The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 20, 1916, Image 6

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For Bett
Us, J&
Purl Oil Mr good
like cookinK with
city gaa.
haven't a
fection you've missed
comfort for yeara. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient
than your wood or coal
arata. Cuta aut lha roal-hod
Koapa your I tfrtan rani Tha
amaaaotadoi In 1.1.1 and
Cabmal Modala with FlralaaaCooalna' Ovana. Aaa your dralat today
For Sale by
Ontario Hardware Co.
Down Town (Mice
i ha tdred
( . h for Poultry
Ontario ProdNce Co.
rn l.t .. k.. I Id.lrl
For Artesiun : Nutural
The Onl) Sanilart Ire
in Tow n
I'hone 7l
every: body
When You Wear u
Tailor Made Suit
There is a peculiar distinction
lu the. fit and workmanship
which puts It in it class by u
belt, and Hie wearer in a class
by himself, with other tailor
Kurbed men
When we make it tour ml
Is made to fit you, and not a
wooden dummy. No Itto forms
are evict It alike, hence no suit
pallet ne.i after it dummy will
give you an exuet fit, such as
you got win ii we lake ;,ntr iu-
dividual tin a urementa
S20.00 to $50.00
And anywhere between
opinisiii PostoaVe PI.9M lt)5
Steady, evenly dis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
it just
If you
New Per
lava.and eaala laaa la op-
and wood-baa drudaarr
long blua chlmnajra pravant
4-burnar alaaa.avana aaparata Alaa
Sun Frunrlsco creating office of
in BaetOf ot paints, (not on fared i
TryliiK to prohibit you lis people
KoliiK boating on moonlight n Ik lit is
or sitting on park benche
When businessmen talk about or
Igunining nonprofit paying public an
When a great stule through its
, fish and BUM commission Matt to
make ar on a little bird like the
Bngllah sparrow
Winn people p., Imported ( I III-
tauqua lecturers to tear down their
in- it like Oakland rent
the aftlae el "official squirrel kill
er" at i M I
I the .1 trke-t clouds of
and iiiiiuiii, e the blai
I' BOB ' D nit I
aaltb win stick to ou
Ml I- II.-, I I
ilott In front to get
out of Hi,'
ii m. n , n put our or
SO 'II ll
fi m 1 1 r both in lin
mental am' ' ual .let. opi
In dollars and sold Trj i
ii it m i.imine i h... piog ot er
northern staffs)) Villa ami ins
are abroad again
t 1 1 ai, ton ii never nesda to ad
vertise the fact. It spreads
Pauae Once a Year
w hen i', en die in battle lu
deli use of their homes or for
1 i lm Iptea will, ll Ihey wish to
1 hate aa u h.ill.iue lo their
ihiidreii, i he iicm nenoratkka
I wouiti be angraterel indeed if
bO they could not pause ut least
Bu oino a year to remembet ihe
Bat det nl Ion ol the heroic dead
Bu and. If paaalaNaS, give thanks
PBI for Hie evuuiple of Uataf tli-
Bta lues shed a tear for their
Bu kUBI and oft i i a niter foe the
aag lorult euess of then frailties.
gw in some countries tbere is a
siiperst lilnii that tears are
fc etiicu, ions in iNTocuriug reel
Slid pardon for the dead, lu
" ihe funeral orattaa al si Am
broatua u is said. rbe pout
bo uis.i abed tbetr tears, pre. loua
an, fruitful leuis. that wash
BU e.l .mat the sins of Ihe de
BU leased They let llooils Ol "'
Bu deemiuu' tears "
Bu ibi Ihe otlui ban, I. ll Is sabj
a. lo he a -In o tt is p for the
ajj ilc. ni aftSf tbe urass has
k row n mer ihelr glUIQB, for
ta etery Icar Is said lo hiinjc u
pang to ihem, and egcesalva
grievtag ror them botda tbem "
,l to ihe earth atmosphere and
b keeps them from tbe real of '
bU heat en Bu
bu The eiientais lu genoraj bu
Bu look u' ni graveyards' a Bu
BU "'ines ol Ihe silent" ami be Bg.
