m n i I x 1 : " '- '" nil I '1 H HBI isk JsV Side Line Specials OF A CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME 26 Pair Men's shoe-, clear nee prjc $2.29 Men's Dress Shirts, clear anec i ni- 59c Ws' (i to 12 1 J Shirts. clearance price 29c Boys' ami tiirls' Straw Hats, clearance prict 15c Boys' Kaliki Overalls, clearance pric 59c Boys' Blouses, clearance price 39c Boyi I'lay Sait,. ekai anoe pric 37c Boys' Norfolk snit. dew auce price $2.98 Bovs' Shoes, clearance price $1.39 Boys' Pelt Hata, clearance price 89c ;.. ' LTuioiis, clearance price 45c Suit 'ases, clearatu e price $1.65 lii Cotton Bati at tub sale. YARD GOODS Lawns, batiste, tissues, India linens, voiles, flaxons, ging hams, etc., for sum mer dresses. A big reduction; let us show you. rmmm. I 111 BBTI II' I This Is Truly the Most Remarkable Money Saving Sale Ever Adver tised By This Store Remarkable because it affords you the opportunity to save mon ey through buying merchandise at less than the WHOLESALE COST OF EQUAL QUALITY The continued advance in prices has brought the cost of most every article way up. But in order to maintain our slogan "You Can Do Better at Lampkin's" we have not advanced our prices consequently when we give you the same marked reductions as in our Clearance Sales of the past, we are certainly giving you the Climax of Bargains Probably not for the next two years will we or any other merchant be able to quote such prices as you see on this Sheet for this Sale. Ready to Wear It is absolutely impossible Por a merchant t" sell ever item in tlir Read to Wear ! partmeiri everj season, then Pore, clearance ;ile- arc iiccch arj THAT IS WHY THESE PRICES: iiii- ladies' suits thai sold tiuiii 10.iKJ to 130.00, cho'e uiilv $5.00 U suits that sold $10.00 to 30.00 at $9.75 All other suit ami mats at big reductions. Dresses! Dresses!! Par Ian than tin- cost ma terials. Silk Petticoats Worth fc9&9, all. lark, at $1.69 fJ I i I I 1IT - w LAMPKIN'S SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANMLE Remnants I seldom Feature Remnants in in tales, bul tliis time I am going to ii you some win ners. Silk worth to $1.2." 25c and 50c Dress g Is at one-fourth their value. - .")! tin- yard fur curtain rem nanta, Lawna Percales, etc, ONE BIO TABLE FULL ALL THE TIME Shirt Waists $8.78 silk waist, goorgett crepe, duchiue and shirt silk $1.98 2. '.") kerchief linen, voiles ami organdies st $1.69 .lap silk, voile ami fancv at 98c X V J& y ' m m i mm - m m - I J I l"f'WWiW''WWIWWWlllPW,WWl,lP1 Hosiery One Lot Misses ami child ren's, per pair 5 cents Misses' Mack 9 cents One Lot- Ladies' i'amv. 60s values 29 cents Ladies' Silk White or hlk ,43 cents Unions Misses' unions, 12 to 1:.' 17 Cents Ladies unions 33c Ladies' vests 9c Muslin Underwear ::."( eorset covers 23c ii."e eorset covers 43c (iowns 60c, 69c, 98c Skirts 98c, $1.29, $1.69 Children's Muslin Drawers 121 2c and 19c Skirts " 23c, 43c hlips und gowns 49c 'I j a m m. : Side Line Specials OF A CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME Soiled Shirtwaist, clear Snce price 35c Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, clearance prices 39c Ladies' Street Dresses, White and colored, clear ance price $1.00 Wash Petticoats, clear ance price 45c Black Sateen Close Fit Petticoats, clearance price 59c Midd' Blouses, clearance price 49c Black Bloomers, clearance price 29c House Suits and Dresses, clearance price 98c 'liililivn's Dresses, clear ance prices 39c Ladies' Dress Skirts, clearance pri . $1.00 Misses' Dresses, clearance price 59c lu the Misses ( 'oats now at $1.00 Huv blanket! at this sale. SHOES Of Style and Quality Shoes and slippers for the boy, Tor the misses and the lady at big reductions. In the face of the big ad vances we have some odds that we are going to (dean up at a ven low price, Lot 1- Ladies' shoes. .$1.00 Lot 2 Misses' shoes . . ,89c Lot 3 white ahoei and slippers $1.00 Lot 4 Ladies' oxfords $1.98 ' r"