The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 20, 1916, Image 4

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    The Ontario Argus
M. K. CAIN. Publisher.
Subscription $1.00 ;i j ear
Always in gdvsnct
Published I li, Ihiii.d,!,.
Entered In the prist OfllCt at OltartO,
Oregon, for tr.n OB throuirh
the mulls u NOOad class mall matter
Eight of tin ir i were
formerly i . i ' 1 1 1 . i i . .in . it 1 1 t Inn
new pnrtv III collapsed their drift
win in' iiih k to i h.ii party
t:.. ; ..r Men "-' ?"i
bljr Men who uill lip irreconcila
ble. Tin'ir progreeslvelBm bmum m
murli tn them Hint they never again
run associate themselves with tin
force.; ,,f reaction Tin') will heroine
democrats or socialists, or they will
aot vote at n II -Haker Detnorrat
It I not often that a democratic
paper will thus niltnlt Hint there In
practically no difference between tin'
democratic purt.v and the socialist
p op itor! sMcip, grocer) .
bowling alley, billiard room or tip
pling house, for the pWPOl Of labor
r traffic, nr any place of mti
00 Sunday or the Lord's day. Plot lt
lap tl aatei drug tore, doctor
i ira, Hrt r itabloa,
butchari and bakara, undar penalt)
of a fne or not Ii'sh than $." nor
than 180."
'"nil Rental Valas Land Tap and
Homeiteader'i Loan Fund inland
maul Purpoaa aaast II utlonal
mnendmt-nt daolarlni and deflnlni
i ' I" Ople'l power and riKlit ; I In
-. right to Of land; (ri
I Ilfl oa BOrahlp of land p'tit : id)
publ c poll i ol Iregon . (a) dafln
ling tlie word innd.'; (fl method of
appraising land rent; 1 k i land lin-
i pioM'ini'iii . i n i pi,,. ,,!.,,, 01 levy )t
'permanent land rent tax; (ll puhll
iiition of BaaaapflPMti (J delinquent
tax aale; I k I maintenance of private
property rights; ll) separata assess-
ment of land rent ; I in I standing tlm-
I her; (p) assessment and collection
I of tax: (ol duty of governor and
state land hoard; ip) hr.w personal
pro Barty nnd land Improvements may
he tatai PP Note of the people only.
I() distribution of revenue from
land rpnt tax; ir) PHtahllHliltiK home
maker's loan fund "
Amendment "For Pendleton Nor
nial School nnd ratifying location of
certain mate Institution Purpose
To provide for locating a state nor
nial school at Pendleton. Oregon, up
on a site to be donated therefor, ap
propriating fl2,i,,000 for buildings
and equipment and levying an annual
tax of one iwent fifth of a mill on
PltnNa Dairy Products l.inipnnv,
Parmer' '..-, .pcmtive Paying
71 f 1 dTY "MTh
mm - ournmer nuryuins
Sal. -in, Or, July ! Designation
of the official titles of the varloua
measures which will go on the hallol nil property In the state for its inaln
at the election next Noveinher. with . nance, and ratifying the location
a brief stntenient of the purposes of ,,f pertain state institutions hereto
the proposed amendments and laws. f(re located away from the stnte
waa completed today hy Attorney-1 capital"
General Hrown and they will he filed Anil compulsory Vaccination Hill
with Secretary of Btale Olcotl to- I', up,,. To prohibit compulsory va
morrow. ccliiatlon, Inoculation and other such
There are eight state-wide meas-1 treatment for the prpventlon or cure
area to po on the ballot and under of contnglous diseases, and prow,!
the law the statement containing the )nK n penalty therefor "
gist of each measure must contain'
Mill iMitri, I Iiuii inn iiMf.l. ! .,....
w. ....... .. a v v nln. ait ,n
rases the official title decided upon
by the attorney general, who is au
thorized hy law to say what shall go
on the hnllot. Is inr different from
the i He originally proposed hy the
f miners of a measure
Aa the eight stale wide niea-ures
Will appear on the hallol. Ilia tub ..
chosen are us follows
"It urn I t'redlts At nlment Pur
pose To bond state for not over L'
per cent ni a- .--ill valuation of all
propcrl. therein for Itural t'redlts
Fund ' lion, Is from III to flfea
In series of $.',11,11(111, maturing In
not DVOf I Mais, interest tour pat
cent, exempt from laxe. Stat, i,,
loan ild fand to owner occupying w,'r'
farm land . ob n BOl over
hall land . line not II pel
nor less than XL'uu nor more than
$.',111111 lo on, . Kill loans pre
ferred Loans made lot i a I pav
ment loi land . lb) pin . basing IIVB
hi oil, and eiii pin, lit and making mi
pro,, in, -ni i,i ii I ) lap no urn
braiii.s Incurred let such putp.
