PERSONAL-LOCAL i Mr i. I'd-; Ikik noiii' (0 11 il I'm an OtItlBI I! W Ki'lldKK Ik hoini' from ii trip to the mill l.l" Vol- llllM limn llil' I r,. : i v ervlrii: uinr pen, Clair O'Neill, oi Riverside, for ii alight operation I DlOB Ml i ICW 111 I In- W ''Mini: lit ' tin' i 'r i ti-riiin chare!) A Bon wiih horn to Mr utul Mr Ili'ii rniininit mi the 1 4th, A scni .i. Inirii In Mr nml Mrs A. J. Stover mi the LI to MIhh fihiilya KiiiIhiiii Is VtSttlDg I with retetlvea in Porttaai, Dr. and Mrs. Prlnzlne: an- at lira Tamil! Ilii: wi'll plc-nlc today. A il.niri.ii-r wan hum tn Mr. anil Hit I llowluml mi flit 14th. MIhh Hull liaH Konn to I. a I ; it .il ! (or a Hhorl rent and visit with friend Mr. Chaplin of Payette wan operat ed o' for nppi'iidlrltlH at the hoKpltal. ' W. W. Howard In arrangini; to move Into one of the IIiikut house I Mm. (lallagher la home from a trip to Itlveralde and other Interior! points. Minn Helen t'rookn wan a uui-at of MIhk Marvel Cayou'H at Vale Wed-1 ut'Hday. Mm II K. farmer of V lie will "'iik at the p.t nt rtm c. here rt 11 a. m. Charles Peterson and Vean Venat to have bought the holdings of Thompson. Mlna Fraud Copley, of Marenito, Iowa, a "Inter of Mr Brett, la here on a vlalt. Everybody Comes Often to Boyer Bros. & Co. During July Special McCall Patterns hi v;i August ami nt pattern li fashion I ls liiitiin nt. Great Showing of Wo men's Newest House and Porch Dresses 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.50, $1. 75 and $2.00 All well made and fashioned n tlninty, comfortable models, 1'i i UlWns, privities, voiles, uiiihams, sonic trimmed, others tailored. ( 100 New Summer Ladies' and Misses9 Suits, Coats, Silk Dresses Reduced MILLINER Y $7Mto$17. i beat garments aresri new, fie.I and very smart, great variety of styles and all sizes in tliese eliann iiitf models. Tliis is ji j;ood oppor tunity for yon. Come early for the best selection. Some specially good values in Bummer Millinery, white black and all the favorite shades, Greatly reduced prices. Men's Cool Underwear and Sport Shirts in Lot us show vou the best lint town at the most reasonable prices Mlaa Kle Orcutt wa up from Welser Monday vlaltlng with the home folka. Mr. Crooks and daushter, Helen, are at Parma for a few daya, vlattlng with frlenda. state officer will be here August i IMrd f.r leen'i to fill up Hie Ore gon rnr.punlt Mlaa Jennie Hall, of He Molnea. Iowa, la a gueal at the home of Dr. and Mm. Ilrett The Malheur County I'mnmia will Col. Taylor ha gone to Kaatern Idaho to look after aome of hli pro perty there. Mm. W. W, Wood la vlattlng with relative at Canyon and other (.rant i county point. W K l,ee made an auto trip to Ni'viiiln till week to Imik after Home legal matter Itohert Duncan, the Vale attorney. waa here several ilay tin week clowlng up aome legal matter. At the meet ng of the -uv.v c'.i.ige at llrogau next Saturday W. K. Drown, proreor of horticulture at the ag'li 'iltural college, Kill r.ake the prlnripal wldress. The ladle aid of the M. K. church will nerve Harelwood Ice cream and hone made cake at the park Satur day evening, July 22. The ladlea vlll be pleased to aerve you. Many of our larmere are hegln- meet Saturday at Urogan and a good nlng to realne blue graaa will J time la expected. Mri' Ackeraon, of Cow valley, MM down suffering from appendicitis and wait operated on. Mra. Kenton ami the children have pMM Ifl BMta Harhani. Cullf, for a visit with relatives. Mr nnil Mr 0 C DtfNM are ho from a two weeks rest In link er and other count n V ll.ill.unl lins tom to I ,,,,, , .i, Bf mi outing. Hi' went in by l'ueile Lake. I I'liinu Inn, relume. I nml II slightly disguised, bill most nl lib grow on land that Is somewhat alka lied and It I tkM about the beat pasture gras II. t we have. T ' Mlcbelson wis here Friday 'lid pun li ii d nine -, ; nil', nf rnnui tr'iin the Oregon a Wea'er I Ciilmii.iomi MsfU) I land- re mii-ll. i:i i:.istirn ll.ii - i-iinty Mi nml Mrs Sagler have pOM east. Mrs Swnttl.T will visit for SBM inn" with her nl Minn. apolis and Mr SunKler will go on to Philadelphia nml otbet .