The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 20, 1916, Image 2

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Insect Destroyers
When You Buy It Here You Feel Like Eating
Everything in Sight, for It Is Good.
We n ci r c tlnily fresh shipments of cantaloupes
stiing Ih;ip. ripe tomatoes, cucumbers. Also
mill meats.
I!h lug groceries is simple, easy and econo
mical ;it this store. There is but one price, and
that applies ti every person and is reduced right
uwii in the lowest possible figure, belotv which
no one r.iii sell it. solicit your patruimge,
ami will serve you well.
Wilson Bros. GR0CFRS
$5.00 Steel Churn
6.00 Steel Churn
5.00 Lawn Mower
7.00 Lawn Mower
5.00 Fish Poles
4.00 Fish Poles
Ontario Hardware Co.
Some handsome new pictures, special sale
Pints 60c
Quarts 60c
Half gallon 80c
Pints TT 60c
Quarts 60c
Half gallon 80c
Quarts 46c
Half gallon 65c
Special Cash Prices on Bicycles.
McDowell's Exchange Store
'This is the kind of Weather that makes the uil
und gasoliue Btove a luxury. The Quick Meal
never diaapjioiuta aud Is quicker. They are al
most a necessity through the Imt seasou; aud are
worth more than they cost.
On Saturday, July 22 and Monday, July 24
We are going to offer a discount of 10 per ''nt
(a all Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves and 90 per
ci'nt diaoouui ou the nsuranee Gasoline Stoves.
Two dnvs only. i not miss this opportunity.
On the above dates we will also give dis
count of i() per cent " all Phoeuia House and
loor Paints aud Varnishes.
I'll per relit nil Liquid YeilCl'l'.
lii per eeut " Liquid Veneer Dust Olotha.
McNulty & Co. Hardware
Orea-on-Washlngton ftnilrniwl Navi
gation To. Issues I'roinluin l.lsl.
In the pri'iulimi lint Just iMMd hv
tin- Ori'Knn-Washington Hallway anil
Navigation rnniiiiiny for It annual
WTO show ti, lie hi'lil Nov L'L' to
at ';illn WnllH, Wn., prize are of
fered In si divisions, pitch of which
Ih subdivided Into many classes Up
i sides cash pr'.i.e amounting to a
urn. iiiiiny valuable plecea of
machinery are some of thp inc. mi
tlvpa to display. The John Deere
i m i ; i i of I'orthinil ami the Inter
natiirial Harvester company of Amir
Ira hip amntig the big prize itlver
Tln pri7.p- inning exhlhlta heonme
the property of tbi company for ex-lphMl7PH ,, ,IiporUnrr f
in rin .mi nun seen purposes miinwiiiK iii(..H as liv
Pbll company, which Is working
hard for 1 1 ! v rliipnipiil of I
fnrminn lamls, la most progrcaaive In
II ii itincnt of larini't . mill pr.c
pi ttlVO Kvcrythltig within
the power of Hip officials ol the
Ifl i- 1 able In forniatiim mill active in
hi to crop improvement. Ih tin
Washington, .Inly 0. The tie-.
hate In the house of representative
recently over the administration' I
revenue bill covera much of the field
of (llsrusslon during the prespnt cam-1
paign. The democrats offered a
MM for the Imposition of num
erous dlrec! taxes upon the Amerl
run iipoiIp anil the ri'puhllcana com-I
li.itt"d :t upon the principle tliat the
heat WOrce of federal revenue la thpl
tax upon Ihp Importation of foreign
good whirl) tax must he paid by
the foreicner and thna pro
tection to the American proilucpr The)
revenue .neasure put before UM
rountry the fundamental difference
'"''w i the republican and deino
entile part lea, and therefore, It em-1
Issues In politico II'
Insisting uiKii ih,. Imposition m li
rut ritthpr than indirpct taxea, th
democrats havi' forced the tariff as
I POlltlOOj Issue
m Mm oiii-i'i of iha doboto, Cos
hi Hiiiioi. ii New York, made
I telling point against the BttboOl
of the democrat i' part) when lie crlt
Rose bush spray, vegetable
sprays, cut worm food, in
sect powder, El Vampiro,
sure death to flies, easy to
use; Kresco Dip, fly knocker
Everhart Drug Store
the publication of hind und crop facts
for ili'lng the farmer.
clrtl I ill. Hiloiil Inn of ii rill.,
ii ntiii much monai ipenl in .,.., ,, ,. , . ,
!.. .. ni'i- in.- i'i ifii i i oiipriug 01
idmoBU by ropablloaoi Mop
tlon of the rule ineanl thai the con
IrilllllU- 111 I Ill.'IK-.-H III the lll'll.n.
party would dictate the details of the
I measure, evin though it minority of
I lie democrats and the republican
really believed some other provisions
might be wiser Hlnce the il.
