The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 20, 1916, Image 3

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    Great Profit-Sharing Prize Campaign
Will last thirty days more, ask the clerk for particulars. SPECIAL With each Dollar Purchase you will
receive 5000 votes.
jKr n&S
1 m
Lnattc m
Jerry Hlce returned home from
haylnc at C. O Dvttglaa' liie i an in
Jorder tn harvest his own rye crop
(From the Kxpr. I I i, vv Smith ,... rtrivi... 1.1. i ' HBJ In thli vicinity Ik being rapid
... " a ""in "I" lllir
Hiiiim: in bod In full Kwing In HiIh three year old IIpIkiiiii xtalllon for ly r"n,rBr,,'d '"r A11 ,lle nlfalfn on
valley, w:ih a xhortane of liaymnk- the firm time the I lth He acted """ 1,lod,"t Bncl Kingman ranches
" like he had kM !,, ,,. ,iri. . """ wl" " Mr Arrln' ,h"
Johnny OllTW wan In from IiIb m hepp man The tprm are aeven
ranch In the Cow lake dIMrlct Mon- , " , , R""'y nM l" "'c dollar a ton, with a thirty-day men
day after Auppllea and nccee.aarlc. ' ? tyT but " be .urement.
H mil ml narnln li. ... .
for the hny h.irpt 1 1 tn hay crop Mrm ... . " """-r-.n-nw, Johnny lackey, who wan aeverely
In J ii rod In a runaway accident lant
wwk, In recovering rnplilh He In
i"' ii'- mi miii i-n inn tin; iifi w. . . "
a very good and hla garlic crop In 5Ll i . ?""" " h.r
.n,. I v Saturday hut found nhe had reeov-
ImmetiHe, Hiiyn Johnny
Pbownra wmlu
Charley Kalen waa In from
ranch on Spring mountain Wedne-
red and none to town
Mr A T - ..
- . . mcLonaiti made a trip on the farm
hla " -'""" 'umaay ror repair for
A SlItton'H filmier l.ll. . rt.
"imc n
already able to do light chorea down
T'-e epidemic of "cusaedneaa' oon-
tlini'- to follow Ny-.HK equlnea. A
.,.. w. r- ". ...w--.-. .. helnert hi v "-iinuii 10 iuiiow .jniui e.iuoi.-s r
day after aupplle He aaya that the p n nlm m " Prta and Rive team plowing on the Lackey tract ad
well bored on hla place laat aprlng ' , n"ral ov" baullng Put when jom'ng town ran away Tueaday
In flowing fnlthfully and ateallly, aup
rdylng water for hoUHPhnld line, wat
ering the Hturk iiml for Irrtci.t intr h
fine Rarden and ahade tree. The
k . mi- inai ipat Friday It re
fuaed to work Further new part
will he neceaaary.
K K Comuton ifi u.,.,.1...
r ..... pi mi mr
water la excellent for drinking The tn- barveat field of Eaatern Wah-
v Ih IfiO feet deep and lined with lnl--
an nch and a quarter pipe A petition ha been liberally alan
Joitrng town ran away Tueaday,
Riuanhlng the plow and damaging the
A marriage license wa laiued at
Caldwell Wednesday to II. P. Smith
and Mra. K A Arnmtrong, both of
Nyiaa. They were married at Cald
well on Wednesday and will reside on
is a
of a
ed ror a new achool dl.trlct In the the Ueorge Oreen place near town
vicinity of the North and 8outh Ja- which Mr. Smith recently purchaaed
UiauM it function is not marcly '
tion Mt af coat." It doea tn work f rw-
(y. otuily and mora affectively than a vw
nt laxative Uh.-4.ub it doea it a Natuni
WkMsllduoa TTTbAMaTUa
k itf Cie-'irit UaU'lcU).
rnce twtuumi
Uverhurt Urutf Co., Ontario
Hlliv Home Iiiix purcluiNed tin' cohaon gulche
Huff ranch lit Cow lake TIiIm pro-
fn.fli Milmlul lit. .if iiiwl.l 1 1 ii i. . I rm I
' - i " "" naca a gaa
arre. lie at the head of the lake engine with which to grind hog fei(
and aeveral hundred acre of fine Jeff Crull ha itopoxed ..r hi dry
ninndow land are Helf-lrrlgated by farm Thl time they ay It
I'"' nuri'liiH wiitiTM of the lake each ure go It ha bi-nn
Ouy Morgan wa out to hi. drv ,. T,, ''"'
f.rm Sunday and took back g "
The large plate glnxn window In the
roe.' bowling alley wa
ili'iiMillHhed Wi-ilnenilay when ii horne
left atandlng on Main atreet harked
acroH the aldewalk. The rear of the
buggy craahed through the window.