Interest five pel I "lit
Amendment "pot milting maiiular
W. Piiiiliiiii Working on Plan
Open IIII.IHHI ,IT III Sl'lllf.
It W I'ltrduui and In Kellogg re
lurned yesterday Iroin a week's trip
to lluriiev x .i 1 1, x Oregon, where they
looking aver big Irru
project Mr I'ur.ium liaa beeB working
,,n for i !" i' i i feai Hi la en I aa
in, ni i ne . Mm, i, , . ..n mg that
III I he Hal lie, x . 1 1 1 . x there hit about
Inn. null a,i. el i nil land vv llh sage
brush from five to eight let high
(it this I t about I'
acres can he Irrigated frOB) iinllxldual
well li the underllow, but this Is
not the land that Mr I'ur.luin i pal
llcularl) intin sted in but another
tute and regulated sale foal pet .... I of tlie xnlley consisting of
I I o. ne ,. inch It is propo ed
to water by irrigation ii.hii Lake
The second monthly payment to
Lie natrons of the Parma I
iitrtory was made promptly on the
1 0th inst There are now partll
furnishing milk nnd the amount
brOBghl 'n daily Is a little over .".(Inii
BOWmla mora than can comfortnhlv
I e taken care of In one vat
l x ptlng two customers who BftMg
In their own milk, the whole amount
Is gathered by the two Fortl trucks
tin- directors purchased for that pur
pose and there has been so far no
waiting for late milk as waa often the
case last year when the milk wa
brought In with teams. A slight arrl
dent one rnlny morning made It nee-,
essary to trail one truck to the gar
age, hut the driver phoned aa soon j
as he saw his truck was disabled and
A. J. McCormick's team for the up
per bench and I T lllee team for
tiM Hlg llend load, already gathered.
not the milk In nearly on time.
Mr Tinner, the cheese maker, is
putting out such excellent cheese
that there has not been a complaint
filed and the cotnpnny could sell
much more than they are now mak
ing For the May milk the company
pnld 2.1 cents p-r pound for the hut
ter fat It contained, holding back 2T.
per cent of the amount until the May
product waa all sold With the
June payment, which wa reckoned
at 2.r. cents per pound for butter fat,
the balance of the May payment was
Included, and the director found It
possible to Increase the amount so
that May butterfat netted the pa
trons over 24 cents per pound. Add
ing to (lie prices paid, the cost of
hauling the milk, the customers of
the factory feel that they are being
well paid for their milk.
The stockholders and directors are
I nt that with the splendid sup
port they are getting from tlie dairy
I .... ,. . ... ,
til lariuii. ivosvveu, .-xppi.'
alley and Ten Ha vis districts that
the cheese factory is here to stay,
and they are planning to take care
of the business as ll grows and to
illil l,..p it an Mist ii ul on I hut
will he a help to them and their
neighbors in getting nil there Is In
the milk IhO ale lii produce
We have a few real bargains to offer on new summer
merchandise which are good values at regular prices,
our prices will bear comparison. New Fall Goods
coming in every day
mall llqaon Purpose To umeiiil
heiiion ';. urticlel. Oregon consti
tution, wlil.ii prohibits innnutacline Main, Mir Johnson Son, an ex
and sale of intoxicating ll,Uor, by !'. lenced engineering firm of Vule.
permitting the inaiiiitacl mo of for OrBgng,, examined the land Willi Mr
mented mult liquors containing four PardaBI and claim thut the propo
pel .,,,. .m I.- .,1 alcohol, for ship "l,u" H Wlv '''.i-llde
ment outide of this Mate and for " H 'hsured that it will require
tie and deliver, within the slulc h - l"""l'lng outfits lo lift suliunni
the manulaciurer in ongiuul pack for the tract, the hlg t lift
ages only, in quantities and under being only :I0 feet and w hen rulse, I n,
regulations which muv be provided highest point the whole tract is
l,v law I mil provided sl I loenl l lev el to vv ate. I. w i ., v it y
audi miles within Hie state shull be Malheur lake covers 4V acres
limited to the sniue ,iaiiltv us may "' '" and holds 400.000 lee! of
be Imported, but the aama persons ,"'' ''" '"" '" exceed -00. OHO acre
ciiiiol. within an, one uerlod fixed '',' "' ""' ' '"- f''lired lo lr-
hy luw, both Import and buy locally
"ProhlMUoa aaiaadaienl forbid
ding importation of iutuxiculiiig II-
liiois lot beverage purpeses: Pur
pose This Is a constitutional amend
ment aiteadlap lha aalatlap consti
tutional provision, relating to the
ngute the land The cost Mr Pur
dum and his engineers estimute to
he i.insiderubly less than oue dollar
per acre pumpiug charge, and the
cost of water rights will not exceed
$2a per acre
People whom Mr. Purdum hus in
prohibition of the manufacture and , terested lu the prospect will put on
aale of Intoxicating liquor, by also,"" xpert the first of the week and
prohibiting the importation of Intox-j " ,ll finding agree with Johnson
testing liquors tor beverage pur-' 8n the project will be financed
poe." I ""' reut tract thrown open to
' Statewide tax and Indebtedness aettlera.
