Business Directory IMIVSH1ANN DHS. I'KINZINC & WKKHE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Mock. OSTKOrATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriot Sr-ara Dr. Pan line Noam Graduate American School of Oiteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Mock. Telephone 164 Blk NsANVVWW-VaVWWai ATrOHNEYS. V. II. Hi hi. k-, Attorney at Law Wilson Bldg. Ontario Ore C. McOONauill ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Court Notary Public. Office Over Postoffic DKNTINTK DR. W. O. HOWE . . ... DENTIST Phenes: Office 111 IH D. C. lilt I II DENTIST Office 2nc door East of On'.rl Phar macy on Nevada Avenue, Near It. R. Depot. UNDKRTAKINO J. H. FARLEY -Funeral directo. and cmbalmcr. Lady iissintant I'lmne 132-W. (i nt in i... Oregon. LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 0, First National Bank Bids Ontario, Oregon. liKOAI, NOTICES. Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. Rooms 13-14-16 Wilson Illdg OnUrio Oregon. THE IIOKHKN POINT OF VIKW IN Hl'MMEK. i . If a h.,re could talk I... woul.l ' ''"' ' ' '" wlioroln Nicholas liav.. many tiling. In t whon sum Krl"' M PlBtUf, rtOOTWtd jiuld- ,,.,. ,.,, ,. nrat against u. n. Doollttla and Ba u .. 1 1 . ii i , i , i , "" Doollttla, husband aad wife. J. H. Ho would ten i, in iiriver thai he ,. , , ,.,, ,. , , ,, , ' oik. traatM, Mia M. Sproul and J. feolH Hie lioiit mi a very warm day i . . , ... . ,, . ' J. IlurhrldRe an defendant), for Hie unite as much an If he coil rem a .. ,.,..., j . , , . ., sum of three thoiisaml four lium red Ihermometer. .... . ,, fifty dnllarf). with Interest thereon ll would ta tiive me a little ifrom Mav 7 ,916 at ,hp rn,,, ()f mil many i BMa a day. when theippr r,.nt ,.r annum: and the further heat Is. Intense. Ml nut minli nt a of three hundred fifty dollars at tlme II I am warm: if you want mivrnPy fPP; n,i ttir further sum of to keep well don't water me loo tai.iiiv-fr.iir .ml fin.i on ,i,,nr ,,,(.. soon after I have eaten." N.(llrp T , M would say: "When the nun Is n tho 22nd day of July, 1916, nt the I hot and I am working let me breathe ,.,r f i ;in (1P arteriionn oi said once In a while In the Hhnde of some flay at the main entrance ioM of the house or tree; If you have to leave, Court House In Vale, Malheur ooun me on the strew leave me In tbelty, Oregon, sell at public auction to Bhade If possible. Anything upon the hlgheHt bidder or bidders for cash, my head, between my ears, to keep the following described real property, off the sun i hail lor me u me hii to-wit. cannot circulate freely underneath Tne , alf of th. northwe,t " .quarter of section twenty-four, town- lie would talk of slippery streets , ship eighteen south, range forty-six and the sensations of falling on cruel E. W. M. In Malheur county, Oregon, city cobblestones the pressure of together with all water rights appur the load pushing him to the fall, the tenant, therein; Coming to Town ,OST TOUt AMI TIIINOS Irrecoverable and even more iireolon The opening sentence of the pen- n,ve, been lo"t 1" ultimate te which Lansing sent to ffrnW "ui us $60,000,000 worth of her products during the ten tumuli-. I arranzn on June 20 revealed the ended April I III r. During the first constant factor of dllstorlness which four or flve IIlonlhH of the WBr, ,, whas rhaiarterlr.ed the enllie conduct I August to Novemher, 1914, traita was of foreign relations by the Wilson completely upset, ocean tonnage was administration. "I have read," says short, and enormous drafts were Mr Lansing, "your communication made on the belligerents to place P. J. ) l .1. K.lll R LAWYER Rooms In Wllron Bldg. Ontario, Oregon 22 bruised ki and wrenched Joints. , Taken and levied upon as the pro- 'nI the feel of the driver's lash. perty of the said above named defend- TRANSI'ER, BAGGAdE AND EX " wniild tell of the luxury of a ants, W. II DoolltHe, Resole Doollttle, PRESS f'y '", "hen at work and of a fly J. II. Cook, trustee, Ella M. Sproul Meets all trains. blanket when standing hIIII In fly nnd J. J. Ilurbrldge, or as much there- JOIIN LANDINGHAM season, ana" ol the boM to him of of as may lie necessary to satisfy