Wf Mr Home preu,.l WI baW or t before, hut for one rea' '""kl"" ' "0l"e llke " ,en ",r,ke- The
t.. hundred MPM "f land adjoining n or another Hie deala fell thn.u.l. l,n""' W,H "hl" ,r,' purlly cov-
.. . ... .... -i-i 'UgU- Mreil liv ItiMiirntii.i.
till ranch, which prurtlrulli con rhey trmleil for '.h,.m,. ,,,, ...
neciH ajrltk liU MM riineli, Home 20 Mr. and Mr A S Wltbatt tOOfe
mile away He lll probably Ivnllil dinner with Mr umt Mr. - r
n now home at Hie lake for IiIh Donald Sundat. the liin.
ered by Inauranre
An udJiiHter of the Northern AHur-.ini-
imnpany. of which J Hoydell Ik
the locul ugent. wan In town Thurx-
own UBe Tho Huff ranch Ih the Oilier M.n.,i,t Kraln (ha d,", '" "llUBt ,lie u""' "UKtalned hj
pi. ire that J A Ni-Ihoii endeavored end Jewe) line the (,( w,.,.
ore peWMMlOD Of, but which i
thl '"'hi H i I In Iti owner. Mr- '
Huff m.i.kv raw.
aeeVw-f 7
Irin 1 '
Krnenl uliller when Ii s I He ami its
contentH were iUHIwi by fire Wi'il
in -..l.ij eiejilim hettlemenl aM
Infaitiiry to nil c(iiiieriiiil wan cpilck
ly made, Mr Itahller recelrlHf 400.
lmiulrleH are continually being re Mr ami Mr. Jack Harlow and IM0D RtftBUU ll Kettlng r.
''''"I ' !" office In regard tn Ml aMu Von II. mien i,.,,. .,,, reclaim unotlier Lua ten the
I.iikIh thin i alley Noiniiim land with Mfl V (i AnMtrong I, i i,, deiert b) putting a ln-e in
owner of thin -.Hon ..i tax Maatf 'J Hatll tl,.- Qwlm to irriKat.' Ifll Ml
UU ons to Mil, the l ill' ' all C K. Anil, I. hi ...-.on, pained ! Mi I ''"' Mil. I.. II I'.nii. II. H
leing to MaV-ira mote BCTM I l.i in m I .,,,.,, ,,, u ,.s rlOXM, w ho l an autliorltj OB
Ik a good plan- to hie ami I lie tWdt tfl i-:i II;, ,r heel irrigalii M, .. 0l UMTw thll
Know It ami ar.' content to i... C. , n ,.,, ,,, w.riiee n,e prelluilnarlea
There still x I nowriiliieiit MlM l.lie lliirress IsIIiiik li.r "'1, that the plant will he
M BOOM 'ea.l lag, oin. ' fen, ,h,. i,,,, lwo e,l in, Iiat.-lj Will .
P IblUtle l.i in... I.- Irrigation ( ,,,h ,,, w.,i.., Mi Hull n.,i, will
i. ms at moderate cost All umla Mr ,m, Ufa Mlt-I. MM liuve oi the tine t furuiH
n ' irrujatlon wulern have been enieriulned their daughter ami bus In Hie whole Snake valley. Ami
appropriated. to oi Kli,Kman 0Mo) also Mr th'Te are Ktlll hundreds of acres ulong
There ure I of MTM of ami .mth j Hurlou.
road-Kraut IuiiiIh for Hale at from Mihs ('luru H --) and CIiuh
I". to J. II per ucre. with water avail ' ' el were culling on Mi-. ,,, n
able for a lot of It. I i.i-ler lM4j aftertimiii
' iiinler the Mrs (". W Ka.vlor iisited Mi i
Antelope reseriolr i oinpi i is flft at Heoii last Thurhduy ufterm.on
thoUHund acres of ver choice land, Mrs (has Johnson ami .laiuhi i
heuutlfullv loraled This projei I is Miss Ida, . ,h,. .i.i at the
not yet open to entry, but the s- home of V s lte.
tein Is pra.iu ,ill Completed ami the Mr and Mrs
nuke and owihee riw-rn that
MB be IrrlfAted at small I
.11 Ml lt.
( From the Tun. i
William Jones, with Hen ami loi
rest, went to Vale 'I'm duy. in con
Will llrowu ami .,..,. to, n ullh the iirovinn on of II. n'.
""" " " wl" "" '" lo," 'I- , ''"UKbtei were calling at II Sher home-lea.l , and also to s ,bou. the
..., s .-mhiou) uriernooi, purchaae of home land for ue In
Marion .Smith of New ri)inouih ,.ir bUHlnosH Owing to Hie lery
and brother, Itohert, or It.d Hhitf. crowded c In ion ,,r the runie will,
California, .spent the week end m .i,u n.u. uui - ,.
- .TII,-.-., 111,". ,', ' '".i m
si.-ps to protect theinsehes
ll ll OX Kl.'l'
AH I'ruziers
Mrn Kay Sutton, litln and Ger-! r'red KaftoMI is suffering from
man teacher at Krnltlaml. Idaho, for n "Hack of rheumatism
two yearn past, I now In Boiite und-' 0 Taylor, uccoinpuuled by Mr. and
er treatment of a .specialist for (a- Mrs (illbert Dean, daughter, Hoi,,
turrl, Mia Sutton recentlj proved th and Ml I.e..,,- mother, made a lllMru., ,M111I1dary board at their regu
up on n noinesteau joining ner mill irip in noise iusi nuiiuuy
era, A Sutton, near the South Jac Christian l'rai,-r was .siting MlM
ohson plan Ina Armstrong Monday.