Bu Ueve thai tbe) ate i . . i . i , , i
a by lu vial bis ipgrtte, aacb nf go
aag tt Iioiii sits at the head of his aa
w ow u gn
:"- x.'.BgngjBBjB
ORtCOOM lIM siltl tl. KHCORI)
Saletn Figures compiled by For
est Service show thai the fiirii'ture
manufacturer of Oregon aaa annual-
ly nenrlv IBVafl million feet of lum -tier,
BOtt limn Imlf of which ll Doug
Ian fir and maple.
Randon Salmon cannery will np
erntc under new m aaagemi nt
KuK'tir FatrmouBl Brink . Tlla
Co., get brick contract for Itoseburg
federal building nnd also for new
Roeeburg high ashool
lilllnrd Timber Interest consid
ering construction of logging road
from liere to lldewataf OB Cooa Bu
Corvallls Large ereu at work oa
electrification of wont side I, I". linen
Into here.
Albany Tha m plant of tha W
I'.niy Fruit Juno a . lot iio in, ,,iu
fart ii to of a new drink from lotian
berry pulce has begun operations The
,li"1' ta ""'""" in -''' I
operated throughout b elect , Nt)
furnished b) the Oregon Power com
pany Iteports reieueil front nearly all
sections of Douglas county Indicate
thill tills rear's crop of prunes will
.far surpass previous tears.
Cooa Bay Ties "(lose to three
miles of track will be built by the
lleuhner I, umber company on North
Cooa river to tap their timber hold
Inic In Hint section "
Maker Construction on John Day
highway, which will connect Hie Co
lumbia river highway with Lincoln
highway, will be started soon.
Tim Dalles Wasco county client
I in are being sh ppoil to Knrope
to make poisonous gas that la used
by opposing armies in France
Vale - WarmaprlngR district will
build large dam. Work started
again on Sunset oil well north of
lilllahoro Independent "From
the nuinher of Initiated .mil referred
laws already on the ll-t it looks asl
though the paper shortage is to he
I nil net- III it hell It comes to,
printing the big ballot t hut will be
necessary at the November election "i
Albany I'lirnilure Co. factory will
be le opened In about l tteek-
Nort Bend Payrolls have la
ed 1 loi per cent s nee .lauiiart I
tin is puiiiiiK up a stroni
hfiit for u submarine baae at port of
Lain i ount) "It is e.tlmaleil Unit
;!i" tan creameries at Fremont Ufa
turning out over three ion. ,.i butter
per mouth, requiring about ten tons
ic W li.ii
fell iws t, ho aiil cte. mi ioiiIiI not he
in addl
III II ''. II, s a holne i lory la
iii '.." ration hare and one ni sr row
Fork Kock 'In,
i i it Auto tourlsti - eend tTJoti
i here in five arm
i , , Klch 1
reported oa Blgbt Dolinr untnln
bloel "ii Mil
in will be paved al
n i ount) .ii will
t'.l.l k oil , ,111111 thill luck , i
toiiir.i. i tor gate nkghwaj
crams Puaa Utah Idaho
oompaaj i al i pi lea foi ugai ' I
Though the ..i tic Fn.i
led afford the pul Ik
oat frelgbi rntea and paj railroad
t lie lilghi : he ii
io ii, t.066 loveetors la rail
Is less
than H i ! n
cap, la1 , u
li.lai i
lull i. n - kalBlatlug liquid
(OT auto lamps, etc . inteiited and
I being iiiaiiiitaciiire.i bore bj w, ll
Icilne ' o
I'a. ley In hate llevt 66,666 ll IK ii
Nett hurt; . caiinert open. , I pg
llh of July. Also hate BOB logun-
nel It juice plttlll
I la DallBS Contract let tor
.Madison Si suhttat
Oregon gold output inert-used $107,-
11,1.1 .... .., ... m ... .
wu ins. six inonitis ni i ii i (, over
same p. .nod 1 1 I
Marshliehi c A Smith J. umber
t'O tttll BUlId tessel in local ship
yard with 1,166.666 capacity, geotga
ed to liandle luuiher ht iiackage sys-
tim to he completed in fite months
Forest Orove la have new g,666
'ni 1 1. in Sceuce church.
