
of white felt lints ami large white trimmed bata.
Colored Hats at Ifss than oost Discount on
Hair Good and Flower,
Successor to Orove & Riley
Landscape Decorations In
Oriental China
We iiavc juttt received a Fiiie fUMortmeul of
UAii'ipuiuttil Oriental China war.- ami tlso a
line of Qerinan China, uaudpaiuted. Our prices
are low for tho quality of thetie goods. Come
ami liMk tin-in over.
The Variety Store
I'nion I'm-ifii- System
lx) rates to Denver, Colorado
.Springs, l'ueblo, Omaha, Kuusu
City, St. Louis, Memphis, Chicavo,
Minneapolis, St Caul and many
other points.
ni,k turn
May IS It, 30, 24, 17, SI; Jane 3,
7. 10, 14. 17, t -. :S; July 5,
t, 1. Hj Ausiibt 2, 9. 16. 33, 30;
Sepiember 6, 1:1.
October 31 IS 16.
l.ow rate excursion tickets on sale
daily, May 1st to September 30th,
Inclusive to Spokane, Cortlaud, Ta
loiiui, Seattle, San Francisco, l.os
ABSOaM tMt Ml l'iego
1. 1. Mil
October It, 19 1 6
Sen an (i S. L, ugeut for rates and
lunlier details 0? wnte D I Spencer,
tfeueral passenger agent. Salt Lake
That between LMioo.000 and 3,ISS),(I10
eattle him- died of illsense and ex
posure In the I nlii'd States .eh eiir
slme 1000 Is Hie n-sertloii made In an
exhaustive report M the meat sltun
lion, In the prep irsiilon of vv lib h OM
. Inllsts of tin- department of BgrtCBl
ture have BOOB BBsBBBl ff evernl
ue nib The n port also nsert thai
ilinnill lOOOM of sheep In the sixteen
jears tnee 1(00 luive been even great
er, while the yearly loss of hogs from
ilbu-iise and oilier en uses bn varied
from gJOMOO In 1004 to TIMmmkmi In
The Investliratlon of w lib h this re
port Is the OUtCOBM was undei taken In
the elT. rt to del ermine I lie i IBM of the
rapidly BttrBacaBfl 0801 of an-it. The
sp.. lallOU report It bus I n found the
principal MM for eonsianlly an
ing prtCW f nil kinds of meiit I tfea
fa. I that prodii. Hon h:is OM kept paee
with ileinanil due to norld of
popolillou mid that linreased prl -s
have not affe led the lulled States
alone, but hue I i fell In every pari
Of the world.
1 his ouiiti .' I hi- repoit ...u .. "OJ
MrTk IpOtlUg In a worlcp.. Ide DJOV0
in. i.t, n:id It Is noi cpe. te, the hiIUi
t Phi will uiideriro liny radbnl ehauire In
the Imme Hate liilnre I in ll 1 1
hand It Is OOUot id there will 01 I
ual ,-i-ow tb and expansion In the world -P
odihtloii of boofi inuiloii and OOffl
w hi h limy or m.i not epuil the rn'e Of
lie lease of thr meat ealilitf p ipulitl ion
"III Aineibii tills cr.idinil evpuiiolon
iiPlHiii to have Is-ifiin ii I read J lie
t " . ii IIMI7 and I'.H.'l there was a mark
ed ib'i'llne In the iiuiuls-r of entth- In
ih iiutry. Inn In the last two lear
this till not oil) "lopped, but bus cli
eu way to n pprCtPtlbtO lnere:ie The
eitim.itisl iiiiiiiImt on fiiriii mid RUfM
Jan. 1, lull1., til III 000, Is, howeier.