limitation amendment: Purpose w"e bnl Mr Pu'dum atteud
l.lmiting tax levies of slate, county. , ,ie opening of the towusite of
m un let dm 1 it r or other iniiiii: cower t'rane which wa very successful The
Wash Waists
Ladies' Wash Waists In uukiitn
stripes or t'iiiicv. white, with long
or short slffvi's, in nil sizes, $1.'J."
viiliics, Siiturtlav iind MhikIiiv
Ladies' and Misses' Handkerchiefs
In (iiliHfd foiled edge of pink, delft
blue, 'iiid purple with plain
White eenter, it snap at
5c Each
$2.50 Plain Silk and Fancy Parasols
All new style, inelutliiin the Chin
Chin, Saturday ami Mmiday
Another Lot .lt values. Saturday
and Monday
Japanese Grass Rugs Just the thiim
For p' I'hes oi lawns, colon, iii
pretty designs'
$ .68
Hand Bags
L'l IK Satiii'dav and M
27x54 Saturday and kloiida
!ntiii Katurdav and Minidin
One Bier Lot Assorted itv1pj( war
ranted real leather, all new styles,
silk lined, mirror and oardoaae, t"r
Saturday and Monday
Combination Suits
Ladies' Muslin Combination Corset
Cover With Drawers or Skirts
As hum as they last, Saturday and
Monday, sale
One-Half Price
Silk and Knit Union
Women's and Misses Jersey Silk Top
Union Suits In pink and white
only, tailored neei and shoulder
strap, fl.20 value, Saturday and
New Goods Just Arrived
Bathing Suits.
Wide Collars.
New Sport Ties.
New Sport Shirts.
New Sport Stripe Pongee.
New Sport Stripe Gabardine.
New Ginghams.
New Percales.
New Galatea.
New Kindergarten Cloth.
OK -I Ml l l KVKNT.
': hi re i . tn v .-in thai
, teres! I v Hie ell '. ll il till
lario and v Malt) and t' i.'ii pgg
prov en llo VI el Hull to ' 1 lib ll
is Laaapkln - leal nun tl Ck
mi oa eiioi her pegi of I i--ne
iii be i, uii, I Mr Lampl I
iinnouni-iiiK the 1 1 1, ail ..
year ufter year this store has
in sue and volume ajiBBaawiiBeMBiH
i ..i in ik in aekaewledgea that lilt sue- "
due to printers' Ink This are still In the hrolbr oi 1 1 1. i tage
ha baas aaaatMa h) raaaea ! ill conalderable money can be save, 1 and
petM) oi -eiiuiK Just whai he ,.,i,.r perhgaa teveraJ u.".d m.d phlekea
Whether or not you need anything -H .Hnners muy he enjoved llv hllllBg
pn .nt It will pay you well m real rf tht,M hirAli ,nat glve indication
the d iroin ton to hott on an, I note llf , developinK Into deslruble
the prteafl W Blag advise x,,u to ,ree(ieri before they become hirice
eom.iare the prices with mail order and ,taggy, better price will be re-
tiser at tlie prices he advenlse; ,,.,,,., ,.r ,,,,,111,1 und eoiiMdeiahle
Remnants at a Great Sacrifice. Come Early
tatalogaea in unlet- that you can
fullv uiiteeia'e he values be xives
to not more than the total amount
levied the last preceding year, plus
hix per centum thereof, except for
paying bonded Indebtedneas and in
terest thereon, or by rote of the peo
state official of Oregon were there,
ex-Governor liawley of Idaho and a
big crowd of people He also visit
ed aeveral other town in Oregon,
among them Narrows, where he met
pie, any Increase so toted excluded 'John Shumate, who moved from here
in determining subsequent tai: lim
iting power of counllee to incur In
debtedness of 15000, either volun
tarily or wheu Imposed by law, ex
cept to Buppree Insurrection or re
pel lavaeloa, or aot over two per cent
of assessed valuation for permaneut
roads on vote of peeple: and Invalid
ating debt, payments and tales ex-,
ceedtnp such limitations.