the .nil. in thl labia to keep mil the said ladgaiaal In favor Ol Nicholas Insects that bite and sting. Krles and against the said above mini- II.. would nlead for as cool and "' defendants, with interest thereon, comfortable a stable as possible In "' " nd dlsburse- whlch to list at night after a day's work under the hut sun. lie would suggest that IMni: tin. a warm night In a narrow stall neith er properly cleaned nor bedded Is which was delivered to me on May St." It took the state department four weeks and a day to make reply lo a note which Mr. Lansing described In his answer n marked by a "discour teous tone and temper" such as to cauae "surprise and regret." It should have caused, Instead, In dignation and resentment; slid It ahould have provoked an Instant and vigorous retort. What was the oc casion for delay? Surely, there was nothing In the situation In Mexico which would lead to even a hope of better manners from Carranxa. Sure ly, there was nothing In the situa tion which could provoke even a re mote notion that better order could he secured Surely, there was noth ing In the aituatlon which could war rant tho belief that the I'nited States could further postpone the duty which Hi long-submerged self-respect Imposed Yet Wilson and Lansing waited four weeka and a day- and then sent a note couched In language such as the fllea of the stale department have I in. in- ill.-, in a stte i,l prepar. dins During the ten months ended April, 1916, France performed prodigies of valor on the field of battle, and In creased her exports to the United States 27 per cent, or to 184.000,000 For the same periods our exports no nts that have or may accrue D '-'i at Vale. Orosoa. this 17th day of June, 1916. BEN .1 IIHtiWN. Sheriff. ltOSS A. SOWAIUi. Deputy. First nulillciitlon June II 1!1(1: suffering for him and poor economy pubHcaUo July 20, ,,. tor Hie owner. ..... He would say that turning the hose on him is altogether too risky notice TO CTUnHTOM. Notice Is hereby given, that the a thing to do unless you are looking underalgned has been duly appo.nt- fnr a sick horse. Spraying the legs ed administrator of the estate of and feet when he Is not too warm on James J. t'ozart, deceased, by order a hot day he would find agreeable. . of the county court of the state of He would say: "I'lease sponge out Oregon for the county of Malheur to France Increased from 1277.000,. ,my ymt 'nd noM ""' dock when ' All persona having claims against the nna fr i i i ' i t i - s nun nun r.,r iiiu in ureii will uusiy i nigni, snu aald estate are nereny noiiueu lo 116. The thing, w. sent France""0 ff me Uh '. cool pr...t the duly verified M war. I.raalv munition, of war. Our w",rr """" ,"e lo""r ",,u """"" "' required ny law. to me .am a.iiuin mo nsriisns. , utrator at his oitice in tun uniario National Hank at Ontario, Oregon, HI ilNIi I'TIMTY KKCl'RITIKH. I within aix month, from the date of normal exports to that country ran about $160,000,000 annually. The Ihlnva t-'rinrn Hnl lis wr lint for war purposes They were the prod-' " ,h" D,,e " ""ured of Hrat publication of thl. notice. m. ,.r ... r., l.lHvr nf Kr.nce Uon'",t "P"""n x P"e j)a .nd dated and first publl.h- .um product of the cheap labor of France , , , , " .. ' K Ing into competition with lhelv,ce "". I'B Po-; ad tbi. 6th day of July. A. D .1116 luct. of American labor which K- P" ? lh.T W ,Ve,t '" J R B'A('KABY' reives the highest wage In the world, or goea Jobless If foreign competition becomes too strong. With the close of the war our ex port, to France will drop below nor mal. Hut her export, to u. will In crease unless the country possesses that which makes the American wage possible a protective tariff. France must sell more and buy lea. in order I to make up for the losses sustained ii ft-i n.. . 1.... t Administrator of the estate of James J. t'ozart, deceased. public utility securities. At San Diego an Issue of $144,000 consolidated gas and electric com pany slock at seven per cent ha. been , NOTICE OK HALE OF ONTAHIO subscrlbed by customer, of the cor- JftWU IHIUGATION OMI'ANY poratlon and not all could be sup- HTOCK KOK DELINOl'ENT piled. AHKEHHMENTH. Thl. i. complimentary to popular Notice Is hereby given, that IS'v local management and also to Hylles- .shares of the capital stock of the On by it Co., the Chicago and Hoston Irrigation company Issued company that handles public ut 111- 'to Oordon H. Houston, will be sold at ,1.... MM ,. I........ M.U u-ll. uUllfU Bllklll. lll.lliin 1,1 l.lM MvllMM. llllllllT In this war But. dearly as we love " ," -.. . ". , , ' lor r.Bii, on im ni u " . long since familiarised u. with. nd I rlM n(J our Mtm, , ,.Hlll, ,n .ym added to theae word, a precipitate call for the mobilisation of the Na tional Uuard. Four weak, were lo.t. Indeed, more than three year, have been lo.t. If Wilson s.'d Hryan had acted in 1913, Just after Wil.on came into office, in the same manner that Wilson and Lansing have now acted in 191t, just after Wilson has been renominated, the whole Mexican question would have beeu settled. We would have aaved the lives of hund reds of American citixens, we would have spared the American flag In numerable Insults, we would have preserved the purity of acores of American women, we would have maintained our prestige among the nations of the world- -for the unhap py results of our dealings with the belligerent powers of Europe are In direct consequence of our manner of dealing with Hie revolutionary ban dits In Mexico. Time has been lost, It I. true. Hut other things quite as the greatest blows There Is no reason why public ut II- 1916, at the hour of two o'clock, p Ity atocks ahould not. under fair m. Said sale will be made at the of- woou i.r... mm -..-u. wwmmmmjm , , f regulatory bodies, flee of the secretary of the said com- ,l . "P "e savings ol the people in mis lor im uuruu-- ui "'ii .. rseis i . hb1. -,..i. her rehabilitation? If the In, I.-. wood tariff law enables France lo Increase her expor while bearing 0e what can she not do lo our ma when peace prevails and her entire, army must return lo gainful occu patlons? And what Is true of France ' Is true of nearly all Europe. Com mercial preparedness should go hand In hand with military preparedness, and to Insure the former we must return to the protective policy. Godwin's Weekly. ui. liner I quent assessments against said stock amounting to $208.87. The purchaser of said stock will be entitled to have 19Vt share of the atock of the aald Ontario-Ny.aa Irri- DO VOt Clean your teeth and then expect orate in the washbowl? (unit lunch to reduce weight and Ration company laaued to aald pur tlien overeat at dinner. jchaaer, and th water right which the (in to the country for health and aame represents attached to and made then .leep with your windows shut appurtenant to any lands designated ,jglH? oy saiu puri-iiunrr Wonder why you have earache and A W TROW, Give any man a ahave and a hair ,, b,ow your U)M, w(ll y(jur mullt; President Ontarlo-Nyss. Irrigation cut, and he looks almost as good as new. A woman can turn the same trick with a curling iron and a little i. ii powder. ii ui "The character of a town has It. Influence upon the character of the ajsj who grow up In It; but no town Tin-re's a lull In the storm on the wag ever so tough that a boy cmild border, but the lull usually pr.i.di- , K,,w llp atraighi .md ili-.ui If he company E. M i.i;l n; Secretary Ontarlo-Nyssa Irrigation' company. NOTICE OF SALE Ol KTATE l.NIK. Notice !s hereby given thai the COOK BY WIRE Escape the hours of kitchen drudgery, the dirt, the heat through the HOT SUMMER DAYS THE ELECTRIC RANGE Is clean, convenient, econo mical. "Makes life brighter and the day's work lighter." Electric Investment Co. uiiiiinl Id. iiiid mi town watt iVir so go. it a boy couldn't go .,, the ut ''""' ',""r(1 r ,he S,"tH '"' dev.l in it; if he was hound In head "''"' '" "'li' " ""Ul ,,lut wa ., in no o'clock m , AUgUal 2-'. 1916, ' for the following deMTihcd lands 9 J.ile Is just what each person makes it. lull Mime are too buy lo do the making. llsslKlIl NOTIt KS. NOTICE OF MFKTINO OF I.ANII OWNEIIS OF MALHEIH IHtVIV AOE IHS'IHICT TO ELM T HOAHII OF TllltEE SI I'EHV 1S (HtS OF SAID DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that a at ilng of the land owners of Malheur Drainage District is hereby called to meet at the Cairo School House in said district on Tuesday, Hie 1st day of August. 