Ntill miieb Is-low- the i-orreHiiidlnk' Ui;
tire for 1U07. lljotiMO. Willi the ex
Cent loo of temporary CtMOM due !'
losses from bou . holera there baa l-en
In reieni jear a pemlstent Ineri-u e In
Hie prodii. lion of Bivlne Jn I, lop;
the iiuiuUt In the eotuilry wn estl
in.-. r...i at OaOQOJMO M OOMMPOl "lib
.vs."! .imm in April, linn on the other
baud, the iiiiiiiIxt of 0MSI dis II I
durliii; this poitod from B8.300.0U0 In
1010 to 4OJ0O.O00 In 1010, A the M
howei er, I not sum. lent to off
set the Increase In eutlle and wlne. It
niMV be nii Id Ih it the tola) OfOAMttM Of
on it In the I'nlled Stati-. Is Inere i In.
but III it this lie POO00 Is not yet JttOfMtt.
tlouate to the Krowth in Mipulallan."
(iniwrth of the einploi tiient erv
I. e N slion ii In Ihe
thai the h i w rt men t In Muy plu. ,s II.
193 persons In employment, as ajolaol
T.flnSI the in mi t It before More than
IT.SflO applied for work In
The elllplol tnenl OM I I' e Inlleail
. tor inoiv thuii 7"o
II in-, ui fa nixed I i I
lis for tba ir Jnat ond
e I a i! i .-. m h i.
ti l!.e luporta were alilel ill
making a total foreign
ir of in
h iii' tuiiioii dollam, hi. ii is i. hi. h
I' uiiv DNVlon lotal In the
ol Mini I. all .omuieli e TtMW
m iv aiinuum od lodoj bj the
bureau ..r foreign god don tic com
lller e uf tl 'lit of i-omnicivo
a lib Ho- i ipiauatl m Ibal lb Hgxiroa
Included for lulu- .'He ail I'stilllMte
based iw Ibe Dual May statlatlct
Ii was In 1ST) that our fafOoni trade
.-, , ,, ,i u i.illhui dollars Bj
1 MO II bad 'Tossed ihe I3.000.00U,
iN liiuiU. by 1!7 ll had eeeeded
three billion mid by l'.l 1 It hud ttOOB
IbOTO lour liillion leiualutiig aroiiiul
Ibal level until the eiii Just ended,
'ilien the six billion mark was exe.d
ed. Imporls Hist e.eedisl a billion
dollar In value in 1008 and are M I
liitle more than twhe ss much as at
that time. Kxnorts first rose above
a billion dollar In mine In l1l'' and
lire four time u much as In that
Thirteen great classes of exported
artl.lea yield a total estimated at tsOM
million dollars fur 1916. as against l.T.'l
million for all other articles. The fol-
'owlnt; table shows the remarkable in--reuses
which have occurred lu ex
ports of this group during the last two
Qlrls If Yaung.r Must Have Guardian's
rievelaud. Olrla who pride them
selve on how young they look will
hae to take alonK their birth cer
tllb ale when they ko claiiHng at mu
nlelpal dim' Inu hall.
Thoae who ean prove they're more
than eighteen may keep on danelng
after Ii TMM who not only
look youimei- than eluhleen ami really
are will have to press Into service a
parent or n guardian. No. no ueb
lurk. Any Tom. Mel or Harry won't
do a a Kuurdhin The powers that
00 wont put up with It. The iMiurdlan
ha to be a rt-Kulur Kuardlun. iiiuuu
fin lured by a oiirt of Jnsthe
City Onnce Hull lupe.tor John,
dnne hall ehapenms ami danelng
master tot together at a nus'tliiif lu
It, , .!! Pnnptlll .....I Iti.,,1 to
have the "j mincer set" hnrred from
the floors after l o'clock, parents or
guardian notw Ithstandlng.
"Congreaamen," aays an exchange, I If ItURsIa has the dlctntlng of tho
"earn 1625 a month " Not at all. peace term, wo are sorry ior um
Congreiuimen get $625 a month ! stenographer
The Philadelphia lawyer who Rays With the fish a calling and tho
the automobile promoters religion breezes singing low, one feels very
probably never had a blowout about friendly and sympathetic with one'a
twenty mile from nowhere. Individual hook-worm.
Boy and Girl Rewarded For Fsvora to
Invalid W. mm.