"BUI repealing and abolishing the
Sunday closing law Purpose -To
repeal section 2126 of Lord's Ore
gon law, which prohibit the aeep-
there a few week ago
Half rates for Sunday trlpa. On
aale every Sunday. Also ticket good
from Saturday to Monday at a little
bit more. Ask O. 8. I. agent for
Brlug In two old tire and we will
make one that will run froet 2000
to 5000 miles more for you. Kroee
ia Heme Co.
in ri i.i.iNti mi iim vv.s
Wiiteh for the eoekerel thut fillds
out thut he is a coikerel soon and
Im-kuis eurly to assert bis individual
ity with great importance, and mark
tlie pullets for the laying and breed
I11K pens that are good growers and
have good appetites, if heavv pro
duction Is the point sought for In
culling the flock, says IV t' l.amb,
extension poultry specialist at 0. A.
The bird that make steady de
velopment from the time they are
hatched are those that possess good
vigor and will be the profitable pro
ducers. Klimlnate those thut are
loosely put together, with slender
body, stlited legs and thigh, long
neck, long narrow pale and crow
like head aud beak, and dull sunk
en eye. Theae are some of the
characteristics that indicate poor eon
stltutional vigor.
The strong vigorous bird is active
with an alert carriage, a well put up
MiiM Itwie McDonald
Ontario, Oregon
I'nK SAI.K Hood one horse cul
tivator at McDowell's Exchange
feed will be saved.
Watch the pullets thut begin to
look like hens early in life und (but
take on a business-like attitude and
a liriK lit . close fitting coat of feathers
quickly. Birds lacking these good
natural qualities may mature in time
and if retained may never amount to
more thun being "star boarders'' Good aeooud hand Bulck automo
Fowls with weak constitutional1 bile for aale, cheap. Enquire J. W
rtano Tuning A. !( McCarty, an
expert piano tuner Is permanently lo
cated at Nyaaa. All work guaran
teed l'hone 14J 14tf
Attractive rate for excurlon tick
et good from Saturday tor Sunday)
to Monday- on aale every week,
sun better rate for tickets good
Sunday only Ask O 8. L. agenta
fur detail.
vigor are not merely unprofitable
producer but being more suscepti
ble to disease may be a menace to
the rest of the flock in spreading
disease germs, such as roup and tub
KOK SALE Shelled aud ear corn.
Feed barley In bulk. J. Duuphy, one
and one-half miles southwest of On-
The young man who is too good
to work In time become the old
man who can't get work. But the
leaaon 1 seldom learned until too
Ill . Ill s. ASKKII TO
Klamath Fall. Or.. July It
Through Captain J. W. Siemens, res
ideat manager of the Klamath Devel
opment company, and 8. O. Johnson
and A Flelahhacker, the San Fran-
elaoo officer of the firm, and repre
senatlves of the Harriman estate, aa
etfer haa been made to t'harlea S.
Hughes, republican presidential can-
body, bright plumage, prominent, full ! dldate to spend hi vacation at Felt-
eye, bright comb and wattle, aal leg can bay. Ralph William, national
well set under the body and rather republican committeeman, haa takeu
wide apart. I l,1B natter up with Mr Hughes. The
Occasionally the bird that has been aaae with which the trip can be made
rather slow Indev eloping but haa J to Crater lake from the lodge offer
possessed good health may dpvelop aa additional Incentive, and It 1 hop
Into a very good looking bird, when ! ad that Mr. Hughe will ccept the
flnairy tnalure. Such individuals invitation offered
should be watched and not sold or
used for breeding. It is the sturdy. 1 WILD TRADE 10 acre ranch
quick growing, early maturing bird 7 1-1 mile from Cambridge, Idaho,
that makes the moat profitable pro- ' on county road. Improvement and
ducer ! fenced for small tract near Ontario.
houaework on ranch,
dress at Argus office.
for general
Leave ad-
Attractive rate for excuralon tick
eta good from Saturday (or Sunday)
to Monday on aale every week.
Still better rate for ticket good
Sunday only. Ask O. 8. L. agenta
for detail. j
fine relsdence lots, each 25x100 in
Ontario Park additloa. Give parti
cular of your auto. Ontario Argus.
LOST On the street Tuesday, the
llth, lo Ontario or on the Boulevard
road near town a bate of binder
twine. Will the tinder please noti
fy the Argus office. gpB
Mr Iva L. Fox. of Ablo, Mo., ac
companied by her son, Tllman. and
Miss Lena Holton arrived tbla even-
Half ratea for Sunday trlpa. On 1 ing on a visit to her aunt, Mra. Eliza-
aale every Suuday. Alio ticket good
from Saturday to Monday at a little
bkt more. Aik O. S. L. agent for
W. W. Letaon la looking tor the
person who borrowed hi 2) target
pistol He need protection from the
Jack rabbits Have pity and return
By determining this while the bird Address Box 41 Riverside. Ore 21-30 the pistol.
beth Stewart and Mrs. Mary A Fox
and other relativea here.
George Curry i here working up
interest In an exhibit from this coun
ty at the state fair. Mr. Curry be
lieve all the eastern Oregon exhibit
should, be placed together so they
will make a big show and attract
people lo this section.