1916, at the hour of two o'clock p. in , for the purpose of electing a board of Three Supeivi ors for said district. W. H DOOLITTLE. County Clerk. Done and dated at Vale, Oregon, this 19th day of July, 1916. I Ml NOTICE OF. SHERIFF'S SAI.F IN FOKECMsSl'HE. By virtue of an execution in fore-, closure duly issued by the clerk of the circuit court for Malheur county I and state of Oregon, dated the 16H.I day of June, 1916, In a certain M tioa in the Circuit court for said T. 19 ri. It 39 E. XW qr. NW jr S half N half and S half Wm II Wmm all Sec II, T. 19 8. It 41 E, all of Sec. 1 ;. T 0 S. It. 4 1 I . all of Sec. 16. T 1!1 It -ii K, all Sec 16; N half. HE qr , half 8W qr and SW qr. 8W qr. Sec. 36. T. 22 8. It 41 E., all of Sec. 16 and all of s. T. 3.K 8. It. 39 I , all of Sec. 16 and all of Sec. 36. T. 25 8. R. 40 E , N half and east half SE qr. and N half HW qr. See 16 and all Sec. 36. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to purchase and check or draft for at least one-fifth of the amount bid. The board reserves the right to re Ject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Iran, clerk State Land Hoard, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to pur chase state lands." Dated at Salem, Oregon, June 13, 1916. U. G. BROWN, Clerk State Iand Board Last publication Aug. 17. Then don't fail to sec my midsummer showing nf white fell hats and large white trimmed liats. Colored Hats ;it less tiuiii e.usi. Discount on Hair Good and Flowers. 0SB0RN MILLINERY Successor to Grove & Riley WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? THIS BANK, OF COURSE It serves von everv day in the vonr by enrine fur a a your money, thereby preventing its being lost j' frittered away, it not only does this, bin it pays you for the privilege of doing so by paying Hve per cent interest mi yoUT time deposits. It gives, you the free benefit of expert advice mi any subject Involving the use or iandlingof money. it will loan you money at any time on ap proved security, and aid yon in its investment .Hid advise yon In its management, if you so !- sire. It will aid you in many other ways if ymi will give it the opportunity. We invite yon to open an aeeoiint and become I regular patron, ami pay your hills by check. It is the modern hnsiness way, and it is the safest, wav. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO. OKKGON PARK PRODUCE CO. We are here prepared to buy your Hogs, Veal, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc. MARKET TRICE PAID IN CASH I am for Fruitland, Idaho GRAHAM PARK, Prop. Telephone 37 I Fruitland Fruitland, Idaho The Mitchell 6 of '16 Is the Greatest Car Value the World has ever Known ONTARIO REAL ESTATt CO.. Agts. L Mi. :- JB'" afi I Baf -aar Jar aHafvH J ' laBll overalls Keep Kids Kleen PfaYctit-ei, HeallUul, ln.ini-l Guinut It.-- SmaJI CLdati . t Prcticl. lifi rtu tic y mf ninln lii 4i' i ill ri, Slid 6M M !i'4m1 kii or i-ii niaUM(') 'J - Hi and look . .'i aMt man tut otw luubJa in ovarf i'it- HavHitul. Ki .ujh riar f hlpOMar . If A I irhi . -ItstiV linl t iioi IliU Llt UlatlUU Ul Itluiitl atli'l It lI'l If 1 Joiil Ul aaWlUun . Ccn4MBtcal. 'mug iHuir on - aaviM' IHlhlag HI Mt-ll luaiU ha) mi oulajrg . it oum bofolW Uiiy ft't Wuiu out. a-4- liiin a m a nc sutr ic yyUYLKALLa free jc chit S aaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaiBaaBaBTBB it an.. THE SUIT J u S.Pat Orf. if it sirs Mt'l'ia hlgb neck with long !?. or Oulrh imkand allow sltwvai Mad) ot gaiiuiuo linligo dyad blua denial or blur ami white hickory atrlpaa lor all tha lear wear, and In Ugblt r wHighi fali olor oialerla) in dark blut. radel blur lanordaik red tor summer war All gaiiornU truuuird ith Uat clor salaiaa. Me 1 to a ui. AafM Wa tVaM Fiua r.r II Look lor tha Tae Haraa Laaa. no in a-- is i.i ne without It. If iui ih'talnr i aniiot suuii you. tro will aand Ih.-an, all t l-ar-ts par aiii -iWrisjr 5yE1itL prnvld on icctibt ol nrKu. 1C M4 by LEVI STRAUSS V CO., Saa FraaatoM The Argus Can Do Your Job Printing