-.i U ra cities, returning In u lew wei e: in in :i Clark Is home from .i. .i.inii vnii.i. where tlM as the ,,i Mi Kobottl i"i -i oonple "I friends can rerognUe blm Mr Mnllell has wlnnl t lint win ;.i U,,,.K, MHS ch.rk rOfOTU I MTJ , n t Til b.isl N , r acre mi in hum ...,, lhll. ,,. KMy of ed laud. riling certainly pay. ,.,,... ,.. ,..i. m.-i there. Mrs I II Norwood, of l.os An-, Walter (ih-un HUM Ml Suiurday gebia, a lter of KM, I'aul I ,o.,u Ul,m arl.y (()Uty mi li.D horses I vlattlng with the totally at Vale. , ,im mu,. He says that the sup Mr. Dupre. of Itiveralde, was here piy H getting short of desirable mil the flrt of the week and bought 500! mats There la plenty of young Muff ton of hay at 17 a ton from T. II ,,n,l hlnuiisbed animals, but noi clean M,,r. of the right age. Mr. D. M. Taggert and son, Max.j The tennis tournument has got have gone to the Willamette valley tu (wu playera who will fight it out fo- a abort vlalt with relative and n,,s evening. Dr. Payne and II I. frlenda ivterson are the two bet player, The Knight of Columbus will bold if tl Ilinlnulimi loni.sts are to be their pin ic at Waslioe on Sunday j relied upon The crowd till even next, they have a p'ngraui of games ing will get a good run for their inou- und sports Kpiscopal serucs will be held In " - hull next Suuday at 10:45 a m by the Hev. C 11 Powell K -ervbody welcome. Raker Ball I home from Omaha! where be took aeveral cars of cat th and caught a good market, realising , good prices for hi atuff. Mr. and Mr. A. J. Brook, of Urogan. returned from Portland Tuesday. Mr Brok going on home and Mr. Brook topplng over for a few daya with friend. Secretary af State Oleott ha an nounced itn ,be Bowr'' co,u- ina to the Malhtur County Kalr from the 1-20 of a mill tax levied. The paint gang ot the Oregon Short Line are buay here thi week at the depot and freiht bouae, giving ev erything a freah eoat of paint. The bathlni eaaon la at hand and we may expect to hear ot the usual number of drowning from careleaa neas. Even good swimmers hould exercUe can The grain crop are all looking fine, but a little later than uual. The aeene.d cutting ot alfalfa 1 about fifty per cent more than the first and 1 of good quality. ThU l the season when many hen get broody. One means of discour aging biddy is to place a small clock in the ne.t with her. The ticking eema to make her nervou and she soon changes her mind. At leant that is wht Max MuJIer say. about ey. N.'iw is the tiini- to have your .... k rel capoulxed if you MHJMl Kood n, .,!.. for (licni tins fall Vou knuw that capons bring much better prices than roosters or hens and they are much easier to (atten and get in marketable condition Max Muller will do the work for you aud uot make any charge. Call blm up. W H. Dlvera. of lllverlde, "was here the first of the week and was! telling how be had aome land seeded i and the crops up, when one night a band of sheep were driven through i his place and the crop destroyed and be was unable to locate the offender. There I a law in Oregon that makea It finable offenae to pasture ueep on private land and the owner I en titled to damage for crop destroyed The member of the school board held a meeting last Thursday even ing and elected Everett Trouadale a a teacher. Mr. Troudale Is a grad uate ot Keed College, In 116 be as sisted in the college courae In gener al science and elementary school con duitit tor the children of the faculty members. He Is a member of the American Pyhslcal Society and in col laboration with Dr. Karl T. Compton has published article In Science, and the Phyvlcal Review. He taught last yeai In the high school at Cottage Orove. Do not junk your old auto Ores until you see ua We make a good tire out of two old one Kloeonlli Only $1.00 Puts This New Hoosier In Your Home on the Famous Hoosier Plan PRICES WILL ADVANCE When This Allotment Is Gone Before the rjnmirtg prices take effect, jrom may eliooHe between the new "Hooaier Wnndei" pic tured ni iv or ne nt' the other celebrated Boos iei-s "Hoosier Beauty' "Hooaier Special" or lie Luxe." art 1. 