Oardaer Oaatraat tar building
Jettt at inouth of I uipitia let to
Portland firm for in .000
Vllie- have, in the last tear, paid
166,666 for Oregon ami Wash
ington .spruce for manufacture of
war aeroplanes
I'ossil Honds sold and work will
commence soon an maim, I training
Lu I. linn
Stauneld Standard (III Co , erect
Ing warehouse, oil tanks, etc . bean
to serve as dletributuuj plant for this
There comes tlmg In tag Ufa nj
. IBB B h n ile.i their own
Imperfections more kividl) than nih
il is I hen that Hiet
.He Oil the tt,.t to becomilli.' het l,r
mil or ion!. deeda.
wi.en iciiow sit- around, di
Ig, and criticises every t Ii .in,
i mi everybody lie makes of him ,
the greatest object of all criticism
tbe Kt.oo word instead.
Thara is general dlaaatlafaetloa
n prantlea mid futile n solving aaj
Intaratata eotnaUaatoDi for regnlet
inn rallroadSi waterpower develop
ttiitii ami pnbllr utilities It i too
cumbersome, complicated and expen
'n tin' lata I ' Washington an inl
tlatlve bill is before Hie people to
aboltah state control of public utlll
Dd real it all la city aoaaetla
and county board of supervisors
aw p.uittK tiie va for laoaral ool
lectlve or public ownership.
Ilolli local and federal cotinuls-
re mik'ni; phvslcal valuation-.
of railroads and public utilities do
ing Hie name work over and inn ll
they find the same values the) do
unnecessary work If tlte fin. I .lit
ferent tallies tliei contra. Ili-t oneli I
Besides the intertttale commissions
,, sat) ,, fmni .
railroad ami public utility commis
sion In all 4 tribunal affecting
Investment ami Increasing the bur
den of taxation
The fake compound of state and
federal control of the most Important
breanch of the public service -transportation
from a business and itoii
omlc standpoint !s wrong In theory,
wrnns In principle, and will be wrong
with our double system of state and
serious problem
It Is a double expense, a division
of authority, and only expands the
ever-growiiiK army of puhl'c officials,
promoting Paternalism and social
(Prom Hie Oregon Voter)
That interstate commerce com
mission decision was the moat un
klndist oalaSf of all to Portland and
othe' ci,., t , rttua.
The railroad managers are con
'jUtleil, tlhtnlssive ulld n pectlul
KB Pun i are there rebellion and
petulant daftaai
The real e.-ret of It Is. that thev
have tnunaceil to puss Ihelr burdens
a Ion ic to the puhllc II,,, ,o.t of ob
sertltiK resulatlons, heavy aa It Is,
(a reflected In the rates charged for
freisbl and passenger transportation
,The dear public Is puylnK the bill,
and also Is feel tit; the iticoiiteuo
thut come from theoretirul BBBtrol
of a practical business The rail
road mummers find It easier to fit
n ads i ' k .mil nuike
the pnbllO pav than lo BpnOUB ami oh
struct and pat tic 1 , 1 1 1 laWnMBttraa
So tin puhllc which sel out with I. lee
to punish in regulation i la turn
ed b) i lie high i a i "i the sunt
bomome n gulntton it baa Inpi
A fashion note tells us thai
hair thi
Men ttlm are entin It bald may run ii
risk of getting If the at
'' "'i'' '" ,:irlv '"" ",l
The v ,11 tt ho Is loo OOd
to work in I me laconic the old
man who eaal k-et work lint tha
lesson Is H-blom learned until too
. it! man VIIU It the IIM
conn lat t,c cuss on earth Just
wn,B ""' ,,tt"y ,rt'HB 'H Hl""', "n "'"
''','1"1 '"r m "p se-
v''1"'1'' nnd upi i ifui for
11 or.- tin Illen
I inie.l Stales
Tresldeut, Wundrow Wllsoc
ice-1'resideut Thos. It. Marshal
Secretary of State, .. Hubert LuiiMiig
Socrelary of Tlcta ,. . W. Ii McAdoo
Sucretury 01 Win, L Al Harrison, Thus W. (iregorj
I'o.stmithter 1 neiul...,A. llurleson
Secretary of Nuvy J. Daulelt
Sec'y of luterioi ..Fruukliu K.l.aui
Suc'y of Agile illurc,, I). F Houston
Sec'y of Couiiii'iw, vVw. C. Hedlleld
Sticretary of Lai., i . . . .W. H Wilson
Sec'y lo the I'res. ,. . . . J. IV Tumulty
I'. H. Kuprenie t'ouii
Chief Justice. ... Kdwurd U IVht
Associate Justices,
Joseph McKeunu
Oliver Weudeli Holmes
William It Day
James C. Mclte nobis
Charles K Hughes
Willis all I let am fi
Joseph It Lamar
Malilon Pitney
Vale I . S. I.ttiiil-Krticera.
liogister Tim. J. i, e
Receiver Al N Fe, ig
State Ofllcera.