IMItsl.tirh Henry Cunl Ml I'enke of
thl elty niul hi lfer. Ml l.ol Mr-
I'enl.e of Cunonsluiri:. have Just I n
nuide aware that It pm lo be kind
0 an "Id In. ill d ladv. In the FOX t
08f will. Mod for profnte here, pro
rtdoa lor the hoy In the um of .".ikio
and 18,000 lo hi sister
Some leal ai:o when Mrs Anna Silt-
to. , Loach, II wealth! resident of l-ltts
001 ,h. w.i iii ii unilarluin at Mnille
too tfcOfO n also there us a palletit
ui McPooka who is a s f
irge C McPookO, Itepilblli-tlli liotlll-
lor the li-ulsluiute III Washington
ei.uiity. and when l.ol euine to visit
her lirother they got a. ipialnled with
the Ion, -Ii widow Itelween them thei
otitilhiiled to BMka life ii little plea
enter for Mr l.eeeh. snd she promised
not to forget them. She died recently
Tho Ara McDonalds, and Their Com
rades Call 'Em "the Big
Savannah, Oa. -"Twenty four feet of
nun " That Is what members of (lat
tery A, Chathuiii artillery, call the four
HcDwiald 1. 1 other -Hill, Hob. Alei
and Hernard. '1 hey are known also as
"The (Slant guartet, rhe lltg
Slacks" and the "I 'gluing Tour." Hut
their rather. Ilerunrd I. Nb Doniild of
the elty health department, towers
over them all, he' sl feet two.
Hill I the yoilnget uud llaOftOOl B0
li. ui.t six feet. Hob. next. Is Ihe
tallest, exceeding Hill In height by an
In Ii and a half Alex, the eldest, and
Hernard are Just an be h shorter than
The four are a '(iinrtet In the musical
sense also, each being poesacd of a
pleasing vulee. Alex baa been "end
man" In uiat of the OMBl amateur min
strel shows
All four weut with their battery to
Dut Mexico, of course, has forgot
ten the lesson learned by Spain.
!!. tatS. l'.'H
-Million dollars.
.1 stool CIS Bl
I xploalvoS 473 41
Raa cotton aro its w
and llonr 114 4S 14!
i upper manufactures .... i?o hy 141
Mineral oils 1 IS4 151
and manufacturaa. W 1
out parla IB BJ
. tc !-" 44
utton manufactures UI 71 61
Itetlaed sugar w : I
1 eith.-i ... W 37
Eatlmated upon h.isl of tie. en months.
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 year terms
Stockmen should get in
while the getting is good.
We have sold 98 sections
during the last 90 days
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
Insect Destroyers
Rose bush spray, vegetable
sprays, cut worm food, in
sect powder, El Vampiro,
sure death to flies, easy to
use; Kresco Dip, flyknocker
Everhart Drug Store
such A T'PSSB
ft '
"i iiioosos sBOltf! lA
-.... ,sarT' . 'UtaaB
x i
--" Caffirlhi III! I f tj ttt
oV4ii bit J K.-,....ii JJ, 4v
V r'tifitiL T,bMo . u tifOm ML
I Oa IK tmwt wkdm 1 OXOX4toV 9&
" ol Ihi, lid, ,l li, I HBJBJ n
7u will rS. "Pro Bill BMJ Wfl
I .qyayeWo I
Fringe Albert I
as you never thought
could be is yours to
conimand quick as
jou buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
cigarette !
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
process that curs our
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always jjmj$Jx;r;f
been sold without coupons or premiums. jIHLi'hlieHs
We prefer to give quality I
the national joy smoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it i
And that isn 't strange, either.
Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story !
Buy Prince Albert mvmry
whmrm tobaccQ is moIJ in
toppy red b4gt 5c; tidy red
tint, 10c; handsome pound
and hatf-po mil tin humi'
dor corking fine
pound crystal-gta$ Auni
dor with ponge-moitener
top that keep the tobacco
imtuch clever trim always!