2. 8. The terms of this Hoosier these: plan in our store New "Hoosier Wonder" Advertised In the National Magaxlnee Read About These Conveniences In the "Hooaier llraut)" that won t be I...I.I MimImI at tin- Piiimiiia-I'ail-fle I ... sin, ,n, San I'lttlliisi o. I'luces for 400 articles at flng-rs ends Pure Alumluum or Pocvjdlain Table Top that slides out und afforda up to 42 x 39 luche. of working apace Flour Sifter that shakes out the flour four times faster than the ordinary sifter that grinds, lint can't paas through sieve aud It won't wear out Hemovable Metal Hugar Kin, auto matic feed. Condiment Cupboard over flour bin Pantry Shelf holding 40 or more packagea. Cupboard holding 70 or more dishes Crystal glasa tea, coffee, ami spice Jars with air light aluminum lids. Kevolvlng aplce Jar rack. Mra. Christine Frederick Food Uuide and Salad Chart. Wide Cupboard uncluttered by par tition. Large Sanitary Self-Cleaning Flour bin with sliding glaa front. of household ac- blork , also cutting Simple syst.-m counting. Kood rhopper board Wide utensil drawer. Iluse cupboard lor pots and pans siniiiiK bottom brums out satire contents Spt-cial sliding shelf for lids and shallow pans Kxtra shelf for packages and fruit cans. Metal linen drawer. Metal drawer for meal and pastr flour, sliding lid. Metal bread and cake box with self cloaiug lid Life lime construction Inch goldeu oak exterior, finish water and steam-proof. White euamel Interior In upper sec tion lis II Bearing Caster. Come and examine all the new feature Vou lucur no obligation. But you ahould come early so you can atudy them all carefully. Our atock of Hooaier pattern la limited You may be too late to get one at the present price and on the Hoosier Plan, if you delay. Come and see these re markable New HoOBiers. 300 articles we will sell for 5c Saturday and Monday $1 puts the cabinet you choose in your home. $1 weekly quickly pays for it. The low Cash Price fixed by the factory ore vails strictly. 4. No interest. No extra fees. 5. This sale is conducted under the direct sup ervision of the Hoosier Company. Only h r8SpinK tliis opportunity at mice an you lie sun- f utt inu your cabinet on the lb'i'icr I'lan and at the present low prii Yiiii realise of eourse that these tern is Hhould imt be offered except on i rr limited iiiimlier of cabinctM, Why Prices Must Be Increased ."ii.iMMi eabiuets the entire ipriiiK output of the Hoosier factory were sold si weeks after the annuiiiiced their new models. In some cities women have been unable for several Months) to yet this must popular it Ic Now the factor has made up 20,00(1 i e for July aud Augntd sales. The next lot, after these are gone, must be sold at higher prices. Tins is due to the increased cost of all raw material entering into their manufacture. Our Sale May Close Any Day If all the Women who Heed the I lousier should conic for it tomorrow, our full allotment of Hoosier Cabinets would be taken before sight and sale would close. This happened in some towns during a similar sale two eais sgu. Vet, if women delay, the sale may last a week or more. Itnt which now is lust for you to take chances and miss this opportunity, or come t OUT stoic tomorrow W yon can find out about this cabinet and decide before too late I It need not take you ten minutes to decide, once for all, whether you intend to buy now, or later, after prices go up. And you are deciding, remember, whether you will save many dollars and miles of unnecessary steps that you now take daily in a hot kitchen. Every Woman Has a Right to a Hoonier Sooner or later yon will probably get a cahi net anyway. Then why waste money why waste your energy, health and time by waiting till the prices go Dpi Vou should without fail seize this chance at once. Ontario Furniture Company The Only Place In Town Where Hoosiers Are Sold Harness o I