The petition for the creation of a
new school district In the country
Hurroundlng Jeff Kromun's wuh fav considered lust week by the
la i meeting; It will be u benefit to
families located within its
boundaries as well as a factor In
Mr Kern White in nuraelug in " ""' Mfl I Huller, Sr , ,,lllldllK up HUCh ..oiu.nuuiiies
I'uyette ihoii i ouy unu miss i iuru r leiiiuiiiiK,
Horn to Mr and Mra. John How- started Monday on a trip overlund
land Thursday. July It, a four, and a Yellowatone park.
1.-1 . al rr ik. ! .!.. i. I Mm fliiBi II if hat nmnv f r In l i II
nan puuiiu am no n"y " - ""... H.l- l...nulna, at llrewv for
be glad to know site haa recovered
Mr J. A. Draper wa fortunte
enough till week to land the con
tr.nt for the building of a large up
said to be doing fine.
Mrn Agnea Howland, who haa from her recent illness
l.e.n staying with Mr T. J Hroa-1 I'reacbing Sunday, July 23 at three
nun for some time is stopping at the o'clock by Hev C. C. I'ratt.
home of her aon John '
Mr. and Mrs A. T McDonald din- (JOVKKSMK NT K..NOINKKIW HKKK ,
ed with Mr. and Mrs A Sutton A party of government engineers
Thursday, July lilth, the occasion arrived here Kriday aud have coin
being Mr Sutton's flfty-aixth birth- iuence.1 ur eying the governtnent
,l,n I land laying under the Succor creek
Mis Jessie Lias visited with her project in Oregon near tlmiiedale
sister, Mrs Mabel Rogers, of I'ay- There are seven men In the crew
ette, returning, Monday, the loth, unu u win mm nwiu iroiu iour m
(bringing Mrs Roger's little daughter five month- to complete the work.
home witli her to spend a few days HOBIMBM PT
I Wltll her grandmother
Jiirvi D Smith, the well knowu dis
penser of soft drinks in that burg
The building Is to be something like
leet by 42 feet and will be a very
handsome addition to the present ex-
Istlng residences In Drewsey.
Another sheep ileal brought to
.Ll (. I. .1.... - II
... . I. , i. .. i- ..ii i. i.... OUT nonce nils ween is nun ... i
the 10th and fill on lie muni mini i,c.,u ,,,, ..- . ...... ...... i
lie Mil j( (ouro s disposal of hi band ol
clearing ll oi we.-us ami onn-i ucuna . ....- - --
('has Harr and ChaM l-i" worked
Hubert Collier of Ontario, an Bl
llitu, '.-i."!, the Junk dealers
wh, t great battles of Eur
ope will to iie uew Plut0u ot the
iU hoi impaaj OOOjd tloril.y ington Meat Co
i;,t morn water down to the end of
he ,iit.h A headline in
i Crull lias been under the BOM
,.ral days recently, but In
Huntington News
a newspaper an-
Clothes up fift per BMl
Austria." If they go up another
has recovered sufficiently lo be ut fifty per rent m this country, we
work again. shall wear smoked glassed.
e.M to MM lieiiahl and Mac KMllB
of Castle Hock ranch for the figure
of $7.25 per ! tod Juntura Time-,
C.reat men are ofteu great In the
c',. fi but who know
tl., :.i beat.
With the price of paper going ky
waxd the publisher of the couutry
paper ha a hard nut to crack. If
RUgar advance a cent a pound Hip
merchant just add It to the cost for
the consumer but when the pulillali
er' paper bill Jump from $300 to
$500 what I there to be done? He
can not raise hi subscription 15 and
20 cent to cover thl cost and he can
not get It out of the consumer of
news. The only way that will partly
compensate It la to have all of the
subscriber:, keep their huIisc rlptlon
ar, ', Mints up to date and this will at
. i.. i... Bttbltchcr to
the loss with much better grace.
Most every kind of biisiiipsH will ppr
iii 1 1 the shining along of war price
to the other fellow but the publisher
I in Hip last ditch antl Hip Iohh I hi
and hi alone.
A German submarine of powerful
proportion crossed the Atlantic un
dctpctpd and entered an American
port And yet wo talk of our Isola
tion rendering u immune from at
tack from abroad. We have much
to learn and hut tew seem to rare to
do the learning.
The mini who goes through life
looking for an opportunity to kill
two bird with one stone usually
misses both.
Whether you are going to
the mountains, seashore or
into the hay and grain fields
we have the clothing you
SHOES The kind that
make your feet glad.
HATSThat look right
and keep you cool.
White Specials for
Saturday and Monday
July 22 and 24
White Relgnakin, buttou
or lace, 4.2.") value,
white special at
Wliii. Bttclukiii or Wliiie
Washable kid, ;. and
t6.5() values, white Hpecial
White But'lcukiii Bport Ox
ford, $4.00 value .white
speeial at
( 'mile while we have uiir
.size. We i.iih have a few