cratlc majority In congress la domin
ated by the membership from the
olid south, It waa evident that the
south proposed to paaa a tax law
under which the north would pay the
great bulk of the taxea. This sec
tional discrimination Incident to dem
ocratic methoda waa not commented
upon by Mr. Hennet, who contented
himself with calling attention to the
fact that adoption of the rule la In
dire, i violation of the reforma which
the progressives have been demand
Ing and the effect must be to pre
elude the progressive from voting the
democratic tlrV t
Itepreaentallve Campbell, of Kim
aaa, who led the opening debate on
MIsm Dorothy Jaijulsh had a very
narrow escape from drowning a few
daya ago. She waa at Lake I'mid
orellle and went In bathing, taking a
dive from a float. The high alti
tude and cold water were too much
for her, ahe got some water In her
lunge and wa about gone when a
lady Jumped In with her clothing on
and dragged her out. There waa a
nurse there and a doctor waa hurried
ly called, a pulmometer waa uaed and
all the schemes known to science anil
ahe waa finally straightened out
Dorothy felt that ahe waa about gone
but kept saying to heraelf that ahe ,, mBrtH ,)f ,,, bll decBrf,(l ,,,.,
must not give up. Dorothy waa con-'aUnouf. ,,, naVe been some In
aldered uulte a good awlmmer here CM(UM,B . ppropronil du, to pr,.
last summer, nut wnen sue nove1
down in mil deeper then ahe had been
accustomed to, ahe probably got a
pared ness, those increases do not
Justify the enormous tax burdena
winch the democrats propose to em
little rattled and the other girls with pHH upon , Anierlclin ppople ,.on
Smith's Ferry
Excursion train will leave Ontario
at 6:30 a. m.
Sunday, July 23rd
Going via Payette and Emmett.
Train will leave Smith's Ferry 6 p. m
Passenger may get off at any sta
tion above Horse Shoe Bend.
FARE Round Trip $2.00
Children Under 12 - Half Fare
her were all rattled so they could not
help her. finally Dorothy's cries for
help reached a young lady and she
Jumped in and aaved her.
Vale. July la. Surveyed laud op
en to settlement and within the Jur
isdiction of the lulled States land of
fice at Vale, Ii divided among the
following counties Maker 288,715
acres, (iraiit, l:,4 1u acres; Harney
415,430 acraa;
acres There are
land still uiisurveyed in Malheur
county The locul land office classes
i In- land as dry farming and high
grating It Is expected that w lien
the tt4 acre stock homestead provi
sion pasi , i lie senate, Krcat uctiWly
III selection of much of the higher
laud will folio
sldering hla argument into a few
worda, he aald: "There has never
been a time of peace In the history
of our country that we have not pro
duced suff'clent revenue to pay all
our expenaea, when the government
imposed Import duties high enough
to protect the Induatrlea of the coun
try. On the other hand, there haa
never been a inn. shen our customs
dutlea have been so low aa to give i
freedom of trade, In which the reve-'
nues have not been Insufficient to de- j
fray the expenaea of the govern
incut " Mr. Campbll gave statistics
to prove hla aaaertion and quoted
Jefferaon and Jackson In support of
protective tariffs, which were good
democratic policies until the party
Malheur, 3, 954, 04V under the leadarahop of Calhoun, be
e 1)411,634 acres of came an exponent of free trade
One of the humorous, and, from a
democratic standpoint, unfortunate
features of the debate was a refer
ence to the Inauguration of the use
of for human food during
the hard times that followed the en
actment of the rnderwood law Itep
reseututie Quill, democrat, ol Mis
sisslppl, undertook to defend t lie Use
of liorseineal and said. Is not horse
meat pOOd'" TO tins Itepre
sentative IIIJI. of I'nuneciii in , re
piled: "I am not willing to rOtf (Of
policy that will compel American
citleiis to eat hor.seineat 1 would
fin' every workiiigman a porter
house ateak if I had luy way. The
gentleman from Mississippi can of
for inn lineal to the vvoiklngmen
of his state if he wants to."
kernel ol corn which had lip
peil down Ins windpipe and lodged in
lilt, Inn-- ciiisi I (lie deatli ot J.unes
Walker, the 14-year-old son of
Thomas Walker, early last wees
While plaining com about atx
weeks ago young Walker had hla
mouth full of seed com und one of
the kernels slipped down ins wind
pipe, "went down the wrong way,"
as the children say, and entered
the lung An operation waa necea
aary for the removal of the grain.
An ahcess formed after the corn
waa removed aud the boy's deatii fol
lowed Um second operation perform
ed to clear up the abcess.
The heir to the Brltlah throne
wanta to marry a fifteen year old
daughter of the Italian king
haa our convent.
Scarcity reaulting from the war
haa advanced the price of iiuiulne
i 760 per cent. Bat who cares'.' We
I don't like the stuff, an.iv
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 year terms
Stockmen should get in
while the getting is good.
We have sold 98 sections
during the last 90 days
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
A. Venator, the aucceaaful and
prosperous stockman of tins county,
who has a tine ranch on the south
fork of the Malheur river, waa lu
Hums last week. In couveraation
w-tii the News man Mr Venator ata-
ted that he had purchased the Grant i
Thompson aheep and had aecured
sulficient range tor successfully car
ing fof the bands He also report
the range in excellent condition !
since the recent heavy ralna and
warm weather. Bums Newa.
Terapiration" i tbe paaa word ou
the border.
Landscape Decorations In
Oriental China
WY have just rtft'ivttl a tint' assuitincnl of
haiitljKiiuti'd Oriental China ware ami also
line ol German 'liina. hand painted. Our nrioai
art low for tht- quality of thatJ ku"1s- OoBM
and look tht-m iyer.
The Variety Store