Coventor James ithycom
Sec'y of State Ben W Olcc
Treasurer 1 j. Kav
Attoruey-Geueral, ..Geo. Ai i : own
Supt. of Public Instruction
J. A. t nuttnlll
Hairy und Food Comnn-siosei
J. D. Mil hie
Siulu Prlntar
. A. W l-awieuce j
r. s. Sen iors.
t;. i: Chawberlaia
i 'ouKresMileii,
w C llawlev
N. J. Siuuot
C. K. McArthur
As made to the comptroller of the currency at the close of
business, June :tO, 1916.
- l
Loans and Investinen's IBlttltll
(itenlraft 71.16
took In Id serve hank I POO (I
He iitt ami future ' III II
cash Raaarta iot.hoh. ii
r:u T ".nnn nn
Surplus and profits .... 52, 968. 1.1
Circulation 22,500 00
Deposit 466.775 4
KNOWN loit
Thirty years ago the telephone was a luxury Today,
through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It has become
a necessity within the reach ot everybody. Where once a busi
ness had but one telephone with a limited talking rouge, today
that business has service with a range three-quarters of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of every business is linked to ev
ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there are
now 8,000,000 Hell telephones lo this country, over which go
16,000.000 talks daily.
Kvery Kill Telephone ix a Lain; Ki-i.hh Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Overland 1 ll 1 .'! model, new It
oterliuuled and panned Hun
less than .'.nilii miles New
0 Hi truth overhauled
paiuti ,1
similar. i ii.iji.ii, auoragtaad
fur one year.
And others.
Seguine's Garage
Stale sii.ieitie Court
Chief Justice Frank A. Moore
Associate Justices,
Thomas A M. llridii
Henry J
Ueorge 11 Burnett
Hubert F.ukin
Henry L lien. son
Lawrence T. Harris
Ninth Judicial District
District Judge Iiultoii Dlggs
Histriti Attorney W ll lirooke
Henator UHtli legislative Aasemldy
Joint Senator, for Grant, Malheur,
and Harney Countlen,
. Loi'iig V. Stewart
County Oncers
County Judge G. W. McKulght
County Clerk,. .. . Johu P. Houston
Sheriff Den
County Commissioners,
John F. Weaver
Melville Kelley
J. Brown
County Treasurer, J
1 School Supt
County Surveyor...
County Coronor
Truant Officer
i Justice of the Peace
Itaiph Weaver
. .Lewis E. Hill
Fay Clark
. . B. C. Farmer
. . . K. ) Payne
A. It. Mclutosh
(Ontario Dis
trict G. L. King
Circuit Court
Circuit Court for Malheur county
meets In Vale, the county seat, on
the second Monday In January; on
the fourth Mouday in April; aud on
the first Tuesday lu September for
regular sessions. Hon. Dalton Biggs,
'circuit Judge; W. H. Brooke, Dlst-
rlct Attorney; John P. Houston,
County Court.
The County Court of Malheur
County meets In regular session at
Vale on Hie first Wednesday of Jan
uary, M.ncii, Alay, July, September
uud November. County Judge, Geo.
W. McKulght; M. D. Kelley and
John F. Weaver, Commissioners;
JoUu V. Houston, Clerk
ITS slltl M.lll
The Palace
Meat Market
I ippu IU I Ilea. I, land
i m mi mi: vis
Mil' MF.VI'N
( I III 11 Ml M
s W s, vi,
i;. iter meats for the same
Never High Quullly
Never Poor
Come lu and see the new
Telephone 111
Southern Idaho Headquarters for
Sections, Foundations, Supers,
Complete Hues aud Parts
made of selected soft White
I'm.', by Western bee experts
who l.nott local conditions.
Better equipment that will
briug you more aud better
Auytliiug for the man with
oue colony to a thousand.
Parcel post rates on .small or
ders uj-e, Insignificant. Write
us what you need.
The Wright Wwdwerklif, Co.
Caldwell, Idaho
Bailed Hav
First Cutting
Telephone JO N 2